Feb 2025
The Ok (Dog) trecena: Feb. 6-18, 2025
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The day after the November elections in the U.S., the highly respected Canadian journalist Andrew Coyne wrote: “Nothing mattered, in the end. Not the probable dementia, the unfathomable ignorance, the emotional incontinence; not, certainly, the shambling, hate-filled campaign, or the ludicrously unworkable anti-policies. The candidate out on bail in four jurisdictions, the convicted fraud artist, the adjudicated rapist and serial sexual predator, the habitual bankrupt, the stooge of Vladimir Putin, the man who tried to overturn the last election and all of his creepy retinue of crooks, ideologues and lunatics: Americans took a long look at all this and said, yes please.” (Although there are many who still question the legitimacy of the last election, given the rampant vote suppression tactics and other factors in play, such as the Musk machinations.)
After pointing out that “the government of the United States has been delivered into the hands of a gangster, whose sole purpose in running, besides staying out of jail, is to seek revenge on his enemies.”, Coyne wrote: “We are living in the time of Nero.”
While this article (taken from the Globe & Mail) is recommended reading, it seems more important than ever to keep an eye on how calendrical energies are playing out during this highly treacherous time in world history. And with regard to this Ok trecena it would seem that the firey aspect of that “burning of Rome” metaphor is something to keep an eye on at this time, as the world’s richest man, and one of the most maniacal, continues to play the role of first lieutenant in the monstrous assaults on the US treasury, the FBI, the CIA, the DoJ, USAid organizations, the US Department of Labor, US health and education departments, citizens, and anyone who had been seeking refuge in that country, on behalf of the demented felon in the White House.
As we look at these energies, keep in mind that these are not “normal” times, so the emphasis will be a departure from what might “normally” play out in less tense and uncertain times.
Traditionally (or “normally”), the first day of this time frame (One Ok) was celebrated as a Feast Day of Renewal, oriented around the idea of guidance, justice, and the restoration of life. Thought of as being under the patronage of Xipe Tótec, the Lord of Renewal, and Quetzalcóatl, Lord of Life, this trecena was seen as a time when a new sense of direction in conjunction with the energies of renewal come into play. The Aztec deity known as Xipe Tótec, who was generally depicted wearing a flayed skin, symbolic of the “sloughing off” of the old and the bursting forth of the new, symbolized this idea. One of the key symbols associated with this time frame is a dog holding a torch, bringing light into the darkness and showing the way, as has happened many times in the past during this period. The Feathered Serpent shown in the trecena image echoes the idea of “cyclical regeneration” and renewal.

Adaptation of the Ok (Dog) trecena from the pre-Columbian Codex Borgia by artist Richard Balthazar (used with permission). The first day (One Ok) is represented by the little head of a white dog (with a black eye) at the lower left (within the border). The other days of this trecena proceed from there to the right, and then up towards the top, to the little duck-beaked mask image at the upper right, which represents Ik’ (Wind). The daysign numbers pertaining to this trecena (beginning with One Ok) are not shown, but implied. The two patron deities associated with this trecena are shown in the larger image at the top. On the left sits Xipe Totec, the Lord of Renewal, and on the right is Quetzalcóatl, the great “Feathered Serpent”, the Lord of Life, who is often associated with Justice. Click here for an overview of Richard’s various other versions of the same trecena.
Again, one of the things that the Maya Calendar offers is the opportunity to look at the evolution of life from the perspective of energy cycles, as “themes” related to events have a way of returning and evolving in a cyclical manner. Indeed, past events reveal that one of the themes that has tended to be highlighted during this time frame is that of justice and accountability – which was very much the case the last time this trecena was in place. Indeed, it was one cycle ago when the monster now in the White House was judged to be Guilty on 34 felony counts in the hush money case.
At this time the beginning of this trecena marks three cycles exactly since the Jan. 6th committee in Washington DC met for the final time (in December of 2022), making public the criminal referrals that resulted from their investigations. Three days later (on 4 B’en), they released their final report and recommendations for prosecution.
In 2019 it had been the first day of this trecena when Special Counsel Mueller’s investigation concluded its probe into Russian interference with the 2016 election, at which time he insisted that he did not exonerate Trump. He reported that his investigation had found that Russian intelligence officers had used sophisticated cyber techniques to hack into computers and networks used by the Clinton campaign.
