May 2017
The Muluk (Water) trecena: May 18-30, 2017
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After all the dust and dirt kicked up by the last trecena, which (among other things) generated an extraordinary meltdown in Washington D.C. and set the world wondering about the implications of the missile testing in North Korea, we come to the Muluk trecena, which begins with an important 52-day Shift-point within the 260-day cycle.
As One Muluk comes into place, representative of the Moon Goddess partnering with the generative energy of water, this initiates a time frame that can be both stimulating and cleansing, holding the potential to shape or change the world.
This watery time period has as its patron the “jewelled” turkey, symbolic of abundance, an energy that has been known to open the door to many new and exciting possibilities. It is an energy frame than can trigger major shifts in direction, as is likely at this time, given the issues that have been raised over the past few weeks.
Certainly in the U.S., lawmakers are discovering that they are in completely uncharted territory with individuals at all levels using words such as “obstruction of justice”, “dangerous”, “worse than Watergate”, “high crimes and misdemeanors”, and even “treason” to decribe the various unthinkable actions of the person who was placed in the position of leadership for that country. With his approval at a new low, government almost at a standstill, officials feeling “under seige”, reports that “Republicans may be reaching their breaking point”, and US stock markets tanking, it is clear that action is going to have to be taken to stop the carnage. As accusations of obstruction of justice were the charges that prompted impeachment proceedings against two previous presidents, it is possible that this might be the avenue that will be taken. If ever there was a need for a torrent of water to wash through and purify that “swamp” that time is now.
Also highly problematic at this time is Trump’s threat to pull the U.S. out of the Paris climate agreement, which could happen during this time frame. If that was to take place the U.S. would (pathetically) join Syria and Nicaragua as the only countries that have not signed on.
It was exactly one cycle ago, on the first day of this trecena, that this president went to Mexico for a brief visit, a visit that was dubbed a “colossal failure”. Upon his departure Mexico’s president Enrique Peña Nieto faced nationwide anger over the meeting, with one newspaper columnist expressing what seemed to be the nationwide view that “Never has the name of Mexico been exposed to such dishonour.” As this same U.S. president is scheduled to engage in a number of overseas meetings and summits during this current time frame, this will undoubtedly make a lot of people in a lot of different countries both nervous and angry. And, as this is a very “shape-shifting” kind of energy frame, it is anyone’s guess as to what will happen.
As this is the beginning of the final 52-day period in the current Tzolk’in cycle, the forces in play at this time often bring about significant change. In the past the shifts that have taken place during this trecena have included the Black Tuesday crash of the New York stock exchange in 1929, King Edward VIII’s abdication of the English throne in 1936, the beginning of the Battle of Britain in 1940, the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor in 1941, India’s declaration of independence in 1947, the invasion of South Korea by North Korea in 1950, the Detroit race riots in 1967, the resignation of Prime Minister Yatsenyuk after the collapse of the ruling coalition in Ukraine in 2014, and the ousting of Brazil’s President Dilma Rousseff by an impeachment vote on the first day of this trecena last year.
Sometimes the “generative vitality” of these forces can be quite dramatic, as seen in 2013 when bolts of lightning struck the Vatican just hours after Pope Benedict XVI shocked the world by announcing his resignation. Due to the nature of the last few days of this particular trecena, its watery aspects are often felt quite intensely, as could be seen in December 2015 when a massive tornado outbreak in the southern U.S. destroyed or damaged hundreds of homes. Christmas day that year (on 11 Kawak – “storm”) was particularly intense as the U.K. was hit by severe flooding and vast areas in South America suffered some of the worst inundations in 50 years.
But as much as deluges have been engendered by these forces in the past, there have also been many inspirational events, many of which have taken place on 4 Eb’, representative of a solar force in combination with Eb’s “animating vitality”, which can create an uplifting, refreshing type of energy marked by a sense of the opening up of new possibilities.

Obama election night rally. Maya Date: 4 Eb’ in the Muluk trecena, 2008. Photo Credit: Tony [CC BY-SA 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons
Three cycles ago, on Maya New Year’s Day in 2015, this same energy brought the announcement by President Obama that agreement had been reached on the framework for an historic nuclear reduction agreement with Iran, which was seen as a significant political breakthrough, the most important foreign relations negotiation of the Obama presidency up to that point.
At the present time this trecena gets underway just hours after former FBI Director Robert Mueller was named as a special counsel to oversee the investigation into Russia’s alleged interference in the US election, an appointment that is being seen as a very positive step as he has bipartisan credentials and is being given wide latitude. This adds to the likelihood that some highly consequential shape-shifting will occur during this period.
As this is being pushed forward by Muluk (Water), the forces within this energy zone can be very creative, often even “electrifying”. Overall, this would be a good time to “go with the flow”, let go of rigidity, and allow for purification and refreshment, whenever possible. It is also a good time to think about ways in which you might co-create with this energy as it brings forth inevitable change. During this watery, shapeshifting, purifying – and sometimes electrifying – time frame these are the energies that will come into play:
1 Muluk (May 18th) – “the initiation of water”, a kind of “double water” day associated with the Moon Goddess (symbolic of the Number One) in conjunction with the refreshing, shape-shifting energy of water; an important 52-day Shift-point within the 260-day cycle. As this energy can often bring forth dramatic shifts in state, it is intriguing to see it coming into place as Robert Mueller takes over as overseer of that critical investigation in Washington. At this point a severe weather warning is in place in the U.S. midwest, with strong potential for more rain, hail, and high winds to hit that area.

