Jun 2018
The Eb’ trecena: June 25-July 7th, 2018
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“I really care”, the slogan that began appearing on apparel in the U.S. over the past couple of days, is vividly representative of the backlash triggered in that country a few days ago when the First Lady wore a provoking “I really don’t care” jacket when she went to visit an internment camp for immigrant children in Texas. This “I really DO care” kind of retort is typical of what can be generated when highly controversial issues arise, as could be seen during this past “Storm” oriented trecena.

One of the detention camps for immigrants in Texas, June 17, 2018, in the middle of the family separation crisis. Public domain via Wikimedia Commons.
As so often happens, the issues that are often churned up during that catalyzation-oriented time frame are often hard to comprehend, and frequently heart-wrenching, often with profound implications. The realization of such issues can often foment significant counter measures as people begin working on solutions. And that is where we are now, as this Eb’ trecena gets underway. And – fortunately – the Eb’ trecena is strongly oriented around finding pathways that will open up new possibilities, ultimately towards healing.
Looking back to two cycles ago (to Jan. 2017) this process of “realization (of issues) followed by action” could be seen at that time when massive numbers of people began banding together to make known their objections to the results of the 2016 U.S. election and the subsequent inauguration. Indeed it was One Eb’, the very first day of this trecena, that brought forth the historic Women’s March on Washington D.C. where some 500,000 women and their allies rallied to protest the Trump presidency and stand in solidarity in support of equal rights and humanitarian principles. As that was happening over 670 “anti-Trump” sister marches took place in other U.S. cities and around the world, with some five million people participating.

On the first day of the Eb’ trecena in January 2017 nearly 100,000 people gathered in St, Paul, in solidarity with the Women’s March in Washington D.C., to protest against Trump’s election rhetoric and proposed policies. Photo Credit: Fobonacci Blue, CC-by-2.0 via WIkimedia Commons.
It was seen as the largest single-day protest in the U.S. and one of the largest worldwide human rights demonstrations in history. This worldwide event became the inspiration for a whole new era of resistance not only against the current presidency and its agenda but also against other human rights issues.
Indeed, thoughout the Eb’ trecena at that time many different protests took place, involving actions such as resisting and rejecting Trump’s climate change denial, protesting his rejection of Obamacare, and pushing back against his travel bans.
One cycle ago (last October) further actions were taken during this trecena against other issues that had developed just beforehand, included the lack of White House support for the disaster in Puerto Rico after that intense hurricane, actions such as the Me Too Movement against sexual harrassment, and actions such as the blockage against the third travel ban imposed by the White House.
As we have seen before, this is often a time frame where people say “enough is enough” and start to find ways to address specific problems. With the first day being an initiating energy associated with opening up a new “road” or a new flow of energy, this often ushers in a new sense of hope or inspiration. Generally speaking Eb’ is a healing and “refreshment” type of energy, the type of force that represents new life springing forth just when it may have seemed like all was lost.

Grasses (the ability to revitalize and bend with the wind) and pathways (opening up to new possibilities) are both symbolic of the Eb’ trecena.
Traditionally this has been accompanied by celebration and feasting, making it a “heady” kind of time often aligned with both expectation and abundance. And as we have seen over the past couple of years, this can be a turning point for many as people band together to make their feelings known and their voices heard.
As this is a trecena that often has been associated with strong generative powers, the kind of powers that can forge new pathways and open up new possibilities we will be seeing some highly focused action around many important issues at this time. The UN’s Human Rights Council will be meeting throughout this trecena as it continues to address human rights violations around the world, even though the U.S. pulled out of that organization a few days ago, on the same day as NATO chief Jens Stoltenberg warned that the deep division between the U.S. under the Trump administration and its European allies (over such things as the Paris climate change agreement, the Iran nuclear deal, trade, and approaches to immigration) could cause a breakdown in western unity. This U.S. pullout came just days before the U.N.’s extreme poverty official presented his report on how the current U.S. administration is failing to tackle poverty across that country. Nevertheless, with so many in need, and so many people around the world seeking asylum from tyranny, this U.N. organization remains committed to finding solutions.
And with the current outcry against the diabolical separation of immigrant children from their parents at Mexican-U.S. border crossings, people with heart and conscience throughout the U.S. are now galvanizing their protests against this practice and working together to find ways to reunite families. As the U.S. government has no system in place for helping parents to find their children, or even for keeping track of what is going on, a fundraising campaign begun in San Francisco a few days ago has raised more than $17,000,000 in donations to support the Refugee and Immigrant Center (RAICES), with the goal of reuniting families and providing legal assistance to help with their predicament.
The outcry against the callousness of the government in this regard will be loud and clear during the massive nationwide “Families Belong Together” protest against Trump’s family separation policy that is scheduled for June 30th. Indeed the need for such a protest is paramount since Trump has shown such distain for the Constitution and its laws that, as recently as the eve of this current trecena, he had the gall to suggest that undocumented immigrants should be immediately deported without judicial process.
Clearly the Eb’ trecena has its work cut out for it. And while this is an energy frame that can be unpredictable at times, with the traditional patrons of this trecena sometimes warning of discord that can be brought about through “excess”, it still can offer hope and holds the potential to bring forth a sense of renewed vitality. As this is an energy traditionally aligned with healing and revitalization it is possible that we may see many new initiatives being taken towards the righting of severe wrongs, the raising of awareness, and the resisting, repelling and banishing of the darkness that seems so pervasive these days. Over this thirteen-day period these are the energies that will assist with that process:
1 Eb’ (June 25th) – the “initiation” of “animating vitality”, the refreshing stream-of-consciousness, “find your own path” type of force that influences this 13-day time frame; two cycles since the massive Women’s March in Washington D.C. and in hundreds of other cities in the U.S. and around the world.
2 B’en (June 26th) – a dynamic type of energy aligned with the “generation” of personal authority, this time in conjunction with the observance of Kuan Kung’s birthday in Taiwan. Aka Guan Gong, he was a kind of benefic warlord known as a great and righteous protector, able to deflect all negative energy. Maya birth energy of Queen Elizabeth I in 1533.
3 Ix (June 27th) –the “activation” of transformation, this time coinciding with the Full Strawberry Moon (or Rose Moon) on a special day for Saturn as it goes into opposition with the Sun, with planet Earth between them. At this time Saturn is quite visible, at its closest point to Earth; there is also a conjunction of Saturn and the Moon. This is also Canadian Multiculturalism Day.
One cycle since the U.S. National Day of Climate Action during which students from over 50 universities participated in nationwide demonstrations to demand that their institutions resist and reject Trump’s climate change denial by divesting from the fossil fuel industry and reinvesting in solutions to the climate crisis.
4 Men (June 28th)– a “defining” energy related to the “high vision” of the Eagle; a double solar “Burner Day” associated with “running with the fire”, an energy that can sometimes bring a great deal of “firepower”, on the 180th anniversary of the coronation of Queen Victoria and the final day of the Global Conference on Global Warming, in Izmir, Turkey.
5 Kib’ (June 29th) – a “blessing” or “precision” type of energy associated with the “Vulture’s” high-flying ability to survey and its ability to “clean things up”. Pablo Picasso’s Maya birth energy. (Monetary “blessings” seem to follow him even after his demise as just last month his “Women of Algiers” painting sold for a new auction record of $179.4 million US.)
6 Kab’an (June 30th) – a “movement (or earth movement)” type of energy combined with the “all directions” force of the number six, coinciding at this time with a U.S. nationwide “Families Belong Together” protest against Trump’s family separation policy. This is also Armed Forces Day in the UK, World Naked Bike Ride day, and Asteroid Day at the time of a conjunction of the Moon and Mars. Global Giving was founded under this energy influence in 2002.
7 Etz’nab’ (July 1st) –“self-generating flint”, coinciding at this time with Canada Day (Canada’s 151st birthday) and with Mexico’s general (and presidential) election, which could be a game changer.

