The day after the November elections in the U.S., the highly respected Canadian journalist Andrew Coyne wrote: “Nothing mattered, in the end. Not the probable dementia, the unfathomable ignorance, the emotional incontinence; not, certainly, the shambling, hate-filled campaign, or the ludicrously unworkable anti-policies. The candidate out on bail in four jurisdictions, the convicted fraud artist, the adjudicated rapist and serial Read the full article…
Tag Archives: John F. Kennedy
Feb 2025
Jan 2024
The B’en (Reed) trecena: Jan. 26-Feb. 7, 2024
Posted by Trecena Horoscopes, World Events, World Festivals in
After a number of “enlightening” events over the past 13 days, that included approval finally being given by Turkey and tentatively by Hungary for Sweden to join NATO, we are returning to an energy period that calls upon people to tap into their inner wisdom, to muster the strength and drive to stretch upwards and outwards, to expand into the Read the full article…
Nov 2023
As we head towards December, here we are again with the last trecena in the current 260 day cycle. This is the trecena that tends to herald change prior to the beginning of the new cycle, often with an emphasis on “leadership”. And the world is watching, as the negotiations are underway to achieve a temporary ceasefire in order to Read the full article…
Sep 2023
The Ok (Dog) trecena: Sept. 5-17, 2023
Posted by Trecena Horoscopes, World Events, World Festivals in
Early September, and there’s that “something” in the air – a hint of the impending change in seasons, the anticipation of returning to classes or to work, the uncertainties and expectancies associated with the possibility of having to adapt to something new. And, as this is going on, we find the Ok (Dog) trecena in place to carry us through Read the full article…
May 2023
It’s Spring, and the natural realm is heeding the call to push forth new life everywhere it can. That reaching for the sun, that call to stretch upwards and grow, that “self determined drive” to expand and fulfill one’s potential, is very much aligned with the nature of this time frame. This trecena begins with One B’en, representative of the Read the full article…
Oct 2022
After one of the fiercest Kawak (Storm) trecena’s ever, the opening of this Eb’ trecena is placing the emphasis squarely on the question of “where do we go from here?”, and in places such as Cuba, Puerto Rico, Atlantic Canada, southeast Asia, and the southeastern U.S., the starting point is the assessment of the staggering amount of damage that was Read the full article…
Jun 2022
The Lamat (Star, Rabbit) trecena, June 20-July 2, 2022)
Posted by Trecena Horoscopes, World Events, World Festivals in
Here we are back at the last trecena (13 day period) in the current 260 day cycle. As this is the trecena that often “heralds” change prior to the beginning of a new cycle, it is not unusual to see major developments during this period, as happened on the first day of this period one cycle ago (last October). That Read the full article…
Apr 2022
The Ok (Dog) trecena: April 3-15, 2022
Posted by Trecena Horoscopes, World Events, World Festivals in
Just before the start of this Ok time frame two monumental events took place. The first was the “double” coronal mass ejection, referred to as a “cannibal”, that hit Earth’s magnetic field three days ago, sparking strong geomagnetic storms and brilliant auroras, as if to celebrate, in spectacular style, the Classical Maya New Year. We may have to get used Read the full article…
Jul 2021
One of the things that the Maya Calendar offers is the opportunity to look at the evolution of life from the perspective of energy cycles, as “themes” related to events have a way of returning and evolving in a cyclical manner. Since very few people have any idea of the workings of the Maya Calendar or of its pertinence to Read the full article…
Apr 2021
The Eb’ (“Revitalization”) trecena: April 30-May 12, 2021
Posted by Trecena Horoscopes, World Events, World leaders in
Vaccinations, medicine, health care, healing – these are the things that are uppermost in people’s minds these days, pretty well everywhere on planet Earth, as the “storm” related trecena that we have just gone through brought a “tsunami” of new coronavirus cases worldwide, particularly in India. Click here for the Podcast to accompany this trecena. Enter the Aztec Goddess Mayahuel, Read the full article…