Maya Count Of Days Horoscope

Maya Calendar Energies At Work In The World

What a difference one 260-day Tzolk’in cycle can make! One cycle ago (last October) the White House looked like a “haunted house”, with entire suites of offices vacant, with an infected fake president inside, “a victim of his own negligence” (as journalist Don Lemon put it). The “super- spreader-in-chief” was either denying that there was a problem, or making extremely dangerous claims (according to health experts) as he ended all negotiations for a Covid relief stimulus package.

Click here for the Podcast to accompany this trecena

By that time over one million people had died from Covid-19 globally, including over 200,000 people in the US., and those numbers were rapidly climbing as they developed into a “second wave”. There were no vaccines in sight, the mental instability of the lunatic-in-chief was a topic of much discussion, and the presidential election was looming.

At that time it had been one cycle since early warnings about the coronavirus in early 2020, at the same time as the “obstruction of justice” impeachment trial was taking place in the US, with Republicans doing everything they could to obstruct the course of justice even further as they widened the black hole that so many were falling into.

So here we are again, working with the same energies, and MUCH has changed over the past 260 days. The US now has an experienced, level-headed, deeply-caring leader who has spearheaded the initiative to get as many people immunized as possible, with over 45% of that country now fully vaccinated. In addition, he has restored cordial relationships with allies, and is working with them on many global initiatives. Many parts of the US are now opening up, and many other countries are gradually working towards that goal as vaccination programs take effect. So let’s look at the energies in play.

Adaptation of the K’an (Lizard) trecena from the pre-Columbian Codex Borgia by artist Richard Balthazar (used with permission). The first day (One K’an/One Lizard) is found at the lower left (the little lizard). The other days of this trecena proceed from there to the right, and then up to the upper right, to the little vulture head, which represents Kib’. The daysign numbers in this image are not shown, but implied. The larger image at the top, on the right, is a depiction of Black Smoking Mirror, in his guise as the God of Fate. On the left is the formidable Itztlacoliuhqui, the God of Frost (a “cautionary” symbol). These are the patrons of this time period.

As we go through this sequence of 13 days we are working with a time frame that is still part of the mythological “creation” sequence, tied in with the previous trecena, but with an emphasis that leans more towards Germination – the early stages of sprouting new possibilities. This trecena opens with an energy tied in with the young Maya corn god who represents exuberance for life and the bounties of the earth. Also tied in with the general idea of abundance, this is a trecena that holds the potential to be highly robust in the sense that it can open up all sorts of possibilities for action. It can often manifest as a time of “testing”, as new ideas or ventures begin to take shape and the process of nurturing new endeavors begins.

Itztlacoliuhqui, the God of frost, cold, ice, winter, and even sin. Adapted from the Codex Borbonicus by Mexicolore. Note that he is holding a broom Click here for further information.

In ancient Mesoamerica this trecena was seen as being under the patronage of a formidable deity known as the Itztlacoliuhqui, the God of Frost, often associated with coldness, punishment, and even blindness, which may sound ominous. And – as seen in January 2020 – this can, indeed, play out in a highly consequential manner – sometimes associated literally with ice and snow, but more often on a more esoteric level tied in with a need to retain a certain amount of caution if presented with enticing new ideas. There is a potential here for great bounty (in one form or another) to unfold, which could be jeopardized by “frost” or “blindness to realities” (metaphorical or “real”), as seen last October in Washington DC. The idea is to carefully nurture, but not endanger, new opportunities. In imagery associated with this trecena, this patron deity is often shown holding a broom, symbolic of the idea of “sweeping something clean”, even sweeping away “sins” in order to prepare for the germination of the bounty to come.

Tied in with these ideas there is often an emphasis on working with “the unseen” or the unknown during this period. During the cycle that began in January of 2020 there were questions and uncertainties everywhere, particularly with regard to the coronavirus warnings. And one cycle ago when this trecena came into place many of those questions and uncertainties had intensified, and election fever was at a high pitch.

The second patron aligned with this time frame (shown in the trecena image above), was known as Black Smoking Mirror, representative of the mysteries of the cosmos and “the fate of the earth”. And given everything that was going on during the past two appearances of this trecena it is not difficult to see how the events that unfolded during those time frames have indeed influenced the “fate of the world”.

