Jan 2025
The Kab’an (Earth, Movement) trecena: Jan. 24-Feb. 5, 2025
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One of the most recognizable Mesoamerican treasures is the 25 ton Aztec Calendar Stone, located in Mexico City’s National Anthropology Museum. In the centre of that huge disc is a hieroglyph, embedded with a rather fierce-looking face, representing “Movement”. Through this complex image the Aztecs depicting their idea of the cyclical nature of time, illustrating the idea of “eras” and the ever changing, pulsating nature of time as it goes through various cycles. The face in the centre of the stone is thought to be the solar deity Tonatiuh, representing the connection between the sun and those cyclical movements.

the 25-ton Aztec Calendar Stone at the National Museum of Anthropology, Mexico City.
Photo Credit: Sasha Isachenko CC BY-SA 3.0 , via Wikimedia Commons
As it happens, that idea of “Movement” is particularly pertinent to this Kab’an trecena, as this is not only the nature of Kab’an itself, but representative of a trecena that often brings forth “evolutionary” shifts relating to life on Earth. The very first day of this time period coincides with the start of the fourth 52-day period within the 260-day cycle, an important shift-point within the overall sequence of days – a point that can even usher in new eras. And it is quickly becoming evident that huge shifts are in the works.
Back in 2021 evolutionary biologist Bret Weinstein wrote an article titled How the sun could wipe us out. The article begins with this line: “The world began to end on 12th May 2024 . . . .”. Although this writer was speaking about solar emissions, bursts of charged plasma from the sun, as we are now fast approaching the peak of the current solar cycle, it is intriguing to see how the days that he mentioned tie in with this particular trecena. He begins by mentioning May 9th, 2024, which was One Kab’an, the first day of this trecena, exactly one cycle ago, the day when the sun emitted a particularly large solar flare. Three days later (May 12th) was 4 Ajaw, when an even larger blast was emitted, followed by an intense geomagnetic storm that sent forth several stronger bursts over the following few days, all within this trecena. Note, as well that 4 Ajaw is the energy that began this new Maya Calendar era, on Dec. 21, 2012, after completion of the previous era that began in 3114 BC. Currently we are embarking on the eighteenth 260-day Tzolk’in cycle since that change-over to the new era.
While that “coincidence” was all about the sun, where the writer was speaking about the potential for strong plasma bursts to trigger “a cascade of devastating failures from which humanity will never recover”, there are other parallels that eerily tie in with this. Indeed, one cycle ago this trecena not only brough forth intense heat waves, fire events, and war related events, but also intense activity within the US justice system, as boundaries were being tested through political indictments and within the courts as the criminal hush-money trial was unfolding. At one point Judge Merchan warned that they were “on the precipice” of putting the dumpster-as-defendant in jail if there were any more breaches of the gag order that had been imposed upon him. Note that one of the first major tests of the system came seven cycles ago, in 2020, during his first impeachment trial, relating to “appalling abuses of public trust” and an “abusive and destructive violation of [his] oath of office”. But he was acquitted by Republicans, who have spinelessly continued to support him “no matter what”, to the point where now, merely one cycle after being criminally convicted, he is back in the White House, issuing wrecking-ball orders that are endangering the lives and well-being of millions of people, after several other high-level indictments were dropped because of the Supreme Court’s ruling on his “position”.
So at this point the US, and by extension Earth itself, is beginning a new era of upheaval, a new era of callousness and heartlessness, a new era of unrestrained abuse of power and excess, a new “time of testing” for almost everything, including legal systems, as revoltingly selfish private gain and diabolical personal vendettas drive the agenda and stand in the way of constructively addressing significant humanitarian or global issues that are in dire need of attention. As Senator Bernie Sanders has adeptly pointed out, what was not mentioned in that inaugural address speaks volumes.
