Maya Count Of Days Horoscope

Maya Calendar Energies At Work In The World

Indeed that WAS a time of “testing”, as noted in the last blog with regard to the K’an trecena that we have just gone through. During the past 13 days many things that had previously been “unseen” or long hidden were suddenly exposed, jolting people into new realizations, in many different areas, particularly with regard to the atrocities that have been inflicted on indigenous children over many decades (and over centuries with regard to indigenous peoples overall).

Click here for the Podcast to accompany this trecena

In Florida dozens of people lost their lives in a horrific building collapse as the need for more stringent construction regulations was brought into awareness, and in Western Canada and on the Pacific coast many have either lost their lives or suffered immeasurably as the perils and realities of climate change have played out through a massive heat wave and major wildfires. In conjunction with the energies of that last trecena, all of these things have “germinated” new actions and directions, and new ways of thinking.

And now we come to the Kab’an trecena, which begins with a key 52-day “shift-point” within the Maya Calendar’s core 260 day cycle, marking the start of the fourth 52-day period within that cycle as a whole. This is a point (and a trecena) that often initiates dramatic and/or consequential movement with planetary implications, following along the lines of the directions brought to light in the preceding trecena.

Adaptation of the Kab’an (Earth/Movement) trecena from the pre-Columbian Codex Borgia by artist Richard Balthazar (used with permission). The first day (One Kab’an for the Maya, One Movement for the Aztec) is represented by the “interlocked” glyph at the lower left (within the border). The other days of this trecena proceed from there to the right, and then up towards the top, to the little water-related glyph at the upper right, which represents Muluk (Water). The daysign numbers in this image (beginning with One Kab’an) are not shown, but implied. In the larger image at the top “The Great Mother Goddess” known as Tlazoltéotl, who serves as the patroness of this trecena, can be seen on the left, sitting on a throne. She was associated with both forgiveness and fertility.

The overseer of this Kab’an trecena was seen in Aztec mythology as Tlazoltéotl, the “Great Mother Goddess”, known as the “Eater of Filth”, who was associated with forgiveness and purification. She was seen not only as a fertility goddess who worked with major generative forces, but also as an entity who conducted confessional rites. These “confession” + “life generation” aspects can be seen in the tendency for events within this period to be, oftentimes, world-shaping in nature, in terms of both major endings as well as the emergence of new beginnings in association with issues that are often of an “earth-shaking” nature.

Note that one of the Aztec variants for this daysign (Movement, the equivalent of Kab’an for the Maya) shows two interlocked elements (see above image, glyph at the lower left) that are representative of movement – generally “evolutionary” movement, and many, many consequential world-oriented events have happened during this period in the past. This is often a time when “consequences” from an earlier event can come back to “haunt”, as opposite forces swing into action.

One cycle ago, in October of 2020, the first day of this trecena saw thousands of masked women march through Washington DC and in some 440 locations across all 50 states, in a massive call to Vote Dump and the Republicans Out in the Nov. 3 elections. These kinds of rallies had began with a massive women’s march the day after the dumpster’s January 2017 inauguration. In Washington one cycle ago, women held a “textathon”, with the goal of sending out messages to millions of women voters.

Women’s March, along with men and children), on the first day of the Kab’an trecena in October, 2020, to encourage voting in the presidential election. Photo credit: Mobilus in Mobili, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Rachel O’Leary Carmona, executive director of the Women’s March, opened the Washington event by speaking about the power of women to end the dumpster’s presidency. As she put it: “His presidency began with women marching and now it’s going to end with woman voting. Period.”

That was the day when New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern won a landslide victory in that country’s general election.