Back in the early 1960’s this was the trecena in place when President John Fitzgerald Kennedy was not only inaugurated as the 35th US president, but also assassinated and interred.
During the following decade this was the time frame that brought an end to the whole Nixon era, culminating with the Watergate scandal. Indeed, it was the first day of this trecena in 1974 when the US Supreme Court ruled that Richard Nixon had to turn over the recordings that included “The Smoking Gun Tape” which contained evidence of his obstruction of justice. Three days later the first of three articles of impeachment against him were passed, and Nixon resigned shortly thereafter.
During the summer of 2016 this was the time frame within which Hillary Clinton made history by becoming the first female to be officially nominated as a presidential candidate by a major US political party. We all know what happened after that.
Currently we are in totally unprecedented (and completely surreal) territory as a monstrous felon, aided by the world’s richest man, calls the shots from the White House. As Andrew Coyne points out, the government of the United States has been delivered into the hands of a demented, revenge-seeking gangster, and everything, everywhere seems to be “on fire”. As Senator Chris Murphy bluntly stated: Even the US Constitution “is being lit on fire.”
So perhaps we should ask: “What can fire do?” Well – there is heat, of course. And certainly the last time this trecena was in place very high heat was affecting millions of people. At that time Mexico was suffering under an extreme heat wave, with the forecast predicting temperatures above 45C in some parts of the country. It was reported that, horrifically, howler monkeys were “falling out of trees like apples”, so the “heat” aspect can be brutal. But this time the heat is not coming from the weather, but rather from the missiles being hurled out from the White House.
But another aspect of fire is light – as seen in the symbol of a dog in Mesoamerican mythology, often shown holding a torch, as if to light the way. And there are many examples of people “holding high” the torch, to light the way forward, during this period.

John F. Kennedy stamp. It is intriguing that there is a torch on this stamp, reflective of a key symbol for this Ok trecena, as this is the trecena during which he was inaugurated, and during which he was assassinated. His state funeral was held at the mid point of this trecena, four Tzolk’in cycles less a day after his inauguration. Photo Credit: Bureau of Engraving and Printing (U.S. Post Office) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons
“In the long history of the world, only a few generations have been granted the role of defending freedom in its hour of maximum danger. I do not shrink from this responsibility –I welcome it. . . . . The energy, the faith, the devotion which we bring to this endeavor will light our country and all who serve it–and the glow from that fire can truly light the world.”
That, of course, sheds light on one of the greatest needs at this time – the need for people to step up and defend freedom “in its hour of maximum danger”, which is precisely where we are right now as all US government agencies, and the rights of millions of people, are under severe threat. Horrifically, also under severe threat are the millions of people in other countries who rely on essential lifesaving programs and commodities like food and medicine that, up until now, have been provided by that government. As life-saving shipments containing these resources have been paralyzed by stop and review orders, humanitarian aid that was destined for more than 100 countries is now sitting in limbo. Millions of people all over the world are in great, great peril as the current “Nero in the White House” fiddles, and lies, and delays, and distracts – all to serve his own warped puposes.
With regard to Elon Musk’s role in all of this, Lawrence O’Donnell put it succinctly when he said:
The richest person in the world decided to stop USAid shipments because he does not believe that the poorest people in the world . . . should be fed. He does not believe that they have a right to life. The richest person in the world decided that the poorest people in the world should die. He decided to deprive them of food and medicine and medical care.”
On the eve of this trecena beginning, with large-scale Indivisible protests taking place in all 50 states, a coalition of labor organizations and an economic thinktank filed a Motion for Temporary Restraining Order in the U.S. District Court of the District of Columbia to stop Elon Musk’s DOGE flunkies from unlawfully accessing U.S. Department of Labor systems and information. However, it is becoming abundantly clear that it will have to be the people themselves who will have to step in and “carry the torches” during this period if they want to stop this hostile takeover of the US government. Keep in mind, as well, that this is a war on many levels – mental, physical, economic, moral, and also spiritual (requiring an “exorcism”) – and will need to be fought on multiple fronts. It is a “tipping point” moment in history that will need “every hand on deck” in order to turn it around.
