Jan 2017
The Eb’ trecena: Jan. 21 – Feb. 2, 2017
Posted by Trecena Horoscopes, World Events, World Festivals, World leaders
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After the intensity of the last trecena with its severe ice storms, blizzards, rainstorms, earthquakes (Italy), and political storms that brought the conclusion of one era and the opening of another – an era in which the world at large has to deal with the issue of a “Divided States of America” – the question looms: What now?
![A twisted road - a metaphor for the path ahead? Photo credit: Mikael Miettinen [CC BY 2.0] via Wikimedia Commons](http://whitepuppress.ca/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/Twisted-road.jpg)
A twisted road – a metaphor for the path ahead? Photo credit: Mikael Miettinen [CC BY 2.0] via Wikimedia Commons
As it happened, the beginning of this trecena in May of last year brought protest demonstrations across the U.S. after a grand jury declined to bring charges against a police officer who shot an unarmed black man, the father of six. And at the present time a massive Women’s March will take place in Washington and in more than 670 “sister marches” in other U.S. cities as well as in some 300 cities around the world, as millions join in solidarity to send a strong message of resistance to the new government. This march is seen as the first step towards defending human rights, unifying communities, and “creating change from the grassroot level up” – very much in keeping with the nature of Eb’ whereby something that looks like it is “dry and dead” suddenly becomes revitalized and springs to life. Significant to this movement are the artists – “the gatekeepers of truth”, as noted in the Artists’ Table faction of this march.

Shepard Fairey’s “We the Resilient have been here before” poster, one of several produced for The Amplifier Foundation’s “We the People” campaign.
Two days after this, to mark the first 100 hours after inauguration, a National Day of Action to #ResistRejectDenial will take place in the U.S., in conjunction with a National Day of Climate Action. At this time young people from over 50 universities will make a strong statement about their intent to resist and reject Trump’s climate denial by demanding that their institutions divest from the fossil fuel industry and reinvest in solutions to the climate crisis.
It is heartening to see the passion and strength of conviction of young people coming forward at this time, as exemplified by 16 year old Xiuhtezcatl, a Mexica (Aztec) climate activist who was raised in the Mexica tradition. His connection to the earth and his commitment to climate recovery can be seen in the work he has already done, at such a young age, through such avenues as TED talks, and his address to 193 members assembled at the General Assembly of the UN in 2015. As this trecena has often been associated with strong generative powers, it would seem as these are the kinds of actions that will forge the new pathways – the pathways of resistance and restructuring that will come from the “strength of conviction of youth”. This is where we can find inspiration during these times; this is where hope for the future can be found.

Shepard Fairey’s “We the People Protect each other” poster, one of several produced for The Amplifier Foundation’s “We the People” campaign.
So that sense of new vitality will definitely be making itself known at this time, and many new ideas and visions of new possibilities will spring forth from the enormous commitment of millions who will not allow darkness to prevail.
While the traditional patrons of this trecena sometimes warned of discord that can be brought about through “excess” at this time, that discord could very possibly swirl primarily around Washington as those “new to power” try to push forward their dark agendas. Environmental issues associated with such things as House Republicans potentially approving plans to privatize federal lands are of significant concern. But with so many watching and so many rebelling against what they see as “illegitimate” and even “stolen” power (based on the reports of Russian interference with the election) it is doubtful that such agendas will hold for very long.
This is a time frame that can often be quite unpredictable in nature. Surprises are not unusual at this time, as happened on the first day of this trecena exactly four cycles ago when a fireball shot through the early morning sky over Eastern and Atlantic Canada. It was described as a “great big orange ball . . . like the sun dropping out of the sky”. Several intense solar flares were also recorded at that time. Looking back on that, it almost seems like that was an omen as, for many, it now seems that the same thing has just repeated itself – another terrifying “great big orange ball”. But, as seen at that time, it was a bright intense flash, and then was gone! Who knows – perhaps the same thing will happen again?
![2017 is the Chinese Year of the Fire Rooster. Photo Credit: Shizhao [CC-by-3.0] via WIkimedia Commons](http://whitepuppress.ca/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/Year-of-the-Rooster-2017.jpg)
2017 is the Chinese Year of the Fire Rooster. Photo Credit: Shizhao [CC-by-3.0] via Wikimedia Commons
So here we have a highly go-with-the-flow type of energy frame, a time period that will see hordes of people rallying and regrouping for the battle ahead. Fortunately the “enemy” (ie. the darkness) has starkly revealed itself over the past few months so that the ugliness can be seen, and once seen it can be more easily eradicated. As Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. so vividly pointed out: “Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.” As this is a time frame that also has been traditionally aligned with healing and revitalization we will likely see a great deal of effort and creativity being channelled during this period towards raising awareness and finding more and more ways to resist and repel that darkness. Healing comes through action and the “We the People” action that will bring about that healing is getting stronger and stronger. Over this thirteen-day period these are the energies that can help in the strengthening of that process:
1 Eb’ (Jan. 21st) – the “initiation” of “animating vitality”, the refreshing stream-of-consciousness, “find your own path” type of force that influences this 13-day time frame, this time in conjunction with the massive Women’s March in Washington D.C., and in hundreds of other cities in the U.S. and around the world. This is also National Hugging Day in the U.S., which is a bonus for those who could use some extra comfort as the forces of resistance amass to combat and repel the darkness associated with the new regime in the White House.