Within this calendrical system this Kab’an trecena tends to be associated not only with the opening and closing of major eras but with events that are often significant to the world as a whole. Sometimes this has to do with “ways of thinking”, as in the “end of the world” fears in 2012 when legions of people were convinced that the world was going to end on Dec. 21st, the fourth day of this trecena, even though most people didn’t know a thing about the calendar other that what was promulgated through media hype about the Mayan calendar “coming to an end”. Any Mayanist who tried to point out that the calendar was not coming to an end but rather coming to the end of an important cycle was simply not heard at that time. We are now nine years into a new era, and have completed 12 Tzolk’in cycles since that so-called “world-ending” date. The fears and ignorance associated with that “event”, have been replaced by fears and ignorance fueled by conspiracy theories promulgated by politicians and others, and by falsehoods pertaining to the coronavirus.
Tragically, such fears and falsehoods have led to the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people, and untold amounts of damage.

But TRUTH is beginning to prevail . . . . hundreds of thousands of lives have been SAVED due to the millions of coronavirus vaccinations administered over the past 260 days, and the shift in power in Washington DC has set in motion a whole range of positive forces that are now having an impact. The whole fabric of the lie-factory known as the dumpster’s “empire” is cracking and disintegrating as criminal changes are being brought against his Organization and his chief financial officer. And it has been reported that this is just the beginning.

Back in 1492 this was the trecena that saw the departure of Christopher Columbus from Spain en route westward across the Atlantic, following the dictates of the Catholic “Doctrine of Discovery” that stated that any land not inhabited by Christians was available to be “discovered”, claimed, and exploited by Christian rulers. It was a barbarous doctrine that declared that “the Catholic faith and Christian religion be exalted and be everywhere increased and spread, that the health of souls be cared for and that barbarous nations be overthrown and brought to the faith itself.” Thus began the events that led to the promulgation of the BIG LIE that Columbus discovered a “New World”, filled with “savages”, that was there for the taking. Although that doctrine was rescinding on the first day of this trecena in 1537 it appears that the message did not reach many people as the atrocities continued on for centuries after that.

That 500 year old lie, and the havoc that it has caused – the millions of indigenous lives lost, the incredible torture and suffering that has been inflicted upon them for hundreds of years, the languages, cultures, accomplishments lost forever – the realization of all of THAT is finally beginning to dawn on the descendants of the “conquerors” and the settlers. With the truth (and the PROOF) coming out about the deaths of hundreds of indigenous children who lost their lives under the inhuman conditions imposed upon them under the auspices of “residential schools” in Canada, the world is awakening to the fact that this did not happen in Canada alone. This was (and IS) a worldwide issue – an issue that HAS to be addressed. As this Kab’an trecena begins the 13th Tzolk’in cycle since Dec. 21st, 2012, it will have much more to reveal in this regard.

Let’s keep in mind, as well, that this is the trecena that has brought the beginning and ending of World War II; beginnings and endings of important space exploration events; the failure of major investment companies in the U.S. which precipitated chaos in world financial markets; and the start of the dumpster’s “era” in politics, which is now in significant decline (as is his sleezy “business empire”), even though there are those who are still frantically trying to carry the lies forward.

This is a trecena that often places strong emphasis on issues associated with the planet itself, often serving as a kind of check-point with regard to global evolution. Within the 260-day cycle as a whole the beginning of this trecena is one of the most important “trigger points” that seems to bring key issues into focus as it sets the stage for critically important actions that can have significant implications for large numbers of people. Aligned not only with Earth, but with “evolutionary movement”, the Kab’an trecena often coincides with radical shifts in world order, as it did last November when millions of people were casting early votes in the US to ensure that the dumpster would get ejected and Joe Biden would win the presidential election (near the beginning of the next trecena).

So, as always, a great deal will be “in motion” during this critical period as the battle to eradicate the pandemic continues worldwide, and as people the world over start to come to grips with such questions as “how to move forward in a partially opened world” with a pandemic still raging (and on an upswing in various locations)”; “how to come to grips with the reckoning associated with the ‘indigenous awakening’ regarding the events and truths associated with worldwide colonialism”; and “how to deal with the all-too-evident climate change issues” that are impacting so many people.

