May 2018
The Kimi Trecena: May 30th – June 11, 2018
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Sometimes it’s important to stop, take a breath, and just be still for a few minutes. But sometimes events happen so quickly that this “pause to regroup” can be forced upon people by circumstance, as happened two cycles ago in the Philippines as the survivors of Super Typhoon Nock-ten (the most intense tropical cyclone in 56 years) began this trecena by surveying the ruins of homes, villages, and livelihoods as they struggled to assess their losses. A similar situation occurred in the southern U.S., Mexico, and the Caribbean during the last Kimi trecena as survivors of the hurricanes in those regions began the process of regrouping, at the same time as other hurricanes were threatening.
While it would be good to say that “enough is enough” in terms of that pattern, it seems that the “weather deities” may indicate otherwise, as this current energy frame coincides with the start of the Atlantic hurricane season, and a subtropical storm is already bringing heavy rains to the U.S. east coast while the U.K. is battling with flash floods. But this should not be surprising as some of history’s largest storms have indeed taken place during this trecena, including the humungous Carrington solar superstorm event of 1859 that impacted Earth, and Superstorm Nuri that slammed into Alaska’s Aleutian Islands in 2014. This Superstorm not only changed the course of the jet stream but also created a massive polar vortex that brought freezing temperatures to Canada and the lower 48 states throughout the trecena, in the first big chill of that winter.

Crystal Skull at the Musée du quai Branly, Paris. The skull is symbolic of Kimi. Public Domain via WIkimedia Commons
What happens in the context of such events is that things often get stripped down to the “bare bones” (in line with the Kimi metaphor), forcing vast numbers of people to “step back”, hunker down, and regroup as they face the enormous task of weathering the “stripping down” process, assessing the complexities involved in creating new foundations for their lives, and beginning the process of restoration and renewal.
During the last appearance of this trecena (last September) an unprecedented number of people were forced by circumstance to not only let go of the lives they once had (often part and parcel of this trecena), but found themselves faced with the challenge of having to rebuild lives completely. Puerto Rico was hit particularly hard in this regard as it took the full force of Cat. 4 Hurricane Maria. A recent estimate revealed that more than 4600 people lost their lives at that time, and even today thousands are still without power and much is still in ruin.
Currently on the Big Island of Hawaii new foundations are quite literally being put into place as lava continues to flow from the eruption of Kilauea that is now into its fourth week. Over 90 structures have been destroyed so far, and there is no sign yet of the eruption slowing down.

Lava flowing from Kilauea on the Big Island). Photo by Eli Duke [CC BY-SA 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons
But as much as Kimi can, at times, seem like “death”, this energy is also about new beginnings, and the start of the process of regeneration. Three cycles ago there was tremendous hope generated at the end of this Kimi trecena through the signing, by 175 nations, of the historic climate change accord. At that time UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon called it “a moment in history . . . . a new covenant with the future”. Indeed, there was a similar sentiment towards the end of this trecena in 1919, with the signing of the Treaty of Versailles between Germany and the Allies, after the conclusion of World War I. Five cycles ago the opening day of this trecena coincided with the illumination of a nine mile line of 8,000 helium-filled balloons in Berlin, representing “hope for a world without walls”, marking the 25th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall.
Moreover the forces in place at this time can be so intense that they can often trigger significant changes in state or mark the ignition of whole new ways of thinking, as happened on the last day of this trecena in 1473 when Nicolaus Copernicus made his appearance into this world. This was an individual who literally changed the axis of “reality” during his lifetime when he formulated a heliocentric model of the universe with the Sun at the centre rather than the Earth. This provided a revolutionary new “baseline” for thinking and being. A similar shift happened in 1582 when, on the last day of this trecena, the Julian calendar was replaced by the Gregorian calendar in several European countries.
At the moment things do not seem as dire, weatherwise, as was the situation during the last appearance of this energy frame. There are severe weather events in some areas, to be sure, and some definite “hot spots” as in Hawaii, but overall things don’t seem as ominous as when this energy was in place last September. At that time significant life and death issues were being brought into focus at an alarming rate, in very intense circumstances.
