Maya Count Of Days Horoscope

Maya Calendar Energies At Work In The World

Trumpocalypse – that is the word used by political analyst David Frum (and the title of his new book) at the beginning of this trecena last May to describe a situation whereby “a huge swath of Americans” would risk the stability of American democracy by following the dictates of someone who has inflicted incalculable damage on the US and the world over the past four years, through his incessant lying, insidious manipulations, and gross incompetence. As this trecena unfolds it is the fallout from that type of “blind following” that is the central issue in the dumpster’s second impeachment trial that is currently underway in the US Capital. And this is not the first time that this trecena has brought such matters into focus, as it has now been two cycles since the House Judiciary Committee in the US held its first formal hearing on whether to recommend a formal inquiry into the possibility of a first impeachment trial.

Click here for the podcast to accompany this trecena.

Jaguar from the Piquiri River, Brazil. Photo by Charles James Sharp, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons This is the principal energy presiding over these 13 days.

What are we dealing with during these 13 days is a time frame where there is often an emphasis on significant transformation from one state of being to another, a period during which people are often “called to battle” to deal with things of an earthly nature in the interest of regaining stability after the “chaos of birth” that is often associated with the previous trecena.

It begins with the energy of the Jaguar which was associated, traditionally, with power, mystery, stealth, adaptability, high magic and even mastery over things of an unseen nature. This was thought of as a “warrior” type of power related to things of the earth, and it is not unusual to see a lot of “political maneuvering” going on during this period, reflective of the Jaguar’s significance as a major symbol of authority in Maya mythology.

During this period the “unseen” often plays an important role, and the last time this trecena was in place (last May) people were coming to the realization that there are many “unseens” that people would have to watch out for – the rapidly spreading coronavirus, which could be hidden anywhere; the attitudes of those who seemed to be unwilling to help themselves or others in the fight against this disease; and the political and social virus that can be so destructive when it intrudes on ethics, morality, rationality, and even common decency.

What can happen during this period is that this energy can help to strengthen the resolve of individuals who, having “reached their limit” in one way or another, could become compelled to become “jaguar warriors”, fearlessly heading into “battle” for particular causes. This is what happened the last time this trecena was in place when riots broke out after George Floyd, a 46-year-old black man, died from suffocation at the end of the previous trecena, while pinned down by a police officer. His death, and the circumstances surrounding it, sparked outrage and protests across the US. The National Guard had to be called out across the country as massive Black Lives Matter demonstrations took place in at least 30 states nationwide against police brutality. States of emergency were declared in several cities.

Such “jaguar warriors” would also be working under the auspices of Quetzalcóatl, the life-force (and justice) oriented “twin” to the Jaguar, who serves as the patron energy for these thirteen days. This is an energy combination that can bring forth high drama and head-spinning change.

Adaptation of the Ix (Jaguar) trecena from the pre-Columbian Codex Borgia by artist Richard Balthazar (used with permission). The first day (One Ix) is represented by the little head of a Jaguar at the bottom right corner (within the border). Each of the remaining days proceed around the edge from there towards the left, ending with 13 Kimi (depicted as a skeletal head) at the upper left corner. In the centre on the right is Quetzalcoatl in the form of a man with a serpentine headdress and a conch pectoral. This is the deity who oversees this time period. He is also the “sacred twin” to the Jaguar.

Many great shifts have occurred during this period, as in the start of the Russian Revolution in 1917, the start of the London Blitz in 1940, the massive Tibetan uprising against Chinese aggression in Llasa that began under this influence in 1959, and the mass exodus from the city of Aleppo, Syria in 2012. Two years after that this trecena saw the start of the coalition air strikes against terrorist groups in Syria, major climate change rallies, and the historic Scottish referendum vote that resulted in Scotland remaining as part of the UK.

