Maya Count Of Days Horoscope

Maya Calendar Energies At Work In The World

So here we go with the trecena that will carry the US presidential election. It’s “down to brass” tacks time, or – more pertinent to this particular trecena – it’s down to the bare bones foundations of what will follow thereafter. This is the trecena within which the people of the United States will decide whether they want a democracy or a dictatorship. Will it be “country or party” that lays the foundation for the future of that nation? Will it be sanity or autocracy?

Sugar skull for the Day of the Dead. Photo by: Edna Winti [CC BY 2.0 via Wikimedia Commons]
This is also highly symbolic of Kimi, where is skull is used to represent “spiritual foundations” and connections to “absolute foundations”. Click here for information on a giant skull exhibition in Mexico City.

It’s intriguing to see that it is this particular trcena that is in place at this time, as the symbol for Kimi is the skull, which is the locus of thought. And it is the nature of people’s thoughts and beliefs that will determine the outcome of this election. What have they been led to believe? Who have they been listening to? How persuasive have the arguments been that will trigger courses of action? Will people be using their minds to make considered, rational decisions or will they just lose their minds? Although the results likely will not be forthcoming immediately, early indicators show that people are showing up in droves to cast their ballots, with over 30 million votes having been cast by the time this trecena opens.

And with this trecena prompting a “return to basic foundations” in thought and action, it is emphasizing more than ever the need for clear thinking so that thoughtful restructuring can take place. Indeed, the very first day of the Kimi trecena is represented by a skull, indicative of that “returning to Source” idea, returning to “bare bones” foundations in order to regroup. The principal patron of this time frame was seen as the Conch-shell Lord known as Tecciztécatl, a proud and richly attired deity who somewhat reluctantly sacrificed himself to become the Moon. He is often shown accompanied by Tonatiuh, God of the Sun, so within this context we have the Moon and the Sun working together to bring light to the world.

Adaptation of the Kimi trecena from the pre-Columbian Codex Borgia by artist Richard Balthazar (used with permission). The first day (One Kimi or “One Death”) is represented by the little skull at the bottom right corner (within the border). Each of the remaining days proceed around the edge from there towards the left, ending with 13 Etz’nab’ (Flint, depicted as a knife with a face) at the upper left corner. In the centre on the left is Tecciztécatl, the Aztec Conch-shell Lord who became the Moon, the chief patron of this trecena. On the right is Tonatiuh, God of the Sun. Click here for an overview of Richard’s various other versions of the same trecena.

In Mesoamerican mythology this pairing is part of the creation story, so this trecena might be seen as a “regeneration” point, a starting point for regrouping or restructuring. It is particularly intriguing to see that Vice-President Kamala Harris, who is gaining so much support for her campaign, from thinking and caring people in both parties, has this energy as her birth daysign, in combination with the energy of “12”, with that “12” force coming into place again on election day, in combination with Kab’an, relating to “evolutionary movement”.

With this big event so close at hand, some very “heavy duty” assessments have been brought forward over the past few days (and hours), for people to add to their considerations as they head towards the polls. Indeed some of the dumpster’s closest associates while in the White House, such as General John Kelly, the former chief of staff, have spoken about Trump’s “fascist” propensities, echoing similar comments by other high ranking generals who have warned against him, such as General James Mattis and General Mark Milley, who have described him as a threat to the U.S. consitution, and retired U.S. General Barry McCaffrey, former Iraq war commander, who describes him as a degenerate who is a “fundamental threat” to the world order and to American life. Similarly, the New York Times just published a full-page open letter, signed by 233 mental health professionals, warning that Trump is dangerous because of “his symptoms of severe, untreatable personality disorder – malignant narcissism”, which makes him not only “grossly unfit for leadership” but also “an existential threat to democracy”. The letter not only details symptoms that are observable in the dumpster’s behaviour, but also underscores that “without question, malignant narcissists have been history’s most grandiose, paranoid, and murderous leaders. Inevitably, they escalate until they are completely out of control, ultimately destroying themselves and the nations they lead.”