But even if we don’t have to deal with “high drama” at this time it is always good to keep in mind that Kimi represents a key genesis point for regeneration. This is often a trecena that begins and ends with important “spirit-oriented” energies that call for attention. At the end of the thirteen days the energy of 13 Etz’nab’ can often bring the kind of flash and dazzle that can push forward important transformational forces. So this is a time frame that can bring things “back to basics” so that restoration and renewal can begin.
Overall this is an excellent time to review one’s overall “state”, to clean out whatever is not wanted or needed, to give concerted thought to what IS wanted, and to set up new foundations for what you want to rejuvenate or bring into your life. Hopefully this can be done without the huge outer “pushes” that were in place last year, but rather in a more self-directed manner. As always, Kimi can provide the reminder that thinking and acting differently can often be very useful in situations that need to change, in order to generate more productive outcomes. During this time these are the energies that will come into play:
1 Kimi (May 30th) – the “initiation” of “death/return to Source” foundations, one cycle since the southeastern U.S. and several Caribbean islands were dealing with the effects of three strong hurricanes, at the same time as Mexico was assessing the aftermath of both Hurricane Katia and an 8.1 earthquake.
As the federal government is now set to take over the pipeline expansion project from Alberta to the West Coast (after yesterday’s announcement), this day marks the initiation of a highly controversial new foundation in that regard. Alberta’s Premier Rachel Notley had threatened to “turn off the taps” to B.C. if the pipeline deal did not go through.
As one of North Korea’s top officials flew into the U.S. yesterday, supposedly to begin setting foundations for a meeting between the U.S. and North Korean leaders, today will likely be the day when talks will begin in that regard, even though the June 12th meeting has not yet been confirmed.
Jane Fonda’s Maya birth energy (she turned 80 last Dec. 21st).
2 Manik’ (May 31st) – a dynamic type of energy aligned with the idea of reciprocity, on what was the original deadline date for the Kinder Morgan pipeline project decision. This is the energy that brought forth a major coronal mass ejection from the sun in 2010. Currently this enegy is in place when there is a conjunction of the Moon and Saturn.
3 Lamat (June 1st) – the “activation” of the “bright star” heralding energy, often aligned with leadership, at the start of National Indigenous History Month in Canada, the start of Pride Month in Toronto, and the official start of the 2018 Atlantic hurricane season (interesting timing as this energy is often aligned with tornadoes). Opening day for the “Contact in the Desert” conference in California, oriented around UFO research.

June is National Indigenous History month in Canada. Government of Canada photo.
4 Muluk (June 2nd) – a “defining” day associated with the shape-shifting energy of water, one of the 5 energies at the centre of the Aztec Sun Stone. The 65th anniversary of Queen Elizabeth II’s coronation in 1953
5 Ok (June 3rd) – the “blessing of love”, also associated with fire, protection, guidance, and justice; the energy in place when the “solar tsunami” from a coronal mass ejection hit the earth in 2010. Three cycles since the Canadian Supreme Court unanimously declared that the federal government has constitutional responsibility for Métis and non-status Indians, thereby giving recognition to their rights (a landmark ruling that constitutionally protests the rights of Métis and non-status Indians). At this time this energy coincides with a conjunction of the Moon and Mars. Maya birth energy of Canadian astronaut David Saint-Jaques, who will fly to the ISS on an Ok day this coming December as he begins his first mission in space.
6 Chuwen (June 4th) – a “six directions” type of energy aligned with creativity and play, but sometimes associated with the unexpected. Maya birth energy of Russian anticorruption crusader Aleksei Navalny, a voracious critic of Putin who has led nationwide protests against corruption in the Kremlin. This was the energy in place when the European Space Agency successfully landed Philae on Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko in 2014 in the first-ever controlled landing on a comet nucleus.

Polar bears in Hinlopen Strait, Svalbard. World Environment Day is June 5th. Photo credit: By AWeith [CC BY-SA 4.0], from Wikimedia Commons
As it happens the 2018 California Primary is taking place on this 7 Eb’ day, along with primaries in seven other states. This will be closely watched as this is a significant voting day in the lead-up to the November midterm elections. Given the almost eerie “coincidences” noted above, and the dire need for more competent leadership in so many areas, this day could become yet another important “turning point”.