Keep in mind, as well, that this was the trecena in place during World War II at the time when British and Allied forces were knocked back to the beaches of Dunkirk in 1940 as they became trapped by the German army. For some “still debated” reason the Germans halted their advance on Dunkirk for several days near the beginning of this trecena, which allowed the Allies to organize an evacuation. Over 800 vessels, both large and small, raced to the rescue of over 338,000 Allied troops as the call for assistance went out. It was a seemingly impossible situation that was turned around by the unselfish actions of people who leapt into the breach throughout this trecena to save the lives of all those men who were cornered in a hellish situation. The bravery and force of intent that went into that operation of rescuing those troops from the Dunkirk beaches became known as the “Dunkirk Spirit”.
Two cycles ago it seemed that the same spirit was at work in Ukraine as Ukrainian forces broke through many of Russia’s defenses, as part of its counteroffensive against Russia’s aggression. And it will be that same spirit that will NEED to be at work during this period to push back on the abominations that are now taking place. And so the fight is on, as people all over the country are amassing in protest. And even as this trecena is in the process of coming into place Democrats in the US Senate are staging an all-night vote blocking effort in an attempt to stop the confirmation of one of the main architects of the dreaded Project 2025 from becoming the director of the US Office of Management and Budget (the nerve centre of policy making in the White House) someone who has overtly been an advocate for budgetary lawbreaking. At the same time hundreds of thousands of people are marshalling their efforts for further protests on multiple levels because it has become clear that a strong pushback from citizens will be needed to take the country back.
Hopefully Xipe Tótec, the ancient Mesoamerican Lord of Renewal, and Quetzalcóatl, Lord of Life, Knowledge, and Culture, the patrons of this time frame, will muster their super powers to help in pushing back the darkness, as a very mighty push is now needed in order to regain any sense of sanity, equilibrium, justice, or accountability. Here are the energies that will be in play:
1 Ok (Feb. 6th) “One Dog” – the “initiation of love, loyalty, warmth, guidance”, an energy associated with regeneration, sometimes depicted as a dog holding a torch, leading the way through the darkness.
Traditionally, this was an ancient Maya Feast Day of Renewal, the festive day associated with a deity known to the Aztec as Xiuhtecuhtli, associated with the renewal of time and the creation of life itself. He was sometimes depicted as Huehuetéotl – the Old, Old [Fire] God, whose image was often shown on braziers. Associated with purification, transformation, the regeneration of natural cycles, and even the regeneration of the cosmos, Huehuetéotl-Xiuhtecuhtli presided over New Fire ceremonies (marking Calendar Round returns, every 52 years) and the lighting of the fires of renewal. It is not unusual to see Xiuhtecuhtli associated with Xipe Tótec, the Lord of Renewal, who oversees this time frame.
The ancient Florentine Codex tells us that, on this day, people “fed the fire” with offerings (including decorative paper arrays) and different forms of incense. Rulers were elected on this day, and a court of justice was held during which sentencing was pronounced on wrong-doers. That seemed to fit perfectly two cycles ago when the former leader of the Proud Boys was sentenced to 22 years in prison for his role in the Jan. 6th insurrection, the longest sentence to date in the Jan. 6th prosecutions. Before his sentence was handed down he apologized for his actions and publically denounced his false claims that the election was “stolen”. He admitted that his candidate LOST, and said that “what happened on Jan. 6th was a national embarrassment”, vowing that his days of meddling in politics are over. . . . but now he and his cohorts have been released . . . . .
Currently this is the “fork in the road” day when federal workers in the US will have to respond to Musk’s “resign or else” directive. Considering that Musk was not elected, is not a federal employee, has not been approved by the Senate to have any leadership role in government, and has been acting lawlessly and without restraint in carrying out a hostile takeover of the government by dismantling government programs, there will be tremendous pushback from US citizens at this time. The “regeneration” will have to come through the efforts of the people, and this is an ideal time to turn up the heat and the pressure before it is too late.
As it happens this day is marking three cycles exactly since the Jan. 6th committee in Washington DC met for the final time (in December of 2022), after months of investigations, when criminal referrals were brought forward. That last meeting took place exactly six Tzolk’in cycles after Special Counsel Robert Mueller announced that he was formally closing his office and resigning from the DoJ to return to private life. At that time Mueller said that his investigation had shown that Russian intelligence officers had used sophisticated cyber techniques to interfere with the 2016 U.S. presidential election, and that he did not exonerate Trump from obstruction of justice in that regard. During that final public hearing in 2022, the Jan. 6th Committee voted unanimously for the justice department to prosecute Trump. However, there was a great deal of foot dragging before formal investigations began, primarily over the issue of presidential “immunity”.