As reflected in the Aztec hieroglyph that depicts the kind of push-pull motion that will determine the direction of evolution, forces will be amalgamating on each side of that equation during this period. Indeed, there is already evidence that resistance to Captain Chaos and his sycophantic minions will be coming from unexpected places, as seen already in examples such as the judges who have pushed back against gross actions already taken, including the release of rioters from prison and the bandying about of the revisionist myth regarding what happened during the insurrection attempt. As Judge Beryl Howell put it, “No ‘process of national reconciliation’ can begin when poor losers, whose preferred candidate loses an election, are glorified for disrupting a constitutionally mandated proceeding in Congress and doing so with impunity. . . That merely raises the dangerous specter of future lawless conduct by other poor losers and undermines the rule of law.” Similarly, several lawsuits have already been filed against unethical actions going on in the new chaotic White House, state authorities and churches of many dominations are standing up for the rights of immigrants, and even the Episcopal Bishop of Washington has appealed directly to the dumpster to “have mercy upon” communities across the country being targeted by his administration’s callous immigration and LGBTQ+ policies.
And even if one cannot engage directly in those battles, life around the world WILL go on, and all of those depraved machinations will be ignored by most, as people turn their backs on all the grossness and get on with their lives. Many life affirming celebrations, such as Chinese New Year festivities, will take place through this period. Heart Month, Black History month, and several other important commemorations are also happening at this time. Those who participate in such events can be very grateful that they are on the side of humanity, since those solidly on the “dark side” will never ever experience true joy in life or any kind of lightness of being. It might even be a good idea to call upon Ma’at, the Egyptian goddess who personified truth, cosmic balance, order, harmony, law, morality, and justice. She played an important role in Egyptian mythology in “weighing of the heart” ceremonies that determined the destiny of souls in the afterlife. A light heart achieved through balance, harmony, and good works was seen as the key to paradise.
With regard to Aztec mythology the overseer of this Kab’an trecena was seen as Tlazoltéotl, the “Great Mother Goddess”, known as the “Eater of Filth”, who was associated with forgiveness and purification. She was seen not only as a fertility goddess who worked with major generative forces, but also as an entity who conducted confessional rites. These “confession” + “life generation” aspects can be seen in the tendency for events within this period to be, oftentimes, world-shaping in nature, in terms of both major endings as well as the emergence of new beginnings in association with issues that are often of an “earth-shaking” nature. While “boundary testing” often plays out during this period, energy returns relating to many consequential events from the past can often be detected. Will there be echoes from past events, and if so, how will they manifest? And since issues associated with justice and the legal system have figured so prominently in past cycles with regard to Captain Chaos, how might those issues (or similar ones) resurface at this time?

Adaptation of the Kab’an (Earth/Movement) trecena from the pre-Columbian Codex Borgia by artist Richard Balthazar (used with permission). The first day (One Kab’an for the Maya, One Movement for the Aztec) is represented by the “interlocked” glyph at the lower left (within the border). The other days of this trecena proceed from there to the right, and then up towards the top, to the little water-related glyph at the upper right, which represents Muluk (Water). The daysign numbers in this image (beginning with One Kab’an) are not shown, but implied. In the larger image at the top “The Great Mother Goddess” known as Tlazoltéotl, who serves as the patroness of this trecena, can be seen on the left, sitting on a throne. She was associated with both forgiveness and fertility. Click here for an overview of Richard’s various other versions of the same trecena.
Note that back in 1492 this was the trecena that saw the departure of Christopher Columbus from Spain en route westward across the Atlantic, following the dictates of the Catholic “Doctrine of Discovery” that stated that any land not inhabited by Christians was available to be “discovered”, claimed, and exploited by Christian rulers. Thus began the events that led to the promulgation of the BIG LIE that Columbus discovered a “New World”, filled with “savages”, that was there for the taking. Although that doctrine was rescinded on the first day of this trecena in 1537, it appears that the message did not reach many people as the atrocities continued on for centuries after that.
During the mid 20th century we find that this trecena has often been pivotal in terms of major conflicts, as seen in 1939 as German troops were assembling in preparation for their invasion of Poland just after Germany and the USSR signed a 10-yr. non-aggression pact. One cycle later, Germany began its blitzkrieg on Europe through its invasion of Holland, Belgium, and Luxembourg, the first stage in the Battle of France, on the first day of this trecena. At that time the British government was in disarray. On what has been seen as one of the most dramatic days in British history, British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain resigned and Winston Churchill was appointed as Prime Minister. Several years later, this trecena brought forth the signing of the unconditional documents of surrender of the German forces, finally bringing World War II to an end, in May of 1945. The horror of that global conflict had spanned seven Tzolk’in cycles.
