Mar 2017
The Chuwen (Monkey) trecena: March 1-13, 2017
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As we move forward from the last 13-day period, which began with a “Day Without Immigrants” strike in the U.S., followed by a declaration of war against the media by the U.S. president, and then a series of large-scale protest demonstrations throughout the trecena, we arrive at the key mid-point within the overall 260-day cycle.
![Red-faced spider monkey, Brazil. In the 260 day Tzolk'in he sits in the centre of the "Cosmic Tree" . Photo Credit: By Ana_Cotta [CC BY 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons](
Red-faced spider monkey, Brazil. In Maya mythology a Monkey-God deity sits in the centre of the “World Tree” symbolized by the 260-day Tzolk’in (Count of Days) . Photo Credit: By Ana_Cotta [CC BY 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons
This is One Chuwen, the Day of the Monkey, at the beginning of the “Creation” sequence, when all things of heaven and earth were made. Symbolically this is the centre of the cosmic World Tree, where the playful, inventive, and agile Monkey deity sits to orchestrate the proliferation of life.
At this point in the last cycle (260 days ago) that Monkey deity must have decided to put on his “trickery” fedora as he was weaving together the threads for the following 260 days because what unfolded after the Day of the Monkey last June (beginning with the Brexit vote in the U.K.) has kept everyone off-balance ever since.

Patecatl, the Aztec god of the intoxicating Pulque, is a principal patron of this trecena.
Image from the 16th century Codex Telleriano-Remensis, Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons
It was as if the God of Pulque who serves as the principal patron of this trecena was let loose without restraint. As this is a deity that was associated with the fermented sap of the maguey plant, the base of the highly intoxicating pulque, he was often associated with “reckless abandon”, which has the potential to remind the world that play, and art, and celebration are important aspects of life. Unfortunately, things went badly awry from this point on last year, with unthinkably devastating consequences.
Amazingly, this is not the only time the “God of Pulque” has wreaked havoc under this influence as this was the energy in place in 64 AD when the Great Fire of Rome began its six-day rampage through that city (starting while still under the “transformational fire” influence the evening before), at the time of the reign of the demented Emperor Nero, so often associated with tyranny and extravagance. History often points to him as being the direct cause of the fire so that he could bypass the Senate and build an elaborate series of palaces. Rather than assuming any personal responsibility Nero blamed the fire on Christians whom he mercilessly persecuted. Given what has happened over the past few weeks in the U.S., and the “fire” that has been flaring up in Washington D.C., it would seem that other parallels could readily be made.

Rome burned during the first few days of this trecena in 64 AD. Does this illustration of the Emperor Nero playing his lute while the city burns bring anything to mind? Illustration by M. de Lipman, Public Domain, via Wikimedia Commons.
So now, here we are embarking again on the 13-day journey through this special time frame that was seen traditionally as encompassing extraordinary productive power. This is the energy sequence that magically created the winal (a 20-day cycle that is a fundamental part of the 260-day Tzolk’in), so it was seen as a time of great artistry.

New York Seventh in April 1861 at the start of the U.S. Civil War. Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons. March 5th (5 Men) marks the 3rd New Fire anniversary of the start of that war.
At the present time we are paralleling exactly the Maya Calendar energies that were in place three Calendar Rounds ago (three 52-year cycles) at the start of the U.S. Civil War. At that time many significant events related to that conflict were set in motion during this trecena.
Similarly we are paralleling exactly the energies that were in place in 1965 in the thick of the civil rights movement. Amazingly, the second day of this trecena is the Calendar Round (New Fire) return of the energy that was in place in mid March of that year when President Lyndon B. Johnson addressed a joint session of Congress and surprised everyone by endorsing the battle for freedom for African-Americans, in order to help them to have access to “the full blessings of American life”. As he put it:
“Their cause must be our cause, too. Because . . . . really it is all of us who must overcome the crippling legacy of bigotry and injustice. ”
He then emphasized the words of Dr. Martin Luther King by saying “And we shall overcome.” Within five months of that speech he signed into law the Voting Rights Act of 1965. At the time of Johnson’s speech many thought that the achievement of that goal would not be possible and yet on that day he set into motion the forces that quickly brought about the passage of that historic law.