![CAricature of Julian Assange with "Wikileaks" info. Photo Credit: valeriy osipov (Flickr: wikileaks case) [CC BY 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons](http://whitepuppress.ca/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/Caricature-of-Julian-Assange-with-case.jpg)
Caricature of Julian Assange with “Wikileaks” info. Photo Credit: valeriy osipov (Flickr: wikileaks case) [CC BY 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons
3 Ix (Jan. 23rd) – the “activation” of transformation, this time coinciding with a National Day of Action to #ResistRejectDenial and a National Day of Climate Action in the U.S. during which students from over 50 universities will participate in nationwide demonstrations to demand that their institutions resist and reject Trump’s climate denial by divesting from the fossil fuel industry and reinvesting in solutions to the climate crisis.
4 Men (Jan. 24th)– a “defining” energy related to the “high vision” of the Eagle; a double solar “Burner Day” associated with “running with the fire”, an energy that can sometimes bring a great deal of “firepower”
5 Kib’ (Jan. 25th) – a “blessing” or “precision” type of energy associated with the “Vulture’s” high-flying ability to survey and its ability to “clean things up”, this time in conjunction with Robbie Burns’ Day, on the sixth anniversary of the start of the Egyptian Revolution. Significantly this is also the third Calendar Round (“New Fire“) anniversary of the 5 Kib’ 19 Muwan day in 1861 when Abraham Lincoln assumed office as president.
6 Kab’an (Jan. 26th) – a “movement (or earth movement)” type of energy combined with the “all directions” force of the number six, this time in conjunction with the largest human “migration” on earth as hundreds of millions of Chinese citizens travel to join families to celebrate Chinese New Year on Jan. 28th
7 Etz’nab’ (Jan. 27th) –“self-generating flint” – an energy that sparked major solar flares in 2005; also representative of the “knife-edge” of discrimination as was in place on the Global Day of Action in 2007 that involved anti-war demonstrations in cities across the U.S. and in many other countries. Four cycles ago 53 international delegates met in the Hague to discuss the reduction and security of nuclear supplies (particularly against terrorism) under this influence. Currently this is the New Fire anniversary of the day when a U.S. Marine Corps air defense missile battalion was first deployed (in 1965) to South Vietnam . It is also the UN’s International Day of Commemoration in Memory of the Victims of the Holocaust at the same time as the opening of Quebec’s Winter Carnival
8 Kawak (Jan. 28th) – “resurrecting storm”, sometimes associated with strong weather and other upheavals, as when Austria-Hungary declared war against Serbia under this influence in 1914, triggering the beginning of World War I. Sixth anniversary of the historic “Day of Rage” in Cairo and many other cities in Egypt, at the time of an intense “meltdown” and nationwide revolt as tens of thousands of anti-government protestors took to the streets. At this time this 8 Kawak energy coincides with the start of Chinese New Year – the Year of the Red Fire Rooster, at the time of the New Moon.
9 Ajaw (Jan. 29th ) – an “outwardly projecting”, double-fire type of force associated with the full sun, as manifested in the eruption of the Grimsvötn volcano in Iceland in 2011. This time this coincides with the “Birthday of the Dog” in Chinese New Year celebrations, the day when dogs are given special treats.
![Chinese Kitchen God. Image by Edward Theodore Chalmers Werner (1864–1954) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.](http://whitepuppress.ca/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/Zao-Jun-The-Kitchen-God--204x300.jpg)
Chinese Kitchen God. Image by Edward Theodore Chalmers Werner (1864–1954) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.
11 Ik’ (Jan. 31st) – “inspirational” wind/breath spirit; the energy that was in place on January 1, 2000 when millions of people celebrated the coming new millennium. At this time this energy coincides with the auspicious fourth day of Chinese New Year, known as “Yang Ri”, the Day of the Goat, a symbol of luck; the day when the Kitchen God (associated with good fortune) is welcomed in. A good time to throw out rubbish and anything associated with bad luck. The final day of the Winter Festival of Lights in Niagara.
12 Ak’b’al (Feb. 1st) a “grouping together” type of energy associated with darkness, as was in place at the time of the 2004 Sumatra tsunami and again in 2011 when the ash cloud from the Grimsvötn volcano grounded about 500 flights in the U.K. This time this energy coincides with the start of Black History month and the fifth day in the Chinese New Year sequence, known as the birthday of the God of Wealth – a time to welcome wealth into one’s home.
13 K’an (Feb. 2nd) – transformational “generative vitality”; a powerfully exuberant force that can instigate a great deal of action on many fronts, as in 1992 when a massive fire broke out at Windsor Castle, damaging or destroying over 100 rooms and many priceless treasures, and in October of 2012 when Hurricane Sandy churned off the coast of Florida en route to the New York/New Jersey coast. At this current time this energy coincides with the Chinese New Year festival known as “Ma Ri”, the Day of the Horse”, the day when, traditionally, families sent away the ghost of poverty.
[Please note that the brief descriptions of the days provided above are only “thumbnail sketches”. Much greater detail can be found in Manual for the Soul: A Guide to the Energies of Life.]