Nov 2019
The Kawak (Storm) trecena: Nov. 14-26, 2019
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The storms they are a-ragin’ . . . and at the present time this includes catastrophic firestorms in Australia, record-breaking low temperatures and snowstorms in several parts of the US, severe flooding in Venice, continuing large scale protests in many different countries, renewed fighting between Israel and Gaza, and monumental political firestorms at the highest levels of several governments. With the opening of the impeachment hearings in the US the day before the start of this trecena, this will be the focus of attention for a great many people in that country as we proceed through this energy sequence.
Looking back we can see that the foundations leading to these hearings were set during earlier manifestations of this “storm” related energy sequence. Indeed, it was precisely one cycle ago (earlier this year) when Trump’s former personal lawyer Michael Cohen provided significant testimony before the US House Committee on Oversight and Reform as he turned over “explosive” evidence of criminal acts involving Trump, including hush money cheques associated with the violation of campaign finance laws and documents relating to the Trump Tower Moscow project. At the time this was the kind of evidence of wrongdoing that had many people talking about the need for impeachment, and Cohen’s testimony was seen as a critical historical turning point in this regard. One cycle before that Trump’s former campaign manager Paul Manafort was arraigned and sent to jail over witness tampering and other charges, including obstruction of justice.
Another part of the current equation relates to the “Ukraine factor”, as the opening of these impeachment hearings comes precisely one cycle after the Ukraine parliament began an impeachment investigation with regard to President Poroshenko amid the fallout from the explosive report that linked high-ranking defence officials to a money laundering scandal. So this Kawak trecena factored heavily in the context of that process, when it was in place earlier this year. During the Tzolk’in cycle that ran from that point to this point much more has transpired between these two countries, including a change in government in Ukraine, and – as we are now learning – considerable interference from the upper echelons of the US government, bringing us now to yet another impeachment process within precisely the same energy context as was in place at the start of that process in Ukraine.
The question of whether a sitting president can be indicted often arose during the past few months and many have been “testing the waters” on this point. In this regard, former independent counsel Ken Starr (who investigated the Whitewater case that eventually led to the impeachment of President Clinton for lying under oath) said that sitting presidents should be indictable, due to the first principle that “no person is above the law”, while Joe Lockhart who appeared with Starr, called the opinion of “not indicting” a “glitch” in the system. It remains to be seen what will happen with regard to this “opinion” as these impeachment hearings unfold.
It appears that this trecena can often be an inflection point – a point at which critical choices are brought forward and decisions made that can have significant consequences. This could certainly be seen four cycles ago as of Nov. 16th (3 Imix) when President Obama delivered his poignant farewell address as president on the same day as the chiefs of U.S intelligence agencies presented Obama, the bipartisan Gang of Eight Congressional leaders and Trump with a two page summary of explosive information related to the hacking of the DNC and other related topics, that should have brought everything to a standstill (as in the Nixon downfall), but rather marked the start of an overt and shameful campaign of deception and political manipulation than has continued ever since. So here we are four cycles (4 x 260 days) later with another opportunity being presented for a major course correction.
Currently, this trecena opens on the final day of the ICPD25 Summit in Cairo, with this year marking the 25th anniversary of the 1994 International Conference on Population and Development, which was the largest international conference ever held on population and development, with 179 governments participating and some 11,000 registered participants. At that time a long range Programme of Action was created that presented “a bold new vision about the relationships between population, development and individual well-being”, which emphasized the provision of greater support for women and girls. This year this summit has once again brought together heads of state, community leaders, representatives of indigenous communities, and many others to address continuing urgencies associated with family planning services, gender equality and gender-based violence, and many other issues pertaining to this overall plan.
The opening of this trecena also marks the 50th anniversary of two key days associated with the November 1969 Moratorium March in Washington D.C. where over 500,000 people called for an end to the Vietnam War, while similar demonstrations were taking place in other cities. This was the second of two major moratorium events that year, with the first being a month earlier. This 50th anniversary may be a reminder of the importance of people “adding their voices” to important calls for change.