In 1974 this was the energy in place when the US Supreme Court ruled that Richard Nixon had to turn over the recordings that included “The Smoking Gun Tape” which contained evidence of his obstruction of justice. Three days later the first of three articles of impeachment against him were passed, and Nixon resigned shortly thereafter.
In 1991 this was the energy in place when the Act of Declaration of Independence (from the USSR) was adopted by the Ukrainian parliament, thereby establishing Ukraine as an independent state. It has now been three cycles since Viktor Orbán and his right-wing government won a fourth term in the parliamentary elections in Hungary, and Orbán visited Mar-a-Lago several times before last November’s election in the US.

The Jade Emperor in Kaohsiung. Photo by Naplee12 at wikivoyage shared [CC BY-SA 3.0] via Wikimedia Commons
2 Chuwen (Feb. 7th) – a dynamic type of energy traditionally aligned with creativity, often involving some kind of “intense heat”. This is now marking five years since the death, in early 2020, of Dr. Li Wenliang, the doctor who issued the first warning to colleagues that there were 7 confirmed cases of coronavirus in China.
Metaphorically 2 Chuwen can be seen as a solar force within a fire-oriented time frame, so this energy can often trigger intense engagement and action, as it did on that dramatic day in 1970 when the Apollo 13 spacecraft successfully returned to Earth after its aborted mission to the moon.
Four cycles ago this energy was in place at the time when the UN released a critical report on climate change that highlighted the fact that harmful carbon emissions between 2010-2019 were the highest ever in human history – proof that the world is on a “fast track” to disaster. At that time scientists were emphatically pointing out that it’s ‘now or never’ to limit global warming to 1.5 degrees. Since then slow action and climate change denialism have not only hindered climate change progress, but scientists are now predicting that global heating is likely to reach 2C by 2045, which could supercharge extreme weather across the world, unless solar geoengineering is deployed.
Two cycles ago, which was almost one cycle exactly after the release of the Jan. 6th committee’s final report, the dumpster and 18 other co-defendants were arraigned in Georgia on a wide range of charges (including racketeering) associated with election interference. On that same day a federal judge ruled that the dumpster was liable for defamatory comments he made in 2019 about writer E. Jean Carroll. He was ordered to pay her $5m as a part of that New York civil lawsuit, the first of two against him that she won. Then, the last time this was in place, the hush money trial was nearing its conclusion.
Perhaps one way to “cool down” the heat would be to attend the opening of the Québec Winter Carnival, seen as “the largest and oldest winter carnival in the world”. In the US this is National Wear Red Day, in support of heart health.
3 Eb’ (Feb. 8th) – the activation of “animating vitality”, a pathfinding/stream-of-consciousness type of force, coinciding with the start of the 7th Invictus Games in Vancouver and Whistler, which runs throughout this trecena. The Invictus Games were founded in 2014, through the royal foundation, as a way to help wounded veterans with their healing.
Three cycles ago (in December of 2022) Ukraine’s President Zelenskyy met with President Biden in Washington, and addressed a joint session of Congress, in a bid to secure help from the U.S. for his battle to protect his country from the Russian invaders. Currently, as that war drags on, it appear that the monster now in the White House wants “equalisation” from Ukraine, possibly in the form of Ukraine supplying the U.S. with rare earth metals in exchange for Washington’s “close to $300bn” in support. German chancellor Olaf Scholz criticised this quid pro quo demand, saying “it would be very selfish, very self-centred”. After meeting with fellow EU leaders in Brussels, Scholz said that such resources would be better used for the country’s reconstruction after the war.
In North Korea this is Military Foundation Day, an annual public holiday that commemorates the founding of the Korean People’s Revolutionary Army in 1932. This public holiday often involves a large military parade.
This is also the 93rd Gregorian birthday of the celebrated (and legendary) composer John Williams, and is the final day for the Sapporo Snow Festival.
4 B’en (Feb. 9th) – a “defining” energy associated with personal authority, traditionally seen as “the ruler’s day sign”, the day when new lords and rulers were installed and large amounts of tribute were paid to them. Traditionally, this was also a propitious day for the drilling of a New Fire (a renewal ritual) because naui acatl (Nahuatl for 4 B’en) meant “fire drills in all 4 directions”. Currently in the U.S., this is Superbowl Sunday, for those wanting to focus on sports rather than all the fires in all four directions now raging in that country. For those more interested in the canine version, the Puppy Bowl is also taking place at that time, to raise awareness about pet adoptions.
