Feb 2025
The Ak’b’al (Night, House, Temple) trecena: Feb. 19-Mar. 3, 2025
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We are in a time of great darkness, a time of extreme chaos and crisis, as hundreds of thousands of experienced, highly skilled, career professionals are being fired from federal positions all across the US, from agencies ranging from public health services, to financial services, to aviation regulation, to food regulation, to law enforcement, to national parks and environmental protection, to ethical oversight, and much, much more. The U.S. is being attacked from within, and as several Democratic state attorneys-general have put it: the US is in the grip of a full-blown constitutional crisis, as the felon-in-chief and his chief campaign-donor sidekick take wrecking balls to government agencies across the country, and attempt to shred the constitution. And all of that has ramifications for the rest of the world as well, as those same forces are attempting to shake up and rearrange world order itself.
So how does all this tie in with the energies of the Maya Calendar?. . . . Firstly, we are still in that 52-day period that began with that “earthquake” energy that often shakes things up. We are moving into the second half of that period, embarking of this “House/ Darkness” oriented trecena, in a zone that often highlights challenges associated with ethics and morality.
From the ancient Mesoamerican perspective, the Aztecs depicted the overseer of this period as a deity known as Itzpapálotl, aka Obsidian Butterfly, who sometimes appears as a seductress but more often is shown with a skeletal visage and knife tipped wings, representative of her role as a fearsome warrior on the search for truth. Emblematic of the struggles of the soul as it strives to overcome the trials and tribulations of life, this deity was often associated with the subconscious, with moral and ethical issues, and with the sacrifices that often must be made in order to navigate through the earthly realm. Indeed, this trecena has been known to “stir things up”, and bring things into the light, often exposing a cauldron of issues that need to be addressed.

Adaptation of the Ak’b’al (House) trecena from the pre-Columbian Codex Borgia by artist Richard Balthazar (used with permission). The first day (One Ak’b’al) is represented by the little temple (House) at the lower left (within the border). The other days of this trecena proceed from there to the right, and then up towards the top, to the head of an eagle at the upper right). The daysign numbers pertaining to this trecena (beginning with One Ak’b’al) are not shown, but implied. The patron deity associated with this trecena is shown in the larger image on the left, at the top. She is the fierce looking Itzpapolotl, Obsidian Butterfly. Click here for for an overview of Richard’s various other versions of the same trecena.
Back in 1972 issues pertaining to both ethics and criminality were definitely being stirred up when the whole Watergate subterfuge began unravelling on the first day of this time frame, with the early morning arrest of the Watergate burglars, which kicked off a major investigation that led to the impeachment proceedings against President Nixon, and his eventual resignation two years later. This trecena’s emphasis on shedding light on “hidden secrets” was clearly observable as the unravelling began. Currently we are in a “New Fire” ZONE as the exact Calendar Round energies (same numbers, days, and Maya months) that were in place at that time are again in place, and will remain so for several months more as we work through the same combination of energies as were in place as the Watergate saga played out from 1972-1974. Amazingly, the US is once again grappling with significant issues relating to morality and ethics as they apply to the actions of a US president. Only this time things are much, much worse, and the stakes are much, much higher and more wide-spread.
Keep in mind that this is a trecena that tends to bring “hidden” things into the light, exposing things that need to be addressed. As dark as things might look, if they remain hidden people would remain unaware of what is going on, so bringing things into the light is the first step towards dealing with the issues. So, seen from that perspective, this trecena might be seen as an opportunity to really LOOK at the challenges, so that steps can start to be taken towards amelioration.
Note that this trend really began in June of 2019, when a massive #Impeach Trump National Day of Action took place near the beginning of this time frame, in more than 100 cities and towns across the US, which was a precursor to the hearings that led to his impeachment in early 2020. Unfortunately, the resistance by the GOP-held Senate to the endorsement of that impeachment ruling, along with the denier-in-chief’s subsequent behaviour, fomented the very dark times that followed. Then, in November of 2020, it became clear that the very sore loser of the 2020 U.S. presidential election was going into meltdown mode. That was when White House aides were talking about the “bunker mentality” on display in the White House, as the dumpster was “holed up” with no plans to journey out and no effort being made to facilitate a smooth transition of power. . . . and everyone is aware of what happened a few weeks later.