In U.S. history this has very often been a highly consequential trecena. Looking back four hundred years we find that this was the trecena in place in 1619 at the time of the first arrival to British North America of enslaved Africans. In 1989 the first day of this trecena brought forth a major earthquake in the San Francisco Bay area, and over the last four years in particular this trecena has brought massive changes to the U.S. political arena.

In 2016 it was the disastrous U.S. election, with this trecena coinciding with the four-day lead-up to the election, the election itself, and the many days of massive anti-Trump protest demonstrations that followed. The crucial day during that time frame was 5 Etz’nab’, a “knife edge” type of force that holds the potential to bring things to a definitive conclusion, as in the official surrender of Japan at the end of World War II in 1945. Indeed, in the past many significant events “fateful” to nations have occurred under this 5 Etz’nab’ influence, including the massive “Mobilization Peace” demonstrations in Washington, D.C in 1969 where hundreds of thousands protested against the Vietnam War, the attempted assassination of President Nixon in 1974, and the assassination of Lebanese cabinet minister (Minister of Industry) Pierre Gemayel in 2006.

In world history the very first day of this trecena has often been a pivotal turning point in terms of the fate of nations, as seen during the French Revolution in the 18th century when some of the most significant events of that era took place under that “initiation of transformation” influence of One Ix.  In 2016 the Paris Climate Change Agreement officially became international law on One Ix at the same time as things were fluctuating dramatically in the last few days leading up to the US presidential election. And last May, just as this Ix trecena was coming in, news reports were again calling this “a turning point”, particularly since so many people, including the dumpster and his cronies, were eschewing so many health and safety guidelines, and even holding “superspreader” events, despite the rapid spread of the coronavirus. By the last day of this time frame (13 Kimi or “transformational death”), the implications of that abolition of responsibility were becoming abundantly clear as the number of cases in the US skyrocketed to over 2 million, with some 20,000 new cases a day. In the nine months that have followed the number of cases in the US continued a rapid upward climb, now nearing 30 million. By stark contrast, this particular day last year became an important positive turning point for New Zealand as all Covid-19 restrictions were lifted after that country was declared “virus-free”. New Zealand had imposed restrictions early and through highly competent leadership and the cooperation of the people in complying with strict safety guidelines, that country was able to recover in relatively short order.

Two cycles ago (September of 2019) the US Congress was reconvening after summer recess and a great deal of “damage control” had to be undertaken with regard to US politics. Hearings were underway in preparation for the impeachment vote (the first one), with the “whistleblower” issue with regard to Ukraine being high on the agenda. After all the shootings that summer, gun control was also of great concern. In the UK the Brexit crisis had reached a critical stage, as Parliament was suspended and Speaker John Bercow was about to step down. It was pretty much a mess at that time, and that was before the pandemic set in.

That period brought the start of the Global Week for Future youth climate action strike, with an estimated 4 million students, encompassing more than 150 countries, participated in this worldwide walkout. The trecena concluded with the UN’s two-day Youth Climate Summit, with Greta Thunberg participating as a key speaker.

As we work our way through this often highly eventful trecena at this time it might be helpful to keep in mind that it is not unusual for major shifts from one state of being to another to occur at this time. One way to take our minds off “earthly” issues would be to have a look at what is happening on one of our planetary neighbours at this time as Mars is becoming the focus of attention for three Mars missions from three different nations. The UAE’s Hope orbiter and China’s Tianwen-1 probe have both successfully entered orbit around Mars, after their journeys of more than 250 million miles since last July, and NASA’s Mars rover Perseverance is due to arrive in the middle of the trecena (on Feb. 18th).

Chinese New Year festivities will span this trecena.

Various festival events will take place during this period, with most being modified in some manner due to the pandemic. But an impressive number of alternatives to “crowd gathering” are being presented, as people become “warriors” not only for truth, justice, and safety, but also for culture and the arts (see below for details).

In Washington DC, not only is there a new, COMPETENT administration in place, but confirmation hearings are continuing for Joe Biden’s new cabinet, and a great deal of effort is being put into finalizing and approving the Covid relief package to help struggling Americans.

