Maya Count Of Days Horoscope

Maya Calendar Energies At Work In The World

Like clockwork, this trecena is beginning in exactly the same way as it did late last October, on the heels of a ferocious hurricane. When it came into place one cycle ago it was preceded by Hurricane Otis, that had hit near Acapulco as a Cat. 5 monster. This time this trecena is coming on the heels of Hurricane Beryl, which spent much of the last trecena careening through the Caribbean before rampaging through the Yucatan and then moving on into Texas, and finally petering out by bringing intense rains into eastern Canada and northeastern US. In many ways, those seemed to be one trecena early, as this is the trecena where many intense tornado and hurricane events have happened in the past, in conjunction with the “wind” aspects of the energies.

Tree planting ceremonies took place in many different countries as part of Queen Elizabeth’s Jubilee. Photo Credit: UKinUSA from Washington, D.C., CC BY-SA 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

But there are many other ways in which those energies can make themselves known, one of which has to do with “spirit”. Indeed, three cycles ago (early June of 2022), it was the spirit of jubilance that prompted millions of people to join in special events and celebrations, in countries around the world, pertaining to Queen Elizabeth’s Grand Platinum Jubilee during this period. Special musical performances were staged, more than a million trees were planted, celebratory dishes were created, street parties were held, and a multitude of events brought people together in a multitude of joyful, playful ways, to share in the tribute to a much loved monarch. But since then, sadly, the tragedies unfolding in the Middle East and Europe, including the IDF’s brutal attacks on Gaza and Russia’s continuing bombardment of Ukraine, have dampened spirits considerably. The failure of world leaders to find some way to curtail these bombardments, and the failure to find ways to stop the atrocities against innocent people in those regions and elsewhere, have resulted in a significant erasure of confidence in the ability of global organizations to tackle such issues – including the issue of climate change.

Nevertheless, in order to move forward, a mustering of spirit is essential, and as this trecena comes into place, this is definitely the time to “pull up socks”, take a deep breath, and get on with it.

Certainly, in Ukraine, it is the very “strong spirit” of their president, and of those who are defending their country, that is enabling people to “hold the fort”, despite enormous losses. And now that spirit is being bolstered by new pledges, and new deliveries, of equipment and aid from NATO allies, so progress is being made in that arena.

With regard to the energies involved at this time, this is the trecena traditionally associated with Ehécatl, the “Wind/Breath/Spirit” form of the great Feathered Serpent that was often seen in ancient Mesoamerica as a portal to the heavens. One of the most prominent symbols associated with Ehécatl was a duck-billed mask, representative of the wind that blows in all directions. The fact that Ehécatl is a variant of the great Feathered Serpent, known as Kukulcan (Quetzalcóatl), is also significant since serpentine energy has long been associated with medicine, alchemy, and the healing arts. As shown in the trecena image, the duck-billed Ehécatl represents the first day of this period, which is thought to influence all the rest.

Adaptation of the Ik’ (Wind/Breath/Spirit) trecena from the pre-Columbian Codex Borgia by artist Richard Balthazar (used with permission). The first day (One Ik’ or One Wind) is represented by the little head of the duck-billed Ehécatl, at the lower left (within the border). The other days of this trecena proceed from there to the right, and then up towards the top, to the head of a Jaguar (Ix) at the upper right. The daysign numbers pertaining to this trecena (beginning with One Ik’) are not shown, but implied. The patron deity associated with this trecena is Chantico, the Goddess of Terrestrial Fire (Goddess of the Hearth), shown in the larger image at the top, on the left. Click here for an overview of Richard’s various other versions of the same trecena and some of the fascinating details relating to this one.

Another overarching influence during this time frame is symbolized by Chantico, the Goddess of Terrestrial Fire, associated with the warmth and nourishment of the hearth fire, and protection of the “home fires”, who serves as patron of this time frame. Associated with “high magic”, earthly treasures, and domesticity, Chantico provides the reminder that this would be an opportune time to look towards things that can inspire and uplift, to watch for the miracles that will unfold even within the worst possible contexts. In many regions at this time she will be busy helping people to find shelter, warmth, and comfort, particularly in places that were hit by that huge hurricane a few days ago, and in places where homes no longer exist as in Gaza, after the relentless attacks that have left so many areas uninhabitable.