It was exactly one cycle after that, in July of 2021, when the Select Committee to investigate the coup attempt began holding hearings, and a great deal of information was being brought forward regarding the machinations associated with that conspiracy to overturn the election. On the first day of this trecena at that time ABC News reported on the “Smoking Gun” notes that revealed that the dumpster attempted to pressure the DoJ into declaring the election corrupt, in his “frantic efforts to cling to power at all costs”. As the trecena proceeded the U.S. Justice Department ordered the Internal Revenue Service to hand over six years worth of the dumpster’s long withheld tax returns to the House Ways and Means committee, and the word “criminal” was starting to be used with regard to the dumpster’s overall activities. Since then he has been convicted of fraud, sexual assaut, and 34 counts of falsification of business records in the first degree. And that does not count the other serious charges that were in the works, relating to the hoarding of classified documents, and his role in the Jan. 6th insurrection – as well as the election interference charges in Georgia.
So over the past few cycles a great deal has been brought into the light during this period. And what is promising at this time is that people are starting to “wake up” like never before. As became evident during the last 13 days, people are now pushing back on multiple fronts. Massive rallies are taking place across the US, thousands of people are showing up for online and town hall meetings, officials in agencies are sounding alarms, judges are blocking executive orders, people are resigning on principle rather than carrying out illegal or corrupt orders, activists are finding creative ways to call for resistance, and other countries are saying “Hell No!” to the orange felon’s suggestions of incursion. In some states Republican officials themselves are seeking exemptions from various cuts and lay-offs of federal workers within their home states, as in the state of Virginia where some 145,000 workers were fired by Doge. As more and more people are being directly affected by the massacre-type actions being taken by FFOTUS (“First Felon”) and his cronies, more and more people are taking Direct Action to push back against the darkness.

Martin Luther King Jr. quote relating to UNESCO’s World Peace and Understanding Day that will be celebrated on Feb. 23td (5 Manik’). Dr. King’s Maya birth energy comes in on the second day of this time frame.
Keep in mind that this is a period that was seen traditionally as relating not only to darkness, and mystery, but also to “early dawning”, and this time it would seem that that “early dawning” will be highly action-oriented as the battle for justice, accountability, and human rights continues.
And for those who might just want to get away from it all – and perhaps even “enter the mysteries” that are also associated with this time frame, there are a number of major masked carnivals taking place during this period – including the glorious Carnevale Di Venezia (Venice Carnival), Rio de Janeiro’s Carnival, carnival season in New Orleans, and the final day of the Nice Carnival – all very special events that remind us of the importance of light and laughter and joy. And if you happen to be anywhere near the Côte d’Azur, a fabulous Citrus festival is underway there, in Menton. Good to remember that such happiness and creativity still exists. We cannot let the dark side win!!
As always, this will be a busy period. More will be released from Pandora’s box, but at least the contents will be seen. As the story goes, the last thing to come out of the box, after all the evils were released into the world, was Hope. But the question was – how to deal with Hope. Is it just something fleeting, prone to vanishing into thin air – or can it be that spark of light that must be held onto as we work toward the light? Something to ponder as the energies during this period are also conducive for reflection. Here are the energies that are coming into play:
1 Ak’b’al (Feb. 19th) – the “initiation” of “darkness” (or “contemplation”), in association with deep mysteries, at a critical time in history as citizens of the U.S. find themselves under attack from the lawless felon occupying the White House and his heartless sidekick/ puppet master.
This is the same energy as was in place at the time of the infamous Watergate burglary in Washington DC in 1972, and the early morning arrest of the five men after they broke into headquarters of the Democratic National Committee. Among the items found in their possession were bugging devices, thousands of dollars in cash and rolls of film. This was the event that ultimately led to impeachment proceedings against President Nixon, and to his resignation in 1974, three cycles + three days after that arrest.
Currently this is the day when a hearing will be held over the dumpster administration’s effort to try to dismiss the criminal case against New York Mayor Eric Adams, which involves accusations of bribery and other corruption charges. A number of top lawyers from the Manhattan U.S. attorney’s office have already resigned over this case, indicating that they were being urged to drop the case as part of a quid pro quo arrangement that would enable Adams to remain in a position where he could support the dumpster’s immigration agenda. This is one of those key situations that is testing the separation of power boundaries in that country.
