Sometimes it becomes necessary to go “back to the drawing board” in order to regroup. Sometimes circumstances prompt that return to foundations, and sometimes it just becomes clear that re-thinking or restructuring must be done. And sometimes it’s more a matter of returning to “home base” in order to take a deep breath and refresh. As this Kimi trecena comes Read the full article…
Trecena Horoscopes
Feb 2024
The Kimi (Death, Foundations) trecena Feb. 8-20, 2024
Posted by Trecena Horoscopes, World Events, World Festivals in
Jan 2024
The B’en (Reed) trecena: Jan. 26-Feb. 7, 2024
Posted by Trecena Horoscopes, World Events, World Festivals in
After a number of “enlightening” events over the past 13 days, that included approval finally being given by Turkey and tentatively by Hungary for Sweden to join NATO, we are returning to an energy period that calls upon people to tap into their inner wisdom, to muster the strength and drive to stretch upwards and outwards, to expand into the Read the full article…
Jan 2024
It seems that we have a bit of a conundrum this time, as it is difficult to find the sun (in the literal sense) when much of the Northern hemisphere is grappling with severe snowstorms and bone-chilling winter weather. However, this trecena often places more emphasis on creativity rather than on the sun specifically, so that is something to keep Read the full article…
Dec 2023
On a 2 Lamat day in early January of 1935 a child was born, destined to sky-rocket to the pinnacle of fame during the mid-20th century to become the King of Rock ‘n’ Roll. With the year 2024 beginning with this same 2 Lamat energy as was in place on that day, this seems intriguing, as millions are feeling trepidatious Read the full article…
Dec 2023
Here we are at the last full trecena of 2023, returning to a time frame that has a tendency to be highly consequential in terms of shaping world events. This is the Jaguar trecena, aligned with the Maya mythological idea of the “Night Sun” and “terrestrial fire”, which often brings with it a considerable amount of “fire and fury”. And, Read the full article…
Dec 2023
The Imix (Birth) trecena: Dec. 5-17, 2023
Posted by Celestial Events, Trecena Horoscopes, World Events in
Back again with the start of a brand new 260-day Maya Calendar cycle, but this time we are getting ready for winter instead of welcoming spring as we did 260 days ago when new beginnings were lining up perfectly. This time, unfortunately, things are definitely darker on many fronts – but not without potential. As always, the first trecena of Read the full article…
Nov 2023
As we head towards December, here we are again with the last trecena in the current 260 day cycle. This is the trecena that tends to herald change prior to the beginning of the new cycle, often with an emphasis on “leadership”. And the world is watching, as the negotiations are underway to achieve a temporary ceasefire in order to Read the full article…
Nov 2023
What would an eagle be thinking if he soared high above Earth, and spotted thousands and thousands of people fleeing from war ravaged regions that seem to be under continuous fire? Most likely he would keep on flying, drawing upon his prodigious strength and astute perception to search for, and head towards – well, anything that would support life. And Read the full article…
Oct 2023
The Ik’ (Wind, Breath, Spirit) trecena: Oct. 27-Nov. 8, 2023
Posted by Trecena Horoscopes, World Events, World Festivals in
As this Wind/Breath/Spirit trecena begins, brought in on the heels of the fearsome Hurricane Otis that decimated Acapulco, the question might be asked: “What kind of wind/breath/spirit is coming into place at this time?” Two cycles ago, in early June of 2022, the spirit was jubilant in the UK, as millions of party-goers took to the streets to celebrate Queen Read the full article…
Oct 2023
It seems that there are times, when the world seems to have lost all sense of reason, all sense of rationality, that mythology can step in to offer other ways of thinking, other ways of envisioning that can extend beyond the realm of mere mortals, taking us into the dreamtime or into the realm of deities so that we can Read the full article…