8 B’en (June 6th) – the “resurrection” of personal authority, at the opening of the Celebration festival in Alaska, the largest cultural event in Alaska, a highly festive event that brings together many Northwest Coast clans in a four day celebration of traditional song, dance, arts, foods, and languages, with this year’s theme being “Respect: Weigh Your Words”.
This is also the 50th anniversary of the death of Senator Robert Kennedy after being shot the day before.
Maya calendar anniversary of Gustav Klimt, the Austrian artist whose works bring some of the highest ever auction prices for paintings. As it has been 100 years since his death, as of Feb. this year, he is being celebrated in Vienna this year as part of its homage to Modernism. Also the 180th Gregorian anniversary of Thomas Blake Glover, credited with being the founder of modern Japan.
9 Ix (June 7th) – an “outwardly projecting” type of energy often associated with deep mysteries, on what would have been Prince’s 60th birthday.
Events that take place under this influence can have long range influence, as occurred in 1965 when Lyndon B. Johnson signed into law the Immigration and Nationality Act under this influence. One cycle precisely since Puerto Rico took the full force of Cat. 4 Hurricane Maria. Currently this energy is in place at the time of Ontario’s general election, with polls indicating that significant change may be in the works.
10 Men (June 8th) – “foundational higher vision” – a Burner Day aligned with “taking the fire” in conjunction with the “high vision” of the Eagle, coinciding at this time with the 44th G7 summit in Charlevois, Quebec, with World Oceans Day, and with the 50th anniversary of Robert F. Kennedy’s funeral and train to Washington. This is a strong energy that has the potential to be quite explosive but can also open up far-reaching possibilities.
11 Kib’ (June 9th) – an energy that can be either change-oriented or “inspirational” (or both), often aligned with Kib’s orientation around shedding a kind of “first light” on things, as when the first proton-proton collisions recorded by the Large Hadron Collider took place under this influence in 2009.
Final day of this year’s Celebration festival in Alaska and last day of the 44th G7 summit in Charlevois, Quebec. At the current time this day coincides with the ceremony of Trooping the Colour in London when over 1400 officers and men of Queen Elizabeth’s personal guards go on parade with some 200 horses, at the time of the official celebration of the Sovereign’s birthday.
12 Kab’an (June 10th) – a “dedication” type of energy associated with movement, coinciding with Prince Philip’s 97th birthday. Aligned specifically with “Earth movement”, this is often a powerful energy associated with moving new ideas forward. Two Calendar Rounds (52 year cycles) since the birth of Viola Desmond, the Black Nova Scotian businesswoman who challenged racial segregation in 1946, helping to start the modern civil rights movement in Canada. She is the first Canadian woman to be featured on a $10 Cdn bill.
Two cycles since U.S. intelligence agencies delivered a 25 page report to Trump and then released the report to the public, which described Russia’s sophisticated cybercampaign that was directed towards discrediting Secretary Clinton and undermining the U.S. democratic process during the 2016 election campaign, thereby formally undermining the legitimacy of the election results. It also made the case that Trump was the favored candidate of Putin.
Three cycles since the death of super rock star Prince.
13 Etz’nab’ (June 11th) – “transformational flint”, a “heavy-duty” (and often “dazzling”) force for change. Three cycles since the signing of the historic global accord to fight climate change (the Paris Climate Change Agreement), on the same day as Prince fans worldwide gathered to mourn and pay tribute. Hundreds of flowers, balloons, and mementoes (many in purple) were deposited at his Paisley Park home.
Maya calendar anniversary of Brazil’s Declaration of Independence in 1822. Three Calendar Rounds (3 x 52 years) plus one Tzolk’in cycle since Abraham Lincoln
appointed General McClellan to lead the Union Army forces in 1861, at the start of the U.S. Civil War. One cycle since Angela Merkel won her fourth term in Germany’s federal election.
[Please note that the brief descriptions of the days provided above are only “thumbnail sketches”. Much greater detail can be found in Manual for the Soul: A Guide to the Energies of Life.]