This trecena is coming into place precisely 265 days (one cycle and five days) after the first criminal conviction of a former US president, on multiple felony charges. Moreover, this is marking six cycles exactly since US election security officials rejected the dumpster’s claims of election fraud in 2020, as they called it “the most secure in American history”, with no evidence whatsoever that voting was in any way compromised. Exactly one cycle after that it was reported that handwritten notes were found that revealed that the dumpster, in the final days of his presidency, had directly instructed the DoJ to take steps to overturn a free and fair election.
Now, as dark as things seem, keep in mind that, in the past, other countries have found ways to pull themselves out of similar quagmires. Indeed, this is marking three cycles exactly since Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva took over as president of Brazil when he announced that “the nightmare is over” and vowed to pull Brazil out of Bolsonaro’s era of “devastation”. That was when da Silva began what had been termed the “herculean task” of sorting out all the damage caused by the gross mismanagement of that outgoing Bolsonaro regime.
And now, as it happens, just hours before this current trecena came into place, Brazil’s attorney general, Paulo Gonet, levelled criminal charges against Brazil’s corrupt, radical rightwing former president, accusing Bolsonaro and six key associates of being involved, among other things, in a violent abolition of the rule of law and an attempted coup d’état (in 2023, when his hardcore supporters ran riot in the capital Brasília, trashing the presidential palace, congress, and the supreme court in a bid to overturn the election results). Sound familiar?
Perhaps the lesson is that people have to “fully see the evil” before it can be banished. As Ezta Levin, the co-founder of the activist organization Indivisible noted, with regard to the richest person in the world “puppetmaster”, who appears to be functioning as co-president, this is “a particularly heinous villain” – an unelected billionaire “who’s trying to end cancer research and nutrition assistance for the poorest children in the country”. And let’s not forget his involvement in withholding food and medication from hundreds of thousands of poor and starving people in various places around the world.
This is the opening day for the 3-day Canada-in-Asia Conference (CIAC2025) in Singapore, the premier gathering for Asia-Canada collaboration.
This is the also the 85th Gregorian birthday of the great Smokey Robinson, commonly referred to as “The Soul of Motown”. Happy Birthday Smokey!
2 K’an (Feb. 20th) – a dynamic type of energy often aligned with the germination of new possibilities, coinciding at this time with the opening of the three-day 10th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy, in Rome, Italy. It would seem that this is one of the key issues in today’s cyber world.
This is the Maya birth energy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., who put forth passionate calls for freedom, justice, and equality during the 1960’s.
3 Chikchan (Feb. 21st) – “the activation of lifeforce” – an important Burner Day oriented around the idea of “announcing the fire” at the start of a new “Burner” sequence, the type of energy that can sometimes “charge” people to take action, particularly if pressing issues suggest the need for consciousness raising. This is the 5th Gregorian anniversary of the discovery of Italy’s first case of Covid-19 in 2020.
This energy often serves as a “marker” day for consequential events, now marking three cycles exactly since the US Congress went through a large re-shuffle in 2023, as Republicans assumed “control” of the House of Representatives. Since then three full cycles of chaos and incompetence have resulted in the untenable situation currently playing out in the U.S.
In 1972 this was in place when The Washington Post reported that one of the burglars in the Watergate scandal was the security director for the Committee to Re- elect the President (CRP). Exactly three cycles after that (in 1974) this was in place when President Nixon gave his resignation address before stepping down the following day.
Currently in Vancouver this is the opening day of the three-day Fan Expo Pop Culture Convention, focusing on comic book art, superheroes, science fiction, cosplay (costume play), and related memorabilia.

Hieroglyphs from the ancient Madrid Codex, one of four surviving Mayan manuscripts. It is estimated that Mayan hieroglyphs were in use for over 1500 years in Mesoamerica prior to the arrival of the Spanish in the early 16th century. [This is a complex and sophisticated language system that includes logograms as well as syllabograms and phonograms.]
