Maya Count Of Days Horoscope

Maya Calendar Energies At Work In The World

As we come now to the Lamat (Star) trecena, the last 13 day period in the current 260-day Imix-to-Ajaw cycle, we can sense the “heralding” aspects of this time frame coming into place, as this is the trecena that will bring in a long awaited spring.

As this Lamat trecena often “sets the stage” for what is to come in the new cycle, this is a good time to watch for “signals” that might herald new directions.

Although we can be sure that change is in the works, the forms that those “announcements of change” can take often can be quite dramatic during this end-of-cycle time frame.

Two cycles ago this was the trecena in place in mid October of 2016, during the tense final few weeks just before the U.S. presidential election. Even as election day was rapidly approaching many high ranking Republicans were calling for Trump’s resignation, and the world was eagerly looking forward to the conclusion of the hotly contested political battle so that everything could get back to “normal”.

Unfortunately, that did not happen and, in retrospect, it seems that the “signal” being sent by the Lamat trecena at that time was much more of a warning sign (as is often the case), particularly as it related to leadership. At that time the world was clearly being warned to “get ready” for the changes that were about to take place.

Indeed, in the past, this final trecena of the 260 day cycle has often been a “game-changer”. In the past it has signalled dramatic shifts in leadership, as in the inauguration of Pope Francis I in St. Peter’s Square on One Lamat in 2013, and in David Cameron’s majority win in the U.K. elections in 2015, also on One Lamat.

The coronation of Queen Elizabth II on a One Lamat day in 1953. Photo Credit: BiblioArchives/ LibraryArchives from Canada [CC BY 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons

In 1918 it was One Lamat that saw the horrific assassination of Czar Nicholas and his family in Russia, and in 1953 this One Lamat energy coincided with the coronation of Queen Elizabeth II.

As always, this is a trecena that can provide strong reminders of progress that is or is not being made with regard to leadership, as seen one cycle ago (June 26th-July 8th) by which time it had become clear to everyone that the previous 260 days had been fraught with unfathomable problems in terms of those at the helm in the White House. At that time this trecena began with worldwide polls that revealed that the world as a whole distrusted Trump even more than Putin, as Trump’s approval rating in Britain had plummeted to a mere 22%, and had dropped in Mexico to just 5%. The global medium rate was just 22%. Things were so bad that by the mid point of the trecena huge protest demonstrations in dozens of cities across the U.S. were calling for Trump’s impeachment, with marchers’ signs signalling sentiments such as “Illegitimate, Corrupt Puppet”, “Elect a Clown, Expect a Circus”, “Orange is the New Wack – Seriously the Joke is Over”, and “Worst President Ever”.

At that time North Korea was trying hard to send its own signals, through its announcement of a successful IBM test, a situation that was countered just three days later by the passage of the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons by the UN General Assembly, with 122 countries in favour.

And now currently, just prior to the start of this trecena, came the totally unexpected announcement that the U.S. president has agreed to meet with North Korea’s rogue leader. As reactions to this have been mixed, the Lamat trecena is likely to signal more developments on this front. And, as if to “up the ante”, this trecena also coincides with the first round of the Russian presidential election. As some of  Putin’s opponents have already been “disqualified” in various ways, it is expected that he will win his fourth term. Nevertheless, there are eight candidates and, as everyone well knows, upsets in elections have certainly happened in the past.

So with much in the works, this will certainly be a time period that will require close attention, as changes can happen quickly under its influences. “Game-changing” events in the past that have coincided with this energy zone include the discovery of gold in California in 1848; the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945, followed by the unconditional surrender of Japan at the end of World War II; the  passage of the Civil Rights Act in the U.S. in 1957; the first major Greenpeace event, in 1975;  the completion of the deconstruction of the Berlin Wall in 1990; the storming of Baghdad by U.S. forces in 2003; the approval of the sweeping Wall St. reform bill in the U.S. in 2010; and the Russian invasion of Ukraine in 2014.

A piece of the dismantled Berlin wall, now in a museum at Fatima. Photo Credit: amaianos [CC BY 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons. The completion of that deconstruction took place during the Lamat trecena in 1990.

Two cycles ago (in October 2016) the final day of this trecena (and cycle) coincided with a massive internet cyber attack that involving the “weaponization” of internet-connected everyday devices, with access to many of the top internet sites such as Amazon, Twitter, Paypal, and Netflix being knocked out. Then one cycle ago, something similar happened near the beginning of this trecena, when there was a global ransomware attack. Fingers-crossed that we make it through this time without any recurrences.

And as much as “the unexpected” can often be expected during this time frame, it is not always just human actions that need to be closely watched. In the past the early days of this trecena have often brought some major weather events, often associated with hurricanes. Three cycles ago it was Hurricane Jonas that hammered the U.S. eastern seaboard with hurricane force winds that significantly affected 16 states. Two cycles ago it was Hurricane Matthew that did the same thing, after trampling throuugh the Caribbean. And then last time One Lamat turned Tropical Storm Dora into a hurricane as it churned along the southwestern coast of Mexico. As this trecena currently gets underway it seems that the east coast of North American is going to be impacted once again by challenging weather; while not a hurricane this time, high winds and blizzard conditions could prove to be challenging.