Many times in the past we have seen this trecena associated with both natural disasters and major crises that have forced people into positions of profound loss (as when Puerto Rico suffered the full force of Hurricane Maria in 2017). Such losses have brought many to the point where the only option available was to “start again”, pushing them to build new foundations in order to “regenerate”. Such events generally force people to take a good hard look at many aspects of their lives. Restructuring is often required on various levels, including personal, local, national, and international, as well as on mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual levels.

Day of the Dead (Dia de Muertos) celebrations at the cemetery of San Antonio Tecómitl, in the Milpa Alpa borough of Mexico City, Mexico. Photo Credit: Eneas de Troya (originally posted to Flickr as Panteón de Tecómitl) [CC BY 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons

It is also intriguing that as this trecena unfolds this year hundreds of millions of people are preparing for, and participating in, “bare bones” festivities such as Hallowe’en and Day of the Dead events, as well as “light returning” festivities such as Diwali, returning to centuries old traditions that often provide great comfort and a sense of stability and continuity. There is even a grand artistic event taking place on the planes of Giza, near the great pyramid complex, with the “Forever is Now” exhibition that features large contemporary works next to ancient sites, in many ways underscoring the links between old and new, and the interconnectivity of life across the eons.

And often, during this trecena, that “return to foundations” aspect is seen quite vividly as was so evident in 2022 during the mourning period for Queen Elizabeth II, just as this same trecena had brought the death and national mourning for her husband, Prince Philip, two Tzolk’in cycles earlier.  During those periods there was a great sense of loss in the UK, as long-standing symbols of national unity and stability were suddenly gone, and things were in a state of flux. It returned again one cycle ago with reports of health issues associated with both King Charles and Catherine, Princess of Wales, again bringing a sense of instability, and prompting people to review their priorities. And now, as an echo to that, it seems that King Charles is being called, once again, to review priorities as some leaders of Commonwealth countries are calling on him to address the issue of reparations for slavery pertaining to the colonial era.

Similarly in the U.S., memorial events associated with the passing of civil right activist and “Conscience of the United States Congress” John Lewis became the focus of much attention in the US during this time frame in July of 2020. Two cycles ago (in 2023) the beginning of this time frame also brought the passing of Tina Turner, known for many years as the “Queen of Rock ‘n’ Roll”. As could be felt at the time of such events, there is often a strong sense of “letting go” during this period, something that is often required in order to bring about something new. This often involves a “letting go of restrictions” (self-imposed or otherwise) in order to allow for new possibilities and opportunities, to achieve a higher level of evolution – again tying in with this idea of “returning to source” in order to regenerate.

With regard to the on-going wars, that need to “let go” has never been more profound, with Gaza in ruins, people starving, and rockets continuing to wreak havoc in the region, including into Lebanon. As this trecena comes into place Israel is actually seeking to ban the UN’s relief agency from delivering aid to Palestinians. By this time almost 43,000 people have been killed in Gaza, and more than 100,000 injured. In Lebanon the situation also has been worsening on a daily basis. As this trecena opens on Day 974 of the Russia-Ukraine war, with several thousand North Koreans now boistering Russian troops, and Putin trying to make himself look important after hosting the BRICS summit in Kazan, one has to wonder what kind of restructuring will be needed in order to break the stalemates in those areas. Clearly, radical structuring will be needed in order to find avenues that can bring these unthinkable situations to an end and provide much needed relief for the very, very weary survivors.