Save Our Species poster by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 1994. Photo Credit: National Library of Medicine – History of Medicine, via Wikimedia Commons. Under the current administration even this vital organization is in jeopardy.
2 Ok (May 19th) – a dynamic yin/yang type of force relating to love, warmth, guidance, and loyalty (associated with the Maya glyph for Dog), this time correlating with Endangered Species Day at the time when Trump is scheduled to leave on his first foreign trip, meeting first with Muslim leaders in Saudi Arabia.
3 Chuwen (May 20th) – the “activation” of creativity; an important “time-weaving” type of energy that can often bring forth powerful shifts, coinciding at this time with World Bee Day – although the bees may have been 3 days early on this, as an enormous swarm brought rush hour traffic to a halt in London at the end of the last trecena. Also the day of the 6th annual global March Against Monsanto to protest against their production of GMOs and toxins that threaten human health and the environment. In the U.K. this is the day of Pippa Middleton’s wedding.
Maya birth energy of political analyst Rachel Maddow, whose nightly news show, seen as the cable news show for The Resistance, has become the “fastest growing primetime show in cable news”. Given how compelling and magnetic she is, it is interesting to see that she has the same Maya birth energy as Michael Faraday, who so significantly contributed to the creation of electric motor technology through his work with electricity and electromagnetism, forces that are directly in keeping with the nature of this particular Maya day.

Ringling Bros. & Barnum & Bailey Circus. Photo Credit: By John VanderHaagen (jvh33) [CC BY 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons
5 B’en (May 22nd) – the “blessing of personal authority”, at the time of the 5th crossing of Saturn’s rings by NASA’s Cassini spacecraft
6 Ix (May 23rd) – the energy of the six directions in conjunction with the jaguar (and Jaguar Warrior) and the fate of the earth. In 1973 this was the energy in place when the Endangered Species Act passed legislation.
7 Men (May 24th) – a “self-generating” type of energy associated with the Eagle’s “higher vision” correlating at this time with Victoria Day (Canada), and of the opening of the 28th NATO meeting, in Brussels. On this day Trump is scheduled to meet with Pope Francis and then go on to Brussels, where he will encounter an intense planned protest.
8 Kib’ (May 25th) – the “resurrection” of the transmutation oriented force that can lead towards the restoration of order, this time in conjunction with the New Moon and Ascension Day, in place on the second and final day of the NATO summit. This is also Red Nose Day in the U.S.
9 Kab’an (May 26th) – representative of “outwardly-projecting” longevity in connection with the earth and evolutionary movement, an energy that coincides at this time with the 43rd G7 summit, opening on this day in Sicily, and the 80th anniversary of the opening of the Golden Gate bridge to pedestrians. The day that Pirates of the Caribbean 5 is due to open. During the evening, the beginning of Ramadan, which continues for 30 days.
10 Etz’nab’(May 27th) – foundational “flint”; a sparkling, “knife-edged” type of energy that can either dazzle or divide and separate, on the second and final day of the G7 summit in Sicily. A return to the exact Calendar Round energy that was in place when Abraham Lincoln addressed the U.S. Congress in 1861 in his call for 500,000 militia for the Civil War, followed by ratification by Congress; 80th anniversary of the opening of the Golden Gate bridge to automobiles
11 Kawak (May 28th) – inspirational “storm of compassion”, on the last day of the Cannes Film Festival; on this day NASA’s Cassini spacecraft carries out its 6th crossing of Saturn’s rings

President John F. Kennedy, White House photo. Photo Credit: White House Press Office [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons
One of his quotes very apropos to this trecena is this: “Change is the law of life. And those who look only to the past or present are certain to miss the future“.
13 Imix (May 30th) – “transformational birth”, another force that can be highly intense. On its last appearance it brought a halt to all conflict in Syria as the new peace plan took effect. Unfortunately it only lasted for 6 days.
[Please note that the brief descriptions of the days provided above are only “thumbnail sketches”. Much greater detail can be found in Manual for the Soul: A Guide to the Energies of Life.]