As always this would be an auspicious time to review one’s personal journey in order to set the course and intent for the next 260 days. What will be your next “evolutionary leap” and how will you facilitate it? During this critical time frame these are the energies that will come into play:

1 Kab’an (July 4th) – the “initiation of evolutionary movement”, the start of the trecena that begins the thirteenth Tzolk’in cycle of the new era (since December 2012). As a key 52-day “shift-point” within the 260 day cycle, this is a point that often initiates dramatic and/or consequential movement with planetary consequences. The fact that this begins the 13th cycle since then seems significant, particularly given that, globally, “wake-up” calls are sounding on many fronts.

By this point more than 184 million cases of Covid-19 have been registered, and some 4 million people have died, including over 620,000 in the US. And there have been reports that the true numbers in this regard are significantly higher than what have been reported.

This was the energy in place when the Doctrine of Discovery was rescinded in 1537, and, as of this day currently, it has been 49 cycles exactly since the One Kab’an day in 1986 when the United Church of Canada officially apologized to Canada’s indigenous peoples for past wrongs inflicted by the church. We are still awaiting any kind of official apology from the Vatican.

In this U.S. this is Independence Day, which will be celebrated with perhaps “more gusto” than usual as many people in that country will be wanting to “let loose” after being under pandemic restrictions for so long. However, with case numbers in the US again showing an upward trend warnings are indicating that caution is still needed, especially for the 33% of the country who are still unvaccinated. This is President Biden’s target date for having at least 70% of US adults partially vaccinated and 160 million fully vaccinated. He came very close to the target as some 67% of the US population has received at least one shot and some 156 million (47.1%) have been fully vaccinated.

It has now been two cycles since BREXIT Day in the UK and the end of an era, when the UK formally left the EU at 11 PM after 47 years of membership. The nation was deeply divided over this, and new trade deals have had to be made between the UK and more than 70 countries.

In 1939 this was the energy in place as German troops were assembling in preparation for the invasion of Poland; in 1940 this was the energy in place at the time of Germany’s invasion of Holland, Belgium, and Luxembourg, the first stage in the Battle of France. In 1943 this energy brought the beginning of the largest convoy battle of the Atlantic during WWII. Eventually, however, the pendulum swung, and this energy brought the surrender of Germany in 1945.

2 Etz’nab’ (July 5th) – a dynamic “knife-edged” type of energy that can dazzle and/or divide and separate, on the day when the remainder of the partially collapsed condo building in South Florida is due to be taken down.

Further south, this is Venezuela’s Independence Day and Armed Forces Day, on the 210th anniversary of its declaration of autonomy from Spanish rule. Given the on-going pandemic and economic crisis in that country, and the fact that Juan Guaidó, and not Maduro, is recognized by almost 60 important nations as the legitimate president of Venezuela, much of that country is still in a great state of flux.

This is the date when some loosening of the Canadian border restrictions will take place as Canada will allow its vaccinated citizens to return to the country.

3 Kawak (July 6th) – an “activating storm” type of influence that can manifest as a true weather storm or a “storm” of compassion or emotion, both of which will be in clear evidence at this time as it is anticipated that Tropical Storm Elsa could be hammering Florida by this time, further endangering the rescue operations in Surfside. This is also the Dalai Lama’s 86th Gregorian birthday.

On this day 11 year old Landyn Toney, a Mi’kmaw boy from Nova Scotia, will complete a six-day, 157 km walking Journey of Awareness from Truro N.S. to the Annapolis Valley First Nation, a journey that he embarked on almost a week ago to remember and honour the children of Canada’s residential schools, and to spread awareness about what happened to them. As he said when he started his trek, “I’m doing it for my elders and for all the kids who didn’t make it from the residential schools. And for all the people who survived the residential schools but still suffer to this day.”