As always, Kimi represents a key genesis point for regeneration. As always, this is a time frame that tends to bring things “back to basics” so that restoration and renewal can be addressed. It is for this reason, as difficult as it may seem at times, that this trecena has often been associated with “luck” and even good fortune as it presents an opportunity to “pause and regroup”, to review one’s overall “state”, and even to clean out whatever is not wanted or needed in order to set up new foundations for what you want to rejuvenate or bring into your life. The stakes this time are very, very high, and US voters have a huge responsibility at this time to do whatever they can to preserve life, liberty, and democracy itself. Without doubt, the many events unfolding during this period will be life changing for millions of people, in one way or another. But keep in mind that this trecena is an opportune time for those changes to take place, as these energies can sometimes shed light on amazing new possibilities, that could include completely new ways of knowing, as it did in 2021 with the launch of NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope that has already shed much new light on the nature of the universe. During this period many pivotal decisions will be made that will provide the “foundations” for events moving forward. Our good wishes are with U.S. truth-tellers, light-bringers, and well informed voters – we wish you well. Here are the energies that will come into play:

1 Kimi (Oct. 25th) – the “initiation” of “death/return to Source” foundations (the point at which new life can be engendered), now marking precisely one Calendar Round (exact Maya day + month) since that One Kimi 9 Sak presidential election day in 1972 when Richard Nixon was re-elected at the same time as Joe Biden first defeated an older, more estabished candidate, as he won the race for the US Senate, for Delaware. In 1860 Abraham Lincoln was nominated as Republican candidate for President on a One Kimi day, and in 1997 Bill Clinton was inaugurated, for the second time, under this influence. The last time this was in place (in February), Brazil’s former president Jair Bolsonaro was required to surrender his passport as part of a police investigation into the attempted coup the year before that sought to keep him in power.

This is the “seating” of a new 819-day “Kauil” cycle in the Maya Calendar, the start of which always correlates with the beginning of a trecena, in sequence, and always with the same Night Lord (G6), known to the Aztec as Chalchiuhtlicue (“She of the Jade Skirt”), the Goddess of Running Water, associated with childbirth, baptism, purification, and fertility. The “seating” of this cycle is often aligned with the general idea of “emergence”. This is coinciding with the 20th anniversary of International Artist Day, the day when Beyoncé will appear with Willie Nelson, alongside Vice President Kamala Harris at a rally in Houston. Beyoncé has already given permission for Harris to use her song “Freedom” as her official campaign anthem. This is also the second day of the “Forever is Now” exhibition at the pyramids of Giza, that features large contemporary works next to ancient sites, with the iconic backdrop of the pyramids an inherent part of the installations. The exhibition continues until Nov. 16th.

Installation by Lorenzo Quinn, called “Together”, from a “Forever is Now” exhibition at the Giza pyramids in Egypt. Photo by Mona Hassan Abo-Abda, CC-BY-SA 4.0 via Wikimedia Commons.

It has now been three cycles since the Biden administration’s celebrational event at the White House in honour of the signing into law and enactment of the historic Inflation Reduction Act in the US. That was the day when it was reported that classified materials relating to foreign nations’ nuclear capabilities were found at Mar-a-Lago during an FBI search.

This is also marking 15 cycles exactly since the start of Russia’s invasion and subsequent annexation of Crimea in early 2014. That One Kimi day brought a significant escalation of violence in Kyiv as pro-Russian and opposition forces engaged in fierce combat, that involved police and security forces firing on crowds of protestors. The key events that unfolded over the following days essentially set the foundation for the crisis that is still playing out in Ukraine.

In addition, this is the 102nd Gregorian anniversary of the day in 1922 when the Fascist leader Mussolini demanded that King Victor Emmanuel of Italy hand over to him and his organization complete control of Italy’s government, under the threat that he would mobilize his 800,000 supporters and fight his way to power. The king agreed and allowed him to form a cabinet. Utimately, however, this did NOT end well for Mussolini – something to keep in mind.

2 Manik’ (Oct. 26th) – a dynamic type of energy aligned with the idea of reciprocity, which can sometimes tilt towards “polarization”, the day when Michelle Obama will campaign together with Kamala Harris in Kalamazoo, Michigan for a “Get Out the Vote Rally”.