With the needs so monumental, whole different ways of thinking will be needed to bring the atrocities to an end, so that the tide can turn and relief can be provided. And it seems that the possibility exists for that to happen, as a recent announcement indicated that Israel and Hamas have agreed to hand over control of the Gaza Strip to a new Palestinian force, as part of a ceasefire and hostage-prisoner release deal. This raised hopes that a ceasefire was in sight, but then Israeli strikes continued, with the Palestinian death toll now reaching over 38,000. It remains to be seen as to whether that recently negotiated framework for an end to the hostilities will hold, but this trecena opens with a majority of Israelis supporting the withdrawal of all troops from Gaza, along with a complete ceasefire and hostage release. If agreement can be reached during this period, then aid can begin to flow back into Gaza, including the 74 trucks carrying hundreds of pallets of medical supplies that are said to be waiting for the go-ahead. So it is possible that this could be a time-frame that could bring some much needed relief.

During this period, one very important facet relates to communication – and how information is transmitted and received. It has now been two cycles since President Zelenskyy gave a lengthy address to the European Council during which he thanked leaders for their support for Ukraine and reminded them that they were helping to protect Europe from “a regime that has proven that it has only one ambition: to destroy Europe’s freedom and to be an authoritarian master on the continent.” His effectiveness as a communicator has been a major factor in persuading other countries to provide assistance in this battle against oppression and tyranny.

During that same time thousands of people in Israel were protesting against Netanyahu’s policies, reflecting a situation where communication was problematic. The protests have continued ever since, as tens of thousands regularly take to the streets to call for a Gaza ceasefire, the release of hostages, and for Netanyahu’s resignation.

In the US, the issue of how information is transmitted and received will be “front and centre” during this period, on two fronts, one of which has to do with how effectively President Biden can make up for his problematic showing during the recent presidental debate. Certainly his intense 90 min. press conference following the NATO summit demonstrated that he had, as many concurred shortly thereafter, “an impressive command of the issues”, reflective of his decades of experience in the foreign policy field. Just before the start of this trecena an energized Biden spoke at a Detroit campaign event to waves of applause from hundreds of supporters, and chants of “We Love you Joe”, “We got your back” and “Don’t you quit!” So if he can continue to show this kind of leadership and strong rapport with the voters during this trecena and beyond this will boost his prospects for getting re-elected considerably.

On the other political front, the Republican convention will take place over four days in the earlier part of this time frame. Expect chaos, nastiness, and a whole lot of “fire and brimstone” as all that plays out!

So as this Ik’ trecena comes into play once again, it’s going to be another period of high intensity for millions of people. Many forces aligned with breath, spirit, communication, healing, alchemy, and even the magical arts will be activated. It will be intense, on many, many levels. But this is a period when magic – and even miracles – can happen. Fingers crossed! Here are the energies that are coming into play:

Ehécatl, the wind/breath/spirit form of Quetzalcoatl. Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons.

1 Ik’ (July 13th) – the “initiation of wind/breath/spirit”, and even “high magic”. In ancient Mesoamerica this was seen as a day when offerings were made to the great Feathered Serpent deity Quetzalcóatl, representative of the winds, whirlwinds, and life itself.

Over the past 12 years many severe weather events have taken place under this influence, including tornado warnings, two Cat. 5 hurricanes, and other forms of fierce winds. But this time it seems that the emphasis will more on the “winds (or tornadoes) of communication”, with 115 days remaining until the US presidential election.

This day is marking one full cycle since humanitarian teams were working feverishly to try to get the first shipments of water, food, power, and medical aid into Gaza, after the first 20 days of war. But it has now been 280 days since the horrific Hamas attack that triggered the Israeli-Gaza war, and not only has the conflict not been resolved, but Gaza City and other parts of the north are again under attack, as thousands of people flee once again towards the south. The situation is so dire that it’s looking like “divine intervention” or extremely “high magic” will be needed to shed light on any kind of viable path forward. However, even in the midst of all this, there are indications that progress is being made with regard to a ceasefire, so it is possible that there could be some important announcements coming through around this time.