What we are working with here is an energy frame that is often fueled by passion and compassion, often oriented around significant causes, as when it triggered the first national integrated civil rights march in the U.S., in the summer of 1963, in the largest civil rights rally in U.S. history. Seven cycles ago, in late November of 2014, massive protest rallies took place throughout the trecena, for many different reasons, in places such as Hong Kong, Mexico City, the U.S., Cairo, and Eastern Canada. It seemed like more and more people were standing up for human rights and calling for massive changes, including in many South American countries, and those calls have increased significantly over the past five years as climate change issues, humanitarian causes, and anti-corruption push-back have escalated.
This is a strong water-oriented time frame, a period seen in ancient lore as being under the auspices of Tláloc, the Aztec god of rain (known as Chac to the Maya). Chac was seen as a deity who often announces his presence in dramatic, sometimes highly tempestuous ways. This often manifests as a highly catalytic energy traditionally associated with clouds, lightning, thunder, and heavy rainfall that has the potential to create either a “water blessing” that can purify and transform, or set off some sort of complete disaster.
Indeed, in the past, this trecena has been so strong that it has brought forth such things as Hurricane Katrina (2005), and its complete inundation of New Orleans and the Gulf coast. It also brought forth the greatest amphibious invasion in history, in 1944, on a day now referred to as D-Day, as allied forces landed in Normandy on the life-oriented mid-point of this trecena, marking the beginning of European liberation.
Keep in mind that the catalyzation process triggered by Chac can take many forms, with much of it being water oriented. Many significant floods have been triggered during past cycles, but it can also trigger floods of tears and deep compassion. Indeed, Chac has been known to be quite benevolent at times, as he was seen to have the capacity to trigger the kind of catalyzation that can eventually lead to a cleansing and clearing of dark forces. What we need to do at this time, in part at least, is to help direct Chac towards the quelling of the horrific bushfires in Australia and California, to provide the rains that are so desperately needed in those areas. What we are sure to see during this period is some high level “shifting”, and hopefully a lot of clearing. Here are the energies that are coming into place:
1 Kawak (Nov. 14th) – the “initiation” of a “catalytic storm”, on the final day of the important three-day ICPD25 Summit in Cairo, noted above. This is also World Diabetes Day, Guinness World Record Day (the 16th annual, with this year’s theme being “Spirit of Adventure”), and Children’s Day in India, celebrated to increase awareness of the rights, care, and education of children.
This is the 50th anniversary of the continuation of the November 1969 Moratorium March in Washington D.C. and one cycle since the US House of Representatives Democrats passed the historic “H.R.8” bill, involving the introduction of universal background checks for gun purchases, the first major gun control legislation in that country in 20 years – a bill that still has not been brought to a vote in the Senate. It is also one cycle since Trump’s meeting with North Korean leader Kim Jong-un in Hanoi, exactly one cycle after he met with him in Singapore in 2018.
2 Ajaw (Nov. 15th) – a dynamic type of energy aligned with the full sun, full power, and the idea of “enlightenment”, coinciding with what is known as a Tun Shift in the Maya Calendar, as the Long Count date clicks over to This is the 50th anniversary of Moratorium Day, which immediately followed the Moratorium March, when nearly half a million demonstrators gathered in Washington DC in 1969 to hear speeches and participate in an anti-Vietnam War music festival, at the same time as over a quarter of a million took part in a march against the war in San Francisco. One cycle since Michael Cohen began providing, in his testimonies before the US House Intelligence Committee, strong evidence of Trump wrongdoings.
3 Imix (Nov. 16th) – the “activation” of “birth” or the realm of all potential, conciding with the UN’s International Day for Tolerance and with the opening of the 37th annual Winter Festival of Lights in Niagara, called the “Longest Festival in the World”, which runs from now to Jan. 12, 2020.
