So here we go with the trecena that will carry the US presidential election. It’s “down to brass” tacks time, or – more pertinent to this particular trecena – it’s down to the bare bones foundations of what will follow thereafter. This is the trecena within which the people of the United States will decide whether they want a democracy Read the full article…
Tag Archives: Diwali
Oct 2024
The Kimi (Death, Foundations) trecena: Oct. 25th – Nov. 6, 2024
Posted by Trecena Horoscopes, World Events, World Festivals in
Nov 2023
What would an eagle be thinking if he soared high above Earth, and spotted thousands and thousands of people fleeing from war ravaged regions that seem to be under continuous fire? Most likely he would keep on flying, drawing upon his prodigious strength and astute perception to search for, and head towards – well, anything that would support life. And Read the full article…
Nov 2020
The Ak’b’al (House, Night) trecena: Nov. 12-24, 2020
Posted by Celestial Events, Trecena Horoscopes, World Events, World Festivals, World leaders in
This trecena begins with an astrological event that seems to be echoing events on this planet. This is the third Jupiter-Pluto conjunction in 2020, the final such conjunction until 2033. In Western astrology this would be seen as a juxtaposition between the highly expansive energies associated with Jupiter, the great benefic, and the darker, destructive-but-regenerative forces attributed to Pluto. And Read the full article…