May 2016
The Eb’ Trecena: May 6-18, 2016
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Among the many aspects of the Maya Calendar energy known as Eb’, the one pertaining to the “Road” or “Pathway” seems particularly applicable at this time, as the challenging situation in northern Alberta is forcing thousands of vehicles to take to the road in a terrifying scramble to escape the massive fire that has consumed much of the city of Fort McMurray. For a great many of those people the treacherous bumper-to-bumper road south of that city is all they have at the moment as they search for places to rest, regroup, and begin the perplexing task of finding pathways back to stability. The city of Edmonton, in particular, is gearing up to play a major role in this regard.
![Slave Lake in 2011, 40% of which was destroyed by fire during this trecena in 2011. Photo Credit: Mrsramsey (Own work) [CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons]](
Slave Lake in 2011, 40% of which was destroyed by fire during this trecena in 2011. Photo Credit: Mrsramsey (Own work) [CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons]
On the positive side Eb’ is an energy that is affilated with renewed vitality and fertility, as well as healing, with this Eb’ time frame traditionally welcomed through feasting, dancing, and celebration. And as the fight to quench this raging inferno continues at a frantic pace that vitality can be seen in the assistance that is pouring in from all directions, both to corral and extinguish the fire and to offer aid on many levels for those who have lost their homes and livelihoods.
![Edinburgh labyrinth. George Square Gardens, Edinburgh. Photo Credit: Di Williams [CC-BY-SA-3.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons. The second day of this trecena is World Labyrinth Day.](
Edinburgh labyrinth. George Square Gardens, Edinburgh. Photo Credit: Di Williams [CC-BY-SA-3.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons. The second day of this trecena is World Labyrinth Day.
In the past the forces in play during this energy frame have brought forth many new ideas, new visions of possibilities, and new opportunities. With Eb’ also being representative of the “dew of life” there is often a “refreshment” aspect to this time sequence, a kind of “go with the flow” type of force that can bring forth new initiatives or open new pathways.
This can be seen in the lives of many leaders who have been born during this trecena, such Queen Elizabeth I, who turned her country into major political and economic power during the 16th century, and John F. Kennedy, who infused new vitality into the presidency of the United States. Kennedy was born on a 4 Men Burner Day, associated with “running with the fire” – taking a high powered energy and “running with it”. And this time that force coincides with a rare 7.5 hr. transit of Mercury across the face of the sun, the first one since 2006. Many (hopefully shielded) eyes will be watching the sun on this Solar Eagle day, traditionally associated with “high vision”. That day also marks the beginning of International Astronomy Week.
![Mercury near the solar rim on its transit in 2004. During this current Eb' trecena the Mercury transit takes place on 4 Men (a "Solar Eagle" day). Photo Credit: ESO [CC BY-SA 3.0], via Wikimedia Commons](
Mercury near the solar rim on its transit in 2004. During this current Eb’ trecena the Mercury transit takes place on 4 Men (a “Solar Eagle” day). Photo Credit: ESO [CC BY-SA 3.0], via Wikimedia Commons
As has so often happened, the energies towards the end of this time frame have had a tendency recently to get a little “heady”, as happened on 10 Imix-11 Ik’ last summer when southwestern British Columbia was hit by the worst storm in decades. Hundreds of trees were toppled and over 700,000 people were left without power (some for several days). This was the same energy that was in place on Jan. 1, 2000 when millions of people celebrated the coming new millennium.
In 2004 it was 12 Ak’b’al, the day after 11 Ik’, that triggered the 9.1 earthquake that ripped apart the ocean floor off the coast of Sumatra and sent a humungous wall of water crashing into 14 countries in Southeast Asia, killing over 230,000 people and washing away entire villages.
