Jun 2016
The K’an trecena: June 27-July 9, 2016
Posted by Trecena Horoscopes, World Events, World Festivals
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The impassioned pleas for greater gun control in the U.S., the Brexit vote in the U.K. to break away from the E.U., the movement towards independence in Scotland as a result of the vote, the announcement of the impending resignation of PM David Cameron, the instability of the stock market and the overall uncertainty as to how this vote will affect various international partnerships – these and many other “threads” from the last trecena have set the stage for this K’an trecena.
![Young Corn plants, representative of K'an. Photo Credit: Tim McCabe / Photo courtesy of USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service., via Wikimedia Commons](http://whitepuppress.ca/mayahoroscope/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/Young-Corn-plants--e1467080559126.jpg)
Young Corn plants, representative of K’an. Photo Credit: Tim McCabe / Photo courtesy of USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service., via Wikimedia Commons
Aligned with the general idea of Germination, this time frame often provides the groundwork for yet another evolutionary push. With the metaphor for this period being the creative young corn god who brings forth the bounties of the earth, this is an energetic sequence that holds much potential. And in that vein it is also a period during which a number of David Bowie related events are scheduled to take place.
Still part of the traditional creation sequence that began 13 days ago, this K’an initiated time period tends to encompass some vigorous energies associated with the inception of new ideas or the forging of new directions. Suggestive of “anything is possible”, this is a period that can often become a time of “testing”, as new possibilities begin to take shape and the process of nurturing new endeavors begins. A metaphor would be a new plant just beginning to sprout. It needs light and air and nutrients, and room to grow. It holds within itself the potential to become strong and robust, but at this stage it still requires vigilant care and protection.
As the patron energy associated with this time frame was seen as a blindfolded sacrificial deity who is sometimes accompanied by another god associated with fate, there is a sense of unpredictability during this time, which can bring surprises.
Symbol of Brexit, the UK movement to withdraw from the EU. Photo Credit: Rlevente [CC BY-SA 4.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0)], via Wikimedia Commons
The first few days of this K’an trecena are an extension of the creation sequence that began on One Chuwen (on June 14th). Based on past events that have taken place on One K’an, there is the suggestion that during this time a number of influential energies that are embryonic to major world developments can come into play. This idea of attempting to “germinate” or set the foundations for new ideas can be seen in many key past events that have taken place during this trecena, as when Martin Luther King Jr. delivered his prophetic speech about being a “drum major for peace” in 1968.
As the trecena opens the first events associated with the North American Leaders’ Summit, aka the Three Amigos summit, are underway as Justin Trudeau hosts a dinner for Mexico’s president. On the third day (3 Kimi) the leaders of Canada, the U.S., and Mexico meet to discuss issues of mutual importance, including climate change and trade.
Significant developments in the past that have taken place during this trecena include the declaration of Napoléon Bonaparte as Emperor of France (in 1804) and Hitler’s assumption of dictatorial powers (in 1933). In 1978 it was this trecena that brought Cardinal Karol Wojtyla’s election as Pope John Paul II, and in 1985 this trecena saw Mikhail Gorbachev’s election as Secretary General of the Soviet Communist Party. On the first day of this trecena in 2008, Barack Obama gave his historic acceptance speech at Mile High Stadium as the Democratic candidate for the U.S. presidency. And it was this trecena, on its last appearance, that brought a stunning victory for Justin Trudeau and the Liberal party during the Canadian elections.
![President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama welcome Prime Minister Trudeau and Mrs. Grégoire-Trudeau to the White House. (Official White House Photo by Pete Souza) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons. In the past this trecena has brought stunning victories for both of these leaders.](http://whitepuppress.ca/mayahoroscope/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/Barack-Obama-and-Justin-Trudeau-.jpg)
President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama welcome Prime Minister Trudeau and Mrs. Grégoire-Trudeau to the White House. (Official White House Photo by Pete Souza) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons. In the past this trecena has brought stunning victories for both of these leaders.
During this time there is often an emphasis on working with “the unseen” or the unknown, as when the great seer Nostradamus predicted his own departure 450 years ago and then died the following day. Because of this aspect there is always a strong need for prudence and alertness during this period, as the implications of both thought and action could be very, very profound. This is a good time to put intuition into action. So as we connect once again with the K’an trecena energy sequence, again we will be germinating (or “planting the seeds”) for what is to follow. It is a time when some sacrifices may be required to make room for growth and new life – which might take the form of an abandonment of old ideas in favour of something new and fresh. These are the energies that will come into play:
1 K’an (June 27th) – an “initiating” energy associated with germination (or even the creation of new abundance), at a time when Justin Trudeau is hosting a dinner for Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto. The 30th anniversary of the release of Labyrinth in the U.S., the movie in which David Bowie appeared as the Jareth, the enchanting Goblin King.