Three cycles ago, in December of 2022, the first day of this trecena coincided with the opening of the COP15 summit, as thousands of government officials, scientists, and activists representing 196 countries gathered in Montreal for the world’s most important biodiversity conference. That was the day when Trump’s New York company was convicted of fraud after being found guilty on all 17 counts, including conspiracy charges and falsifying business records. On that same day Raphael Warnock won the heated runoff election in Georgia, to decide Georgia’s representative for the U.S. Senate. His win helped Democrats to solidify their Senate majority in 2023.
Two cycles ago global leaders were meeting in Johannesburg, for the BRICS summit, with topics related to global concerns again being on the agenda. That day marked the start of the Republican primary season in the US, with the first official GOP presidential debate, at the same time as several defendants in the Georgia election interference case, many of whom face multiple felony counts, began going through booking procedures at the Fulton County jail.
The last time this trecena opened, last May, it marked Day 14 of the hush money trial, as Stormy Daniels took the stand for a second time and gave nearly seven hours of dramatic testimony centered around her 2006 sexual encounter with the dumpster, which led to his conviction of sexual assault and defamation. That was the day when WAPO reported about the quid pro quo propositions made by the dumpster to dismantle fossil fuel regulations in exchange for $1 billion in contributions to his presidential campaign.
Keep in mind that this is a trecena that often places strong emphasis on issues associated with the planet itself, often serving as a kind of check-point with regard to global evolution. As seen in the past, the beginning of this trecena is one of the most important “trigger points” that seems to bring key issues into focus as it sets the stage for critically important actions that can have significant implications for large numbers of people. Aligned with Earth itself, this Kab’an trecena often coincides not only with radical shifts in world order, but with significant Earth-oriented shifts, so expect a great deal to be “in motion” during this period.
As always this would be an auspicious time to review one’s own personal journey in order to set the course and intent for the next 260 days. What will be your next “evolutionary leap” and how will you facilitate it? During this very critical time frame these are the energies that will come into play:
1 Kab’an (Jan. 24th) – the “initiation of evolutionary movement”, the start of the trecena that begins the 18th Tzolk’in cycle of the new era (since December 2012). As a key 52-day “shift-point” within the 260 day cycle, this is a point that often initiates dramatic and/or consequential movement with planetary significance – with emphasis on “planetary”.
It has now been seven 260-day cycles since BREXIT Day in the UK and the end of an era in 2020, when the UK formally left the EU at 11 PM after 47 years of membership. The nation remains deeply divided over this as new trade deals had to be made between the UK and more than 70 countries.
This time this energy coincides with the US Senate vote on whether or not to confirm someone who does not meet any of the requirements for the position of US Secretary of Defense, being essentially the least qualified individual ever to be nominated for that key position – someone with no knowledge of the department, no experience running an organization anywhere near this size, and someone known to be both an alchoholic and an abuser of women. If at least four Republican senators have enough gumption to vote No, that will be the end of that story. However, if they can’t rustle up even four thumbs-down votes, the US Defense Department (and the country as a whole) will be in very grave danger. And then there are the implications for the world at large . . . .
As noted above, this was the energy in place in 1939 as German troops were assembling in preparation for their invasion of Poland, and again in 1940 when Germany began invading European countries, and then in 1945 when Germany surrendered unconditionally, bringing an end to World War II. Do they REALLY want someone completely unqualified to take over the leadership of US national defense? DO they???
Again, as noted above, Day 14 of the hush money trial was in progress the last time this was in place as Stormy Daniels provided dramatic testimony centered around her 2006 encounter with the dumpster, which led to his conviction. That was also the day when WAPO reported about the quid pro quo propositions made by the dumpster to dismantle fossil fuel regulations in exchange for $1 billion in contributions to his presidential campaign.
As always, this begins an important trecena, where world-shifting – or even “out of this world” – movement can happen, as seen two cycles ago when India’s Chandrayaan-3 lunar rover, which was launched 40 days earlier, touched down on the Moon’s surface, as India became the first country to perform a controlled “soft landing” near the lunar south pole.
