Aug 2021
The Muluk (Water) trecena: Aug. 25-Sept. 6, 2021
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Can you feel it in the air? It’s not just that we are near the end of August, and September is approaching, but we are again at an important 52-day Shift-point within the 260-day cycle, as the first day of this trecena signals the start of the final 52 days before the current 260 day cycle is completed. This is often the point where some major switch-over seems to take place, and new courses of action suddenly seem to appear.
Click here for the Podcast to accompany this trecena.
Two cycles ago, in March of 2020, it seemed as if nations around the world were suddenly coming to the realization that drastic measures were going to have to be taken to turn the tide of the pandemic that seemed to be breaking out everywhere. The UK, Mexico, India, and Australia all began nationwide lockdowns just as this trecena was beginning, immediately after New Zealand and Italy shut down all nonessential services. Many other countries began implementing emergency measures of different kinds to try to stop the spread, as in the passage of the emergency aid bill in Canada, and the announcement (on the first day of the trecena) that Canada would provide $192 million to support the development and production of vaccines and treatments for Covid-19. By the third day of this time frame it was estimated that, by this point, one-third of the world was in lockdown mode, and people everywhere were scrambling to sort out how to deal with the rapidly changing situation.
Over the following 260 days that scrambling continued as case numbers and worldwide deaths rapidly escalated, but then when this trecena returned in early December of last year another major shift took place and suddenly vaccine programs were underway. Indeed, the very first day of this trecena (Dec. 8th) was V-Day in the UK, the start of the biggest ever vaccination program, the day that the UK’s Health Secretary called “the start of the fightback against the coronavirus”. That was the day when Joe Biden pledged to distribute 100 million vaccine shots in the first 100 days of his presidency. That was one Gregorian year after one of the first cases of coronavirus was detected in Wuhan, China.
And now, as this trecena comes into place two days after Pfizer’s Covid-19 vaccine received full approval from the US FDA – the first one to be fully licensed in the US – it is expected that this will provide a boost to help get the vaccine into the arms of holdouts.
What we are working with here is the Muluk (Water) trecena, a trecena that holds the potential to be massively life-changing through the infusion of the often “electrifying” energy that can swirl through this period. This water-oriented trecena was seen traditionally as being under the patronage of a deity known as Chalchiuhtolin, the jade or “jewelled” turkey, a symbol of magic, abundance, ultimate authority, and even sorcery. This complex deity has been associated with darkness, disease, and even the plague, but in his turkey form, as overseer of this time frame, he also has the power to cleanse and to eradicate pestilence. The great “watery” Feathered Serpent also provides support, so this creates a generative “firewater” kind of force representative of the original creation forces that sparked life. These forces have been known to open the door to many new and exciting possibilities. They have also been known to trigger major shifts in direction, even to the point of significantly altering personal lives or changing the world, like they did in the spring of 2020.

Adaptation of the Muluk (Water) trecena from the pre-Columbian Codex Borgia by artist Richard Balthazar (used with permission). The first day (One Muluk) is represented by the little watery head at the lower left (within the border). The other days of this trecena proceed from there to the right, and then up towards the top, to the head of a crocodile (Imix) at the upper right. The daysign numbers pertaining to this trecena (beginning with One Muluk) are not shown, but implied. The patron deity associated with this trecena is depicted as a Jade (or Jewelled) turkey, shown in the larger image at the top. Jade is emblematic of water.
Often signs of significant shifting can be seen on the very first day of this time frame, as in that V-Day in the UK, and as in March of 2020 when 160 intelligence and national security professionals (of all political persuasions) signed a joint letter warning that the destructor-in-chief had “created an existential danger to the United States”, pointing out that “Democracy itself” was at stake and that the election of Joe Biden would be their the best chance of surviving that danger and reversing course. Two cycles before (in October, 2018) Mexico opened the “floodgates” to allow the migrant caravan “river” to stream into Mexico from Guatemala, as they fled from the violence in Honduras, en route to the US border.
In 2010 it was the first day of this Muluk (Water) trecena that saw President Obama sign his Affordable Care Act into law.

This summary of the final report of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission can be found on Amazon.