4 Kimi (Feb. 22nd) – a “defining” force associated with “absolute foundations”, representative of the sun in combination with “death” or the point at which “all is revealed” so that regeneration can begin, as was in place in the summer of 1974 when President Nixon stepped down after the release of the proof of his covert involvement in the Watergate scandal. Currently this is a day when more hostages are due to be released by Hamas, completing another phase in the Gaza exchange arrangement.
It has now been 12 cycles since that early August day in 2016 when fifty of the most senior Republican national security officials signed an open letter declaring that the dumpster “lacks the character, values, and experience” to be president and would put the national security and well-being of the U.S. at risk. They warned that not only would he be “the most reckless president in American history” but that he would weaken the moral authority of the country. They also emphasized that he has “demonstrated repeatedly that he has little understanding” of the nation’s “vital national interests, its complex diplomatic challenges, its indispensable alliances and the democratic values” on which American policy should be based. They couldn’t have been more correct, nor could they have foreseen the extent to which “failure of moral courage” would run rampant through that party as his spineless minions kept supporting him, to the point of complete capitulation. But could anyone have predicted the Musk factor – and the rampant attack from within that is currently taking place? But with all of that now being revealed the next questions become – “what are they going to do about it?” If Brazil can do it, shouldn’t the U.S. be able to follow suit?
This is a far cry from what happened on that 4 Kimi day in 1982 when President Reagan gave an impassioned speech to the British parliament, when he warned against totalitarian forces and “their barbarous assault on the human spirit”. In his words: “If history teaches anything it teaches self-delusion in the face of unpleasant facts is folly”. In that speech he extolled the importance of the freedom to vote and emphatically emphasized that “democracy is not a fragile flower. Still it needs cultivating. If the rest of this century is to witness the gradual growth of freedom and democratic ideals, we must take actions to assist the campaign for democracy.” Reagan would have been appalled to see the state of his party today, and the revolting behaviour of so many of its members.
Note, as well, that this day marks three cycles exactly since Special Counsel Jack Smith began his investigations into the dumpster’s criminality. That was nine cycles exactly after that warning issued by those senior Republicans about the perils that would lie ahead if the dumpster was ever elected. And now the situation has eroded so badly that even the Jan. 6th case and the classified documents cases that Smith was preparing for adjudication have had to be dismissed.
Elsewhere, this is one of the special days for the sun to perform some temple magic, during the Abu Simbel Sun Festival in Egypt. This is when the statues of Ramses II, Ra the sun god, and Amun, the principal deity, located deep in the sanctum sanctorum, will be lit by the sun. This only happens on two days during the year.
This is also the opening day for the main events for the glorious Carnevale Di Venezia (Venice Carnival), one of the oldest and most spectacular carnivals in the world (to March 4th). Celebrating Casanova’s 300th birthday this year, this grand festival, which began with early events starting on Feb. 14th, includes the opulent and magnificent Carnival Costumes’ Show in St. Mark’s Square, the first of several days of “parading your magnificence”. This “main events” opening day is seen as the “Feast of the Marias” day, that involves a parade of the loveliest girls in Venice, who will be presented in St. Mark’s Square.
Currently this is the 5th Gregorian anniversary of the day in 2020 (2:22:20) when towns in northern Italy began locking down due to the coronavirus, including Milan, where shops, museums, theatres, restaurants, schools, and universities began closing, as the number of cases quickly rose. This was a real “head’s up” as to the seriousness of what was quickly developing into a pandemic.
5 Manik’ (Feb. 23rd) – a “blessing” or “precision” type of energy associated with reciprocity, coinciding at this time with World Peace and Understanding Day – don’t we wish? This is the day when the Flight of the Angel takes place in St. Mark’s Square in Venice as part of Carnevale. It is also the start of Freedom to Read Week.
In Germany this is federal elections day, which will likely result in another coalition being formed as there are seven parties in the race to elect 630 members of the 21st Bundestag (federal parliament).
At this point it has been seven cycles exactly (7 x 260 days) since the first coronavirus case was confirmed in New York in March of 2020, and eight cycles since that massive June, 2019 National Day of Action in more than 100 cities and towns across the US that called for the first impeachment inquiry against the dumpster. Given the lawless and feckless manner in which the dumpster and his cronies have been attacking federal institutions and basic human rights and freedoms, there is no doubt that many more massive Days of Action will be forthcoming.
