As we come to the final day of the “go with the flow” Eb’ trecena, we arrive at 13 K’an, representative of transformational generative vitality. This is a vigorous – even explosive – energy that has a tendency to gather up all that Eb’ freshness and potential into a crescendo that often erupts into things such as hurricanes, volcanoes, earthquakes, Read the full article…
Visual Artists
Mar 2014
“Walking With Our Sisters” exhibition
Posted by Visual Artists in
It was an action very much in keeping with 2 B’en (the “generation of personal authority”) last Wednesday when a small group of Tyendinaga Mohawk protestors set up a blockade next to Via Rail tracks between Montreal and Toronto. Telling news reporters that “the women are in control”, they sang songs, played drums, and waved banners to draw attention to Read the full article…
Mar 2014
The Eb’ Trecena: March 18-30, 2014
Posted by Celestial Events, Trecena Horoscopes, Visual Artists, World Events, World leaders in
After coming through the various “storms” highlighted in the March 15th post, we now move into the Eb’ trecena, which has been affilated traditionally with renewed vitality and fertility. In Mesoamerican mythology these energies were often recognized through feasting, dancing, and general celebration. In the past the forces in play during this energy frame have brought forth many new ideas, Read the full article…
Jan 2014
Over the many years that I have worked with the energies of the Maya calendar it has become evident to me that people tend to reflect their Maya birth energies through their work, particularly when they are passionate about what they are doing. This seems to be apparent particularly in the realm of the arts, with the visual arts often Read the full article…
Oct 2013
The Wind: It was a wild day that for some reason brought out hordes of people – why everyone wanted to be out doing “whatever” in the midst of the torrential downpour was a mystery to me – and yet there we were as well. It was last Sunday’s 13 Ik’ – transformational wind, breath, spirit – at the end of Read the full article…