In December of 2015 it was the first day of this trecena that brought the release of the final report of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, on the findings from several years worth of investigation into the residential school abuses inflicted on tens of thousands of indigenous children in Canada. At that time Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced that Canada would work with leaders of First Nations, the Métis Nation, Inuit, provinces and territories, parties to the Indian Residential School Settlement Agreement, and other key partners, to design a national engagement strategy for developing and implementing a national reconciliation framework, informed by the Commission’s recommendations.
Other events of significance that have taken place within this 13-day period include the Black Tuesday crash of the New York stock exchange in 1929, King Edward VIII’s abdication of the English throne in 1936, the beginning of the Battle of Britain in 1940, the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor in 1941, India’s declaration of independence in 1947, the invasion of South Korea by North Korea in 1950, the Detroit race riots in 1967, and the passage of the Endangered Species Act in 1973.
The last time this trecena was in place the 538 members of the electoral college in the US cast their ballots to officially confirm Joe Biden’s win as President-elect. In a speech given later that evening Joe Biden said that this was evidence that nothing – not even a pandemic or abuse of power – can extinguish American democracy. On that same day a $908 billion bipartisan Covid-19 relief plan was introduced into Congress, to provide funds for small businesses, the jobless, and COVID-19 vaccine distribution.
Among the many inspirational events that have occurred within this period, 4 Eb’ (the 4th day) often figures prominently. This energy, representative of a solar force in combination with Eb’s “animating vitality”, can create an uplifting, refreshing type of energy marked by a sense of the opening up of new possibilities. This is what was in place in June of 1965 when the first spacewalk took place, and then again in 1968 when the “Earthrise” photo was taken from Apollo 8, becoming the iconic first photograph taken by a human of Earth from Deep Space. Last December this was the energy in place when the US FDA granted emergency use authorization for Pfizer’s vaccine, which enabled widespread vaccination programs to begin.
In 2008 the Maya energy of 4 Eb’ was in place when Barack Obama became the first African-American to win the U.S. presidential election. In April of 2015, this same energy brought the historic nuclear reduction agreement with Iran, which was seen as a significant political breakthrough, the most important foreign relations negotiation of the Obama presidency up to that point. It was the first day of this trecena last December when former President Obama received PEN America’s Voice of Influence Award for his new “A Promised Land” memoir, an award in recognition of how his writings “have traversed political, social, and ideological bounds and framed a self-reflective humanism that has marked his influence on public life.”
Of particular note was that two cycles ago, as the pandemic was really taking hold, and countries were shutting down, Mother Nature took the opportunity to demonstrate what she could do in relatively short order, once humans were corralled. She revealed how quickly she could cleanse the waters of Venice, even to the point where the normally cloudy waters in the canals had turned “crystal clear” and fish could be seen swimming in them.
She demonstrated what fresh air looks and feels like with factories shut down, and streets and highways cleared of all by a few vehicles. She revealed many of her miraculous treasures to people who had never before bothered to take the time to actually “be still in nature”, helping them to discover how important it is to keep her healthy for the sake of every being on the planet.
During this period it may be important to remember that water is the supreme shapeshifter, capable of both purification and destruction, and that as “beings of water”, humans have the capacity to miraculously heal or to wantonly create havoc. Over the past 2-3 cycles we have seen very clear evidence of the implications of “choice” in terms of how humans apply that capacity – as was the case in March of 2020 (two cycles ago) when hard decisions and choices had to be made as the pandemic was escalating. Then again, last December (one cycle ago), many were warning about the implications of “choice” in the US, particularly with regard to the political divide. Even then Laurence Tribe, a constitutional law professor at Harvard University, warned that “The closer we get to Jan. 20, the more likely it is that the heavily armed core of [the dumpster’s] base will see itself as imminently threatened with extinction and will lash out with violence. That’s the biggest imminent threat we all face as Americans.”