In 2008 this was the energy in place when it was announced that the Lehman Bros. investment bank had run out of cash, triggering a massive financial meltdown over the next few days, referred to at that time as “the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression” in the US.

4 Ajaw (July 7th) – a “defining” energy associated with the full light of the sun, symbolic of renewal and enlightenment, the same “defining” Burner Day energy that coincided with Long Count, the end of the 13th B’aktun on Dec. 21st, 2012, the day in which a whole new Great Cycle of Time was “seated”. Currently this day marks the completion of the 12th Tzolk’in cycle since Dec. 21, 2012, and the beginning of the 13th cycle since that end of the 13th B’aktun.

This day marks one Calendar Round exactly (52 years less 13 days) since the Apollo 11 lunar landing in 1969. This was also the energy in place when the Space Shuttle Atlantis spent its final day in space, in 2011, marking the end of the space shuttle era.

Kakaw, the Mayan hieroglyph for Chocolate. Public Domain. July 7th (4 Ajaw) is World Chocolate Day.

This is also World Chocolate Day, Japan’s Star Festival (Tanabata) day, Ringo Starr’s 81st birthday, and the Maya birth energy of climate crisis activist Greta Thunberg, who was chosen as Time magazine’s Person of the Year in 2020, at age 16. Two cycles ago, exactly, under this same energy influence, she was nominated to receive the 2020 Nobel Peace prize.

That was the energy in place in early February last year when the Washington Post reported that the dumpster had made more than 16,200 false or misleading claims over the previous three years. Currently it’s easier to keep track since he just keeps repeating the “BIG LIE ” to try to undermine the legitimacy of the 2020 election. That lie (a tactic used by Hitler) has been like an insidious plague that keeps spreading and trying to undermine the very fabric of democracy, but with more and more light being shone on his criminal modus operandi, more and more people are finally waking up and distancing themselves from him and his businesses. Keep in mind that Four Ajaw was the energy that brought forth the signing of the unconditional documents of surrender by German forces in 1945 – and the end of the “big lie” that had been promulgated in Germany.

5 Imix (July 8th) – the “blessing of birth”, representative of both “the realm of all potential” and chaos; symbolic of the primordial realm, which contains “all possibilities” – with this day marking one Calendar Round exactly (52 years less 13 days) since Commander Neil Armstrong and lunar module pilot Buzz Aldrin became the first humans to set foot on the moon after landing the day before.

Apollo 11 Lunar Lander. Photo by Neil Armstrong, taken on July 21, 1969, Maya date 5 Imix, one Maya Calendar Round ago (52 years less 13 days). Public Domain

At this point it has been two cycles exactly since the coronavirus outbreak aboard the Diamond Princess cruise ship, early in 2020, which led to the ship, with 2,666 mostly Japanese passengers aboard, being quarantined in the Port of Yokohama. Guests were forbidden to disembark, told to wear masks and confined to their cabins. With over 700 passengers and crew on board testing positive, the Diamond Princess became the focal point for the highest number of cases outside mainland China and people were really beginning to see how quickly the coronavirus could spread. Within a few weeks other ships had similar experiences, leading to a shutdown of the entire cruise ship industry.

This also marks a return of the energy that was in place on VE day in 1945, when the world jubilantly celebrated the end of World War II in Europe and the beginning of peace.

6 Ik’ (July 9th) – an “everywhere” type of energy associated with wind, breath, and spirit, exactly one cycle since Washington artist Suzanne Brennan Firstenberg began putting together the huge “IN AMERICA How Could This Happen…” Field of White Flags installation in Washington DC outside the RFK Stadium, with the help of a local landscaping company and community members, to illustrate and honour those who had been lost to Covid. At that point (last October) the US death toll from the coronavirus was just over 220,000. Since then an additional 400,000 people have died from Covid in that country. (Click here for further information on the installation. Click here for other large scale memorial installations related to the pandemic.)