Not surprisingly this is a trecena that has brought a number of “superstar hurricanes” into this world – people whose charisma, talent, and passion have “lit up the skies” as they have signalled and helped to bring forth change in many areas. One of these was Wilbur Wright, a pivotal aviation pioneer; another was Nelson Mandela, a significant anti-apartheid revolutionary; another is Gloria Steinem, a highly influential social and political activist.

French superstar Johnny Hallyday, one of the world’s best-selling artists, in concert in 2012. Hallyday was born on One Lamat. Photo Credit: rufus (IMG_7196) [CC BY 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons

And then, of course, there are the music and entertainment legends such as David Bowie, Prince, Johnny Hallyday, and Gord Downie, all of whom were ground-breakers, and all of whom have made recent departures. Downey was not only one of the most influential and popular artists in Canadian alternative rock, but also a dedicated environmentalist and activist. Johnny Hallyday was the celebrated French pop star who is not only credited with bringing rock ‘n’ roll to France (he was a French version of Elvis Presley), but also seen as a French “national monument”. Bowie and Prince, of course, have reached almost mythic status with regard to their contributions to music and entertainment.

So as we as we venture forth through this Lamat trecena it might be a good idea to keep in mind that one of the major patrons of this trecena was known to the Aztec as Xipe Tótec, the ancient Lord of Renewal and Liberation. The other was Xiuhtecuhtli, the Lord of Fire and Time – a deity connected with time-related change, as in cycle endings. Both of these entities are oriented around the idea of setting the stage for new beginnings. And with the various social action events planned for this energy frame that is exactly what will be happening.

From a personal perspective – if there is anything you want to change; if there is anything you need to do to set the stage for new beginnings, this would be a good time to attend to that, as change is going to come. You can let it carry you, like a hurricane, or you can work with it to be your own leader – to become your own “leading edge” or “signaller” for renewal and liberation. Here are the energies that are coming into being:

1 Lamat (March 13th) – the “initiation of leadership”, a heralding type of energy that can point towards change or new directions. On this day a new book called “Russian Roulette: The Inside Story of Putin’s War on America and the Election of Donald Trump” is being released, which details Russia’s covert operation to influence the election.

Ten years since the major collapse of a large section of the Wilkins Ice Shelf in Antarctica that augmented discussion and action concerning global warming issues. On this day preparations will be underway for National School Walkout Day which will follow the next day. This was the energy in place 100 years ago as of this July when Czar Nicholas and his family were executed by Bolshevik troops after being removed from Imperial power and held in captivity for several months. Johnny Hallyday‘s Maya birthday.

The National School Walkout will take place on the second day of this trecena.

2 Muluk (March 14th) – the “dynamic shape-shifting” energy of water, this time in conjunction the 31st annual Pi Day, and with National School Walkout Day, which will involve a nationwide protest as students, teachers, school administrators, parents, and others take part in walkouts and sit-ins and other related actions on school campuses across the U.S. at 10 a.m. for 17 min. – one min. for each life lost in the Florida school shootings last month – to call for tougher gun control laws; further nationwide demonstrations will take place on 12 Kawak (see below)

Two cycles since U.S. House Speaker Paul Ryan announced that he would no longer defend Trump and would focus on maintaining the Republican congressional majority, at which time Trump “declared war” on Ryan and the GOP establishment. Gord Downie’s Maya birthday.

3 Ok (March 15th) – a Burner Day representative of the “activation of fire” or (heart-fire), correlating at this time with National Panda Day and with the 21st International Day against Police Brutality, on the seventh anniversary of the beginning of the 2011 Syrian Uprising. Eight cycles since the announcement that CERN had discovered the Higgs-Boson particle. Nelson Mandela’s Maya birthday. It is anticipated that geomagnetic activity from a minor solar storm could amplify the northern auroras at this time.

4 Chuwen (March 16th) – a “defining” day associated with play (and sometimes mischief); a “time-weaver” type of energy that can be quite eventful. 100 cycles since the birth of David Bowie. See 13 Ajaw re the unveiling of a statue to honour him.

5 Eb’ (March 17th) – the “blessing” of restorative vitality, coinciding at this time with St. Patrick’s Day, the New Moon, and with Red Nose Day UK, a major fund raising day, through comic relief, at which time people wear red noses and raise funds for charity.

6 B’en (March 18th) – representative of “personal authority everywhere”, this time coinciding with the last day of the Paralympics, with Dragon Heads-raising Day, and with the first round of the Russian presidential election. As most of Putin’s opponents have had to battle hard to even qualify as candidates, this may be the “only” round, as Putin is expected to win his fourth term.