This was the energy in place in June of 1452 at the time of the issuing of the Dum Diversas, the initial edict that laid the theological and political foundations for the Doctrine of Discovery, by Pope Nicholas V. Writer Robert P. Jones, author of “The Hidden Roots of White Supremacy and the Path to a Shared American Future”, has argued that this edict laid the foundations for the concept of “white supremacy”. It was an edict that merged the interests of European imperialism (which included the African slave trade), with Christian missionary zeal, ultimately leading to the deaths of millions of people, and unfathomable misery for hundreds of millions of others.

Currently this is the day for Dia de Los Muertos at Hollywood Forever and the Pan de Muerto and Chocolate Festival in Coyoacán, Mexico.

3 Lamat (Oct. 27th) – the “activation” of the “bright star” heralding energy often associated with leadership, particularly in a “signalling capacity”, now marking three cycles exactly since the passing of Queen Elizabeth at Balmoral Castle, at age 96, and the declaration of Charles III as the new regent.

This is the day when the dumpster (or Agent Orange, as Spike Lee refers to him) is planning to hold a rally in Madison Square Garden, with many drawing parallels to the infamous Nazi rally held there in February of 1939, as Nazi stormtroopers filled the aisles, just before the start of WWII.

La Catrina – In Mexican folk culture, the Catarina, popularized by José Guadalupe Posada, is the skeleton of a high society woman and one of the most popular figures of the Day of the Dead celebrations in Mexico. Height : about 15 inches – 38 cm. Picture taken at the Museo de la Ciudad, Leon, Guanajuato, Mexico… a public place. Photo by Tomas Castelazo, CC-BY-SA 3.0 via WIkimedia Commons

In Mexico City this is the day for the Parade of the Catrinas, where people mock the superficiality of society’s upper classes by wearing elaborate attire and skeletal face paint. Now there’s an idea for protesters who may have something to say about the MSG rally.

Currently this is marking 15 cycles since the Ukrainian parliament voted (in early 2014) to dismiss the pro-Russian then-president Yanukovych, in the midst of major clashes in the streets in Ukraine cities, and several Lenin statues were toppled in Western Ukraine.

This also marks six cycles since the summer of 2020 when a global team of astrophysicists released the largest ever 3D map of the universe, marking the culmination of 20 years of cosmology surveys with the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS).

4 Muluk (Oct. 28th) – a “defining” day associated with the shape-shifting energy of water, one of the 5 energies at the centre of the Aztec Sun Stone, coinciding at this time with the opening of the two-day ICWDSD 2024: International Conference on Women Deliver: Sustainable Development, in LA.  In British Columbia this is the day when the results of the recent provincial elections are expected to be announved.

In India this is the celebrational day of Govatsa Dwadashi (aka Bachh Baras), a festival dedicated to offering gratitude to calves and cows for their help in sustaining human life. In Hindu mythology cows are regarded not only as manifestations of the divine, but as symbols of fertility and abundance. On this day they will be adorned with flower garlands and given special attention. This is a day often associated with fasting, the cleansing of sins, and the payment of debts.

In 1994 this was the energy in place at the signing of the Budapest Memorandum by the Russian Federation, the United Kingdom and the United States, that prohibited these countries from threatening or using military force or economic coercion against Ukraine, Belarus, and Kazakhstan – in return for an agreement that these countries would give up their nuclear weapons. The question of “Whatever happened to that?” still stands.

5 Ok (Oct. 29th) – the “blessing of love”, also associated with fire, protection, guidance, and justice. This is the day when Kamala Harris will deliver, at the Ellipse (the site of Trump’s Jan. 6th rally), her final-stretch closing argument, where she will underscore her warnings about Agent Orange’s degenerate and unfit-for-the-job nature and the threat to democracy that he poses, while reminding people to think of the future and the freedoms that will be upheld during her presidency.

At this point it has been six cycles since 48 senators introduced legislation in the US to restore the Voting Rights Act after it was gutted by the Supreme Court in 2013. But Republicans have refused to take up the bill in the Senate, something that would change dramatically with Democratic control of that chamber.