This 4 B’en energy has often been highly consequential in world and U.S. history, as this was in place when the first article of impeachment was approved against Richard Nixon in 1974, and in place when Hillary Clinton made history in 2016 by becoming the first female to be officially nominated as a presidential candidate. It was also in place at the time of the assassination of President John F. Kennedy in 1963.
Three cycles ago the Jan. 6th committee released its final report under this influence. The report, spanning hundreds of pages, recommended criminal charges (for insurrection against the government, obstruction of an offical proceeding of Congress, and conspiracy to defraud the government) against Trump and others involved in plotting, or taking part in, the attack against the U.S. Capitol. At that time Rep. Liz Cheney also said that the dumpster’s refusal to stop the riot was a “clear dereliction of duty”. She emphasized that “No man who would behave that way at that moment in time can ever serve in any position of authority in our nation again. He is unfit for any office.” Then, exactly one cycle later (in September of 2023), the Georgia Special Grand Jury released its final report on the plot to overturn the election, and its recommendations for criminal charges.
This was also the Maya birth energy of Emmeline Pankhurst, who organized the UK
suffragette movement in the early 1900s.
5 Ix (Feb. 10th) – a “precision” type of energy associated with mystery and transformation, and even rulership, as was in place in November of 2020, the day of the U.S. presidential election, when Joe Biden had to “battle for the soul of America”. Although he won on that day, it has since become clear that the battle continues.
In 1919 this was the energy in place at the opening of the Paris Peace Conference for negotiation of treaty settlements after World War I, and then again in 1939 when Canada declared war on Germany. One cycle after that, in May of 1940, this energy was in place at the start of the huge efforts to undertake evacuations from Dunkirk beaches during World War II. And now there are people all over the U.S. who are being unlawfully evicted from their long standing positions as that country is being taken over by an oligarchy. How can that be?
6 Men (Feb. 11th) – a “stabilizing” type of energy associated with the high vision of the eagle, on the 46th anniversary of the Islamic Revolution, which marked the end of a 2,500 year Persian monarchy and the reshaping of global geopolitics.
In the Chinese Lunar New Year sequence, this is Lantern Decoration day just before the Chinese Lantern Festival.
This marks four years since the announcement of the discovery of the possible graves of at least 215 indigenous children at the former Kamloops Indian residential school in B.C. This energy was also in place on that late September day in 2013 when some 10,000 people braved pouring rain to take part in a four-kilometre Reconciliation Walk through downtown Vancouver to bring attention to the legacy of the dreadful residential schools issue in Canada.
This high-flying “6 Eagle” energy was also in place in 1946 when the first ever photo of Earth from space was taken from a German V-2 rocket launched from New Mexico.
It has now been 12 Tzolk’in cycles exactly since Hillary Clinton delivered her acceptance speech as the Democratic nominee for President at the 2016 DNC, with every expectation that she would actually be elected president. How different the world would be now if she had not had that win stolen from her by Russian interference.
7 Kib’ (Feb. 12th) – a self-generating type of energy, often associated with engendering the kind of thought that can lead towards taking practical actions and “restoring order”, coinciding with the Lunar New Year Lantern Festival, the 15th and final day of Chinese New Year festivities, on the first full moon of the new Chinese year – the Full Snow Moon. This is the time when special sweet dumplings (called yuanxiao) resembling the shape of the full moon are eaten, and lanterns are lit to facilitate the return of light. In Thailand this is Makha Bucha Day, commemorating Buddha’s deliverance of his fundamental teachings to his disciples, at which time candlelit processions are often held around temples.

Chinese Lantern Festival in Botanical gardens in Missouri. Photo Credit: GoShows [CC BY 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons]
In 1963 this was in place at the time of President John F. Kennedy’s state funeral and burial, after he was assassinated several days earlier.
8 Kab’an (Feb. 13th) – a “resurrection” type of energy associated with “evolutionary” movement, coinciding with Wear Red Canada day, in support of heart health.
Note that in 1961 this was the energy in place at the time of the inauguration of President John F. Kennedy, at which time he called for “high standards of strength and sacrifice”, and for “invoking the wonders of science”, as he called for unification to “undo the heavy burdens”. Near the end of his speech were the immortal words: “ask not what your country can do for you – ask what you can do for your country”. There is an almost incomprehensibly large difference between the values and ideals that he was speaking of at that time and the abominations associated with the current presidency.