This was echoed by Congressman Jamie Raskin, who highlighted the fact that “A completely separate media system with its own propaganda reality has grown up around [the dumpster]. The Republican party today is like a massive religious cult surrounding an organised crime family headed by a deranged narcissist. It’s very hard for the Republicans to disenthrall themselves from that warped epistemological system. It’s just a separate reality.” By then the battle lines had pretty-well been drawn, and it was becoming increasingly clear that the tilt towards darkness could mean death for millions of people, and even the extinction of millions of lifeforms (through environmental destruction). Many were pointing this out and sounding the alarm about potential forthcoming dangers (this was prior to Jan. 6th), urging people to steer away from the darkness and look towards the light – to make choices aligned with truth, justice, and healing – ultimately the path aligned with hope, revitalization, and the restoration of life.
Now, as we shift into the last 52 days of this current cycle, we can see many signs of hope, even though the darker forces are still out there. The rapidly rising Covid-19 case numbers are emphasizing the need for mask mandates in many school districts and work places, and the new Pfizer vaccine authorization is now providing support for vaccination mandates for large organizatons such as the US military. And significant advancements are being made in Washington in terms of passing the bipartisan infrastructure bill. We can also see that considerable action will be taken during this trecena in support of advancing the John Lewis Voting Rights bill, in order to curb the voting restrictions that have been put into place in various states. Considerable progress is also being made in terms of dealing with criminal wrongdoings related to the past few years, and more in this regard will likely be revealed during this time frame.
So as we go through this period we have another opportunity to tune in to the life-enhancing energies of water, and to “go with the flow”, to allow for purification and refreshment. As always, this would be a great time to go to a river or a lake, or an ocean, if you can, and give thanks for the waters of this earth, and pledge, once again, to protect them. During this watery, shapeshifting, purifying – and potentially even electrifying – time frame these are the energies that will come into play:
One Muluk (Aug. 25th) – “the initiation of water (purification)” – a kind of “double water” day associated with the Moon Goddess (symbolic of the water and the Number One) in conjunction with the refreshing shape-shifting energy of water, coming into place two days after Pfizer’s Covid-19 vaccine received full approval from the US FDA, the first one to be fully licensed in the US (up until this point – one full cycle as of Aug. 28th – it has been under “emergency use” approval).
At this point it has been one cycle exactly since this very same energy opened the door for Covid-19 vaccination programs to begin in several countries, early last December. That was the day when England, Scotland, and Wales begin administering their first doses of the vaccine, precisely one cycle after the UK and several other countries began nation-wide lockdowns in March of 2020.
This was the energy in place on that March day when Antonio Guterres, the Secretary General of the United Nations, appealed for an immediate global ceasefire, calling for an end to all armed conflicts so that the world could instead focus on fighting the rapidly advancing coronavirus.
This is an important 52-day Shift-point within the 260-day cycle, at the opening of a trecena that often brings forth dramatic shifts in state and often a sense of relief, as it did last December as it brought that “Safe Harbor” deadline with regard to settling contests over electors and electoral votes in the U.S. after the counting of votes from the presidential election. That was the day when Joe Biden pledged to distribute 100 million vaccine shots in the first 100 days of his presidency – a promise that he later doubled, as the US vaccine program got underway several days later.
In Canada this marks 8 cycles since the release of the final report of the Truth and
Reconciliation Commission (in 2015), which involved documenting the history and lasting impacts of the Indian residential school system. As of this point 14 of the 94 Calls to Action that came from that report have been completed, 60 are in progress, and 20 have not yet begun. Click here for further information.
2 Ok (Aug. 26th) – a dynamic yin/yang type of force relating to love, warmth, guidance, and loyalty (symbolized by the Maya glyph for Dog), coinciding at this time with Women’s Equality Day, celebrating the 101st Gregorian anniversary of the adoption of the U.S. 19th amendment, which granted all citizens, including women, the constitutional right to vote. With voting rights under severe threat in the US at the moment, this will be an important Day of Action as a wide range of Women’s Right groups will gather in front of the US Supreme Court and call for final Ratification of the Equal Right Amendment (ERA). This is the 51st Gregorian anniversary of the Women’s Strike for Peace and Equality in 1970 when massive Women’s Liberation demonstrations and marches took place in New York and in other cities across the U.S.
Two cycles exactly since the US Surgeon General strongly urged everyone to stay at home as the pandemic was firmly taking hold.