Canada Day on Parliament Hill, Ottawa
A “knife-edge” type of energy associated with the power of discrimination, this is the force that sparked major solar flares in 2005. Two years later this energy was in place on the Global Day of Action that involved anti-war demonstrations in cities across the U.S. and in many other countries. Six cycles ago under this influence 53 international delegates met in the Hague to discuss the reduction and security of nuclear supplies (particularly against terrorism).
This seems to be a particularly potent mid-trecena marker point as three cycles ago this energy brought an impeachment vote against the president of Brazil, and then, along these same lines, on the last appearance of this energy (last October) publisher Larry Flynt placed an ad offering $10 million for information leading to the impeachment of Trump. It was two cycles ago precisely under this influence when Trump’s travel ban against seven Muslim nations started a backlash across the U.S. that has included lawsuits and protests around the world, at the same time as George Papadopoulos lied to the FBI about his contacts with Russian officials, a key event in the overall Russia scandal.
8 Kawak (July 2nd) – “resurrecting storm”, sometimes associated with strong weather and other upheavals. Two Calendar Rounds precisely since the declaration of war by Austria-Hungary against Serbia following the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand, triggering the beginning of World War I. So this is the return of the exact 8 Kawak 12 Sek energy that was in place at that time.
9 Ajaw (July 3rd) – an “outwardly projecting”, double-fire type of force associated with the full sun, correlating at this time with many street parties on the eve of Independence Day in the U.S. One cycle since the Me Too Movement flooded the internet with testimonies about sexual assault and harassment, just after Harvey Weinstein was kicked out of the Motion Picture Academy.
10 Imix (July 4th) – a “source” based energy aligned with birth, coinciding at this time with Independence Day in the U.S., on the 71st anniversary of the day when a UFO fell to the earth in New Mexico in 1947

Independence Day fireworks from several years ago in the U.S., at a time when there was something to celebrate. Photo credit: Jim from Clemson [CC BY 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons
12 Ak’b’al (July 6th) a “grouping together” type of energy associated with darkness, as was in place at the time of the 2004 Sumatra tsunami and again in 2011 when the ash cloud from the Grimsvötn volcano grounded about 500 flights in the U.K.. Currently this energy coincides with the final day of the UN’s 38th session of its Human Rights Council, and the opening of the Calgary Stampede, which will celebrate the 50th anniversary of its Grandstand Show this year.
13 K’an (July 7th) – transformational “generative vitality”; a powerfully exuberant force that can instigate a great deal of action on many fronts, as in 1992 when a massive fire broke out at Windsor Castle, damaging or destroying over 100 rooms and many priceless treasures, and in October of 2012 when Hurricane Sandy churned off the coast of Florida en route to the New York/New Jersey coast. Currently this energy coincides with World Chocolate Day; with the Pride in London festival; with Ringo Starr’s 78th birthday; with Tanabata (Japan’s Star Festival); and with the opening of Vancouver’s Carnaval del Sol, the largest Latin Carnaval in the Pacific Northwest.
[Please note that the brief descriptions of the days provided above are only “thumbnail sketches”. Much greater detail can be found in Manual for the Soul: A Guide to the Energies of Life.]