Maya Count Of Days Horoscope

Maya Calendar Energies At Work In The World

World leaders

Let there be light. Let there be sun. Let there be en-LIGHT-enment!! After a seriously wild conclusion to the last trecena, that brought torrential rains to many regions, including Nepal, several states in Mexico, and a large swath of the US southeast, it is evident that there are many places that could use some solar “drying out” at this time. Read the full article…

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Do you remember what you were doing on Jan. 3rd, 2021? Along with a lot of us you were likely eagerly awaiting the departure of the “former guy” from the White House, waiting for the official confirmation of Joe Biden as the new U.S. president, hoping that a lot of the trauma and drama of the previous four years would Read the full article…

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When was the last time you had a flat-out, joy-filled, bells-on-your-toes, wind-in-your-sails good time? For far too many of us over the past few years, there has been little to celebrate. But in the UK during this trecena the doors are wide open for dancing, singing, feasting, and bell ringing in honour of Queen Elizabeth’s grand Platinum Jubilee. Upfest, billed Read the full article…

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As we embark on the third trecena since a state of emergency was declared in Ukraine and Russian began bombarding that country, we have been traversing the same sequence of energies as were in place in 1939 when Germany troops were getting ready to invade Poland. That invasion began on the ninth day of this Kab’an trecena. That is the Read the full article…

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There can be no whitewashing of the fact that the world is in a precarious place. We are now entering our third year of a global pandemic at the same time as millions of people are fleeing for their lives as they are being attacked by a “superpower”. It is a dreadful situation with no clear solutions in sight. But Read the full article…

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Here we go with the last trecena (13 day period) of the current 260 day cycle – a cycle that began with the week “when America turned the page” (as journalist Don Lemon put it), and ends with Dussehra, the final day of a popular Hindu festival that celebrates the triumph of good over evil. Let’s look at how this Read the full article…

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Can you feel it in the air? It’s not just that we are near the end of August, and September is approaching, but we are again at an important 52-day Shift-point within the 260-day cycle, as the first day of this trecena signals the start of the final 52 days before the current 260 day cycle is completed. This is Read the full article…

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Does it seem to you, in many ways, that things are literally “splitting apart at the seams” in the United States? Voting rights under assault in at least 18 states; a highly toxic political environment wherein a large portion of the GOP has lost all sense of decency and honour, and seems primarily interested in supporting lies, subversion, and authoritarianism Read the full article…

One of the things that the Maya Calendar offers is the opportunity to look at the evolution of life from the perspective of energy cycles, as “themes” related to events have a way of returning and evolving in a cyclical manner. Since very few people have any idea of the workings of the Maya Calendar or of its pertinence to Read the full article…

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Justice, Freedom, Awakening – the Lifeforce-oriented Chikchan trecena has returned! Click here for the Podcast to accompany this trecena The last time this trecena made its appearance, it brought forth the fearsome Category 4 Hurricane Laura, the most powerful August hurricane in the Gulf since Katrina (15 years earlier), triggering the evacuation of more than half a million people near Read the full article…

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