6 Lamat (Feb. 24th) – a “structuring” type of energy associated with the heralding of consequential events, at the beginning of Maslenitsa Week in Ukraine and other Slavic regions. This is an Easter Slavic religious and folk holiday similar to Mardi Gras. Sometimes called Pancake Week.
At this time this marks the third anniversary of the day when Russia unleashed a full-scale invasion of Ukraine involving cruise and ballistic missiles, with tanks entering from Belarus and Crimea. That was when President Zelenskyy ordered full military mobilization for Ukraine and thousands began boarding trains and finding various ways to leave the country. On this three year anniversary candlelit vigils and special “Stand with Ukraine” prayer ceremonies will take place globally. On last year’s anniversary US warships conducted an exercise with others and a new round of “robust sanctions” were levied against Russia by the US, the EU, and other partners. This time, with Republicans and the maniacal control freaks in the White House pulling back, and seemingly even siding with Russia (?), Europe is preparing to “go it alone”. In calling for European unity, EU countries have agreed to maintain their defence capabilities in support of Ukraine.
In 1815 (Feb. 26th) this was the energy in place when Napoléon Bonaparte snuck away from exile in Elba and returned to France in an effort to regain control. Three months after this return attempt he was defeated at the Battle of Waterloo. Shades of things to come for the dumpster and his minions as FELON Don and his sidekick ELON continue their attack on democracy?
Note that it has now been six cycles since the dumpster announced that 2500 troops would be withdrawn from Afghanistan and Iraq, even though top military commanders called this a mistake and the former NATO Supreme Allied commander called it “astonishingly foolish, from both a military and diplomatic perspective as this would both embolden the taliban and put many lives at risk” – which is exactly what happened.
The last time this was in place Narendra Modi was sworn in for the third time as India’s prime Minister. This was also on place in 2021 when Brazil’s Superior Electoral Court said it would investigate President Bolsonaro for abuse of office, improper use of official communication channels, corruption, fraud, and other potential crimes in his attacks on electronic voting. Way back in late 2000, this was the energy in place at the time of a landmark decision by the US Supreme Court that settled a highly consequential recount dispute in Florida’s 2000 election between G.W. Bush and Al Gore, resulting in a Bush victory in that election, even though it was thought that a statewide recount would have resulted in a win for Gore instead of Bush. One could speculate on how history was changed as a result of that particular decision.
This is the Maya birth energy of the brilliant historian and light-shining political scientist Howard Zinn, who wrote dozens of books on topics such as race, class, war, and history – including “A People’s History of the United States”. In his “tell it like it is “manner, he noted that
The challenge remains. On the other side are formidable forces: money, political power, the major media. On our side are the people of the world and a power greater than money or weapons: the truth. Truth has a power of its own. Art has a power of its own. . . . A poem can inspire a movement. A pamphlet can spark a revolution. Civil disobedience can arouse people and provoke us to think, when we organize with one another . . . when we stand up and speak out together, we can create a power no government can suppress. We live in a beautiful country. But people who have no respect for human life, freedom, or justice have taken it over. It is now up to all of us to take it back.
Howard Zinn, A Power Governments Cannot Suppress
7 Muluk (Feb. 25th) – a “self-generating”, pivotal, shape-shifting type of energy associated with water. This is the Maya birth energy of historian Timothy Snyder, author of the bestselling On Tyranny, one of many who warned that the dumpster would attempt to take control of the government. Seven cycles ago, as of this day, Nancy Pelosi (who will not use his name) called the orange felon “the most dangerous person in the history of [the US]” – and that was well before the coup attempt, and well before all the convictions in both civil and criminal cases.
This would have been George Harrison’s 82nd birthday.
8 Ok (Feb. 26th) – a “double sun” type of force, symbolic of the “resurrection of love, guidance, and loyalty”, coinciding with Pink Shirt Day in Canada, with its anti-bullying focus and its focus on finding ways to reduce conflict and foster positive relationships.
In January of 2023, this was the energy in place when Bolsonaro and his supporters staged a violent insurrection attempt in Brazil. And now he is due to pay the price.