One cycle ago (last May) this energy coincided with the eruption of a colossal X2.25 solar flare, that was followed by a string of other flares (some even stronger) over subsequent days, that triggered many gorgeous aurora displays, as well as many extreme heat waves.
Currently this is the UN’s seventh International Day of Education in celebration of the role of education for peace and development. The theme for 2025 is “AI and education: Preserving human agency in a world of automation”. As mentioned on their site, there are still hundreds of millions of children and adolescents globally who cannot read or write or do basic math, and over 750 million adults who are illiterate, so the need for strengthening education systems and for global rebalancing is great.
2 Etz’nab’ (Jan. 25th) – a dynamic “knife-edged” type of energy that can dazzle and/or divide and separate, on the day when four female Israeli hostages are due to be released as part of the Gaza ceasefire deal, in exchange for a second group of Palestinian prisoners.

Ice Sculpture, Quebec WInter Carnival in 2005. Photo Credit: Ivailo Dochkov (CC 2.0, via WIkimedia Commons)
This is the opening day of Québec’s Winter Carnival (to Feb. 11th), as well as being Robbie Burns’ Day, the 266th anniversary of the birth of that much loved Scottish poet. It is also President Zelenskyy’s 47th Gregorian birthday.
Amazing aurora displays were seen across the northern hemisphere the last time this was in place, from an “historic” geomagnetic storm caused by at least 7 large solar emissions.
This marks two cycles since the dumpster turned himself in, to be booked at the Fulton County jail in Georgia in August of 2023. He had already signed a $200,000 bond on racketeering charges that explicitly limited his ability to attack witnesses or his co-defendants in this case, including on social media.
In 2023 this was in place when Japan began releasing treated radioactive water from the tsunami-hit Fukushima nuclear plant into the Pacific Ocean, after the UN’s nuclear watchdog approved the plan. It was indicated that some 1.34 million tonnes of water, which has accumulated since the destruction of the plant by the tsunami in 2011, will be released over 30 years after being filtered and diluted.
3 Kawak (Jan. 26th) – an “activating storm” or “activation of compassion” type of influence that can manifest as a true weather storm or a “storm” of compassion or emotion. This could certainly be seen the last time this was in place (last May) when more than 100,000 Palestinians were forced to flee Rafah, Gaza’s southernmost city, after Israeli warnings to evacuate before an imminent military assault that would open a bloody new phase in the then-seven-month-long conflict.
Currently this is India’s 76th Republic Day (including the day the Republic of India came into being in 1950). It is also Australia Day, commemorating the 1788 landing of Britain’s First Fleet of colonists and convicts in Sydney Cove. Often seen as controversial, this day reflects two competing stories, with one relating to nation-building and the other providing a sad reminder of the displacement and dispossession of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. Many refer to this day as Invasion Day, Survival Day or a Day of Mourning. It is likely that, as before, thousands in Australia will be rallying in support of indigenous rights.
In October of 1815, this was the energy in place when the deposed and disgraced ex-emperor Napoléon Bonaparte arrived at the remote tropical island of St. Helena, where he began his final exile before dying 6 years later.
4 Ajaw (Jan. 27th) – a “defining” energy associated with the full light of the sun, symbolic of renewal and enlightenment, the same “defining” Burner Day energy that coincided with Long Count, the end of the 13th B’aktun on Dec. 21st, 2012, the day in which a whole new Great Cycle of Time was “seated”. Currently this day marks the completion of the 17th Tzolk’in cycle since that date, and the beginning of the 18th cycle.
Currently this is International Holocaust Remembrance Day, with a Holocaust Remembrance for Dignity and Human Rights ceremony taking place at the United Nations Headquarters in New York to mark the 80th anniversary of the liberation of the Nazi German concentration and extermination camp Auschwitz-Birkenau. This year’s theme will be: “For a Better Future”.
It is also Family Literacy Day, devoted to raising awareness about the importance of reading and engaging in literary activities, which, in turn, leads to “enlightenment”.
It has now been four cycles since March of 2022 when an extraordinary meeting of NATO leaders was held in Brussels at which time members reaffirmed their “unwavering support for the independence, sovereignty, and territorial integrity of Ukraine”, and resolved “to counter Russia’s attempts to destroy the foundations of international security and stability”. Nevertheless, the war still goes on.