To return to the Jaguar metaphor . . . the Jaguar was seen as a master of navigation, a creature of great strength and agility that had dominion over the “tangle” of the underworld. Through its emphasis on high magic and even mastery over things of an unseen nature, the Jaguar was a peerless survivor, lord of the earthly domain and emblematic of authority, rulership, and ultimate triumph. By working with the Jaguar-oriented nature of this time frame it may be possible to push through some of the major issues that have been plaguing the world over the past few cycles.

People still need to sort out how to move forward economically as the pandemic continues, and work through new ways of getting on with “everyday life”. But in some areas the numbers are beginning to trend downward as vaccinations increase and as people respect safety protocols. Given the nature of this energy zone, there is no doubt that many important personally and globally transformative events will take place at this time. As we journey through this volatile, Jaguar-governed, highly charged zone of change, here are the energies that will be in play:

1 Ix (Feb. 11, 2021) – the initiation of the Jaguar’s power of transformation, on this “New Year’s Eve” New Moon prior to the start of Chinese New Year, the Year of the Ox, associated with hard work, positivity, diligence, nourishment, and “groundedness”. A large “reunion” meal as well as the giving and receiving of “lucky money” in red envelopes are highlights of this day.

Chinese New Year 2021, Year of the Ox. New year vector created by pikisuperstar –

This is the 117th Gregorian birthday of French nun Sister Andre, Europe’s oldest person. She is a survivor not only of two world wars, and many other things, but also of Covid-19.

At this time both the UAE’s Hope Orbiter and China’s Tianwen-1 are now in orbit around Mars after completing their long journeys from Earth during the last hours of the previous trecena. Hope will begin science observations to provide new insights into the Martian atmosphere and weather, and the Tianwen-1 lander/rover is due to touch down in May to explore the surface. As of this day it has been 14 cycles since the launch of the space shuttle Discovery on its 39th (and final) mission in 2011, and 89 cycles since Russia’s Pravda published a small story about the launch of Sputnik 1 the day before, in October of 1957, which was picked up by media around the world, sparking “the space race” and fueling US cold war paranoia. The last appearance of this energy (last May) brought SpaceX’s first crewed launch to the ISS of the SpaceX Crew Dragon as two NASA astronauts embarked on the first manned US space mission since NASA’s space shuttle program ended in 2011.

As of this day it has been six cycles since the 2016 Paris Climate Change Agreement officially became international law on One Ix in Nov. 2016, and exactly eleven cycles since Justin Trudeau won the leadership of Canada’s Federal Liberal party with 80% support in 2013.

This is also the 10th Gregorian anniversary of the momentous day in 2011 when Egyptian President Mubarak stepped down and handed over all presidential powers to the Egyptian Armed Forces, amid massive jubilation (and dancing in the streets) – that event had occurred on One Imix, the first day of the Tzolk’in cycle.

2 Men [Feb. 12th, a Palindrome (12-02-2021)] – the “generation” of the Eagle’s “higher vision”, coinciding with the start of several major festivals, all of which will be modifed this year, or cancelled altogether, due to the pandemic. This normally would have been the first day of the spectacular Carnival in Rio de Janeiro (“the biggest show on earth”), but Brazil has been utterly devastated by the coronavirus, with close to 10 million cases, and with the world’s second highest number of deaths (over 230,000), after the US.

The Festival du Voyageur logo, designed by Jordan Stranger, has – in the centre – a Sacred Fire, representative of the warmth and closeness normally associated with the festival. The people on either sides of the logo are distanced but with their arms open, ready to embrace when we are able. The figure at the top represents the Sun and the Creator, still providing warmth. At the bottom is a canoe representing the trying times that we’re all in together – navigating new, uncharted waters.

