Mar 2016
The Ajaw (Sun) trecena: March 15-27, 2016
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It seems that the Ajaw trecena, traditionally welcomed as a time for merriment, will have a more sombre tone this year, as so many people and situations are in either a state of flux or in outright dire straits, as in the thousands of refugees stuck in limbo on the Balkan trail, with closed borders in every direction. At the moment there are no clear answers to many monumental concerns (including the unwieldy situation in the U.S.). Nevertheless there are a number of ways in which this trecena can offer assistance, particularly through its emphasis on creativity. Indeed, even in the midst of all the angst there are several points during this time frame where creativity and the return of the sun will be specifically celebrated.
Traditionally the opening of the Ajaw trecena was observed by the Maya as a “day of flowers”. This was a seen as a very festive time when dancers, singers, song-writers, drummers, storytellers, artists, orators, feast makers, gift-givers, banner-bearers, and flower-bedecked revelers would have been fully engaged in welcoming in the auspicious and joyful One Ajaw (aka One Flower), representative of the initiation of “Full Sun” or “Full Enlightenment”. It was seen as a day to extol the virtues of creativity in all its diverse forms.
In celebration of World Poetry Day in the Ajaw trecena: Floral Poetry and the Language of Flowers (1877). Archive Book via Wikimedia Commons. Click here for the full text of this delightful book.
There is also an important connection between Venus and One Ajaw as this is one of the important Tzolk’in dates associated with the completion of a Venus Round (a 37,960 day cycle), as when Venus rose as the Morning Star on the One Ajaw Sacred Day of Venus in the spring of 2001. Thus, this day was an important “marker” day to Classic era Maya timekeepers. In the past such events as the landing of Hernán Cortés at Veracruz in 1519 (the beginning of the Spanish conquest) occurred on One Ajaw, as did the defeat of Napoléon at the Battle of Waterloo in 1815.
On this particular Tzolk’in day in 2012 (five cycles ago) Venus was near max. as the Morning Star, and in exactly the same position as it has been in the past at the time of two historic hurricanes. The following spring One Ajaw coincided with the beginning of the rise of Venus as the Evening Star – at the same time as a 408 ft. spire was being installed atop One World Trade center, bringing it to a height of 1776 feet. On that same day an annular solar eclipse that blocked out 95% of the sun could be seen from Australia. And this time it coincides with the start of the last full trecena leading up to the Maya New Year.
Major events that have occurred during the Ajaw trecena include the adoption of the U.S. constitution in 1787; Abraham Lincoln’s delivery of the Gettysburg address in 1863; the discovery of gold in the Klondike, in 1896; the opening of Sun Records, that give birth to Rock ‘n’Roll, in 1950; the putting into operation of the first computer produced for commercial use, in 1951; and the stoppage of the BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico in 2010. This spring it coincides with a huge push through many important primaries which is likely to lead to clearer choices for the nomination of U.S. presidential candidates. President Obama’s visit to Cuba will also take place within the context of this time frame, which is significant as this will be the first visit to Cuba by a sitting president in nearly nine decades.
At the present time there are several days of particular importance coming up, including One Ajaw, a marker day when many key events are scheduled to take place, Six Chikchan in alignment with Spring Equinox and a number of related events, and Nine Lamat, an “outwardly projecting” type of energy aligned with Venus. In 2013 that was the energy in place when the sun sent forth a magnificent X1.7 solar flare – a long whip-like solar filament extending half a million miles in a long arc above the sun’s surface which triggered many spectacular aurora borealis displays on Earth over the next few days. This time it will be in place at the time of the Full Moon and a Preumbral Lunar Eclipse, when Mercury is at Superior Conjunction.
On March 22nd the energy of Eight Manik’ will be in place. This is the traditional Day of the Lord Deer, a “resurrection” type of energy aligned with sacrifice and reciprocity. While this could be seen as a “doubly harmonious” type of influence, representative of a doubling of solar energy, there is yet another strong “fire”/heat aspect to this. This ties in with the mythological link to the ancestral lineage of the Quiché Maya, as this day in the Tzolk’in was seen as the day when one of the ancestral forefathers left the people a “bundle of flames” as a reminder of his continuing presence.
The final day of this trecena marks the start of the Wayeb’, the traditional “days of rest” at the end of the Classical Maya year. There appear to be mixed opinions about the nature of these five intermediary days (March 27th to 31st this year), as some saw them as days requiring special vigilance and others saw them as transitional “days of rest”. In any case these are the days leading up to the “seating” of the Classical Maya New Year, which comes in on April 1st.