Currently this is the deadline date for Rudy Giuliani to turn over to former Georgia election workers Ruby Freeman and her daughter Shaye Moss full control of his New York City apartment, a 1980s Mercedes-Benz once owned by Lauren Bacall, several luxury watches and many other assets, after being ordered (on Oct. 22nd) to do so by New York district judge Lewis Liman. This order followed the jury ruling that found that Giuliani owes them some $150m for spreading lies about them after the 2020 election.

World Stroke Day on 5 Ok

This is also the day for prosecutors in the election interference case against the dumpster to make another submission to the court in support of that case.

This marks three cycles since the formal ceremonies and proclamations of King Charles III as the new monarch of the British Commonwealth.

This is the Maya birth energy of Uğur Şahin, the CEO and one of the founders of BioNTech, the company that developed the Pfizer vaccine against Covid. Currently this is World Stroke Day, with the theme this year being #Greater Than.

6 Chuwen (Oct. 30th) – a “six directions” type of energy aligned with creativity and play, but sometimes associated with the unexpected, coinciding with the first of five days of Diwali, the highly popular Hindu festival of light that celebrates the victory of “light over darkness, good over evil, and knowledge over ignorance”. On this first day of Diwali, known as Dhanteras, the goddess Lakshmi is the focus of much attention. As a goddess of prosperity, good fortune, wisdom, light, and spiritual rejuvenation, Lakshmi is one of the principal deities to preside over this “Day of Fortune”, seen as a good day to purchase gold and other metals. Lord Dhanwantari, a Hindu deity associated with Ayurvedic medicine, is also honoured at this time. In Nepal this is the start of the Tihar Festival of Lights (similar to Diwali).

This is the Maya birth energy of pop superstar Taylor Swift, who recently gave her endorsement to Kamala Harris for president.

This is the 10th anniversary of the day in 2014 when Sweden became the first EU member in western Europe to officially recognize the state of Palestine and confirm the Palestinians’ right to self-determination. By that time seven other EU members, in eastern regions, had also given Palestinians this recognition.

Currently this is marking five Tzolk’in cycles since the death of Prince Philip in the UK, and three cycles since Queen Elizabeth’s coffin was driven from Balmoral Castle to Edinburgh.

It has now been four cycles since the launch of the new James Webb Space Telescope, which ushered in a new era of astronomy, as this telescope has a field of view 15 times wider than that of the Hubble Space Telescope, and is capable of detecting faint infrared light from very early galaxies. Many spectacular images have been captured since that launch.


Hallowe’en pumpkin. Photo Credit: Silar (Own work) [CC-BY-SA-3.0], via Wikimedia Commons

7 Eb’ (Oct. 31st) – a “self-generating stream-of-consciousness” type of energy; a revitalizing force located in this fertile “mid-point” in this trecena; sometimes a turning point towards the opening up of new possibilities, on Day 980 of the Ukraine-Russia war.

This is both Hallowe’en and Samhain, associated with the ancient Celtic festival that marked the end of harvest and the beginning of winter and “the dark half of the year”.  The UK has recently revived the medieval tradition of giving out “soul cakes” to commemorate the dead at this time. Click here for further information – and a recipe.

This is also the second day of Diwali, known as Naraka Chaturdasi (Day of Knowledge), associated with the triumph of good over evil. In India beautiful rangolis made of materials such as coloured rice, sand, or flower petals are made at this time.

This is also UNICEF Day and the UN’s 11th global celebration of World Cities Day, with this year’s observance being held in Alexandria, Egypt, around the theme of “Youth leading climate and local action for cities”.

This day marks three cycles exactly since Queen Elizabeth’s coffin rested in state in St. Giles’ Cathedral in Edinburgh where a service of prayer and reflection for the life of the Queen was conducted.