Part of the October 2020 art installation commemorating American lives lost to Covid-19., organized by artist Suzanne Brennan Firstenberg. The installation, titled “In America, How could this happen…”, was installed one cycle ago, last October. This Eyewitness News photo, published on 11 Manik’, the 11th day of this trecena, indicates the number of deaths that had occurred in the US by that time. Since then there have been almost 400,000 more.

This is often a highly consequential energy as seen in 2008 when it was announced that two out of the five major investment companies in the U.S. had failed, causing “the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression” – a failure that triggered a dramatic plunge in the stock market and outright chaos in world financial markets. Then in 2020 the impeachment acquittal in the US, that took place under this influence, triggered the bottom falling out of democracy itself. So it often seems that whatever happens under this “wind everywhere” influence, can reverberate “in all directions” for some time to come. In 1945 this was the energy in place when World War II officially ended, after the unconditional surrender on 4 Ajaw.

Currently this is the beginning of the Maya month known as the Xul, symbolized by both a dog and a baby jaguar, but also traditionally associated with Kukulcan (known as Quetzalcoatl to the Aztec), the great Feathered Serpent, who was thought to descend from the heavens to collect offerings at the end of this Maya month. By extension, the combination of these symbols also suggests that the Classic Maya “Hero Twins” are also aligned with this month. Xul can also translate as “end”. This is coming in at the time of the New Moon.

7 Ak’b’al (July 10th) – a “self-generating” type of energy associated with the concept of “temple” or “house”, but also darkness or “sanctuary”, the energy that was in place at the time of Richard Nixon’s presidential win. In 1492 this was the energy in place when Christopher Columbus embarked on his first voyage into the unknown.

Currently this is the 81st Gregorian anniversary of the start of the Battle of Britain. It is also the great inventor Nikola Tesla’s 165th Gregorian birthday.

8 K’an (July 11th) – a “resurrection” type of energy associated with germination and even opulence; an “harmonious gift” type of influence, on the day when Virgin Galactic will launch Richard Branson and five others into space, in its first mission with a crew of six on board.

This marks two cycles since two major “head’s up” events that seemed to foreshadow the horrors to come. One was the death of Dr. Li Wenliang, the doctor who issued the first warning to colleagues that there were 7 confirmed cases of coronavirus. Another was the dumpster’s admission to Bob Woodward that Covid-19 was deadlier than the flu and could be transmitted by particles in the air (an admission that was withheld from the people, and publically denied or downplayed).

Currently this is the 32nd anniversary of World Population Day, which was established through the United Nations Development Program in 1989 when the world’s population considerably less than it is now. It is currently well over 7.8 billion.

9 Chikchan (July 12th) – representative of “outwardly-projecting” lifeforce, a powerful force that can spawn major weather events such as typhoons, and even push forth “evolutionary” events that can significantly impact the world, as happened when the First Women’s Rights Convention convened in New York in 1848. This energy was also in place at the beginning of World War II when Germany invaded Poland in 1939, and again in 1944 when Paris was liberated by the Allies. In 1863, this was in place at the beginning of the horrific Battle of Gettysburg, seen as a turning point during the U.S. civil war, as the Confederate army was forced to retreat.

In India this is the day of Ratha-Yatra in the state of Odessa, northern India, the oldest chariot festival in the world, usually attended by millions of devotees.

10 Kimi (July 13th) – a double “absolute foundations” type of energy that is represented by the death god in both the number and daysign positions.

Two cycles ago (in February of 2020) this energy was in place when the Antarctic registered a temperature of more than 20C (68F) for the first time, prompting fears of climate instability in the world’s greatest repository of ice. One cycle ago power was cut to more than one million people in central California, to prevent sparking wildfires during extreme fire weather, at the same time as two fast-moving fires exploded in Southern California, forcing the evacuation of some 100,000 people. This time global warming is being felt acutely in Canada – particularly Western Canada – and again on the US West Coast, as record breaking heat has been registered over the past couple of weeks.

