Maya Count Of Days Horoscope

Maya Calendar Energies At Work In The World

Tag Archives: Truth and Reconciliation

Let there be light. Let there be sun. Let there be en-LIGHT-enment!! After a seriously wild conclusion to the last trecena, that brought torrential rains to many regions, including Nepal, several states in Mexico, and a large swath of the US southeast, it is evident that there are many places that could use some solar “drying out” at this time. Read the full article…

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It seems that there are times, when the world seems to have lost all sense of reason, all sense of rationality, that mythology can step in to offer other ways of thinking, other ways of envisioning that can extend beyond the realm of mere mortals, taking us into the dreamtime or into the realm of deities so that we can Read the full article…

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It has been known to bring hurricanes – some of the world’s largest; it has been known to bring floods and dramatic water rescues. But it has also been known to bring important developments that have been significantly “healing” or transformative in positive ways. This is the Water trecena, and water is the ultimate shapeshifter. As much as it can Read the full article…

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Just before the start of this Ok time frame two monumental events took place. The first was the “double” coronal mass ejection, referred to as a “cannibal”, that hit Earth’s magnetic field three days ago, sparking strong geomagnetic storms and brilliant auroras, as if to celebrate, in spectacular style, the Classical Maya New Year. We may have to get used Read the full article…

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You remember how this year began – with the world pining for relief from the debilitating torment of the “former guy” in the White House, eagerly awaiting Joe Biden’s inauguration as the new president of the U.S., and anxious to see how he was going to grab hold of the reins to help subdue and eradicate the pandemic, which was Read the full article…

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Can you feel it in the air? It’s not just that we are near the end of August, and September is approaching, but we are again at an important 52-day Shift-point within the 260-day cycle, as the first day of this trecena signals the start of the final 52 days before the current 260 day cycle is completed. This is Read the full article…

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Indeed that WAS a time of “testing”, as noted in the last blog with regard to the K’an trecena that we have just gone through. During the past 13 days many things that had previously been “unseen” or long hidden were suddenly exposed, jolting people into new realizations, in many different areas, particularly with regard to the atrocities that have Read the full article…

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