In Winnipeg, the 10-day Festival du Voyageur, Western Canada’s largest winter festival, which runs from Feb. 12-21, is opening in a modified form, much of which will be virtual. The logo for this festival was designed by Oji-Cree artist Jordan Stranger, and is representative of “the Sacred Fire that’s at every ceremony lighting our way and the warmth and closeness that so many are missing throughout the pandemic”.

This is also Chinese New Year (aka the Spring Festival, the most important holiday in China,
which lasts until Feb. 26th). In the Chinese calendar this marks the beginning of the Year of the Ox. In Chinese tradition it is forbidden to sweep or clean at this time, so that good
fortune does not get swept away. This is also Vietnam’s TET (Tet Nguyen Dan), Lunar New Year.

Four cycles ago this energy was in place when the FBI raided the home, office and hotel room of Trump lawyer Michael Cohen, who subsequently became the first member of Trump’s inner circle to be jailed (for lying to Congress, campaign finance violations, and tax evasion). It has been five cycles since some 200,000 protestors took to the streets of Seoul, South Korea to demand the resignation of President Park Geun-hye over corruption within her government. She went to trial and was found guilty of bribery and abuse of power, and then sentenced to 24 years in prison.

3 Kib’ (Feb. 13th) – an activation energy often associated with the “restoration of order”, on the second day of Chinese New Year, the day known as the “Birthday of the Dog”, when dogs are given special treats.

This was the energy in place two days before the US election in 2016 when James Comey reported that there was nothing new or incriminating about Hillary Clinton’s emails, but by that time it was too late for damage control . . . Pandora’s Box had been opened and the unspeakable horror show of the following four years played out. As of this current Feb. 13th it has been four cycles since Mark Zuckerberg appeared before US congressional committees that were questioning the harvesting of personal information from more than 87 million unsuspecting Facebook users by Cambridge Analytical, the data collection agency that worked for the dumpster’s 2016 election campaign. It has now been two cycles exactly since the fall of 2019 when the House Judiciary Committee in the US held its first formal hearing on whether to recommend a formal impeachment inquiry with regard to the dumpster’s abuse of power and obstruction of Congress with regard to the Ukraine scandal. And now this current 3 Kib’ day marks the fifth day of the unprecedented
second impeachment trial.

Valentine’s Day coincides with Maya Day 4 Kab’an, the glyph shown on the heart.

4 Kab’an (Feb. 14th) – a “defining” energy associated with evolutionary movement, coinciding at this time with Valentine’s Day, and the 30th annual Women’s Memorial March in Vancouver, in memory of missing and murdered indigenous women, a march that also draws attention to the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual issues that many vulnerable women still face today. This is a good time to send deep source-centred love to the women taking part in that march and to ALL who are affected by these issues and issues associated with the pandemic . . . and to all who are in need of warmth and kindness – including the four leggeds and winged ones who are facing extreme challenges due to climate issues and climate change.

4 Kab’an is the powerful energy carved into the centre of the Aztec Sun Stone, an energy that often brings forth highly dramatic events, as when Senate Republicans in the US voted to advance their health care bill to floor debate in 2017, while thousands of people staged a massive protest. That was the day when John McCain returned to the Senate (after brain surgery several days earlier) and told the senate that he would not support a bill to reject Obamacare. Currently both chambers of Congress are in the final stages of passing a sweeping and long-awaited $1.9 trillion Covid-19 relief package that, among many other things, will expand the Affordable Care Act (ie. Obamacare) to help lower income families.

5 Etz’nab’ (Feb. 15th) – a “pin pointing” type of energy symbolized by “flint”, coinciding with Louis Riel Day in Manitoba and Family Day in several Canadian provinces (B.C., Alberta, Manitoba, Ontario, Saskatchewan), and National Flag Day in Canada. This is the auspicious fourth day of Chinese New Year, known as “Yang Ri”, the Day of the Goat, a symbol of luck; also the day of the Kitchen God Festival (associated with good fortune) – a good time to throw out rubbish and anything associated with bad luck.