Now as we again journey through this trecena there will be many opportunities for play, artistry, and “reckless abandon”, but this time vast numbers of people are amalgamating around a common cause, a cause not unlike the one in evidence in 1965, the last time these precise “day + month” energies were in play. And fortunately this trecena can offer many, many opportunities to “think differently” or “go beyond the norm” in the interest of finding ways to overcome tyranny and oppression. With many things “in the works” at the present time, such as the massive worldwide rally and strike planned for International Women’s Day on March 8th, on the eighth day of this trecena, it may even be a time when new hope starts to emerge.
![Women's March against Trump on Jan. 21st. Photo Credit: Fibonacci Blue from Minnesota, [CC BY 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons](
Women’s March against Trump on Jan. 21st. Photo Credit: Fibonacci Blue from Minnesota, [CC BY 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons
The third through fifth days (3 B’en through to 5 Men, coinciding with March 3rd to 5th) were the days in the mythological creation sequence when many of the other things of the heavens, the seas, and the earth were made. Three B’en is particularly important as this was in place in 1933 during the inauguration of Franklin D. Roosevelt as the 32nd President of the U.S., the individual who brought in the “New Deal” policies that so greatly helped to pull that country out of the Great Depression.
The sixth day of this sequence, known as Six Kib’, is the point where the “first light” came into being. This idea was illustrated vividly in October of 2010 during the rescue of the Chilean miners when a drill first broke through to the trapped miners in their underground chamber after they had been imprisoned by the earth for 66 days, signalling that rescue was very close at hand. This is the Maya birth energy of Oliver Stone, the legendary screenwriter/producer/director whose many projects (such as his “Untold History of the United States“) have done much to shed light on pressing social and political issues.
Seven Kab’an was thought of as the day when honey was first created. Translating as “self-generating movement”, this is an Earth-oriented energy that often can be highly action-oriented, as seen when the Global Work Party – the “largest day of environmental activism in history” – took place on a Seven Kab’an day that aligned with 10/10/10. At that time 7,000 communities in 188 countries participated in campaigns to plant trees, collect rubbish, and rally against pollution.
Within this current Chuwen trecena one of the most important days will be 8 Etz’nab’ on March 8, as this will be International Women’s Day, a day when massive demonstrations and strikes will take place worldwide. One of the calls to action is the Unify Global Sisterhood Movement that will include synchronized meditation and prayer “to transform, uplift and inspire the world”. Another is the “A Day Without a Woman” action to affirm the rights of women, in alignment with the Women’s March on Washington organization.
The Ten Ajaw “Burner” day that follows two days later will likely keep the energy high, but it can also bring surprises, as it did on its last appearance when the UK voted to leave the EU, the implications of which are still being worked out. This is the birth energy of Pope John Paul II and the energy that was in place when the 33 Chilean miners were finally rescued from their dreadful underground imprisonment in October of 2010, with the first miner coming to the surface just after midnight and the last miner bring pulled out 22 hours later, exactly spanning the day.
In deep mythology the day known as Twelve Ik’ was seen as the day in which the breath of life was created. This is a “collecting together” type of force associated with Wind, Breath, and Spirit, which can be strongly aligned with communication. This was the energy in place on May 1st in 1893, the first day of the Maya year at that time. That day was the opening day for the Chicago World’s Fair which showcased the first major display of AC lighting – precisely 19 cycles, to the day, after Thomas Edison managed to get an electric light bulb to glow for a sustained period. At the present time this energy coincides with both a Full Moon and the beginning of Daylight Savings Time, so there is likely to be many a sigh of relief as this switch over to an extra hour of daylight comes into place.
Thirteen Ak’bal (“transformational temple or house”), the final day of the trecena, is referred to in the Maya creation legend as the calendrical energy that brought forth the creation of the first human. This can be a very high-powered force, a force that can bring quite severe weather conditions. At the present time this marks a New Fire anniversary of the day when Robert E. Lee resigned from the Union army just after the start of the U.S. Civil war in 1861. Two cycles later (in 1862) this same energy was in place when the Emancipation Proclamation was signed by President Abraham Lincoln.
Overall, this Chuwen trecena can challenge individuals to think differently, to try out new ideas, and to push forward into new, and even unorthodox, directions. It’s a time when even “miracles” are possible as the “Monkey-God” plays with time and opens the door to new possibilities. During this time frame these are the energies that come into play:
1 Chuwen (March 1st) – Day of the Monkey, an “initiating” day associated with high creativity and the beginning of an important new time sequence. Three cycles since 3.7 million people participated in the 2015 March for Liberty and Freedom of Expression in Paris and across France in defiance of the horrific attack against Charlie Hebdo journalists and cartoonists.