A U.S. Air Force F-16 Fighting Falcon Block 40 aircraft during a mission over Iraq in 2008. Public Domain.

Similarly, the situation in Ukraine continues to be dire, with that conflict with Russia now into its 870th day. However, with long-awaited F-16 fighter jets now starting to arrive in Ukraine, these reinforcements, along with a “substantial” forthcoming package of other forms of assistance, will do much to “lift spirits” as they bolster Ukraine’s defence capabilities.

In North America, emphasis at this time will be placed on cleaning up those areas that were badly hit by Hurricane Beryl as it rampaged through the Caribbean during the last trecena, before targeting the Yucatan, the coast of Texas, and finally downgrading as it headed into the northeast.

And on a plane that stands in revoltingly stark contrast to everything else going on in the world, this is the second day of a three-day wedding extravaganza taking place in India at this time, as the son of Asia’s wealthiest man marries the “love of his life” during a lavish series of events at Mumbai’s Jio World Convention Centre. Major stars in global entertainment are being flown in to perform, in this culmination to five months of lavish pre-events. TIME magazine notes that India’s richest 1% own around 40% of the country’s wealth, according to Credit Suisse data cited by a 2023 Oxfam report, while more than 200 million people continue to live in poverty.

This marks five cycles since December 2020 when the US Congress voted to pass the new $900 billion pandemic aid relief bill to help US citizens and business to cope with the pandemic. It is also marking precisely 14 cycles since Hillary Clinton announced (in the spring of 2015) her campaign to become the Democratic candidate in the 2016 U.S. presidential election.

2 Ak’b’al (July 14th) – a “dynamic” type of energy associated with the temple or “house” of deep esoteric mysteries, which has sometimes manifested as “darkness” – as in power outages (often from a strong wind event the day before) or even in the revealing of “deep, dark secrets” or actions. At this time this energy is coinciding with Bastille Day in France (French National Day), the 235th anniversary of the storming of the Bastille in Paris in 1789, which was a critical turning point in the French Revolution – a significant event that led to the overthrow of the monarchy. Celebrations in Paris on this day will include a huge military ceremony and parade, balls and concerts, and a large fireworks show at the Eiffel Tower. After the outcome of the recent election, when “democracy” was once again saved by the people, this will be a particularly joyful day for many.

Bastille Day fireworks in 2017. Photo by Yann Caradec, Paris, France, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

This is now marking nine cycles since Special Counsel Robert Mueller indicted 13 Russians for election interference in the US (for conspiracy to commit wire fraud and for aggravated identify theft).

The last time this was in place Gaza’s 2.3 million people were in darkness after most electricity was cut off and fuel for generators ran out. The loss of communication dealt a further blow to a medical and aid system that was already on the brink of collapse under Israel’s then-three-week siege – and that was last October.

3 K’an (July 15th) – an “activation” type of energy associated with both germination and opulence, coinciding at this time with the opening of the Republican convention. Trump was due to be sentenced four days earlier, with regard to his 34 convictions in the hush money/falsifying records case, but now that has been postposed to September. On the Democratic side, this is the day when President Biden’s interview with NBC News anchor Lester Holt in Austin, Texas, is to be aired as a “primetime special”.

Since one of these candidates is vying to become an “absolute monarch”, it is worth noting that today is the Sultan of Brunei’s 78th birthday. He is not only one of the wealthiest people in the world, but is also one of the world’s few “absolute monarchs”. This wealth-oriented energy was Queen Elizabeth II’s Maya birth energy.

In the UK this is St. Swithin’s Day, a day which, in British folklore, is a marker for predicting the weather for the subsequent 40 days. Given the other events taking place at this time, expect a tsunami of political predictions to spew forth by this evening.

In Ukraine this is Ukrainian Statehood Day, a state holiday to commemorate one of the most critical events in Ukraine’s modern history, when Ukraine adopted its Declaration of State Sovereignty in 1991.

