One of the most recognizable Mesoamerican treasures is the 25 ton Aztec Calendar Stone, located in Mexico City’s National Anthropology Museum. In the centre of that huge disc is a hieroglyph, embedded with a rather fierce-looking face, representing “Movement”. Through this complex image the Aztecs depicting their idea of the cyclical nature of time, illustrating the idea of “eras” and Read the full article…
Tag Archives: Brexit
Jan 2025
The Kab’an (Earth, Movement) trecena: Jan. 24-Feb. 5, 2025
Posted by Trecena Horoscopes, World Events, World Festivals in
Mar 2022
The Kab’an (Earth, Movement) trecena March 21-April 2, 2022
Posted by Trecena Horoscopes, World Events, World leaders in
As we embark on the third trecena since a state of emergency was declared in Ukraine and Russian began bombarding that country, we have been traversing the same sequence of energies as were in place in 1939 when Germany troops were getting ready to invade Poland. That invasion began on the ninth day of this Kab’an trecena. That is the Read the full article…
Dec 2020
The Ik’ (Wind, Breath, Spirit) trecena: Dec. 21, 2020 – Jan. 2, 2021
Posted by Celestial Events, Trecena Horoscopes, World Events, World leaders in
Wind, Breath, Spirit – these are the three key words that are generally associated with the Ik’ trecena that is coming into place at this time. And as this trecena begins each of these takes on significant meaning. Wind and breath are things of the AIR – and these days it is evident that this is one of the most Read the full article…
Oct 2020
The Kab’an (Earth, Movement) trecena Oct. 17-29, 2020
Posted by Trecena Horoscopes, World Events, World Festivals in
Remember back to early February of this year, when Republicans in the US Senate voted to acquit the havoc-creating pretender-in-chief who has been occupying the highest office in the land, whose actions on both national and international levels had clearly risen to the level of “high crimes and misdemeanors”? Do you remember how close that was to the warnings being Read the full article…
Jan 2020
The Kab’an (Earth, Movement) trecena: Jan. 31-Feb. 12, 2020
Posted by Trecena Horoscopes, World Events, World Festivals in
There is “movement” in the works – can you feel it? As we kick off this new trecena at a key 52-day “shift-point” within the 260 day cycle the sense of some sort of shifting-of-energies seems palpable. We have just come through an intense 13 days that have included a rare impeachment trial in the US, the finalization of Brexit Read the full article…