And historically, this has been a trecena that has brought many significant world shifting changes, as seen just over 200 years ago when Napoléon Bonaparte declared himself to be Emperor of France (in 1804). In 1933 this was the trecena during which Hitler acquired dictatorial powers. It was in place again the following year when he became Führer of Germany, and then back in place in 1945 at the time of his death. In 1978 it was this trecena during which Cardinal Karol Wojtyla was elected as Pope John Paul II. Seven years later this same trecena brought Mikhail Gorbachev’s election as Secretary General of the Soviet Communist Party.

It was the first day of this trecena back in 2008 when Barack Obama gave his historic and inspirational acceptance speech at Mile High Stadium as the Democratic candidate for the U.S. presidency. And eight cycles ago (in Oct. 2015) it was this trecena that brought a stunning victory for Justin Trudeau and the Liberal party during the Canadian elections. Currently it seems that this is the trecena that will determine the fate of Peru, as one candidate is claiming victory and the other is contesting the results. If the presumed president-elect is declared the winner, much will shift in that country as well.

So it seems that many leaders in the past have intuitively aligned themselves with that key idea of Germination that is characteristic of this period – jumping in and opening up all sorts of new possibilities. BUT there is always that danger of jumping into action “blindfolded”, or in a reckless or irresponsible manner. Let’s not forget that this is the trecena that was in place in 1973 at the time of that “Saturday Night Massacre” related to Watergate. And this is the trecena when two of the world’s worst dictators (Hitler and Mussolini) lost their lives. It can be a significant “time of testing” – as it could well be for the dumpster once again as prosecutors tighten the many civil and criminal cases against him.

Given that summer is now upon us, and things are opening up in so many places – at the same time as the K’an trecena is coming into place – it might be helpful to keep in mind that as much as this trecena has the potential to open up an abundance of new possibilities, it also has the potential to make people so “giddy” with the prospects that “recklessness” could result, along with all that that could foment. We certainly don’t want to see more “coronavirus waves” or outbreaks. So caution is the key as we take early steps towards the creation of a post-pandemic world, and as we continue with the work of bringing forth new awarenesses of past injustices that are still greatly in need of amelioration. Giving respect and consideration to First Nations peoples on National Indigenous Peoples Day, on the first day of this time frame would be a good way to begin. Supporting the “For the People” bill in the US would be another major way to move forward.

Maya day One K’an (June 21st this year) is National Indigenous Peoples Day in Canada

One of the most important days for the Maya comes in on Eight Chuwen (aka 8 Batz’), on June 28th, the most auspicious festival day for K’iche’ Maya daykeepers. This is a sacred day oriented around the renewal of calendar traditions and the initiation of new daykeepers. Eight Chuwen represents a kind of “resurrection” of the type of solar energy that can “weave together” past and future to help the “new entity” gain a foothold on the road of life, with that “road” being represented by the 9 Eb’ energies that come in the following day.

As we journey through this energy sequence keep in mind that whatever happens will be “planting the seeds”, and providing the groundwork for what is to follow. It is a time when sacrifices may have to be made to make room for new growth and new life. This may well require the abandonment of old ideas in favour of something new, fresh, and life-enhancing. As this trecena holds the potential to bring forth surprises it would be a good idea to exercise caution, care, and prudence with regard to anything that one might want to “germinate” at this time. Certainly with vigilance anything “planted” at this time could easily “sprout” into something strong and robust. Coldness and recklessness, on the other hand, could be problematic. Here are the energies that will come into play:

1 K’an (June 21, 2021) – an “initiating” energy associated with germination (or even the creation of new abundance), coinciding at this time with National Indigenous Peoples Day in Canada – the 25th anniversary of the national celebration of First Nations, Inuit, and Métis culture and heritage.

