Maya Count Of Days Horoscope

Maya Calendar Energies At Work In The World

World Events

In the early morning hours of April 18, 1906, on the first day of this trecena, residents of San Francisco felt a rumble, a forewarning of what was to happen 20-25 seconds later, when one of Planet Earth’s most catastrophic earthquakes ruptured the San Andreas fault for almost 300 miles. It was a shakeup that killed thousands, left 80% of Read the full article…

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We are in a time of great darkness, a time of extreme chaos and crisis, as hundreds of thousands of experienced, highly skilled, career professionals are being fired from federal positions all across the US, from agencies ranging from public health services, to financial services, to aviation regulation, to food regulation, to law enforcement, to national parks and environmental protection, Read the full article…

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The day after the November elections in the U.S., the highly respected Canadian journalist Andrew Coyne wrote:  “Nothing mattered, in the end. Not the probable dementia, the unfathomable ignorance, the emotional incontinence; not, certainly, the shambling, hate-filled campaign, or the ludicrously unworkable anti-policies. The candidate out on bail in four jurisdictions, the convicted fraud artist, the adjudicated rapist and serial Read the full article…

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One of the most recognizable Mesoamerican treasures is the 25 ton Aztec Calendar Stone, located in Mexico City’s National Anthropology Museum. In the centre of that huge disc is a hieroglyph, embedded with a rather fierce-looking face, representing “Movement”. Through this complex image the Aztecs depicting their idea of the cyclical nature of time, illustrating the idea of “eras” and Read the full article…

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With this trecena opening on the 5th straight day of catastrophic wildfires in Los Angeles, with states of emergency having been declared for several southern states due to a massive winter storm, and with a hotly divisive presidential transition about to begin, there is no way to sugar-coat this one – this will be a wild ride. But this is Read the full article…

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The end of the old year and the beginning of the new, as the world braces itself for . . . who knows what? At this highly unstable point in time, with people still trying to recover from the shock of the 2024 election in the US, whereby a slippery convicted felon managed to evade justice (on multiple counts) and Read the full article…

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Now we come to the final full trecena of 2024, with an energy sequence that is making its second appearance of the year. During its first time through, last April, it brought a spectacular Total Solar Eclipse that ran from Mexico, through Texas, up through the Eastern US, and on through Canada’s Eastern provinces, with some 32 million people in Read the full article…

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Now that the angst and dreariness of November are behind us, transition is in the air – a sense of regrouping as signs of December’s end of the year festivities begin to make their presence known. And during this period two ladies in particular (one in Paris and one in Vancouver) will be drawing the attention of millions, even if Read the full article…

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With millions in the US and elsewhere still reeling from the various shock waves that have hit during the past 14 days, the question of “where to go from here?” looms large. Indeed, this is a perilous time for the US, for those still immersed in wars and conflicts, and for the world at large. So what can we expect Read the full article…

This trecena opens with the world in a state of shock and profound disbelief as it becomes evident that a decisive percentage of American citizens made the choice to elect as their next president a convicted felon, proven to be a fraudster, rapist, misogynist, xenophobe, serial liar, insurrectionist, and self-proclaimed admirer of cruel autocrats; someone who has indicated that he Read the full article…

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