In 1945 this was the energy that brought forth the signing of the unconditional documents of surrender by German forces, that put an end to the “big lies” that Hitler had been promulgating in Germany. But it seems that much has been forgotten in that regard, as so many “big lies” of a similar nature are now threatening global stability. In the past, many space-related events, such as the Apollo 11 lunar landing in 1969, have taken place under this energy influence. This was also the energy in place when the Space Shuttle Atlantis spent its final day in space, in 2011, marking the end of the space shuttle era.
5 Imix (Jan. 28th) – the “blessing of birth”, representative of both “the realm of all potential” and chaos; symbolic of the primordial realm, which contains “all possibilities”, this was the energy that was in place on that historic day in 1969 when Commander Neil Armstrong and lunar module pilot Buzz Aldrin became the first humans to set foot on the moon after landing the day before.
In 1945 this was the energy in place on VE day, when the world jubilantly celebrated the end of World War II in Europe and the beginning of peace. Currently this marks eight Tzolk’in cycles since the inauguration of Volodymyr Zelenskyy as the president of Ukraine on May 20, 2019.
Currently this is the eve of Chinese New Year, at the start of China’s spring festival holiday season, which often includes large family reunion dinners.
6 Ik’ (Jan. 29th) – an “everywhere” type of energy associated with wind, breath, and spirit, coinciding, at this time, with the New Moon and Chinese New Year, the start of the Year of the Snake in the Chinese calendar. This is China’s most auspicious holiday – an important day for celebration. It is the start of China’s Spring Festival, which lasts until Feb. 12th. The giving and receiving of “lucky money” in red envelopes is one of the highlights of this day. In Chinese tradition it is forbidden to sweep or clean at this time, so that good fortune does not get swept away.
This is also Vietnam’s TET (Tet Nguyen Dan), Lunar New Year, the most important festival and public holiday in that country, heralding the arrival of spring.
In India this is the one of the holiest days in the Kumbh Mela, the world’s largest religious gathering, widely seen as the “festival of festivals” in the Hindu religious calendar, currently underway in India. It is seen as a particularly auspicious day as it is the Maha, or grand Kumbh Mela, which takes places once every 144 years. It also coincides with a special celestial alignment of the sun, the moon, Jupiter and Saturn
This day marks two 260-day cycles since the first hearing in the Jan. 6th case in the U.S., the day when Judge Chutkin announced the date for that trial. That took place exactly five cycles after voting day in the dumpster’s first impeachment trial, in early February, 2020. That was the day when Senator Mitt Romney spoke on the Senate floor, indicating that he planned to vote for Dump’s conviction, since the dumpster’s actions were a “most abusive and destructive violation of one’s oath of office”. During that speech Romney pointed out that the dumpster, for his own personal and political purposes, had asked a foreign government to investigate his political rival, withheld vital military funds from that government to press it to do so, and delayed funds for an American ally at war with Russian invaders. As Romney put it: “what Dump did was wrong – grievously wrong” – he was “guilty of an appalling abuse of public trust”. Romney’s vote denied the dumpster unanimous GOP support for his acquittal, an acquittal that has been disastrous for democracy as those “appalling abuses of public trust” continued to escalate and infect that entire party.
In 1945 this was the energy in place when World War II officially ended, after Germany’s unconditional surrender on 4 Ajaw.
7 Ak’b’al (Jan. 30th) – a “self-generating” type of energy associated with the concept of “temple” or “house”, but also darkness or “sanctuary”, the energy that was in place at the time of Richard Nixon’s presidential win in 1968. Precisely five cycles later, in May of 1972, operatives working for the Committee to Re-elect the President (CRP) broke into the Democratic National Committee headquarters (the Watergate office complex) in Washington, DC and bugged the telephones of staffers. What happened then is relatively mild compared with what is happening these days with a demented convicted felon/sex offender/insurrectionist scratching out diabolical orders from the Oval Office, including the release (just eight days before this) of hundreds of convicted insurrectionists and violent offenders, ushering in a new era of government lawlessness.