This year the emphasis will be placed more on commemoration as so many people are in mourning as more and more is revealed about the abuses of hundreds of children during the horrific residential school era. Since it has become evident that few people are aware of these dark decades in Canada’s history, viewing installations such as the Witness Blanket project would be a good way to “initiate” the learning process in this regard, to “germinate” greater understanding with regard to what many First Nations families have had to deal with over the past decades.

detail from the Witness Blanket, on tour across Canada, a large scale art installation made out of hundreds of items reclaimed from residential schools, churches, and other buildings, in recognition of of the atrocities of the Indian Residential School era, and to symbolize reconciliation initiatives – the work of Master Carver Carey Newman

The last time this energy was in place (early last October) a group called Covid Survivors for Change (a network of coronavirus survivors and victims’ families) set up 20,000 empty chairs on the lawn facing the White House to represent the 210,000 people who had died from coronavirus in the US. This was marked as a national day of remembrance. Since then over 400,000 more people have died from Covid-19 in the US, and there are still many unknowns associated with “variants of concern”.

Currently this is World Music Day, celebrated by more than 120 countries, inspired by the Fête de la Musique annual music festival in France. It is a major platform to highlight music in all its diversity, and to help musicians showcase their talents.

on One K’an

This is also the UN’s International Day of
Yoga, with this year’s theme being “Yoga for well-being”, the opening of the prestigious London Book Fair (online from this day to July 1st), and Prince William’s 39th Gregorian birthday.

2 Chikchan (June 22nd) – “dynamic lifeforce”, coinciding with the observance of Kuan Kung’s birthday in Taiwan. Aka Guan Gong or Guan Yu, he was seen as a defender of the people, a kind of benefic warlord known as a great and righteous protector, able to deflect all negative energy. As this is the day when Senate leader Chuck Schumer will hold a test vote on the Voting Rights bill in the US, it would be helpful if Kuan Kung would step in to assist “For the People”.

Statue of Guan Yu (aka Kuan Kung or Guan Gong), “defender of the people”, in Jingzhou Park. Photo credit: SifaV6 at English Wikipedia, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

3 Kimi (June 23rd) – the “activation of death/absolute foundations”, seen in Maya creation mythology as the day when “the first death” was “invented”. It has now been two cycles exactly since January 2020 when a 35-year old man in Washington state, who had recently returned home after visiting family in Wuhan in China, became the first person in the US to be diagnosed with Covid-19. At that time the first confirmed case was reported in South Korea and China began warning the world about the coronavirus. Exactly one cycle later, early last October, the dumpster ended all negotiations for the Covid relief stimulus package until after the elections, even though 30-40 million people across the country were in danger of being evicted. The Dow Jones Industrial average plunged 400+ points after the stimulus negotiations were ended.

In 1934 Hitler became Führer of Germany under this influence and in January of 2020 this was in place on the eve of the start of the dumpster’s impeachment trial in the US Senate. This was also in place four cycles ago at the time of the death of Kofi Annan, former UN Secretary-General (the world’s top diplomat for 10 years from 1997-2006) and Nobel Peace prize laureate who was well known for quietly reminding world leaders that they needed to put their duty to their citizens above their own political careers.

4 Manik’ (June 24th) – a “defining” energy associated with reciprocity and the energy of deer – a kind of harmonizing energy connected with the natural world, but there is also a strong “sacrificial” aspect to it. In combination with the solar energy of the number four this is a “double sun” type of force, as the deer was seen as an embodiment of the sun. But this is perfect for Inti Raymi in Peru, the Inca Festival of the Sun that takes place in Cusco, Peru at this time, when a great ceremony will be held to honour the Sun God and Pachamama (Mother Earth). However, since coronavirus numbers are still high in Peru, strict Covid-19 health guidelines will be in place.

Inti Raymi (Festival of the Sun) at Plaza de Armas, Cusco. Photo credit: Cyntia Motta, CC-BY_SA 3.0 via WIkimedia Commons

In addition, this is the time of the Full Strawberry Moon (aka the Green Corn Moon, the Birth Moon, and the Honey Moon), the last Supermoon of 2021. It is also International Fairy Day, Saint-Jean-Baptiste Day in Quebec, and the 40th anniversary of the appearance of the Virgin Mary at Medjugorje (Bosnia-Hercegovina) to six teenagers in 1981.

This is the Maya birth energy of both George Floyd, whose death sparked such widespread Black Lives Matter protests last year, and Robert Mueller, the Special Counsel who oversaw the investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election, but failed to adequately “follow the money” as many hoped he would. This is rock drummer Mick Fleetwood’s 74th Gregorian birthday.