In Buddhist tradition this is one of two days associated with the Buddhist Parinirvana or Nirvana Day, celebrating the day when Buddha was said to have achieved Nirvana or full enlightenment (the other was Feb. 8th).

This is a “knife edge” type of force that can be quite dazzling and attention-getting, an energy that also contains the potential to bring things to a definitive conclusion, as in the official surrender of Japan at the end of World War II in 1945. This time it marks the start of even tighter restrictions regarding travel to Canada, in addition to the cruise ship ban that will be in place for another year.

In the US this is President’s Day, coinciding with the Calendar Round return (same energies exactly) of the day + month energies that were in place in 1969 at the conclusion of the trial conducted by Jim Garrison that focused on the conspiracy behind the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. Five years later this same energy brought an attempted assassination of President Nixon.

Six cycles ago, in 2016, it was this “shock and awe” energy that brought the “death of America” as journalist/historian Neal Gabler put it, at the time of the U.S. presidential election, seen by many as “the groan heard ‘round the world” and global stock markets went into a tailspin. As Gabler wrote in his article titled Farewell, America, published two days after that election, “America died [on that day] not with a bang or whimper, but at its own hand via electoral suicide. We the people chose a man who has shredded our values, our morals, our compassion, our tolerance, our decency, our sense of common purpose, our very identity – all things that, however tenuously, made a nation out of a country”. And that was written six cycles BEFORE the horrors unleashed by the last occupant of the White House played out. Could Gabler have even begun to imagine how that “so-called” presidency would end – with a frenzied mob attacking the US Capitol, after the dumpster’s incendiary incitement of insurrection . . . all leading to the dumpster’s second impeachment trial which is underway at this time. It is even possible that the trial could be concluding around this time – with this day marking precisely six Tzolk’in cycles since that 2016 election.

6 Kawak (Feb. 16th) – a “storm everywhere” force; an energy that often has more to do with the triggering of a “storm of compassion or emotion” than a weather related event, coinciding at this time with the final day of the “virtual” Carnevale Di Venezia and a highly modified Mardi Gras in New Orleans (on “Fat Tuesday”, the last day of Carnival season. This year Mardi Gras parades are cancelled but some interesting “keep safe but still have fun” alternative activities will be underway, including elaborately creative adornments on homes, some of which are done up as “floats”. This wonderful Maison MASKquerade Parody video provides a glimpse of the extraordinary creativity that will be on display despite covid restrictions.

This is the fifth day in the Chinese New Year sequence, known as the “Birthday of Ox and Cattle” and the birthday of the God of Wealth (Caishen or Zhao Gongming) in China – a good time to welcome wealth into one’s home. This is also an important public holiday in North Korea called The Day of the Shining Star, an anniversary of the birthday of Kim Jong-il, the father of Kim Jong- un.

This “storm everywhere” energy marks six cycles since, right after the 2016 election, major anti-Trump rallies took place across the US and in many other locations around the globe. This day marks one cycle exactly since the “flashpoint” day of outrage last May when military police used teargas, rubber bullets, and flash grenades to clear a path through peaceful Black Lives Matter protesters so that the dumpster could stage a particularly sick and revulsive photo op in front of St. John’s Lafayette church. With regard to that stunt, political commentator Richard Wolffe wrote in The Guardian that this stunt marked the dumpster’s mad emperor stage and it was “terrifying to behold.”

7 Ajaw (Feb. 17th) – “self generating” full sun, traditionally a great Aztec feast day devoted to Xochipilli, the “Flower Prince”, the god of flowers, games, music, and dance. With the sun frequently symbolized as a four-petalled flower there is a strong solar aspect to this in conjunction with fertility and maize.

This is the sixth day of Chinese New Year, known as “Ma Ri”, the Day of the Horse”, the day when, traditionally, families visit temples and send away the ghost of poverty. This is also Ash Wednesday, the “Day of Ashes”, or day of repentance, prayer, and fasting, when Christians traditionally confessed their sins at the start of the Lenten period leading up to Easter. Maya birth energy of former United Nations Secretary General, Javier Pérez de Cuéllar.