It also marks seven cycles since a judge in New York ordered the dumpster to pay $2 million in damages for misusing his charitable foundation, referred to as “a shocking pattern of illegality”. Since then he has been indicted and found guilty in several other cases, and ordered to pay millions more, including almost $90 million to E. Jean Carroll, after being found guilty of both rape and defamation. Many other highly significant investigations and trials are still unfolding.

8 B’en (Nov. 1st) – the “resurrection” of personal authority, coinciding at this time with the New Moon, on All Saints’ Day and Dia de los Inocentes – the part of Mexico’s Day of the Dead festival that focuses on remembrances for the young who have died. The final day of the celebration is the next day. Marigolds are prominent at this time in Mexico.

This is the beginning of National Native-American heritage month in the US, and the start of the 29th RNCI Red Nation International Film Festival (The Authentic Voice of American Indian and Indigenous Cinema), which runs from Nov. 1-30.

In Canada this is the 34th anniversary of Métis Settlements Proclamation Day, in celebration of the 1990 proclamation by the Alberta government to provide a unique form of government for Métis settlements, to help them gain local autonomy and achieve self-sufficiency.

This is the third (and most significant) of the five days of Diwali, a time when festival lanterns and lights are set out everywhere to welcome Lakshmi, India’s goddess of happiness, wealth, and good fortune, into homes and other buildings. Lord Ganesha is also honoured at this time.

Diwali Lamps 2010

Diwali Light Festival lamps. Photo Credit: J’ram DJ (Flickr: Light Festival – India) [CC BY 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons

In addition, this is the day of the Tihar Festival in Nepal, known as the Kukur Puja, the “Day of the Dogs”, when dogs are decked out with garlands, given special treats, and thanked for their faithful service, including their service in helping to provide a safe passage for departed souls on their journey to Heaven. A good day to celebrate your own Kukur Tihar with any four legged friend who specializes in bringing joy to the world.

This is the 30th anniversary of World Vegan Day, in celebration of the benefits of veganism for animals, humans, and the natural environment.

In 2014 this was the energy in place when formal approval was given to the new interim government in Ukraine, at the same time as dozens of armed pro-Russians seized the Crimea regional parliament, as Russian fighter jets were engaged in massive war games near the border.

9 Ix (Nov. 2nd) – an often consequential, “outwardly projecting”, type of energy often associated with deep mysteries and transformation, as was in place last February when Judge Arthur Engoron ordered the dumpster to pay some $454 million in damages and interest in his New York civil trial and fraud case, a case in which the frauds were described as “not merely significant: they leap off the page and shock the conscience”. Just a month before that he was ordered to pay nearly $400,000 in legal fees to The New York Times after suing the newspaper unsuccessfully.

On that same day, one cycle ago, the death of Alexei Navalny, one of Putin’s fiercest and most vocal critics, who was then in one of Russia’s toughest penal colonies, was reported. His book titled Patriot: A Memoir, released on Oct. 22nd, is a compilation of his correspondence from prison in which Navalny recounts his commitment to challenging Russia’s dictatorship, as he calls for a continuation of his work to free Russia. His courageous widow Yulia Navalnaya, described in media as “the first lady of Russian opposition”, has vowed to continue with that work.

Three cycles ago under this influence Queen Elizabeth’s coffin was borne on a gun carriage from Buckingham Palace to Westminster Hall in London for her Lying in State, with King Charles leading the procession. After a short service inside Westminster Hall, conducted by the archbishop of Canterbury, the lying in state began, with hundreds of thousands of people filing past the coffin to pay their respects over the final five days of the trecena. Three cycles before that Congressman John Lewis made his “Final Crossing” of the infamous Edmund Pettus Bridge under this same influence, in a processional ceremony that preceded his Lying in State at the Alabama State Capital.

Day of the Dead (cropped) in Tepoztlán, Mexico, by Valeria Almaraz (Unsplash)

Currently this is Dia de los Muertos (the Day of the Dead) in Mexico and in many other areas, particularly throughout Latin American communities. Given the understanding that there is much beyond the end of life on this plane, keep in mind that Mexico’s Day of the Day is all about “laughing” at death. Further, this is All Soul’s Day, the third component of the Christian observances of Allhollowtide (the “time to remember the dead”), that includes All Saints’ Eve (Hallowe’en), All Saints’ Day and All Soul’s Day. Feliz Día de los Muertos! This is also  the fourth day of Diwali.