5 Lamat (June 25th) – a “blessing” type of energy associated with Venus, which can serve as a beacon or herald, as was in place in 1968 when Martin Luther King Jr. delivered his prophetic speech about being a “drum major for peace”.

Currently this is National Take Your Dog to Work Day, celebrated in many countries since 1999, and the opening day for “Contact in the Desert”, aka “The Woodstock of UFO Conferences”, the first annual virtual UFO and “ancient alien studies” conference.

At this point it has been two cycles since the dumpster made his first public comment regarding the coronavirus when he said that they had it “totally under control”. It has also been two 260-day cycles since the bombshell New York Times report that began with the headline: Decade in the Red: Trump Tax Figures Show over $1Billion in Business Losses. Last fall the New York Times published a follow-up article that highlighted ways in which the tax-dodger in-chief had avoided paying income taxes over many years, as it detailed the tens of millions that his businesses have lost over the years. It also brought attention to the multitude of financial conflicts of interest that developed during his White House years. Much of this is now under criminal investigation, and a grand jury has been convened in this regard.

This is the exact energy that was in place in 1864 when General Sherman began his scorched-earth March to the Sea from Atlanta to Savannah, a consequential campaign that eventually led to the defeat of the Confederacy at the end of the US Civil War.

6 Muluk (June 26th) – the energy of the six directions in conjunction with the purifying or shape-shifting energy of water, precisely two cycles since the city of Wuhan in China, the most populous city in Central China, was put under quarantine lockdown (in the biggest lockdown in world history at that point) in an effort to stop the spread of coronavirus.

This was the energy in place when the Gun Control Act of 1968 was signed into law by President Johnson. This is Armed Forces day in the UK, but many events will likely
still be affected by Covid-19 restrictions. This is also the 76th anniversary of the signing of the charter of the United Nations.

7 Ok (June 27th) – translating as “self-generating” love, guidance, and/or loyalty, coinciding at this time with Canadian Multiculturalism Day and the NYC Pride events,
some of which will be in virtual format again, with some in-person events. This year’s theme is: The Fight Continues. This is the day of Toronto’s Pride Parade.

Thailand float during the Toronto Pride Parade, July 1, 2012. Photo credit: Ian Lawrence, CC-BY-SA 4.0 via Wikimedia Commons

It has been six cycles since the dramatic hearing before the US House Intelligence Committee when former FBI Director James Comey told that committee for the first time that the FBI was investigating the possible collusion between the dumpster’s campaign and Moscow – the first time a seated president had been under FBI investigation. Three cycles ago (in early 2019) a petition was delivered to Congress on behalf of a number of activist groups such as MoveOn, Democracy for America, and the Courage Campaign, that contained 10 million signatures that called upon lawmakers to begin impeachment proceedings against him.

8 Chuwen, aka 8 Batz’ (June 28th) a “resurrection” type of energy associated with play, creativity, and “time weaving” – a highly auspicious day for the Maya, as this is the time when K’iche’ Maya daykeepers celebrate the renewal of their sacred calendar traditions and initiate new daykeepers. As it happens, today marks 12 Tzolkin cycles since 12:12:12 (Dec. 12, 2012), just before the completion of the last Great Cycle of 5,125 Gregorian years, marked by Dec. 21, 2012.

At this time this energy coincides with the opening of the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona (to July 1st), with its focus on the “hottest topics in technology”.

It has been three cycles since some 180 countries reached agreement on a legally binding, globally reaching mechanism for managing plastic waste, in an amendment to the Basel Convention. But that was before the onslaught of Covid, which significantly increased the use of plastic.

This is the 102nd Gregorian anniversary of the day in 1919 when the peace document known as The Treaty of Versailles was signed by Germany, officially ending World War I.

9 Eb’ (June 29th) – “outward projecting stream of consciousness”, or “outward projecting road”, an energy that could also translate as “immortal healing”

10 B’en (June 30th) – “foundational personal authority”; symbolic of the full authority of maize, this is a strong “pillar” type of energy representative of strength, inner power, and self determination. Maya birth energy of both José Andrés of World Central Kitchen and famed Swiss psychologist Carl Jung. This is also the Maya birth energy of Nostradamus, the 16th century seer whose predictions helped to fuel speculations about the “end times”.

