Oct 2014
The B’en (Reed) Trecena: Oct. 25-Nov. 6, 2014
Posted by Trecena Horoscopes, Visual Artists, World Events, World Festivals
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Harvest festivals . . . Hallowe’en . . . Samhain . . . the Day of the Dead . . . the time of year when ghosts, goblins, Jack-o’-lanterns, and skeletons tend to come out to play. But after the horrific events in Ottawa three days before the start of this trecena, followed by another unthinkable scene of horror at yet another high school in the U.S., none of that seems important.

National War Memorial, Ottawa. Photo Credit: Mmcintyre (Own work) [CC-BY-SA-3.0], via Wikimedia Commons
Within this present B’en trecena much emphasis will be placed on remembering the lives of those who have passed. In order to shed light on the nature of one of the important energies within this time frame this might be an opportune time to pay tribute to someone who was born within this trecena, and passed earlier this year. That was H.R. Giger, the innovative sculptor, painter, and set designer who is best known for his Academy Award winning work in the film called “Alien”. Born on the tenth day of this trecena in 1940, Giger was doubly influenced by the force of “10”, as that number shows up twice in his 10 Ik’ 10 Muwan birth statement. And, as happens so very often, that influence can be seen quite clearly in his work, much of which has an otherworldly quality, a term that has been applied to the nature of his award-winning designs. In Maya mythology the number ten is represented by a deity known to the Aztec as as Mictlantecuhtli, the skeletal deity of the underworld, who is often accompanied by an owl (associated with Muwan).
By “coincidence” this 10 Ik’ 10 Muwan birth statement is very similar to the 10 Ik’ 10 Wo energy that was in place on the day in 1939 when King George VI came to Ottawa to formally unveil the National War Memorial, with the double 10 also being in place at that time. No doubt he would shudder to think that an innocent young soldier would be shot at that very place.

Aztec death god Mictlantecuhtli. Image credit: Katepanomegas (Own work, based on Codex Borgia, page 13.) [CC-BY-3.0], via Wikimedia Commons

H. R. Giger “Birth Machine” sculpture in Gruyères, Switzerland. Photo Credit: Matěj Stuchlík, [CC-BY-3.0], via Wikimedia Commons

Detail from “The Maize” by Diego Rivera in the Palacio Nacional, Mexico City. Photo Credit: Kgv88 [CC-BY-SA-3.0], via Wikimedia Commons
In 2010 the first official Nelson Mandela International Day occurred on a One B’en day, on the day when he celebrated his 92nd birthday. Exactly one cycle after that, on One B’en in 2011, President Obama announced that he would be running for a second term as U.S. president, an intention that was sanctified precisely one cycle later when, on the day One B’en, delegates at the Democratic National Convention cast their votes for his continuance as President. This time the US midterm elections will take place during this trecena, so once again “B’en” will play a role in deciding the fate of that country, and the path it will take over the next couple of years.
And as this trecena currently gets underway, we will see a major shift take place in the city of Toronto, as three contenders vie for the position of mayor, as the personal authority of one of them will enable that person to step into the position previously held by the “infamous” Rob Ford, whose “scandalous” antics have been the subject of worldwide news on many occasions over the few years. This is the trecena that will reveal whether the Ford influence will continue, through the election of Rob’s brother Doug, or whether the change will be complete, through the election of someone not connected with that camp.Overall, as noted before, this trecena seems to be an opportune time to “take stock” of one’s self , to examine one’s values, interests, desires, and goals, and to work towards their attainment. To assist in this endeavor these are the energies that will come into play:
1 B’en (Oct. 25th) – the “initiation” of “personal authority”, at the time of the Superior Conjunction of Venus, on the day when Mercury goes direct; a good day to make important personal decisions
2 Ix (Oct. 26th) – a dynamic type of energy aligned with “jaguar” earth mysteries and transformation; the time of the Samhain Festival in Meath, Ireland, and the Ukraine elections. This day also marks the 150th anniversary of the wrongful hangings of five Tsilhqot’in chiefs in 1864, for which the B.C. government has recently issued a formal apology.
3 Men (Oct. 27th) – the “activation of Higher Vision”; a Burner Day oriented around “announcing the fire” at the beginning of the “Eagle” burner sequence, an energy that sometimes heralds the nature of some forthcoming event or challenge; the day when Toronto holds its municiple elections (two cycles and one day after Rob Ford denied any wrongdoing)
4 Kib’ (Oct. 28th) – a “defining” day associated with the restoration of order; often a “getting down to business” type of force; the day of the full regimental funeral for Cpl. Nathan Cirillo, the young soldier who was shot at the National War Memorial (4 Tzolk’in cycles after the state funeral for Václav Havel, the president of the Czech Republic who led the 1989 Velvet Revolution in that country)
5 Kab’an (Oct. 29th) – a “blessing” type of energy associated with evolutionary movement
6 Etz’nab’ (Oct. 30th) – a “six directions” type of energy that can often be an attention-getting “flash- point”
7 Kawak (Oct. 31st) – “self-generating storm”, which can often bring a continuation of the weather pattern from the day before (if severe) or could manifest as a “storm of compassion”; this time in conjunction with Hallowe’en
8 Ajaw (Nov. 1st) – “resurrection” of the sun and “enlightenment”, on the day of the full military funeral for Patrice Vincent, the soldier who was ambushed near Montreal; also All Saints’ Day and Samhain, the Celtic New Year (and New Year’s Day for witches)

All Soul’s Day procession 2008, Tuscon AZ. Photo Credit: John from tucson az ([1] Uploaded by PDTillman) [CC-BY-2.0 ], via Wikimedia Commons

Dia de Muertos altar in San Miguel de Allende 2013. Photo Credit: Xibsuarz (Own work) [CC-BY-SA-3.0], via Wikimedia Commons
11 Ak’b’al (Nov. 4th) – “inspirational night” or “inspirational temple of mysteries”; this is a day often aligned with deep thought – or even “blackness” (as when Brazil was plunged into darkness under this influence in 2010), but also a good day to enjoy the sanctuary of home or temple. Maya birth energy of U.S. Pres. Abraham Lincoln. At this time this 11 Ak’b’al force coincides with midterm elections in the US, seen by many as a crucial time for Democrats to hold their positions in order to maintain their ability to effect change.
12 K’an (Nov. 5th) – a “grouping together” type of energy often associated with youthful vitality and the joyful celebration of life’s bounties; this time at the time of the Taurids Meteor Shower and Guy Fawkes festivities in the UK
13 Chikchan (Nov. 6th) – “transformational lifeforce”; an intense energy that has brought forth strong weather systems and impassioned protest demonstrations in the past, this time in conjunction with the Full Moon and the second night of the Taurids Meteor Shower
[Please note that the brief descriptions of the days provided above are only “thumbnail sketches”. Much greater detail can be found in Manual for the Soul: A Guide to the Energies of Life.]