This is the Maya birth energy of celebrated writer/producer/comedian/political commentator Jon Stewart, who has been called “the voice of our generation . . . the perfect person to puncture the empty rhetoric and provide much-needed clarity with his brilliant wit”.

10 Men (Nov. 3rd) – “foundational higher vision” – a Burner Day aligned with “taking the fire” in conjunction with the “high vision” of the Eagle, on the fifth and final day of Diwali, and the last day of Daylight Savings Time. This is Culture Day in Japan, a day to celebrate culture and the arts through exhibitions, parades, and festivals – a day that has been celebrated as a national holiday in Japan since 1948.

This is a strong energy that has the potential to open up far-reaching possibilities, marking five cycles exactly since 2021 when Ukraine announced that Russia had moved 80,000 troops to the border. In 2014 this was the energy in place when Russia executed a de facto military takeover of Crimea after the Russian parliament authorized Putin to intervene militarily “to protect Russian interests”.

In 2018 this was in place when the New Yorker ran an article titled Under Trump, “America First” really is turning out to be America Alone because of the growing rift and dysfunction between the western alliance and the U.S. Related to this there was also the failure of the U.S. and Japan to sign onto an agreement with the other G7 countries to reduce the amount of plastic waste in the world’s oceans. At the time the dumpster was displaying a disruptive and antagonistic stance towards US allies at a G7 meeting and calling for Russia to be readmitted to the G7, at the same time as Robert Mueller was indicting a Russian operative who was linked to senior officials from the dumpster’s 2016 election campaign.

Currently, with the US presidential election right around the corner, there is sure to be a great deal of “eagle-warrior” posturing at this time.

11 Kib’ (Nov. 4th) – an energy that can be either change-oriented or “inspirational” (or both), often aligned with Kib’s orientation around shedding a kind of “first light” on things, towards the restoration of order, or finding practical approaches to problem solving. With tensions being high in anticipation of the US election the following day, let’s hope that the primary focus will be on the “restoration of order”.

Currently this is King Tut Day, in commemoration of the day in 1922 when a team of archaeologists led by Howard Carter found the first step leading to the entrance to King Tutankhamen’s tomb in Egypt. In the evening it will bring the South Taurids Meteor Shower, overnight to the next day.

12 Kab’an (Nov. 5th) – a “dedication” type of energy associated with movement, particularly “Earth movement” – often a powerful energy associated with “gathering together” and moving new ideas forward, coinciding at this time with the U.S. presidential election. With Kamala Harris being born on a 12 Kimi day, it appears that both this 12 Kab’an day and this Kimi trecena offer elements that are in resonance with her, symbolically and energetically providing support.

Back in early March of 2014 this was the energy in place at the time of what was then referred to as “the biggest crisis” of the 21st century when Russia issued an ultimatum to Ukraine to surrender Crimean military zones and “recognize the new Crimean authorities” by 3 a.m. the following morning. Three years (4 cycles) later, in early 2017, U.S. intelligence agencies released the report that described Russia’s sophisticated cybercampaign that was directed towards discrediting Secretary Clinton and undermining the U.S. democratic process during the 2016 election campaign.

Currently, in Peru this is Puno Day, in celebration of the legendary birth of Manco Cápac who was, according to some historians, the first governor and founder of the Inca civilization in Cusco. In the UK this is Guy Fawkes day (and Bonfire Night), in remembrance of the “Gunpowder Plot” of 1605 when Guy Fawkes tried to blow up the Palace of Westminster during England’s state opening of Parliament.