This is former President Jimmy Carter’s Maya birth energy, who celebrated his 100th birthday on October 1st. His passing in late December spared him from having to witness the appalling destruction that is now unfolding at all levels of the U.S. government.
Six cycles ago, when this energy was in place in November of 2020, the states that were still finishing up with vote counting all flipped in Joe Biden’s favour, as everyone awaited the final tally. That was when Washington Post columnist Peter Marks tweeted, with regard to the dumpster:
“He will never have another good day. Loser label will haunt him. The law will pursue him. Mental illness will hobble him. His properties will bankrupt him.”
And most of that was exactly what was happening during the investigations and prosecutions associated with his civil and criminal indictments. Indeed, it has now been one cycle exactly since the jury in the hush money trial began its deliberations – which didn’t take long, because of the overwhelming evidence of his guilt.
9 Etz’nab’ (Feb. 14th) – representative of “outwardly-projecting” flint, a “spark-oriented” (and even knife-edged) type of energy that can be quite dramatic and consequential, as glorious Venus reaches its greatest brilliancy in the night sky. This is an energy that often serves to bring something to a definite conclusion, as it did exactly one cycle ago when the jury in the Orange Felon’s hush money case delivered a verdict of GUILTY. For many there was a tremendous sense of elation at that time, as it seemed that finally, finally the justice system was extracting some sort of accountability for that felon’s long series of crimes. Who could have imagined that just one cycle later he would be tearing down the entire U.S. justice system?
Contrast this with what was happening in 1963, when this energy was in place five days after the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, at which time President Johnson gave an address to the joint session of Congress when he strongly advocated for the earliest possible passage of JFK’s civil rights bill.
When this energy was in place five cycles ago Joe Biden was declared the winner of the 2020 election. He then delivered a highly inspirational victory speech in Wilmington, Delaware, during which he pledged “to be a President who seeks not to divide but to unify”. Congratulations poured in from leaders around the world. During his leadership President Biden worked tirelessly to bring in beneficial legislative reforms, and contributed significantly to helping western nations remain united in assisting Ukraine with its defence against Russia. Unfortunately, however, many of his plans were thwarted by Republican resistance, and his many significant accomplishments were overshadowed by the relentless, and disgustingly bombastic, fabrications from the MAGA zone, and by the highly catastrophic situation in the Middle East.
Currently this is Calendar Round (aka “New Fire”) anniversary of the 9 Etz’nab’ 1 K’ay’ab energy that was in place at the start of Wounded Knee II, the protest by Oglala Lakota and followers of the American Indian Movement in 1973 over the failure of the US government to fulfill treaty obligations, among other things. While that protest episode stands as a reminder of yet another horrific and shameful period in that nation’s history, it is also a reminder of the appalling treatment that First Nations peoples have been subjected to ever since immigrants began arriving on this continent. Currently this is the day for the 34th annual Women’s Memorial March in Vancouver, in memory of missing and murdered indigenous women, a march that also draws attention to the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual issues that many vulnerable women still face today.
In addition to being World Sound Healing Day and Valentine’s Day, this is National Have a Heart Day, an annual event organized by the First Nations Child and Family Caring Society of Canada. In Winnipeg, this is the opening day for the 10-day Festival du Voyageur, Western Canada’s largest winter festival, which runs to Feb. 23rd. And in Sydney, Australia, this is the start of the Sydney Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras Festival, which runs through to March 2nd. This is one of the largest LGBT festivals in the world.
This is the opening day for the three-day Munich Security Conference, during which world leaders will focus on global security challenges, including global governance, democratic resilience, and climate security.
10 Kawak (Feb. 15th) – “foundational storm” – an energy associated with intense catalyzation as often can be seen and felt in major energy pushes or strong weather systems, exactly seven cycles since a dozen towns in northern Italy went into lockdown due to the coronavirus in February of 2020. Currently this is coinciding with the Buddhist Parinirvana or Nirvana Day, one of two days that celebrate Buddha’s achievement of Nirvana or full enlightenment (this is the one celebrated by most Buddhists). but some commemorate this earlier in Feb.
It is also National Flag Day in Canada and the opening day for the Nice Carnival, referred to as the premier international carnival in France, one of the largest in the world. (runs to March 2nd) This year’s theme is “King of the Oceans”.