In Canada this day is commemorated by the Métis Nation as Louis Riel Day, as it is a
Gregorian anniversary of Métis leader Riel’s wrongful execution in 1885. Celebrations of Métis culture now coincide with this date. (But note that there is also a Louis Riel day in Feb.)
Maya birth energy of Juan Guaidó, the opposition leader who many have recognized as the interim President of Venezuela, who is currently battling against President Maduro over leadership of that country.
This 3 Imix day marks four terrifying cycles since President Obama’s farewell address to the nation in 2017, on the same day as the chiefs of U.S intelligence agencies presented the explosive information relating to, among other things, the hacking of the DNC. One cycle since the Justice Department’s Inspector General released a sweeping report on the FBI’s investigation into Hillary Clinton and her email server, with the conclusion that the FBI’s (and James Comey’s) actions not only “cast a cloud” over the bureau but also did a grave disservice to Clinton. The results have been playing out ever since.
4 Ik’ (Nov. 17th) – the “defining” of wind/breath/spirit; an important energy associated with the connection between the sun and Quetzalcoatl/Feathered Serpent, on this peak day for the Leonids meteor shower. This is one of the five energies at the centre of the Aztec Sun Stone.
It has been precisely eight cycles since the mysterious disappearance of Malaysian Airlines Flight 370 in the spring of 2014, and two cycles since Paul Manafort was arraigned on several charges. It has been one cycle since NASA’s historic launch of the unmanned SpaceX Crew Dragon capsule, a demonstration of how a privately built spacecraft can ferry people to the space station. The launch of the first crewed test flight of this craft to the International Space Station may possibly take place within this current trecena or shortly thereafter. It will be the first manned US launch to the ISS since the US space shuttle programme was retired in 2011.
5 Ak’b’al (Nov. 18th) – the “pinpointing” of deep esoteric mysteries, one cycle since the House Judiciary Committee formally began gathering proof of obstruction of justice, corruption, and abuses of power with regard to the Trump administration. In 2005 this was the energy in place when the weather system that turned into Hurricane Katrine formed as a Tropical Depression. In Mexico this is the day of the observance of Revolution Day, with the official day being Nov. 20th.
6 K’an (Nov. 19th) – a “six directions” type of energy aligned with “youthful vitality”, coinciding at this time with the publication of A Warning which will offer “an unprecedented behind-the-scenes portrait of the Trump presidency”, written by the anonymous senior Trump administration official who wrote the scathing op-ed article for WAPO in early September, titled “I am Part of the Resistance Inside the Trump Administration”. The impeachment hearing continues on this day with testimonies from Jennifer Williams (an aide to Vice President Pence), Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman of the National Security Council, Ambassador Kurt Volker (former Special Envoy to Ukraine), and Tim Morrison (a White House aide with the National Security Council). In 2005 this was the energy that turned Katrina into a Tropical Storm (pre-hurricane) at the same time as it triggered an extreme solar geomagnetic storm.
7 Chikchan (Nov. 20th) – a self-generating Liberation/Lifeforce type of energy that was seen traditionally as the daysign of Chicomecóatl, the Aztec Goddess of agriculture (especially maize) which was representative of the more positive aspects of this time frame, with its potential for providing conditions that are favorable for bringing forth nourishment.
In 1944 the greatest amphibious assault in history, known as D-Day, took place under this influence, marking the beginning of European liberation. Currently this energy is coinciding with the opening of the three-day Sustainable Ocean Summit in Paris, the UN’s Universal Children’s Day, International Men’s Day, and the International Transgender Day of Remembrance, on the 110th anniversary of the start of the Mexican revolution in 1910.
During the impeachment hearings this is the day for testimonies from Ambassador Sondland (US ambassador to the EU), Laura Cooper (Dep. Assistant Secretary of Defense for Russian, Ukrainian, and Eurasian Affairs), and David Hale (Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs). This is also the day of the fifth Democratic Presidential Debate, to be held in Atlanta, Georgia. In addition it is the 72nd wedding anniverary of Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip.