In the spring of 1945 this was the energy in place when Hitler committed suicide, two days after the fascist dictator Mussolini was executed by firing squad. In 1973 this was the energy in place at the time of the “Saturday Night Massacre” related to Watergate. Two cycles ago (in January of 2020) the sham of an impeachment trial was taking place in the US, and one cycle ago (last October), this energy brought the release of Totally Under Control, a documentary that highighted the gross failure, mismanagement, and incompetence of the dumpter White House with regard to the pandemic.

11 Ix (July 1st) – “inspirational magic” in conjunction with the jaguar and the mysteries of the earth, on what will be Canada’s 154th birthday. This year many Canada Day celebrations will be either cancelled altogether or revised so as to become “reflective” rather than celebratory, out of respect for the First Nations communities who are currently mourning the discoveries of the bodies of 215 indigenous children in BC and 751 indigenous children (and possibly others) in Saskatchewan in the grounds of defunct residential schools. Vigils, demonstrations, ceremonies, and marches will take place in many locations, including in major cities.

In China this is the 100th anniversary of the Chinese Communist Party; in India this is National Doctors’ Day; and in the UK several special events will take place in honour of Princess Diana’s 60th Gregorian birthday, including the unveiling of a memorial statue of her in the White Garden of Kensington Palace.

This is Establishment Day in Hong Kong, the 24th anniversary of the handover of Hong Kong’s sovereignty from the UK to the People’s Republic of China, which, in the past, was always marked by fireworks and a huge march led by the Civil Human Rights Front. However, with so many civil liberties taken away after Beijing set up a national security agency in that city recently, and the jailing of its leader, this march may not take place this year.

Two cycles ago this was the energy in place when the dumpster’s legal team made their final arguments in the second week of the impeachment trial – a trial where witnesses were not allowed to testify even though 75% of registered voters (bipartisan) thought testimony from witnesses should have been allowed. That was the day when Israel’s attorney-general filed a formal indictment in court against Prime Minister Netanyahu on charges of bribery, fraud, and breach of trust. Currently this is the day when tax related indictments will be unsealed against the Trump Organization and its CFO Allen Weisselberg.

This is the Maya birth energy of New York Times columnist Paul Krugman, author of 27 books, including The Great Republican Abdication –A party that no longer believes in American values.

This is also the 46th anniversary of the entering into effect of CITES, the multilateral treaty to protect endangered plants and animals.

12 Men (July 2nd) – a “gathering together” type of energy associated with the high vision of the Eagle – two cycles exactly since the day in January of 2020 when the head of the World Health Organization’s Health Emergencies Programme said that the “whole world needs to be on alert”.  At that point entire cities in China were under shutdown. At that time Peter Navarro, the White House trade adviser, circulated a memo at the highest level warning the White House about the risks of a pandemic, at the same time as the dumpster was downplaying it. One cycle later (by last October) the coronavirus has actually reached the White House and everyone who worked there at that time was not only at high risk of contacting it, but many had already tested positive.

13 Kib’ (July 3rd) – a transformation-oriented energy aligned with the ability to “fly high”, survey, and ultimately restore order. As Kib’ is an energy that can often force people to think differently, this 13 Kib’ energy can often push particularly hard, often compelling people to take some kind of direct action.

That was certainly the case two cycles ago, at the end of January 2020, when the WHO declared a global health emergency with regard to the coronavirus outbreak. By that time – from the epicentre of the outbreak in Wuhan, the virus has spread across China and to at least 16 countries globally, including Thailand, France, the US and Australia. More than 170 people had died in China, some 7700 had been confirmed as infected, and another 12,000 were under observation. Even though the White House had been given enough information by this time for action to be taken, the dumpster continued to ignore or downplay it. It was the end of the trecena but the beginning of a global catastrophe.

This 13 Kib’ 14 Sek day marks one Calendar Round (52 years less 13 days) since the launch of Apollo 11 en route to the lunar landing, on an historic eight-day mission.


[Please note that the brief descriptions of the days provided above are only “thumbnail sketches”. Much greater detail can be found in Manual for the Soul: A Guide to the Energies of Life.]

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