8 Imix (Feb. 18th) – the “resurrection” of birth, coinciding with the seventh day of Chinese New Year, in celebration of the Day of Humans, in recognition of the “creation” of humans. This is the day when NASA’s Mars 2020 Perseverance rover is due to touch down in Jezero Crater on Mars, almost 12 cycles exactly since NASA’s Curiosity rover landed on Mars in August of 2012.

NASA’s Perseverance rover, due to touch down on Mars on 8 Imix (Feb. 18th). NASA Public Domain.

9 Ik’ (Feb. 19th) – the “outward projection” of wind, breath, spirit – the calendrical daysign of Ehécatl/Quetzalcóatl, the “feathered serpent” traditionally seen in Mesoamerican cultures as being symbolic of spirit, breath, culture, the arts, and things of a life-giving natue; this is a very important energy both mythologically and historically. Symbolic of far-reaching communication, 9 Ik’ is also representative of the winds that can “blow” in multiple directions to bring about change. Tornadoes have often manifested under this influence, as well as major protest demonstrations.

This is the eighth day of Chinese New Year celebrations, traditionally aligned with the honouring of food and agriculture. This is the 81st Gregorian birthday of the great Smokey Robinson, commonly referred to as “The Soul of Motown”. Happy birthday Smokey!

When this energy was in place in 60 years ago as of May 5th, U.S. astronaut Alan B. Shepard Jr. was carried into suborbital flight aboard Mercury Freedom 7, becoming the first U.S. astronaut to travel into space (in a 15 min. flight). When this energy was in place 25 years ago as of next month Shannon Lucid became the first female astronaut to crew a space station.

It has been three cycles since the inauguration of Bolsonaro (the “Trump of the Tropics”) as the 38th president of Brazil at the beginning of last year, amid wide-spread protests. This turned into another horror show as that “so-called” leader completely downplayed the pandemic as the number of Covid-19 cases in that country rapidly escalated, resulting in a now out-of-control situation in that country. By this time the number of cases in Brazil will be well over 10 million, with the number of deaths likely surpassing 240,000.

10 Ak’b’al (Feb. 20th) – a combination of the foundational energy of “Source” (the number 10) in conjunction with “darkness”, as in the Temple associated with deep esoteric mysteries. At this time this coincides with the ninth day of the Chinese New Year sequence, which is celebrated as the birthday of the Jade Emperor, Emperor of the Universe, the Supreme Deity of Taoism, a day honoured by all the deities of Heaven and Earth. In the Chinese New Year sequence this is the day of the Stone Festival, the birthday of the god of stone, known as “Shi Bu Dong” (not moving stone). Incense and candles are burned at this time, and stones or rocks are not moved or cut, in the interest of protecting crops.

This is the Maya birth energy of Sir Nicholas Winton, the British humanitarian who has been credited with rescuing 669 children just before the outbreak of World War II. It is also Sir Sidney Poitier’s 94th Gregorian birthday, and the 126th anniversary of the death of the great abolitionist Frederick Douglass.

It has also been just over 530 years since the 10 Ak’b’al day in 1489 when a comet (regarded as an ominous omen) appeared over Tenochtitlan (now Mexico City), a few years prior to the arrival of the Spanish conquistadores. Twelve cycles ago, in August of 2012, NASA’s Curiosity rover landed on Mars.

11 K’an (Feb. 21st) – an “inspirational” type of energy associated with youthful vitality, coinciding with the UN’s International Mother Language Day, a worldwide observance to promote awareness of linguistic and cultural diversity. It has been two cycles exactly since the start of the Global Week for Future climate action strike in 2019 when an estimated four million students, encompassing more than 150 countries, participated in a worldwide walkout, at the start of a week of climate change actions. One cycle before that, in early 2019, Nancy Pelosi was sworn in as Speaker of the US House of Representatives, and more than 100 women were sworn in when Democrats took over control of the House.

