Maya Count Of Days Horoscope

Maya Calendar Energies At Work In The World

Monthly Archives: December 2013

A jaguar walking though the snow may be a perfect metaphor for this Ix trecena at this time, as so many people in a great many places are still dealing with the challenges foisted upon them by the snow and ice storms of mid December. Governing the thirteen days of this time span, this jaguar-oriented energy was seen traditionally as Read the full article…

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Once again we have seen a trecena unfold in exact harmony with the Tzolk’in energies. During this past trecena, oriented around Leaderhip and Renewal, we saw the celebration of an extraordinary life as that life was honoured by its nation, attended by over 100 of the world most prominent leaders and dignitaries. On the last day of the trecena, and Read the full article…

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Today, as the world watched the funeral of Nelson Mandela, a news flash announced the death of a legend. It was a double whammy on this 12 Kawak day, as the final farewell for Mandela was held in his childhood village, and marked with aspects of tribal tradition. And to hear of the death of one of our planet’s most Read the full article…

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The “Activation of Love” – that is the simplest way to translate the 3 Ok energy under which Nelson Mandela came into this world. This is the energy that he carried, the energy that he lived by. Known as a “Burner Day” in Classical Maya daykeeping, 3 Ok is a force that carries a great deal of “fire”, a great Read the full article…


It was a sight to behold – that gorgeous teal-glinting comet with the long streaming tail – and it kept everyone guessing for several days as it rocketed towards the sun, disappeared, and then re-emerged like a phoenix, only to seemingly dissipate like a ghost of itself after its dramatic rendezvous. Originally dubbed the Comet-of-the-Century, the 4.5 billion year old Read the full article…

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