4 Chikchan (July 16th) – the “defining” of Lifeforce, a Burner Day associated with “running with the fire”, in conjunction with Quetzalcóatl’s connection with Liberation and Higher Consciousness, now marking ten cycles since June 2017 when thousands of protestors took part in March for Truth rallies in more than 150 cities across the US and around the world, calling for a fair and impartial investigation into alleged Russian interference in the 2016 election.

One cycle ago this energy was in place when an unprecedented trial began in Colorado to examine the “pivotal” legal question of investigation and enforcement of the 14th Amendment’s disqualification clause, which bars anyone from office who took an oath to support the U.S. Constitution but then “engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or [has] given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof.” This lawsuit was filed by Republican and unaffiliated voters, represented by Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington, who wanted to protect the rights of voters “to fully participate in the upcoming primary election by ensuring that votes cast will be for those constitutionally qualified to hold office.” Several weeks later the judge rejected this as an attempt to bar Trump from being a candidate in the state’s 2024 presidential election. Similar challenges also failed in 3 other states. Currently this is the second day of the Republican convention.

This was the Maya energy in place in 2011 when Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas asked the U.N. to recognize a state for the Palestinians and submitted an official request to the U.N. for full membership. Four cycles later Israel shelled a school that was serving as a UN shelter in Gaza, killing at least 15 and injuring more than 100. And now – the whole of Gaza is not only a war zone, but a zone of complete devastation, where famine is raging. And Israel keeps attacking!

5 Kimi (July 17th) – a “precision” type of energy associated with “absolute foundations”, an energy that can sometimes be seen as a “game changing” force, as it can bring things right down to the barest of essentials, prior to regeneration. But that can also mean bringing things down to “pure spirit”, which can be that “game changing” turning point. Two cycles ago this energy was in place as tens of thousands of people took to the streets in Israel, to protest against Netanyahu’s proposed legal changes. Many saw this as the beginning of constitutional and social collapse – which certainly seems to be what happened. Questions might be asked about whether there could a connection between all this and Netanyahu’s insistence on bombing Gaza to smithereens, under some warped pretense of maintaining power.

In 2018 the energy of 5 Kimi was in place when Democrats won back the US House of
Representatives in the midterm elections and made history with a record number of women winning seats in Congress. Given the current debate over President Biden’s relative fitness to remain as the Democratic candidate, it could be interesting to see if there is any “game changing” at this time. Since this is the third day of the Republican convention, the question might be asked on that side as well.

During the summer of 1973 this was the energy in place when the New York Daily News ran the headline: “Nixon Blasts ‘False’ Charges”, and newspapers across the US all ran a variation of the same.

6 Manik’ (July 18th) – the energy of the six directions in conjunction with the reciprocity-oriented (but sometimes “sacrificial”) energy of the deer (traditionally seen as a “carrier for the sun” on Earth). This is Nelson Mandela International Day, on what would have been his 106th birthday. On this final day of the Republican convention, one of Mandela’s many comments that needs to be remembered and taken as a key guideline is this one:

It is easy to break down and destroy. The heroes are those who make peace and build.”

In 2019 this was the energy in place when the “notorious” phone conversation between the dumpster and new Ukraine president Zelenskyy took place in which Zelenskyy was pressured to investigate Hunter Biden’s involvement in Ukraine. This became a focal point for the first impeachment trial against Trump, on charges of abuse of power and obstruction of Congress.

The last time this was in place the world’s first global artificial intelligence safety summit was being held in the UK, to examine the existential threat that many feel AI poses. Whatever became of that?

7 Lamat (July 19th) – “self-generating star” or beacon; a strong “heralding” type of energy, as well as a force that has been historically associated with strong winds (often tornadoes and hurricanes), and other forms of severe weather. In April of 2020 this was in place when, for the first time since the outbreak of the coronavirus, all 50 US states were under disaster declaration as the number of cases in the US were climbing.