9 Chuwen (Feb. 27th) “outwardly projecting creativity”, on the opening day for the 51st Festival of Native Arts in Fairbanks, Alaska, with the theme of “Remembering Our Past to Strengthen Our Future”, which runs to March 1st. This is also International Polar Bear Day.
It has now been two cycles exactly since New York state Judge Arthur F. Engoron issued a scathing ruling, in a New York civil case, that the dumpster’s business was based on rampant fraud and blatant lies. Judge Engoron found that Trump committed fraud for years while building his real estate empire, and that he and his company deceived banks, insurers and others by massively overvaluing his assets and exaggerating his net worth on paperwork used in making deals and securing financing. Judge Engoron surmised that it was a “fantasy world” of real estate valuations that “can only be considered fraud” as he ordered the dissolution of the dumpster’s businesses in New York. He also chastized his lawyers for being obstreperous, for presenting a defense based on bogus arguments. That was the publication day for Cassidy Hutchinson’s book titled Enough. She was a pivotal witness in the Jan. 6th Select Committee’s hearings, as she bravely provided testimony about key behind-the-scenes events at the White House during the Jan. 6th coup attempt.
Less than one cycle after all that, last May, the orange criminal was convicted on all 34 felony counts of falsifying business records in the first degree, becoming the first former president to be criminally convicted at trial. In 2018 Stormy Daniels’ Full Disclosure book had been published under this same influence, on the same day as The New York Times published a report, based on tens of thousands of pages of confidential records, that revealed that the dumpster was bankrolled (in multiple ways) by his father and had spent much of the 1990’s participating in dubious tax evasion schemes. Currently this marks six years since Michael Cohen’s “unlocking the door” testimony to congress relating to the hush money scheme. That was seen as a “delicate and pivotal moment in history” when light began to be shone on a wide range of frauds and crimes that had been perpetuated by the orange felon over decades.
In 1775 this was the Maya Calendar energy in place at the start of the American Revolutionary War, and in 1789 when the Bastille was stormed in Paris, marking the beginning of the French Revolution. In 1815 this was the energy in place when Napoléon Bonaparte landed back in southern France after leaving exile in Elba a few days earlier, on his futile quest to regain control.
10 Eb’ (Feb. 28th) – “foundational animating vitality”, coinciding at this time with a planned 24 hour Economic Blackout in the US, to protest against corruption.
This is the opening day for Rio de Janeiro’s Carnival, “the biggest show on earth” (to March 8th). The evening brings the start of Ramadan the most sacred month in Islamic culture.
It has now been seven cycles since the dumpster signed the $8.3 billion coronavirus bill in March of 2020 and then used a “free-wheeling press conference” to lash out at Democrats and CNN. This was when it was revealed how “wildly unprepared” the US was for dealing with the coronavirus outbreak. Since then there have been over 100 million documented cases of Covid-19 in the US and over 1,200,000 confirmed deaths – more than any other country.
This was the energy in place nine cycles ago, in 2018, when The New York Times published a letter signed by over 2400 law professors that said that Brett Kavanaugh was not fit to sit on the Supreme Court, at the same time as some 300 Stop Kavanaugh vigils took place across the country, including a huge rally in front of the Supreme Court in Washington D.C., as people gave impassioned speeches and demanded that senators reject his nomination. Regardless, these demands were disregarded by the Republican-held Senate, and now there he is on the Supreme Court as one of the rightwing judges who voted in favour of presidential immunity.
In 2022 this was in place when Elon Musk struck a deal to buy Twitter for $44bn.
The last time this was in place Presidents Biden and Zelenskyy signed a 10-year bilateral security deal between the US and Ukraine, that envisaged US military and training aid for Ukraine. The idea was that Washington and Kyiv would work to build and maintain Ukraine’s defence and deterrence capability, bolster the country’s defence industrial base, and support economic recovery and energy security. The security deal also meant that in the event of a future Russian armed attack against Ukraine, there will be consultation “at the highest levels to determine appropriate and necessary measures to support Ukraine and impose costs on Russia”. It now might be asked: Is that deal still in place?
This was also the energy in place when the sizzling 25 ton Aztec Calendar Stone was found by workmen repairing Mexico City’s Central Plaza (the Zócalo) in 1790, 235 years ago.
