Maya Count Of Days Horoscope

Maya Calendar Energies At Work In The World

Tag Archives: First Nations

And so begins the great cicada emergence, perfectly aligned with this K’an trecena this year. As noted in an earlier article, billions (possibly even trillions) of these noisy winged critters are about to make their presence known in a rare “double-brood invasion” across the US Midwest and Southeast. The timing for this is intriguing as this trecena opens with One Read the full article…

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Do you remember what you were doing on Jan. 3rd, 2021? Along with a lot of us you were likely eagerly awaiting the departure of the “former guy” from the White House, waiting for the official confirmation of Joe Biden as the new U.S. president, hoping that a lot of the trauma and drama of the previous four years would Read the full article…

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It has been known to bring hurricanes – some of the world’s largest; it has been known to bring floods and dramatic water rescues. But it has also been known to bring important developments that have been significantly “healing” or transformative in positive ways. This is the Water trecena, and water is the ultimate shapeshifter. As much as it can Read the full article…

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Just before the start of this Ok time frame two monumental events took place. The first was the “double” coronal mass ejection, referred to as a “cannibal”, that hit Earth’s magnetic field three days ago, sparking strong geomagnetic storms and brilliant auroras, as if to celebrate, in spectacular style, the Classical Maya New Year. We may have to get used Read the full article…

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Do you remember the opening of the Sochi Winter Olympics back in 2014? It was an glitzy extravaganza that opened on the first day of this B’en, “personal authority” oriented, time frame. At a cost of over $50 billion, it was the most expensive Olympics ever, attended by athletes from 88 countries, with a record worldwide broadcast of 2.1 billion Read the full article…

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What goes through your mind when you see a deer grazing near the side of a road? For many there is a sense of awe, a sense of feeling blessed to have the privilege of being close to a wild animal. For many this vision of harmony with the natural world brings a sense of comfort, but others may think Read the full article…

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Love, Justice, Loyality, Warmth, Fire, Guidance – these, and so much more, are key ideas associated with “Ok”, the Yucatec Maya word for Dog. This is the theme for this time frame. As usual, a considerable amount of “evolutionary movement” took place during this past Kab’an trecena, through such events as the military coup in Thailand, the history-making elections in Read the full article…

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As we approach the conclusion of the second Tzolk’in cycle since the December 2012 start of this new Great Cycle of time, we return to the K’an trecena, aligned with the general idea of Germination. This tends to be a robust energy sequence associated with the inception of new ideas or the forging of new directions, suggestive of an “anything Read the full article…


It was an action very much in keeping with 2 B’en (the “generation of personal authority”) last Wednesday when a small group of Tyendinaga Mohawk protestors set up a blockade next to Via Rail tracks between Montreal and Toronto. Telling news reporters that “the women are in control”, they sang songs, played drums, and waved banners to draw attention to Read the full article…


Shutdowns, stoppages, outages – the “darkness” of the last trecena played itself through in many different ways, from the shutdown of the U.S. government, to the horrific typhoon in China that affected four million people, to the blizzards and storms in the U.S. Midwest and Northeast that triggered widespread blackouts, to the nationwide shutdown of cell phone service in Canada, Read the full article…

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