3 Chuwen (Aug. 27th) – the “activation” of creativity; an important “time-weaving” type of energy that can often bring forth powerful shifts, coinciding at this time with the 61st Gregorian anniversary of “Axe Handle Saturday”, when black students participating in an anti-segregation sit-in in Jacksonville, FL were attacked by an angry mob brandishing baseball bats and axe handles.
In 1929 this was the energy in place on Black Tuesday, when investors traded some 16 million shares on the New York Stock Exchange in a single day at the time of the Wall Street crash. As of this current day it has been exactly fourteen Tzolk’in cycles since the premier of the 2011 action thriller called Contagion that depicted the rapid spread of a virus to cities around the globe.
4 Eb’ (Aug. 28th) – the “defining of animating vitality” – an uplifting, refreshing type of energy that often brings a sense of new possibilities, often highly eventful, as it will be this time when the “March On for Voting Rights: The Legacy Continues” event will take place marking the 58th Gregorian anniversary of the day when Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. led 250,000 people on an historic “March on Washington”, when he delivered his iconic “I Have a Dream” speech. At this current time, after 48 US states have introduced 389 bills to restrict voting access, Martin Luther King Jr. III will help to lead Americans on a march to demand federal voting rights protection.

Taking place on Maya day 4 Eb’, on the 58th anniversary of Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.’s historic March on Washington
Back in 1968 this was the energy in place when the “Earthrise” photo was taken from Apollo 8 as it orbited the moon. That was the first photo of Earth from the perspective of the moon – one of the most famous photos ever taken, which, according to Al Gore, kicked off the modern environmental movement. Five cycles earlier, in 1965, Ed White made the first space walk by a U.S. astronaut under this same energy influence.
5 B’en (Aug. 29th) – the “blessing of personal authority”, coinciding with the UN’s International Day Against Nuclear Tests (aka Anti-Nuclear Day).
This marks two cycles since U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said that not only were people fighting the “common enemy” of the coronavirus but also a “growing surge of misinformation” about the disease. He spoke at the first joint video briefing for the 193 U.N. member nations that included the presidents of the Security Council, General Assembly and the Economic and Social Council, as the U.N. launched the COVID-19 Communications for Solidarity Initiative last year to rapidly inform people about facts and science, “and promote and inspire acts of humanity around the world.”
This is the Maya birth energy of Dr. Li Wenliang, the Chinese doctor who issued the first warning about the coronavirus in the early days of the outbreak, who later died of it. He is now honoured as one of the Heroes of the pandemic.
This marks two cycles since Congress in the US finally passed a $2 trillion stimulus package to help people in the US affected by the pandemic. It is also the 16th Gregorian anniversary of the day when Hurricane Katrina made landfall on the Louisiana coast in 2005, triggering severe flooding that brought devastation from New Orleans to Biloxi, Mississippi.
6 Ix (Aug. 30th) – the energy of the six directions in conjunction with the jaguar (and Jaguar Warrior) and the fate of the earth, marking one cycle exactly since Covid-19 vaccines first arrived in Canada. Last December this was the energy in place when critics were calling Brazil’s President Bolsonaro “homicidally negligent” for his failure (at that time) to present a coherent coronavirus vaccination program, even though more than 180,000 Brazilians have died from it by that time. Since then Brazil has registered over 6 million more cases, almost 400,000 more have died from Covid-19 in that country (second highest death rate in the world, after the US), and now he is calling to end the use of face masks in that country.
7 Men (Aug. 31st) – a “self-generating” type of energy associated with the Eagle’s “higher vision”, the deadline date for the US to leave Afghanistan.
This is International Overdose Awareness Day, when candlelight vigils will be held in many areas to bring attention to the opioid crisis and to Overdose Prevention. It is also the 24th anniversary of the death of Princess Diana.
At this point it has been one cycle since the Electoral College in the US voted to formalize Joe Biden’s win as President-elect. That was the day when coronavirus vaccines began to be distributed and administered in both the US and Canada. But it was also the day when the Delta variant was discovered in the UK.
8 Kib’ (Sept. 1st) – the “resurrection” of the transmutation oriented force that can lead towards the restoration of order, on the day when President Biden meets with Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelensky at the White House.