Overall, this is a trecena that has brought forth many important shifts or changes in the past, often through the introduction of new ideas or through the taking of some form of positive action, perhaps triggered by all this extra input from the sun. As this current trecena unfolds, these are the energies that will come into being:
1 Ajaw (Mar. 15th) – the “initiation of Full Sun/Enlightenment”, an important Classical “marker” day, coinciding at this time with the start of the last full trecena leading up to the Maya New Year. This day marks the fifth Gregorian anniversary of the start of the Syrian Uprising, as the Syrian truce recently put into place continues to hold and work continues on Syrian peace talks. This is also the day when Russian troops begin their withdrawal from Syria. This day has also been designated as the International Day Against Police Brutality which will involve protest demonstrations in many areas.
This particular One Ajaw will likely mark a “turning point” in the U.S. election campaign as this is when five primaries will be held, including Florida, Illinois, and Ohio that represent large numbers of delegates. Many feel that the results from these primaries could bring some clarity regarding future actions because by that time more than half the delegates in the primaries will have been awarded.
2 Imix (March 16th) – a dynamic type of energy often aligned with “world-making”, coinciding with the 240th anniversary of the Seige of Boston, where Washington defeated the British. At this time Prime Minister Justin Trudeau will reiterate Canada’s support for the UN when he meets with UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon in New York.
3 Ik’ (Mar. 17th) – the “activation of Wind/Breath/Spirit”, this time in conjunction with St. Patrick’s Day
4 Ak’b’al (Mar. 18th) – a “defining” day associated with night, darkness, dreaming, and the subconscious. Donald Trump’s Maya birthday (a Prince of Darkness perhaps?)
5 K’an (Mar. 19th) – a “blessing” type of energy associated with youthful vitality and prosperity, but can also involve “recklessness”

Giovanni Domenico Tiepolo’s “The Storyteller” (Public Domain, via Wikimedia Commons), in honour of World Storytelling Day (Mar. 20 – 6 Chikchan)
6 Chikchan (Mar. 20th) – a “six directions” type of energy associated with Lifeforce and Higher Knowledge, this time coinciding with the Spring Equinox and the Great Otomi Toltec Ceremony of the 8000 Drums in Mexico. On this day live storytelling events take place worldwide in a global celebration of the art of oral storytelling (see World Storytelling Day). The day when an elaborate musical version of “The Passion” (last days of Jesus) will be staged in New Orleans and broadcast live, featuring a procession of hundreds of people carrying a 20 ft. illuminated cross from the Superdome to Woldenburg Park. Opening day of the Setouchi Spring festival in Japan, which includes an amazing Cherry Blossom Labyrinth.
This is also the day when President Obama begins his historic trip to Cuba, the first visit to Cuba by a sitting president in nearly nine decades. The start of this visit comes precisely one cycle + 3 days after he announced the opening dates for the Cuba and U.S. embassies.
7 Kimi (Mar. 21st) – “self-generating death” or “self-generating foundations” – a “return to Source” type of force that can draw attention to “absolute foundations”, at the time of a conjunction between the Moon and Jupiter, and President Obama’s meeting with Cuban President Raul Castro. This is also World Poetry Day.
Every poem is unique but each reflects the universal in human experience, the aspiration for creativity that crosses all boundaries and borders, of time as well as space, in the constant affirmation of humanity as a single family. Irina Bokova, Director-General of UNESCO
8 Manik’ (Mar. 22nd) – the Day of the Lord Deer in Maya tradition, a “resurrection” type of energy aligned with reciprocity, this time in conjunction with World Water Day at the time when Comet PanSTARRS does a close fly-pass of Earth. Maya birthday of Naheed Nenshi, the mayor of Calgary, who won an award last year for being the world’s best mayor. In the U.S. the day of the Arizona and Utah primaries
9 Lamat (Mar. 23rd) – the “outward projection” of leadership (associated with Venus), this time in conjunction with the Full Moon, a Preumbral Lunar Eclipse, and Mercury at Superior Conjunction. National Puppy Day.
10 Muluk (Mar. 24th) – “foundational water”, often a powerful “shape-shifting” force, this time in conjunction with India’s colourful Holi festival, a popular celebration of the coming of spring
11 Ok (Mar. 25th) – “inspirational love (or guidance)” – a Burner Day representative of heart, love, fire, and passion, this time in conjunction with Good Friday
12 Chuwen (Mar. 26th) – “dedicated” play; a “timeweaver” type of energy than can have a kind of “anything is possible” aspect to it, at the time of 3 caucases in the U.S.
13 Eb’ (Mar. 27th) – “transformational vitality”; a powerful stream-of-consciousness type of energy reflective of the sun’s intense vitality, a vitality that can sometimes “let loose” at this time. This powerful force correlates at this point with Easter Sunday and the “seating”of the Wayeb’, the start of the 5-day lead-up to the Maya New Year.
[Please note that the brief descriptions of the days provided above are only “thumbnail sketches”. Much greater detail can be found in Manual for the Soul: A Guide to the Energies of Life.]