Maya Count Of Days Horoscope

Maya Calendar Energies At Work In The World

As we make the transition from the Ix trecena to this Manik’ governed period there is often a sense of going through a transformational shift and then trying to find footing on new ground.


new neighbour

One cycle ago that was certainly the case for me as our entire household was uprooted and shifted to a new location. As stressful as it is to have most of one’s “stuff” inaccessible as new digs are being organized it was amusing to see the energy of the trecena staring us in the face as the moving vans began unloading.

Taking it all in and supervising the process (throughout the trecena) was a small herd of deer who were likely miffed at our intrusion into their territory. In keeping with the nature of this trecena’s energies, we had to get used to each other in order to learn how to co-exist within  this new arrangement.

Shifting forward and notching up to the world stage there are a number of parallels and many transitions in the works at the present time that will require a great deal of negotiation.

In the Middle East some significant progress has been made recently as a partial ceasefire came into effect in Syria three days before the start of this Manik’ trecena. And now, the emphasis is shifting towards negotiating some sense of stability in this regard. In addition to the challenge of navigating through that quagmire, there is the on-going concern of how to provide humanitarian assistance for the millions who have been displaced by that horrific conflict, which began on a 7 B’en day exactly seven cycles ago as of March 8th (5 Gregorian years ago as of March 15th).

Oriented around the provision of sustenance and aligned with the idea of restoring harmony, the Manik’ trecena is symbolized by a Deer or Stag, a powerful but gentle and adaptable creature. The overall theme for this 13-day time frame is Sacrifice and Reconcilation, which suggests that a considerable amount of “give-and-take” may be required in order to become oriented to a new reality or gain grounding within a new context.

quote from re women's issues, gender equality, and sustainable development

Quote from re women’s issues, gender equality, and sustainable development. International Women’s Day marks the mid-point of this trecena.

In situations that have involved conflict this would be a good time to step back a bit and evaluate what has been happening in order to gain perspective regarding pathways that may help in the regaining of equilibrium. After the Super Tuesday Primaries in the U.S. at the end of the last trecena this kind of “stepping back” to take a breath will likely be needed by many people in that country in order to plan how best to move forward. During this current trecena we will learn whether or not Michael Bloomberg will enter the presidential race as an independent.  Since one of the main patrons of this time frame is a deity who is oriented towards the erasing of transgressions, it will also be interesting to see what issues might be forgiven or pardoned as so many people push to further their own particular agendas. The timing for this could also be interesting.

As we journey through this 13-day period of “negotiation” we will see the return of many significant forces, such as Three Muluk, a high powered “activation of water” energy that has been aligned with many consequential events in the past, including the first inauguration of President Obama (in 2009), the first inauguration of Hugo Chávez (Venezulela) in 1999, the death of Princess Diana in 1997, and the horrendous earthquake and tsunami in Japan in 2011.

Lhasa Potala Palace, the Dalai Lama's chief residence in Tibet prior to the 1959 Tibetan Uprising. Photo Credit: By Coolmanjackey (Own work) [CC BY-SA 3.0], via Wikimedia Commons

Lhasa Potala Palace, the Dalai Lama’s chief residence in Tibet prior to the 1959 Tibetan Uprising. Photo by Coolmanjackey [CC BY-SA 3.0], via Wikimedia Commons

In 1959 this was the trecena during which the Dalai Lama made his epic journey by foot from Lhasa over the Himalayan mountains to India, at the time of the Tibetan uprising (and slaughter of thousands).

Three years after that this trecena was the overseer of the intense negotiating that had to be done during the Cuban missile crisis. At that time Soviet submarines were in the mid-Atlantic en route to Cuba, fighting their way through a huge storm in the Sargosso Sea (mid-Atlantic), and tens of thousands of armed soldiers were already in Cuba. The final day of this trecena brought the highest level of warning regarding the nuclear threat from the Soviets at that time, and has been seen as a “game-changing” moment for President John F. Kennedy. Fortunately for us all that crisis was averted.

In 1989 this same energy saw the dismantling of the Berlin Wall, and in 1991 it brought the end of the Soviet Union as all official Soviet operations ceased after the Soviet Union was declared dissolved.

UN International Women's Day logo

UN International Women’s Day logo

The middle of the trecena brings in 7 B’en, the authoritative energy that was in place in 2011 (seven cycles ago) at the beginning of the Syrian Uprising. Since that time the UN estimates that the death toll in that country has surpassed 250,000 people and 13.5 million have been displaced.

This 7 B’en energy will also be strongly supportive for International Women’s Day, with this year’s theme being “Planet 50-50 by 2030: Step It Up for Gender Equality” aka Pledge for Parity day.