In the U.S. this is beginning of National Service Dog Month. Founded 12 years ago, this organization was established to raise awareness and support for guide dog and service dog schools that do so much to provide assistance for people in need and for the amazing animals that help them.
Two cycles since the launch of the USFDA’s rapid coronavirus test, which was able to speed up the processing of test results.
This is the Maya birth energy of prominent civil rights and social justice activist Rev. Al Sharpton, whom many see as the most influential civil rights leader in the US.
9 Kab’an (Sept. 2nd) – representative of “outwardly-projecting” longevity in connection with the earth and evolutionary movement, where there can be long range implications for actions. This is the 76th anniversary of the formal signing of the articles of surrender by Imperial Japan at the end of WWII. This is celebrated in the US as V-J Day even though other countries observed this on Aug. 15th
Two cycles ago (March, 2020) this was in place when state governors who were pleading for federal help to obtain medical equipment found the US national stockpile to be in complete disarray. This discovery forced state governors to look to their own resources in their efforts to help medical workers.
10 Etz’nab’ (Sept. 3rd) – foundational “flint”; an intense sparkling, “knife-edged”, “flash-point” type of energy that can either dazzle or divide and separate, as it did one cycle ago (last Dec.) when Cat. 5 Cyclone Yasa made landfall in Fiji. While that was going on a powerful nor’easterner in the Northeastern US knocked out power for tens of thousands, wreaked over $125 million worth of damage, and blanketed several states with 1-3 ft. of snow.

Snow dump in eastern Massachusetts near end of this trecena in Dec. 2020. Photo credit: HurricaneCovid, CC BY-SA 4.0 via Wikimedia Commons
This was the energy in place two cycles ago when UN Sec-General Guterres said that the Covid-19 outbreak was the biggest challenge for the world since World War II and could bring a recession that “probably has no parallel in the recent past”.
Back in 1861, this was the energy in place when President Abraham Lincoln addressed the U.S. Congress in his call for 500,000 militia for the Civil War. It is now looking like that war never really ended.
11 Kawak (Sept. 4th) – inspirational “storm of compassion”, on the 11th Gregorian anniversary of the Christchurch, NZ earthquake. This is a kind of “mirror-image” energy to what was in place when Hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans in 2005, and now the level of destruction from Hurricane Ida, tragically, looks almost identical.
It has been three cycles since the WHO declared the Ebola epidemic to be an international emergency, and two cycles precisely since the global number of Covid-19 cases passed the one million mark, with the global death toll over 50,000. By the time this 11 Kawak energy returns this time it is likely that the global number of cases will be close to 220 million, with the death toll over 4.5 million. At the current rate, the number of cases in the US is likely to be 39-40 million, with the death toll in the US likely surpassing 650,000.
12 Ajaw (Sept. 5th) – a “gathering together” force aligned with the full sun and “enlightenment”, a day that often sheds light on human conditions, coinciding at this time with the UN’s International Day of Charity, the closing of the Tokyo Paralympics, and the Catholic feast day devoted to Mother Theresa who was canonized in 2016.
It has now been two cycles since the head of the IMF called the coronavirus epidemic “humanity’s darkest hour” as we witnessed the world economy grinding almost to a standstill. On that day, in April of last year, nearly 1100 people died from the coronavirus in a single day in the US, the highest 24-hr. period anywhere in the world at that time. Unfortunately those kinds of numbers have been reappearing as the US registered 1,134 Covid-19 deaths on Aug. 24th, just before this trecena came into place. By the time 12 Ajaw returned last December there were over 18 million registered cases in the US – and now that number has more than doubled.
13 Imix (Sept. 6th) – “transformational birth”, another force that can be highly intense, coinciding at this time with Labour Day in Canada and the US, and the last day of of Ghost month in China. This evening, coinciding with the New Moon, marks the start of Rosh Hashanah (meaning “head of the year”), thought to be the anniversary of the creation of Adam and Eve, and the beginning of the Jewish New Year. Also known as the Feast of Trumpets, this is a Jewish High Holy period that runs from the evening of Sept. 6th to the evening of Sept. 8th
[Please note that the brief descriptions of the days provided above are only “thumbnail sketches”. Much greater detail can be found in Manual for the Soul: A Guide to the Energies of Life.]