![The March for Liberty and Freedom in Paris on the first day of this Chuwen trecena in 2015. Photo Credit: Sébastien amiet;l [CC BY 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons](
The March for Liberty and Freedom in Paris on the first day of this Chuwen trecena in 2015. Photo Credit: Sébastien amiet;l [CC BY 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons
3 B’en (March 3rd) – the “activation” of personal authority, as in the inauguration of Franklin D. Roosevelt as the 32nd U.S. President in 1933; Maya birth energy of the extraordinarily inventive Jim Henson, creator of the Muppets.
4 Ix (March 4th) – a “defining” energy associated with the jaguar and the mysteries of the earth, one of the 4 energies at the centre of the Aztec Sun Stone. Three cycles since Charlie Hebdo published one million copies, instead of the usual 60,000.

Stamp commemorating the first space walk, in 1965, by Soviet Cosmonaut Alexei Leonov from Voskhod 2. March 5th (5 Men) marks the 3rd New Fire anniversary of this momentous event. Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons
5 Men (March 5th) – a “targeting” type of energy associated with the Eagle’s “higher vision”, on the Calendar Round (New Fire) anniversary of the first space walk – by Soviet Cosmonaut Alexei Leonov from Voskhod 2. At this point it has been precisely 3 Calendar Rounds since the start of the U.S. Civil war in 1861.
6 Kib’ (March 6th) – an “everywhere” type of energy associated with the “restoration of order”, the energy that brought in the “first light” during the creation sequence. On its last appearance this energy coincided with the candlelit vigil at Lake Eola by 50,000 people, in honour of the Orlando massacre victims, at which time a rainbow appeared as the names of the victims were read. This time this energy marks the beginning of Women of Aviation Worldwide Week. Oliver Stone’s Maya birthday.
7 Kab’an (March 7th) – “self-generating movement”, an energy that, in the past, has generated a great deal of Earth-oriented action and movement, this time on the eve of the Women’s Day strike
8 Etz’nab (March 8th) – the “resurrection of flint” – a knife-edged energy that can often be quite divisive or decisive, this time coinciding with the worldwide International Women’s Day marches. This day also marks the 100th (Gregorian) anniversary of the beginning of the Russian Revolution in 1917, and the 200th anniversary of the founding of the New York Stock Exchange.
9 Kawak (Mar. 9th) – “outward projecting storm”; a possibility for significant weather events or for situations requiring great compassion
10 Ajaw (Mar. 10th) – “foundational enlightenment” – an important Burner Day aligned with “taking the fire” in conjunction with Ajaw’s “full sun” energy. A New Fire anniversary of the day in 1861 when Virginia seceded from the Union just after the Civil War began. One cycle since the Brexit vote in the UK. last June.
11 Imix (Mar. 11th) – “inspirational new birth” (realm of all potential)
12 Ik’ (Mar. 12th) – a “collecting together” type of force associated with wind, breath, and spirit, this time in conjunction with the Full Crow Moon (aka the Worm Moon, the Crust Moon, and the Sap Moon), at the time when Daylight Savings Time begins. Calendar Round (New Fire) anniverary of the historic civil rights (re voting rights) march from Selma to Montgomery, Alabama in 1965. An excellent type of energy for conferencing or “putting heads together” to develop or share ideas, to “rally round” an idea or issue, and to make voices heard. One cycle since “Regrexit Day” in the UK, when many suddenly realized the implications of the Brexit vote. On this evening large bonfires will be lit in India to drive away evil spirits on the eve of Holi.
13 Ak’b’al (March 13th) as the last day of this “creation sequence” trecena, this is a transformational energy aligned with deep esoteric mysteries. Associated with the “temple or house”, this powerful earth-oriented energy that sometimes can have profound personal implications coincides at this time with opening of the 61st session of the Commission on the Status of Women at the UN (CSW61).
![Selling coloured powders for the Holi festival, Delhi. Photo Credit: Eliza Raschke from Brisbane, Australia [CC BY 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons](
Selling coloured powders for the Holi festival, Delhi. Photo Credit: Eliza Raschke from Brisbane, Australia [CC BY 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons
[Please note that the brief descriptions of the days provided above are only “thumbnail sketches”. Much greater detail can be found in Manual for the Soul: A Guide to the Energies of Life.]