Maya Count Of Days Horoscope

Maya Calendar Energies At Work In The World

Tag Archives: Quetzalcoatl

Now that the angst and dreariness of November are behind us, transition is in the air – a sense of regrouping as signs of December’s end of the year festivities begin to make their presence known. And during this period two ladies in particular (one in Paris and one in Vancouver) will be drawing the attention of millions, even if Read the full article…

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It’s September, and change is in the air once again. It is a time for transitioning towards a new season that will include many world-shifting events, and as transitions take place over this 13-day period, it is the Jaguar energy of this Ix trecena that will set the pace for what is to follow. This is the energy aligned with Read the full article…

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Early September, and there’s that “something” in the air – a hint of the impending change in seasons, the anticipation of returning to classes or to work, the uncertainties and expectancies associated with the possibility of having to adapt to something new. And, as this is going on, we find the Ok (Dog) trecena in place to carry us through Read the full article…

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As we embark on the third 52 day period within the 260 day cycle, it’s early summer and in many places it is already blistering hot – both literally and figuratively. Last week it was reported that large parts of Texas were hotter than 99% of the planet, and the thick smoke from wildfires in eastern Canada continue to contribute Read the full article…

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In Mesoamerican mythology it was often thought that the fate of the world tied in with the whims of the Jaguar. And perhaps the reality of that notion has never been brought into focus more starkly than at the current time, as we journey through this Jaguar-oriented time frame. The Jaguar metaphor reminds us that this is a timeframe associated Read the full article…

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Awesome and enchanting – but fearsome and unpredictable – the Jaguar is not to be trifled with! The same can be said about this Jaguar-oriented Ix trecena, with its emphasis often on significant transformation from one state of being to another. This is a period during which people are often “called to battle” to deal with things of an earthly Read the full article…

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One of the things that the Maya Calendar offers is the opportunity to look at the evolution of life from the perspective of energy cycles, as “themes” related to events have a way of returning and evolving in a cyclical manner. Since very few people have any idea of the workings of the Maya Calendar or of its pertinence to Read the full article…

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It could be a tense start to 2014’s Winter Olympics, as there have already been grumblings about Sochi’s relative readiness for these games (as described in Sam Laird’s article – click here). And then there are the concerns about terrorist threats (even such things as toothpaste bombs) and about issues such as gay rights in Russia. Thrown into this mix Read the full article…

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A jaguar walking though the snow may be a perfect metaphor for this Ix trecena at this time, as so many people in a great many places are still dealing with the challenges foisted upon them by the snow and ice storms of mid December. Governing the thirteen days of this time span, this jaguar-oriented energy was seen traditionally as Read the full article…

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