The last time this was in place, Judge Michael Luttig, a former circuit judge in the US Court of Appeals and strong defender of the constitution, sounded the alarm when he provided the reminder that efforts to overturn the election were “grave crimes” against the US and the constitution, and anyone involved should be disqualified from ever running again. He said that Trump and his allies are “a clear and imminent danger” to democracy. Several days ago he indicated that there are already calls for a constitutional amendment to overturn the Supreme Court’s immunity decision, which he has referred to as a “supreme betrayal”. However . . . the shark is already in the water, so to speak.

8 Muluk (July 20th) – the “resurrection” of water; strongly aligned with rebirth and “purification”, marking two cycles since President Biden was given a 3 hour physical exam and was pronounced “healthy, vigorous, and fit to successfully execute his duties”. That was in February of last year. In February of this year he was also declared “fit to serve”, but that has not prevented skepticism. By this time it is likely that a decision will have been made as to whether Democrats are willing to regroup and support a “rebirth”, or whether some major shift is in the works.

9 Ok (July 21st) –an “outwardly-projecting” type of energy associated with love, loyalty, and guidance that can have long lasting influence; a “double-fire” type of energy often aligned with “hearth-fire” or even “heart-fire”, coinciding at this time with the Full Buck Moon, at a time when the antlers of male deer are in full-growth mode. It is also known as the Feather Moulting Moon (Cree) and Salmon Moon (Tlingit). Historically this was seen as the birth energy of Chantico, the Goddess of Terrestrial Fire, associated with the warmth and nourishment of the hearth fire, and protection of the “home fires”, who serves as patron of this time frame.

This is National Ice Cream Day, which may be needed by the millions of people trying to cope with extreme heat. This would have been renowned producer/director Norman Jewison’s 98th birthday, but he passed on six months ago, on Jan. 20th. He was known for directing films that addressed complicated social and political issues. It might be asked: What kinds of stories might he have presented relating to these bizarre and dangerous times? One can only speculate.

It has now been three cycles since the start of that special four-day Jubilee bank holiday weekend in the UK in 2022 to mark Queen Elizabeth’s official birthday, one of the last big events of her reign.

The 25th International AIDS Conference runs from July 22-26

10 Chuwen (July 22nd) – “foundational play”; a creative time-weaving type of force, coinciding with the opening day of the five-day AIDS 2024 Conference, the world’s “most influential conference on HIV science”, in Munich, and virtually, which will feature many of the world’s leaders and top professionals on HIV research.

11 Eb’ (July 23rd) – inspirational “animating vitality”, aligned with change and new possibilities, marking one cycle since Special counsel Jack Smith’s team filed a lengthy response to Trump’s motions to dismiss his federal election interference case on statutory and constitutional grounds. In this response, Smith argued that his indictment rightfully charges Trump with “perpetrating an unprecedented campaign of deceit to attack the very functioning of the federal government” and accused Trump of “attempts to rewrite the indictment” by claiming it “charges him with wholly innocuous, perhaps even admirable conduct.” In the filing the special counsel wrote that “No other president has engaged in conspiracy and obstruction to overturn valid election results and illegitimately retain power.”

12 B’en (July 24th) – a double-Quetzalcóatl, lifeforce-oriented type of force aligned with personal authority, coinciding at this time with International Self-Care Day, which aims “to raise the profile of healthy self-care programs”.  Tell that to Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu who is addressing a joint session of the U.S. Congress on this day, at the same time as his IDF forces continue relentlessly pounding Gaza and shrinking “humanitarian” zones.

This was the energy in place two cycles ago when President Biden made a surprise visit to Kyiv in February of last year.  This evening President Biden will deliver an address to the nation.

13 Ix (July 25th) – “transformational Jaguar” – a double transformation type of energy associated with the Jaguar and earth mysteries. Two cycles ago this was in place when President Biden met with world leaders and delivered a speech from the Gardens at the Royal Castle in Warsaw, Poland, ahead of the one-year marking of the Russian invasion of Ukraine. On this day he meets with Netanyahu at the White House.


[Please note that the brief descriptions of the days provided above are only “thumbnail sketches”. Much greater detail can be found in Manual for the Soul: A Guide to the Energies of Life.]

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