11 B’en (March 1st) – “inspirational personal authority”, coinciding with the the first full day of Ramadan. For Muslims this is a time for prayer, for fasting from dawn to sunset, for personal introspection, for charity-giving, and for attending to traditional Muslim spiritual practices, which continue for 30 days. This is also the the start of Women’s History Month in the U.S., with this year’s theme being “Moving Forward Together! Women Educating & Inspiring Generations”. In Sydney, Australia this is the day for the 47th Sydney Gay & Lesbian Mardi Gras Parade, part of the large festival began on Feb. 14th.

Women’s History Month begins on March 1st.
This is the Maya Calendar birth energy of Franklin Delano Roosevelt, the highly ranked 32nd U.S. President (a Democrat), who took office during the Great Depression and brought in a profusion of new programs designed to stimulate reform and economic recovery. Undoubtedly he would be appalled at what is currently taking place in the US as government agencies are being dismantled and government workers are being fired by the thousands.
In 2011 this was the energy in place when the 30 ft. tall memorial to Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was unveiled in Washington D.C.
12 Ix (March 2nd) a “gathering together” type of energy oriented around earth forces, deep mysteries, and the power of transformation, coinciding at this time with the final day of the Nice Carnival that began on Feb. 15th, the final day of the 47th Sydney Gay & Lesbian Mardi Gras Festival, and the final day of Maslenitsa week that began in Slavic regions on Feb. 24th.
In 2010 this was the energy that was in place when the historic Health Care Reform Bill – “The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act” – was passed by the US House of Representatives. In 2021 this was in place when the US Senate passed the massive $1.2 trillion bipartisan infrastructure bill, following months of intensive negotiations.
Currently this is also the day of the 97th Academy Awards ceremony in Hollywood.
13 Men (March 3rd) – transformational high vision, a high-energy “Eagle-eye” type of force that tends to be highly cause-oriented, and is often world-shaping, coinciding at this time with the UN’s World Wildlife Day, devoted to celebrating and raising awareness of the world’s wild animals and plants. This year’s theme is “Wildlife Conservation Finance: Investing in People and Planet”.
In Barcelona this is the opening day for the 4-day Mobile World Congress, referred to as “The world’s largest and most influential connectivity event”. In Japan this is Hinamatsuri, aka Doll’s Day or Girls’ Day, a day devoted to celebrating female children and to pray for their health and happiness. This also marks the beginning of Women of Aviation Worldwide Week (to Mar. 9th).
Note that this is an energy that has the potential to be “dangerously intense”, as could be seen 12 cycles ago, in 2016, when the dumpster was given his first intelligence briefing as the Republican nominee for president, even though the FBI and CIA were becoming aware of contacts between his campaign and Russia – or even on 4 Kimi, as noted above, when Republican national security officials signed an open letter declaring that the dumpster “lacks the character, values, and experience” to be president and would put the national security and well-being of the U.S. at risk.
As scarey as those kinds of warnings seemed at the time, could anyone had imagined that, once his term was over, he would blatantly contravene the Espionage Act by carting off and squirrelling away boxes and boxes full of classified documents, throw up obstacle after obstacle to try to evade prosecution for various crimes, and lie ad nauseum on a continous basis during yet another campaign run. Even more bizarre and unfathomable is the fact that he actually became president again, after being twice impeached by the US House of Representatives, convicted as a fraudster and sexual predator, and put under indictment for absconding with those hundreds of documents and for his principal role in the 2021 insurrection attempt. And now he’s attacking the entire system of government in the US, threatening other countries, and abandoning foreign commitments, including highly significant humanitarian programs. One might ponder the question of whether or not all of this might have been nipped in the bud way back during those early briefings if people had been more attentive to the threat that he represented.
Amazingly, another chance for “nipping some of this in the bud” came two years later, in 2018, under this same 13 Men energy influence, at the time of that Kavanaugh vote. But that chance was blown as the Republican-controlled US Senate chose to advance Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court despite an AVALANCHE of opposition, as noted above (see 10 Eb’). Now, of course, the question for American citizens and millions of others, globally, is: Now what? Perhaps it’s time to look to Brazil for some solid advice!
[Please note that the brief descriptions of the days provided above are only “thumbnail sketches”. Much greater detail can be found in Manual for the Soul: A Guide to the Energies of Life.]