This is the also the UN’s 8th World Tsunami Awareness Day, part of a campaign to invest in resilient infrastructures, early warning systems, and education to help alleviate tsunami risks. The theme this year is: “Empowering the next generation with the lessons of the 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami”, which was the first global disaster of the 21st century. This is also the start of Veterans’ Week in Canada.

13 Etz’nab’ (Nov. 6th) – “transformational flint”, a “heavy-duty, knife-edged” (and often “dazzling”) force for change, a “large” energy that can foment severe weather systems or other major events such as volcanic eruptions, as it did one cycle ago. That was a day when court proceedings revealed information about Russian interference with U.S. elections, and a survey of 154 political science scholars ranked Trump at rock bottom of a list ranking US presidents by greatness, trailing even “historically calamitous chief executives” who failed to stop the civil war or botched its aftermath. That was also the day of the Worldwide Flight Attendant Day of Action.

Exactly 52 Tzolk’in cycles ago (just over 37 years) this was the energy in place when The Art of the Deal was published, credited to the dumpster, with Tony Schwartz as the ghost-writer. This was a book that helped to create a mythical image of the dumpster as a successsful entrepreneur with a great knack for business – total fantasy! However, in 2016 Schwartz wrote that he felt deep remore for his involvement with that project, saying that he had “put lipstick on a pig.”

In mid-November of 2019, this energy was in place when public hearings began for the impeachment process related to how the dumpster had threatened to withhold aid for Ukraine if they weren’t forthcoming with “political dirt” that might be used against Joe Biden. That was when lawmakers still had a chance to bring an end to the “reign of terror”, but too few had the courage to do what should have been done. Instead, the world was subjected to five more years of vile rhetoric, five more years of the erosion of civil liberites and common decencies, and five more years of having to put up with the whining, lie-spewing insanity of a empathy-devoid lunatic whose only interest has been SELF-interest, even going so far as to put democracy itself in peril.

This is not only civil rights icon and long-serving Congressman John Lewis’s Maya birth energy, but it also marks eight cycles since the introduction of the John Lewis Voting Rights Act (aka H.R.4) on Feb. 26, 2019, which was designed to restore and strengthen parts of the Voting Rights Act of 1965. Although passed by the US House of Representatives, this bill has yet to be passed by the Senate, but certainly would be with a Democratic majority. Amazingly, this energy was again in place on the day of John Lewis’s final Celebration of Life in July of 2020, when a private ceremony was held at Ebenezer Baptist Church Horizon Sanctuary in Atlanta, with eulogies given by former presidents Bush, Clinton, and Obama.

No doubt John Lewis would be having a grand celebration with the angels in Heaven on this day if the results of the election were so overwhelmingly and definitively in favour of Kamala Harris that she could be declared the winner without dragging out the process over several more weeks. Hold that thought!

Keep in mind as well that, back in 1865, this was the energy in place at the time of the Grand Review of the Armies, when Union Army troops paraded down Pennsylvania Avenue to celebrate the end of the American Civil War. Of note, as well, is the fact that this was Fidel Castro’s Maya birth energy, and, as it happened, this was the energy in place in April of 2021 when his brother Raúl Castro announced that he was ending over six decades of rule in Cuba, and spoke of progressive new freedoms. So this energy has been known to bring quick, definitive, and highly transformative change, often with very positive outcomes. Let’s hope that it works its magic during this appearance, to bring this energy-draining, life-depleting, fascist-tentacled nightmare to a decisive end so that the world can start to breathe again. Again, hold that thought!

Currently this is the UN’s International Day for Preventing the Exploitation of the Environment in War and Armed Conflict. Will anyone at all in Israel or Gaza or Lebanon or Russia or Ukraine or Sudan or Syria or Iran or any other war-torn region be paying attention? Can we dare to hope that this energy will bring an end to all (or even some) of these horrific conflicts, or at the very least, some definite movement towards that end? Once again, hold that thought!


[Please note that the brief descriptions of the days provided above are only “thumbnail sketches”. Much greater detail can be found in Manual for the Soul: A Guide to the Energies of Life.]

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