Hopefully at this time this trecena will be the kind that brings relief, and not more trauma, so that those who need to regroup will be provided with the assistance that is needed. Over this thirteen-day period these are the energies that will unfold:
1 Eb’ (May 6th) – the “initiation” of “animating vitality”, the refreshing stream-of-consciousness, “find your own path” type of force that influences this 13-day time frame, this time in conjunction with the New Moon
2 B’en (May 7th) – a dynamic type of energy aligned with the “generation” of personal authority, as was in place at the birth of Queen Elizabeth I in 1533. At this time it correlates with the 8th World Labyrinth Day
3 Ix (May 8th) – the “activation” of mystery and magic, as was in place two cycles ago when NASA’s Orion deep-space capsule made its first test flight – a big step in its preparation for the journey to Mars. At this time this day of magic will coincide with Mother’s Day and the 71st anniversary of VE Day in Europe.
4 Men (May 9th) – a “defining” energy related to the “high vision” of the Eagle; a double solar Burner Day associated with “running with the fire”, an energy that can sometimes bring a great deal of “firepower”, this time in conjunction with the beginning of International Astronomy Week. On this day Mercury makes a rare transit across the face of the sun. Opening day of the 15th Session of the UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues. Victory Day celebrations in Russia, commemorating the 71st anniversary of Russia’s defeat of Germany in 1945.
5 Kib’ (May 10th) – a “blessing” or “precision” type of energy associated with the “Vulture’s” high-flying ability to survey and its ability to “clean things up”, this time in conjunction with Census Day Canada
6 Kab’an (May 11th) – a “movement (or earth movement)” type of energy combined with the “all directions” force of the number six, as when Russia held its first democratic elections in 1991
7 Etz’nab’ (May 12th) –“self-generating flint” – an energy that sparked major solar flares in 2005; also representative of the “knife-edge” of discrimination as was in place on the Global Day of Action in 2007 that involved anti-war demonstrations in cities across the U.S. and in many other countries. Three cycles ago 53 international delegates met in the Hague to discuss the reduction and security of nuclear supplies (particularly against terrorism) under this influence.
8 Kawak (May 13th) – “resurrecting storm”, sometimes associated with strong weather and other upheavals, as when Austria-Hungary declared war against Serbia under this influence in 1914, triggering the beginning of World War I.
9 Ajaw (May 14th) – an “outwardly projecting”, double-fire type of force associated with the full sun, as manifested in the eruption of the Grimsvötn volcano in Iceland in 2011. This is also the fifth anniversary of the start of the huge fire that destroyed 40% of the town of Slave Lake in 2011. This time this energy coincides with Astronomy Day on the last day of International Astronomy Week, and World Fair Trade day, with its current theme: “Be an Agent for Change”.
10 Imix (May 15th) – a “source” based energy aligned with birth, at the time of a conjunction between the Moon and Jupiter, and the “Imperial” Aoi Matsuri (Aoi Festival) in Kyoto, Japan. Maya calendar anniversary of the death just over 400 years ago of the renowned Miguel de Cervantes (father of the modern novel), the creator of Don Quixote, one of the world’s great literary masterpieces.

Bronze statues of Don Quixote and Sancho Panza by sculptor Lorenzo Coullaut Valera as a Monument to Cervantes in Madrid. Photo Credit: Luis García [CC BY-SA 2.5], via Wikimedia Commons
12 Ak’b’al (May 17th) a “grouping together” type of energy associated with darkness, as was in place at the time of the 2004 Sumatra tsunami and again in 2011 when the ash cloud from the Grimsvötn volcano grounded about 500 flights in the U.K. This time this energy coincides with The International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia, and Biphobia, and the Oregon primary in the U.S.
13 K’an (May 18th) – transformational “generative vitality”; a powerfully exuberant force that can instigate a great deal of action on many fronts, as in 1992 when a massive fire broke out at Windsor Castle, damaging or destroying over 100 rooms and many priceless treasures, and in October of 2012 when Hurricane Sandy churned off the coast of Florida en route to the New York/New Jersey coast.
[Please note that the brief descriptions of the days provided above are only “thumbnail sketches”. Much greater detail can be found in Manual for the Soul: A Guide to the Energies of Life.]