Towards the end of this Sacrifice and Reconcilation time frame the energies can become particularly intense, sometimes bringing forth world rattling events that have fomented “storms” of one kind or another, as when thousands of people took to the streets of Moscow under the influence of the last two days of this trecena in December of 2011 to protest against procedural violations in the previous day’s Russian parliamentary elections.

map of Good Friday earthquake epicentre in Alaska, 1964. Public domain via WIkimedia Commons

map of Good Friday earthquake epicentre in Alaska, 1964. Public domain via WIkimedia Commons

At this present time the final day of this trecena marks the New Fire anniversary of the exact 13 Kawak 7 K’umk’u energies that were in place when a 9.2 magnitude earthquake struck Alaska in 1964. As North America’s strongest earthquake it killed some 131 people, destroyed the business section of Anchorage, and triggered tidal waves (as they were called then), one of which hit Port Alberni, destroying dozens of buildings, and incurred property damage estimated at $750 million. Hopefully this time that energy will help with the lift-off of the ESA’s Mars orbiter and lander as it begins its lengthy journey to that planet.

Although it is not possible to predict the exact nature of the “Sacrifice and Reconcilation” that may unfold during the 13 days of this trecena, it certainly can be a time of “testing” that can require people to deal with any issues that may have recently arisen – again, working towards the goal of regaining some sense of balance. As this unfolds, these are the energies that will come into play:

1 Manik’ (Mar. 2nd) – the “initiation of reciprocity”, on the day when astronaut Scott Kelly returns to Houston after landing in Kazakhstan the day before after his almost-a-year long sojourn at the ISS

2 Lamat (Mar. 3rd) – a “dynamic heralding” (or leadership) type of energy; Maya birth energy of Elvis Presley

3 Muluk (Mar. 4th) – the “activation of water”, often a powerful “shape-shifting” type of force, on the day when Scott Kelly is scheduled to give a news briefing related to his extended stay aboard the ISS

4 Ok (Mar. 5th) – a “defining” Burner Day representative of fire (or heart-fire), an energy that can often stir the emotions as it is a “double-fire” type of force. In 2011 the explosion at the Fukushima nuclear power plant in Japan (after the tsunami) took place under this influence.

5 Chuwen (Mar. 6th) a “precision” oriented energy in combination with play or even mischief; a “timeweaver” type of energy that can bring about change through innovation

International Women's Day poster 1914. Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons.

International Women’s Day poster 1914. Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons.

6 Eb’ (Mar. 7th) – generally representative of “restorative vitality everywhere”; the beginning of Women of Aviation Worldwide Week”

7 B’en (Mar. 8th) – a “self generating personal authority” type of energy, this time in conjunction with the seventh Tzolk’in anniversary of the beginning of Syrian Uprising, and International Women’s Day with this year’s theme being Pledge for Parity. On this day in 1910 Raymonde de Laroche became the first female in the world to acquire a pilot’s licence.

8 Ix (Mar. 9th) – “resurrecting Jaguar” – this is Santo Mundo, a special Maya day devoted to the Celebration of the Earth and its sacred mysteries, this time in conjunction with the New Moon and a Total Solar Eclipse

9 Men (Mar. 10th) – the “outward projection” of vision (as in the high-flying vision of the Eagle), at the time of World Kidney Day; the day when Prime Minister Justin Trudeau meets with President Obama at the White House and attends a state dinner (the first state dinner for a Canadian Prime Minister in nearly 20 years); 57 years since the “trigger point” that started the Tibet Uprising in 1959

10 Kib’ (Mar. 11th) – a “foundational restoration” type of energy which can fluctuate between the setting up of important foundations (as in the setting up of the nuclear non-proliferation treaty in 1968) to the kind of massive “clean up” that was required in China in 2008 after the Szechuan earthquake.

11 Kab’an (Mar. 12th) –the energy of “change” and inspiration combined with the force of evolutionary movement

Pi Pie. Photo Credit: GJ (Pi_pie2.jpg) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

Pi Pie. Photo Credit: GJ (Pi_pie2.jpg) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

12 Etz’nab’ (Mar. 13th) – a powerful “knife-edge” type of force that can bring forth powerful separation (or “sacrifice-related”) events, this time in conjunction with the beginning of Daylight Savings time, and the last day “Women of Aviation Worldwide Week”

13 Kawak (Mar. 14th) – “transformational storm”, at this time marking the New Fire return of the 13 Kawak 7 K’umk’u energy that was in place in 1964 energy when the 9.2 earthquake struck Alaska.

At this time this energy coincides with the 28th annual Pi Day (pi is 3.14159. . . ), which is exciting for Math fans as this is also Albert Einstein’s Gregorian birthday.

The orbiter of the ESA's Mars Trace Gas Mission (TGM) scheduled for launch on Mar. 14th, 2016. Photo Credit: Michael Smith [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

The orbiter of the ESA’s Mars Trace Gas Mission (TGM) scheduled for launch on Mar. 14th, 2016.
Photo Credit: Michael Smith [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

This is the day slated for the historic lift-off in Kazakhstan of the ESA’s Mars orbiter and lander. It is also the day when a new round of peace talks related to Syria is scheduled to begin. As 13 Kawak is a powerful energy, this is a good time to be vigilant.




[Please note that the brief descriptions of the days provided above are only “thumbnail sketches”. Much greater detail can be found in Manual for the Soul: A Guide to the Energies of Life.]


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