11 Ajaw (Feb. 16th) – an “inspirational sun” or “inspirational enlightenment” Burner Day, the last Burner Day in the Ajaw “Burner” sequence, seen by the Quiche Maya as “Ancestors’s Day”, a day to visit the sacred western mountain of the ancestors and ask for blessings.
Currently this is marking five cycles exactly since the Select Committee to investigate the Jan. 6th attack on the U.S. Capitol held its first hearing. During that investigation the committee conducted more than 1,000 closed-door interviews, investigated tens of thousands of documents, and held 10 public hearings. Over 1,500 people were arrested and charged for taking part in that attack, and hundreds were sentenced to lengthy prison terms. And then – on Jan. 21st – the Orange Felon pardoned them all and they were released.
This day also marks six cycles since the announcement in November of 2020 that a preliminary analysis showed that the “first milestone” vaccine for Covid appeared to offer at least 90% protection. Pfizer and BioNTech described that as a “great day for science and humanity”. With everything going on, including the unthinkable confirmations of grossly unqualified and highly dangerous people to head key positions in the U.S., the question might be asked: “How long will it be before we ever see another “great day for science and humanity” in that country?
In 1815 this was the energy in place at the time of the Proclamation of Peace on Feb. 18, when the Treaty of Ghent came into effect, marking the offical conclusion to the War of 1812 between the US and Great Britain. This is also the Maya birth energy of Mikhail Gorbachev, the eighth and final President of the Soviet Union, who won a Nobel Peace prize in 1990 for helping to end the Cold War.
When this was last in place, early last June, this coincided with the final day of voting in India’s general election, when Narendra Modi won a third term in power. Currently this is an important public holiday in North Korea called The Day of the Shining Star, an anniversary of the birthday of Kim Jong-il, Korea’s second leader and the father of Kim Jong-un.
Currently this is the final day of the Invictus Games and the start of the pre-Carnival events leading up to the main events of the 2025 Carnevale Di Venezia (Venice Carnival) that begins on Feb. 22nd. The lovely Night Festival on the Water will take place at this time, involving masked and bedecked Venetians participating in a procession of boats along the Grand Canal. Ah, to be in Venice to escape all the madness.
12 Imix (Feb. 17th) – a “gathering together” type of force oriented around new beginnings (often “cosmic”), as was in place last year when Claudia Sheinbaum won Mexico’s general election, to become Mexico’s 66th president. That was the 100th anniversary of the day when Pres. Calvin Coolidge signed into law The Indian Citizenship Act of 1924 (aka the Snyder Act) – a bill that granted full citizenship to Native Americans, after their exclusion from the U.S. Bill of Rights for nearly 135 years. It certainly took long enough for them to be recognized in their own country.
Currently this is President’s Day in the U.S., which is scheduled to be a National Day of Protest against fascism across the U.S. In Canada this is Louis Riel Day in Manitoba, Family Day in several Canadian provinces (B.C., Alberta, Saskatchewan, Ontario, New Brunswick), and the final day of Winterlude, Canada’s popular winter festival. This is also marking two cycles exactly since the collapse of a 1,200-metre-high mountain peak in the remote Dickson fjord in Greenland, triggered by the climate crisis, that caused a mega-tsunami that caused the entire Earth to vibrate for nine days. It was an event that was detected by earthquake sensors around the world.
13 Ik’ (Feb. 18th) – “transformational wind, breath, and spirit”, marking seven Tzolk’in cycles since the CDC’s top official on respiratory diseases in the US warned people (in February 2020) to prepare for the inevitability of the community spread of Covid-19, indicating that the “disruption to everyday life might be severe”.
Note that this is the Maya calendar energy that was in place in 1940 during the final day of the enormous Dunkirk rescue operation during World War II.
Back in 1974 this was the energy in place when Nixon’s “Smoking Gun” tape was made public, when he had to release transcripts of conversations that took place after the Watergate break-in. This provided the “smoking gun” proof that Nixon had obstructed justice by ordering the FBI to stop its investigation of the break-in. Other transcripts revealed that he had directed a cover-up. Republicans on the Judiciary Committee who had voted against impeachment then announced that they would change their vote.
[Please note that the brief descriptions of the days provided above are only “thumbnail sketches”. Much greater detail can be found in Manual for the Soul: A Guide to the Energies of Life.]