The last time this energy was in place, last October, some 6,000 or so deaths from the coronavirus were being reported on a daily basis globally. Unfortunately, that number kept increasing and is currently averaging well over 8,000 per day.

11 Manik’ (July 14th) – “inspirational deer”, a change-oriented day aligned with the idea of reciprocity and new possibilities, although there can be a sacrificial aspect to it. This is an energy that can be somewhat “fiery” since Manik’ is a “carrier” of the sun on Earth, with the number 11 also being highly Earth-aligned. Situated in a position of intensity near the end of this “earth-movement” trecena, this energy is representative of solar power in tandem with strong Earth-aligned forces.

This is Bastille Day in France (French National Day), the 232nd anniversary of the storming of the Bastille in Paris in 1789, which was a critical turning point in the French Revolution – a significant event that led to the overthrow of the monarchy. Hopefully safety precautions will still being observed for this celebration as France has the fourth highest number of coronavirus cases worldwide.

Bastille Day fireworks, July 14, 2017. Photo by Yann Caradec, Paris, France, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Two cycles ago (Feb. of 2020) this was the energy in place when a new, and terrifying, facet of the madness that has a chokehold on the US was revealed when the White House rolled out a budget that called for $1 trillion in cuts to Medicaid and the Affordable Care Act over a decade, as well as seeking to halve US funding for the World Health Organization, in addition to calling for deep cuts to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and to the Infectious Diseases Rapid Response Reserve Fund. These “sheer madness” calls were made at the same time as the pandemic was ramping up in earnest.

12 Lamat (July 15th) – a double Venus type of force representative of the “grouping together” influence of the number 12 in combination with Lamat’s “heralding” type of energy, which sometimes “signals” some critical development. This is the day when Germany’s Chancellor Angela Merkel is scheduled to visit the White House.

In 1947 this was the energy in place when a brilliant object plunged to the ground NW of Roswell, New Mexico, touching off great speculation about whether or not it was a UFO.

Currently this is St. Swithin’s Day in the UK, a day which, in British folklore, is a marker for predicting the weather for the subsequent 40 days.

This is the Maya birth energy of the Honourable Murray Sinclair, the First Nations Lawyer and former Canadian Senator who served as the chairman of the Indian Residential Schools Truth and Reconciliation Commission from 2009 to 2015. The final report from that commission contained 94 Calls to Action and called upon all parts of Canadian Society to commit to reconciliation and to build a more respectful relationship between Indigenous and non-Indigenous people. In his final speech at the final event, Senator Sinclair acknowledged that reconciliation was going to be difficult, perhaps more difficult than getting at the truth behind Residential Schools. He addressed all of Canada when he stated: “We have described for you a mountain. We have shown you the way to the top. We call upon you to do the climbing.” He continues to be an important “herald” and spokesman as more of these “truths” are being revealed. It is up to ALL Canadians to do the climbing! Significantly Senator Sinclair’s traditional Ojibway name is Mizanay Gheezhik, meaning “the One Who Speaks of Pictures in the Sky” – very similar 12 Lamat.

13 Muluk (July 16th) – “transformational water” – an energetic, often dramatic, type of energy that can trigger strong feelings and stir environmental forces which have, on occasion in the past, developed into floods, tornadoes, and even hurricanes. This is the Maya birth energy of Denis Hayes, the founder of Earth Day.

It has been 7 full cycles since the July 2016 Wikileaks release of documents stolen by Russian hackers from the DNC (and called for by the dumpster), intended to hurt Hillary Clinton, which triggered the torrent of speculation that ultimately resulted in Clinton’s loss in that 2016 election – and all the political chaos that has happened ever since.


[Please note that the brief descriptions of the days provided above are only “thumbnail sketches”. Much greater detail can be found in Manual for the Soul: A Guide to the Energies of Life.]

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