Maya Count Of Days Horoscope

Maya Calendar Energies At Work In The World

Tag Archives: Indian residential schools

In Mesoamerican mythology it was often thought that the fate of the world tied in with the whims of the Jaguar. And perhaps the reality of that notion has never been brought into focus more starkly than at the current time, as we journey through this Jaguar-oriented time frame. The Jaguar metaphor reminds us that this is a timeframe associated Read the full article…

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When was the last time you had a flat-out, joy-filled, bells-on-your-toes, wind-in-your-sails good time? For far too many of us over the past few years, there has been little to celebrate. But in the UK during this trecena the doors are wide open for dancing, singing, feasting, and bell ringing in honour of Queen Elizabeth’s grand Platinum Jubilee. Upfest, billed Read the full article…

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It has been known to bring hurricanes – some of the world’s largest; it has been known to bring floods and dramatic water rescues. But it has also been known to bring important developments that have been significantly “healing” or transformative in positive ways. This is the Water trecena, and water is the ultimate shapeshifter. As much as it can Read the full article…

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There can be no whitewashing of the fact that the world is in a precarious place. We are now entering our third year of a global pandemic at the same time as millions of people are fleeing for their lives as they are being attacked by a “superpower”. It is a dreadful situation with no clear solutions in sight. But Read the full article…

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There is a saying in the Haida language that translates as “The World is as Sharp as the Edge of a Knife”, which refers to that thin line between dualities such as sanity and insanity, control vs. chaos, humanity vs. inhumanity. And it seems that, as we begin this “knife-edged” trecena, that the edge of that knife is particularly thin Read the full article…

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Indeed that WAS a time of “testing”, as noted in the last blog with regard to the K’an trecena that we have just gone through. During the past 13 days many things that had previously been “unseen” or long hidden were suddenly exposed, jolting people into new realizations, in many different areas, particularly with regard to the atrocities that have Read the full article…

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