Currently this day would have been Congressman John Lewis’s 81st Gregorian birthday. Seen as a “modern hero in American history”, Rep. Lewis received the prestigious NAACP Chairman’s Award in recognition of his exemplary public service.

In 1968 this energy was in place at the time of the Poor People’s March on Washington, when a multiracial crowd of impoverished Americans gathered in front of the Lincoln Memorial. Coretta Scott King, the widow of Martin Luther King, Jr., was the keynote speaker at the rally.

12 Chikchan (Feb. 22nd) – “dedicated” lifeforce – a powerful force that represents a doubling of the intensity of the lifeforce-oriented Quetzalcóatl energy – a type of influence that can significantly draw people into action for a common cause. In 1974 this was the energy in place when a federal grand jury indicted seven of President Nixon’s aides on charges of conspiracy related to Watergate, when Nixon was named as an unindicted co-conspirator, which led to his impeachment process.

Paralleling all this, this is not only the Maya birth energy of Paul Manafort who was jailed for witness tampering and conspiracy (among other things) but it was also the energy in place in 1776 when the first of Thomas Paine’s American Crisis pamphlets was released, with the opening lines being:

These are the times that try men’s souls: The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of his country but he that stands it now deserves the love and thanks of man and woman.

Another line from it reads: “Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph.”

13 Kimi (Feb. 23rd) – “transformational death” (or “transformational foundations”) – a powerful “return to Source” type of force that can often pack a huge punch, as seen in the intense weather systems and even volcanoes that have occurred in the past under this influence. The last time this was in place this became an important turning point for New Zealand as all Covid-19 restrictions were lifted after that country was declared “virus-free”.

13 Kimi was the energy in place when a memorial service was held in Minneapolis last year for George Floyd, whose “murder by police” became a flashpoint for the massive peaceful protests, the destructive rioting, and the “shredding” of the national fabric of the US (as several commentators put it) by the dumpster and his cronies.

Precisely five cycles ago, in 2017, a grand jury was impaneled to hear evidence in Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into Russian interference in the election and possible coordination with the Trump campaign, evidence that led to several high-level criminal prosecutions. It has been four cycles since the massive National Day of Action to Prevent Gun Violence in Schools demonstrations across the U.S.

Three cycles ago The New York Times ran a scathing and very “to the point” article written by opinion columnist David Leonhardt titled The People vs. D. J. Dump, and subtitled He is demonstrably unfit for office. What are we waiting for?  This was a 3000 word summation that highlighted the pressing need to remove the dumpster from office, during which this columnist highlighted whole categories of issues that revealed why he should be removed. Published at the beginning of 2019 – halfway through the horror show of the past six cycles – the writer pointed out that it had become clear that 2019 would likely be dominated by a single question: “What are we going to do about it?” He thought that waiting it out until 2020 would be too dangerous. As he put it, “The cost of removing a president from office is smaller than the cost of allowing this president to remain.” He couldn’t have been more correct!!! It has now been three cycles (780days) since the publication of that article, and 13 Kimi (“transformational death”) – and the Lancet Commission on Public Policy and Health in the Trump Era that published, 13 days ago, a scathing assessment of the horrific amount of damage caused since that 2016 “death of America” election – are reminding us about just how monumentally accurate David Leonhardt was.

Six cycles ago, in November, 2016, this Jaguar-related trecena brought the monster into power, and now this same trecena is deciding whether or not he will ever be allowed to run for office again. It seems that, once again, the fate of the world will tie in with the whims of the Jaguar. We can only pray that the Jaguar has grown weary of this game so that justice can finally be served.


[Please note that the brief descriptions of the days provided above are only “thumbnail sketches”. Much greater detail can be found in Manual for the Soul: A Guide to the Energies of Life.]

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