Fortunately there are many working to overcome the darkness, as will be seen on this day in the FireAid benefit concert for those affected by the Los Angeles wildfires. This is also the opening of the International Conference on Gender, Sexuality and Diversity Studies (ICGSDS) in New York. On this second day of Chinese New Year celebrations this is the day known as the “Birthday of the Dog”, when dogs are given special treats.
8 K’an (Jan. 31st) – a “resurrection” type of energy associated with germination and even opulence, coinciding at this time with the opening day for the 47th edition of Winterlude, Canada’s popular winter festival in Ottawa-Gatineau, which runs to Feb. 17th. This is also the opening day for the Ottawa Ice Dragon Boat Festival.
This third day of Chinese New Year is often allocated to grave-visiting.
In 1969 this was the energy in place when Apollo 11 splashed down in the Pacific after 8 days in space. Exactly one Calendar Round later (on July 11, 2021) this was in place at the “Dawn of a New Space Age” when billionaire Richard Branson reached the stars aboard his own Virgin Galactic SpaceShipTwo spacecraft.
In March of 2022 this was the energy in place when delegates from the AFN, Métis, and Inuit Nations, and residential school survivors, met with Pope Francis at the Vatican, at the same time as two large coronal mass ejections (CMEs) blasted out from the sun.
9 Chikchan (Feb. 1st) – representative of “outwardly-projecting” lifeforce, this is a powerful force that can spawn major weather events such as typhoons, and even push forth “evolutionary” events that can significantly impact the world, as happened when the First Women’s Rights Convention convened in New York in 1848. In 1970 this energy was in place at the time of the launch of Apollo 13.
This was the energy that was in place at the beginning of World War II when Germany invaded Poland in 1939, and again in 1944 when Paris was liberated by the Allies. In 1863, this was in place at the beginning of the horrific Battle of Gettysburg, seen as a turning point during the U.S. civil war, as the Confederate army was forced to retreat.
Ten cycles ago (in Dec. 2017) the GOP shoved a massively unpopular tax bill through Congress, with no hearings, no Democratic support, no expert testimony, and no advance planning, in order to slash tax rates for corporations and provide huge benefits for the wealthy. It was a bill that provided the top 1% of Americans with 83% of the tax benefits and was projected to add $1.46 trillion to the U.S. debt over a decade.
Currently this is the first day of Heart Month in Canada and the US, the start of the UN’s Interfaith Harmony Week and the first day of Black History month . In Canada the theme for this month is “Black Legacy and Leadership: Celebrating Canadian History and Uplifting Future Generations”. In the US the theme is “African Americans and Labor”.
This is the auspicious fourth day of Chinese New Year, known as “Yang Ri”, the Day of the Goat, a symbol of luck. This is also the day of the Kitchen God Festival (associated with good fortune) – a good time to throw out rubbish and anything associated with bad luck.
10 Kimi (Feb. 2nd) – a double “absolute foundations” type of energy that is represented by the death god in both the number and daysign positions, now marking 12 long cycles since the dumpster was officially nominated as the Republican candidate for president at the RNC, in 2016. This day marks the 82nd Gregorian anniversary of the USSR’s victory over the Nazis at the end of the 5 month Battle of Stalingrad (1942-1943) where over a million people are estimated to have died in one of the bloodiest battles of WWII.
Seven cycles ago (in February of 2020) this was the energy in place when the Antarctic registered a temperature of more than 20C (68F) for the first time, prompting fears of climate instability in the world’s greatest repository of ice. Five years on we are now seeing the world’s leading climate scientists “in despair” as they are expecting global temperatures to rise at least 2.5C above preindustrial levels this century, well beyond the internationally agreed-upon targets. And, of course, on his first day of office this year, the destructor-in-chief in the U.S. withdrew the US from Paris Climate Agreement, for a second time, even though devastating climate change disasters are taking place regularly in his own country.