Two cycles ago this energy coincided with the beginning of Buddhist funeral ceremonies for King Bhumibol Adulyadej of Thailand who died the day before, with thousands gathering to see the procession and participate in late night vigils. At that same time a monumental climate change deal was finalized by nearly 200 countries. At the time John Kerry referred to this as a “monumental step forward” and President Obama called it “an ambitious and far reaching solution” to the “rapidly growing threat” posed by environmental pollutants. That, of course, was before the last U.S. election. One cycle ago Hong Kong’s new leader was sworn in and Chinese President Xi issued a stark warning that Beijing would not tolerate any challenge to its central authority.

7 Ix (March 19th) – a “self generating transformation” type of energy – exactly one cycle since protestors across the U.S. in dozens of cities held huge impeachment rallies, calling for Trump’s impeachment. In 2013 this was the energy in place at the time of South Africa’s national memorial service for Nelson Mandela.

8 Men (Mar. 20th) – a “resurrection” type of energy associated with the high vision of the Eagle, coinciding at this time with Spring Equinox, with the UN’s International Day of Happiness, with the UN’s French Language Day, and with World Storytelling Day, when live storytelling events take place worldwide in a global celebration of the art of oral storytelling, this year around the theme of “Wise Fools”.

Painting of Shah Abbas II and his courtiers celebrating Nowruz, the Persian New Year. Via Wikimedia Commons, original source unknown.

This is also Nowruz, the Persian New Year, a festival celebrated by Iranian peoples and many others worldwide to mark the first day of the first month in the Iranian calendar. With the original meaning of Nowruz being “light”, this ties in well with 8 Men as this energy is strongly associated with light and high vision. Beginning of Cherry Blossom Season in Japan. Four cycles ago this was the energy in place when a mysterious deep space signal was heard by SETI investigators.

9 Kib’ (March 21st) – an expansive, “restoration of order” type of energy, sometimes associated with making “adjustments”, often with long term implications, coinciding at this time with the UN’s World Poetry Day. Calendar Round (“New Fire”) anniversary of the historic day in 1966 when Luna 10 entered lunar orbit.

10 Kab’an (March 22nd) – a foundational type of energy associated with the earth and evolutionary movement, coinciding at this time with the UN’s World Water Day which advocates for the sustainable management of fresh water resources. The theme this year is Nature for Water. A good song to play on this day would be James Bay’s Hold Back the River.

11 Etz’nab’ (Mar. 23rd) – an “inspirational flint” type of force that can be quite dazzling and attention-getting. In 1325 this energy was in place at the time of the founding of Tenochtitlan, the axis of the Aztec empire. In 1944 an attempt was made to assassinate Hitler under this influence (one of 3 such attempts that year); and in 1955 a young Elvis Presley gave his first professional performance under this influence in his hometown of Tupelo. During the summer of 2012 Venus achieved her greatest brilliance under this influence in conjunction with an “extreme” X1.4 solar eruption.

Currently this is final day of the 62nd session of the Commission on the Status of Women at the UN (CSW62) and the day when the controversial new U.S. steel tariffs go into effect.

The student organized “March for Our Lives” anti-gun demonstrations are scheduled for March 24th, a 12 Kawak, catalyzation-oriented energy, on the second-from-final day of the cycle.

12 Kawak (Mar. 24th) – the “gathering storm/catalyzation” type of energy that can provide a final big PUSH toward enlightenment, coinciding at this time with the “March for Our Lives” demonstrations planned for Washington and other major cities, and with Earth Hour, when households and businesses around the world are encouraged to switch off non-essential lights for one hour, from 8:30-9:30 p.m.. as a sign of commitment to the planet. Maya birth energy of both Gloria Steinem and Prince.

13 Ajaw (Mar. 25th) – “transformational Full Sun”, a day often filled with high drama and great   change – and sometimes even great light, at the conclusion of the Imix to Ajaw cycle. On this day a statute called Earthly Messenger will be unveiled in Aylesbury to honour David Bowie, the “Starman” born on a 4 Chuwen (play) day in this Lamat (Star) trecena. Maya calendar anniversary of the end of the horrific Battle of Passchendale in 1917. 102 cycles since VJ Day in 1945 when the end of World War II was celebrated after the unconditional surrender of Japan.

Tzolk’in anniversary of the awarding of the contract for construction of the Space Shuttles Atlantis and Discovery in 1979. Ten cycles exactly since the “moment of transition” in Egypt in 2011 when hundreds of thousands waited for the president to step down. Three cycles since more than $13b was raised at the Supporting Syria and the Region conference in London, attended by representatives of 70 nations to address the needs of the Syrian refugees. The amount pledged at that time was the largest ever raised for a humanitarian cause.


[Please note that the brief descriptions of the days provided above are only “thumbnail sketches”. Much greater detail can be found in Manual for the Soul: A Guide to the Energies of Life.]

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