Maya Count Of Days Horoscope

Maya Calendar Energies At Work In The World

Monthly Archives: December 2015

As Bob Dylan pointed out decades ago – The Times They are a-Changin’. How true that was 52 years ago – and how true it still is. Hard to believe but as this “Wind, Breath, and Spirit” trecena comes into being we return once again to the exact energy influences that were in play on that 4 Chikchan 13 K’ank’in day in Read the full article…

End of the year, as the final full trecena for 2015 comes into play – the Muluk trecena, associated with the “generative vitality” of Water. Given the enormous amount of rainfall recently in the Pacific Northwest and elsewhere, more water may not sound like welcome news. However, this trecena is not necessarily about rain, but rather about water’s creative, “electricity-oriented” power Read the full article…

Bodhi Day: Eyes Wide Open
Posted by Marguerite Paquin in Visual Artists

As today is Bodhi day, the day in the Buddhist tradition that commemorates Buddha’s achievement of enlightenment under a Bodhi tree, it seems a good day to highlight the work of an exceptional photographer whose work seems to reflect something very similar. Bodhi Day is celebrated as a day to honour the many pathways to enlightenment. And world travelling photographer Read the full article…

llumination, transmutation, dualities, ingenuity, practicality . . . . these are some of the threads that tie this trecena together. This is a multifaceted time frame, that often places emphasis on the unexpected, often involving some form of duality, sometimes involving paired events or paired ideas struggling to maintain equilibrium. At this point, of course, this is an enormous challenge Read the full article…

  • Manual for the Soul: A Guide to the Energies of Life

    Manual for the Soul, A Guide to the Energies of LifeAn in-depth analysis of the energies encoded in the Sacred Maya Calendar and the impact of those energies on daily life. Click here for more info.

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