Currently this is Groundhog Day, at the midpoint between the winter solstice and the spring equinox. In Mexico this is Dia de la Candelaria (Candlemas), a major fiesta that comes in 40 days after Christmas and heralds the arrival of spring. The lighting of candles is a big part of this celebration. In Puna, Peru this is the start of the colourful 10-day Candlemas fiesta in honour of the Virgin of Candelaria, the patron saint of Puna. This is one of Peru’s biggest cultural festivals and is strongly associated with pachamama or “mother earth”. In Peru and many other countries Candlemas is celebrated as the Feast of the Purification of the Blessed Virgin Mary, and will be another important day for prayers for healing – and hopefully for finding solutions that can bring an end to the intense political strife that is causing so much global chaos.
This is the fifth day in the Chinese New Year sequence, known as the “Birthday of Ox and Cattle” and the birthday of the God of Wealth (Caishen or Zhao Gongming) in China – a good time to welcome wealth into one’s home. Vancouver’s colourful Chinese New Year parade takes place on this day, the 51st Chinese New Year parade in Vancouver’s Chinatown.
In the US this is the day of the 67th Grammy Awards, which will involve fundraising relating to the LA wildfires.
11 Manik’ (Feb. 3rd) – “inspirational deer”, a change-oriented day aligned with the idea of reciprocity and new possibilities, although there can be a sacrificial aspect to it. This is an energy that can be somewhat “fiery” since Manik’ is a “carrier” of the sun on Earth, with the number 11 also being highly Earth-aligned. Situated in a position of intensity near the end of this “earth-movement” trecena, this energy is representative of solar power in tandem with strong Earth-aligned forces, now aligning with the sixth day of Chinese New Year, known as “Ma Ri”, the Day of the Horse, the day when, traditionally, families visit temples and send away the ghost of poverty.
Seven cycles ago (Feb. of 2020, just as the pandemic was ramping up) this was the energy in place when a new, and terrifying, facet of the madness that had a chokehold on too many people in the US was revealed, when the Trump administration rolled out a budget that called for $1 trillion in cuts to Medicaid and the Affordable Care Act over a decade. This “plan” also sought to halve US funding for the World Health Organization, in addition to calling for deep cuts to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and to the Infectious Diseases Rapid Response Reserve Fund. Well – surprise, surprise . . . . as soon as he got back into office a few days ago the wrecking-ball felon in the Oval Office immediately issued orders that, among other things, would again cut funding for, and access to, health care services and coverage, particularly for lower income and older citizens. He also removed the US from the World Health Organization.
12 Lamat (Feb. 4th) – a double Venus type of force representative of the “grouping together” influence of the number 12 in combination with Lamat’s “heralding” type of energy, which often “signals” some critical development, suggesting the possibility that some kind of significant announcements could be made at this time.
Currently this is World Cancer Day, dedicated to raising awareness and promoting positive action, with this year’s theme being “United by Unique”, which emphasizes the importance of unique, personalized care.
This is Renri (People’s Day in China), the seventh day of the Lunar New Year, in celebration of the Day of Humans, in recognition of the “creation” of human beings. It is also the opening day of the 75th Sapporo Snow Festival in Japan that runs through to Feb. 11th.
This is the Maya birth energy of E. Jean Carroll, who has been awarded over $83 million in her epic battle for justice in her long, protracted lawsuit against the dumpster for sexual abuse and defamation. He is still trying to weasel out of paying her.
13 Muluk (Feb. 5th) – “transformational water” – an energetic, often dramatic, type of energy that can trigger strong feelings and stir environmental forces which have, on occasion in the past, developed into floods, tornadoes, and even hurricanes. At this time this energy is coinciding with Mexico’s Constitution Day, a national holiday, and the start of Zona Maco in Mexico City, one of Latin America’s largest and most important art fairs, and the largest contemporary art fair in Mexico (to Feb. 9th).
This is the eighth day of Lunar New Year celebrations, sometimes referred to as “completion day”, traditionally aligned with the honouring of food and agriculture. It’s also World Animal Reiki Day.
It has now been 12 full cycles since the July 2016 Wikileaks release of documents stolen by Russian hackers from the DNC (and called for by the dumpster), intended to hurt Hillary Clinton, which triggered the torrent of speculation that ultimately resulted in Clinton’s loss in that 2016 election – and all the political chaos that has happened ever since.
[Please note that the brief descriptions of the days provided above are only “thumbnail sketches”. Much greater detail can be found in Manual for the Soul: A Guide to the Energies of Life.]