8 Kimi (Nov. 21st) – a “resurrection” type of energy associated with “death” or “absolute spiritual foundations” coinciding at this time with the UN’s World Philosophy Day, with its emphasis on the importance of deep thought and critical questioning. This is the day when Dr. Fiona Hill, a former National Security adviser, will testify during the impeachment hearings, at the same time as former President Obama visits the Bay Area in California to fund raise for the Democratic Party.
Four cycles ago this energy coincided with a nationwide pre-inauguration protest in the U.S., dubbed a Day of Resistance, at which time Sen. Bernie Sanders and his allies led a nationwide rally against the Republicans’ new agenda.
Opening day for the enchanting “Glow Wild” lantern festival at Kew Gardens in England.
9 Manik’ (Nov. 22nd) – an “outwardly projecting” type of energy associated with reciprocity, a Maya calendar anniversary of the energy that was in place when Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. gave his memorable “I Have a Dream” speech in 1963 at the Lincoln Memorial during the first national integrated civil rights march in the U.S., the largest civil rights rally in U.S. history. This energy is currently coinciding with the 56th anniversary of the world-shifting day when President John F. Kennedy was assassinated later that same year. In 1983 this was the energy in place when Prince recorded Purple Rain.
10 Lamat (Nov. 23rd) “foundational bright star” – a foundational “signalling” type of energy. One cycle exactly since the US House of Representatives passed a sweeping anti-corruption and government ethics package, known as For the People Act 2019 (H.R. 1, 2019) which was designed to expand voting rights, limit partisan gerrymandering, strengthen ethics rules, and fundamentally reshape how elections are run. On that same day the SpaceX’s Crew Dragon test flight returned to Earth, which was good timing as this is Elon Musk’s Maya birth energy.
11 Muluk (Nov. 24th) – the “change” in conjunction with “water” energy that has accompanied many very intense water related events, such as Hurricane Katrina in 2005. Three cycles ago this was the energy in place when Hurricane Nate reached hurricane strength in the Gulf of Mexico, before making landfall near the Mississippi Delta two days later. Currently this is a time when Mars conjuncts the moon and Venus conjuncts Jupiter.
12 Ok (Nov. 25th) – a “grouping together” energy associated with love, warmth, and guidance – and sometimes even fire, as the moon conjuncts Mercury, on the UN’s International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women . This marks the launch of 16 days of activism related to this topic.
13 Chuwen (Nov. 26th) – “transformational monkey” or “transformational play”, an intense and highly creative “time weaving” type of energy, sometimes referred to as “Thirteen Threads”; a powerfully innovative type of force traditionally aligned with play, creativity, “time-weaving”, and even intense “trickery”, at the time of the New Moon.
This is the kind of energy that can sometimes prompt one into thinking differently or trying out new possibilities, as was in place, amusingly (or not), at the time of the swearing in of the 45th U.S. president four tumultuous cycles ago. The “monkey business” associated with that day now stands as one of history’s “national jokes” as the perceived number of people who attended the inauguration (as interpreted by the president-elect) stands in stark contrast to the visual evidence of the sparse crowds. Even at that time large numbers of people were certain that sooner or later impeachment would be in the works. And now, four cycles later, this is looming very large. With the New Moon in place at this time who knows what “new possibilities” might be presented.
Currently this is the opening of the presessional period of the COP25, the Climate Change Conference that was originally slated to be held in Santiago, Chile but has now been moved to Madrid. This is also Tina Turner’s 80th Gregorian birthday. She was born under the Maya calendar influence of 4 Chuwen in 1939. A musical called Tina, based on her life story, made its debut on Broadway less than 3 weeks ago, on Nov. 7th.
[Please note that the brief descriptions of the days provided above are only “thumbnail sketches”. Much greater detail can be found in Manual for the Soul: A Guide to the Energies of Life.]