2 Chikchan (June 28th) – “dynamic lifeforce”, with preparations going on for the Three Amigos Summit, as most of the streets in Ottawa’s downtown core will be shut down the following day
3 Kimi (June 29th) – the “activation of absolute foundations”, this time coinciding with the North American Leaders’ (the Three Amigos) Summit, the first to be held in Canada in nearly a decade, at which time President Obama will address a joint session of Parliament
4 Manik’ (June 30th) – a “defining” energy associated with reciprocity and the energy of deer – a kind of harmonizing energy connected with the natural world; in combination with the solar energy of the number four this is a “double sun” type of force, in place at the time when the Canadian Red Cross is calling for people to Donate One Day’s wages to help the people of Fort McMurray
![Canada Day - RCMP Musical Ride. Photo Credit: Nikki [CC BY-SA 2.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0)], via Wikimedia Commons](http://whitepuppress.ca/mayahoroscope/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/Canada-Day-Musical-Ride-e1467079938867-261x300.jpg)
Canada Day – RCMP Musical Ride. Photo Credit: Nikki [CC BY-SA 2.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0)], via Wikimedia Commons
6 Muluk (July 2nd) – the energy of the six directions in conjunction with the purifying or shape-shifting energy of water, the day of the second Juntémonos Con Bowie tribute concert for David Bowie in Spain
![Float in the Toronto Pride Parade 2014. This year this event occurs during this K'an trecena. Photo Credit: Randolph Croft [CC BY 2.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0)], via Wikimedia Commons](http://whitepuppress.ca/mayahoroscope/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/WorldPride-2014-in-Toronto.jpg)
Float in the Toronto Pride Parade 2014. This year this event occurs during this K’an trecena. Photo Credit: Randolph Croft [CC BY 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons
8 Chuwen, aka 8 Batz’ (July 4th) a highly auspicious day for the Maya, as this is the time when Quiché Maya daykeepers celebrate the renewal of their sacred calendar traditions and initiate new daykeepers. This time this very special day coincides with the New Moon, the end of Ramadan, and the 240th anniversary of U.S. Independence. This is the day when NASA’s Juno spacecraft (launched in 2011) is due to go into orbit around Jupiter, on a Maya calendar anniversary of the release of David Bowie’s Space Oddity (the Gregorian date at the time of that release in 1969 was July 11th)
![Juno's interplanetary trajectory. By NASA/JPL [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons. Juno is scheduled to go into orbit around Jupiter on 8 Chuwen (July 4th).](http://whitepuppress.ca/mayahoroscope/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/Junos-interplanetary-trajectory-e1467086716603.jpg)
Juno’s interplanetary trajectory. By NASA/JPL [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.
Juno is scheduled to go into orbit around Jupiter on 8 Chuwen (July 4th).
10 B’en (July 6th ) – “foundational personal authority”; symbolic of the full authority of maize, this is the strong “pillar” energy representative of strength, inner power, and self determination; the Maya birth energy of Nostradamus, the 16th century seer whose predictions helped to fuel speculations about the “end times”
11 Ix (July 7th) – “inspirational magic” in conjunction with the jaguar and the mysteries of the earth this time in conjunction with the Tanabata Star Festival in Japan and Ringo Starr’s 76th birthday
12 Men (July 8th) – a “gathering together” type of energy associated with the high vision of the Eagle, this time in conjunction with the opening day for the Calgary stampede, and the opening of the NATO Summit in Warsaw.
13 Kib’ (July 9th) – a transformation-oriented energy aligned with the ability to “fly high”, survey, and ultimately restore order, this time coinciding with the conjunction of Jupiter (and Juno) and the Moon and the last day of the Maya month known as Sek, which could make this day particularly intense at this time. NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory was launched under this influence in 2010, and at this current time the Soyuz MS-01 spacecraft carrying three astronauts is scheduled to arrive at the ISS. This is also the last day of the NATO Summit in Warsaw.
[Please note that the brief descriptions of the days provided above are only “thumbnail sketches”. Much greater detail can be found in Manual for the Soul: A Guide to the Energies of Life.]