Maya Count Of Days Horoscope

Maya Calendar Energies At Work In The World

“Buona notte dallo spazio” (Good night from space) – those are the words that have been sent from space each night for the past few months from “La Donna delle stelle”, or “woman of the stars”, as astronaut Samantha Cristoforetti is called by an Italian TV network.

The ISS in 2010

The International Space Station backdropped by Earth’s horizon and the blackness of space, Photographed from the space shuttle Endeavour in 2010. Photo Credit: NASA [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

As she sends fresh photos of Earth each day, taken from the ISS orbiting the globe, astronaut Cristoforetti has been sending simple but profound greetings, messages, and images that carry with them a sense of hope, freedom, new possibilities, and significant achievement.

Samantha Cristoforetti

European Space Agency astronaut Samantha Cristoforetti. Photo Credit: NASA/Robert Markowitz [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

Intriguingly, it was four cycles ago, in the context of this Lamat (Star) trecena, when the European Space Agency announced that astronaut Cristoforetti was one of the fortunate three who would be going on a long term mission to the ISS in 2014. These three astronauts were scheduled to return to Earth during this trecena, but their return has been  delayed due to the crash of the supply capsule on 13 Manik’ – just before this trecena began. Due to this delay astronaut Cristoforetti will set a record for the longest space mission by a woman ever.

So as this Lamat trecena opens with One Lamat we have in place, once again, the Moon Goddess working in conjunction with the “divine” energy of Venus, to usher in a time frame that can bring forth the kind of leadership that can shed light on new possibilities; a time frame traditionally seen as being associated with heralding change, as we approach the conclusion of the 260 day period that began with One Imix last September and ends with Thirteen Ajaw on May 20th.  In some Mesoamerican cultures Lamat was also seen as a Rabbit that can signal “warnings”, with the warning at this time being “let’s tidy things up and get into position as a new cycle will begin immediately after this trecena concludes”.

Three cycles ago the start of this trecena brought a “seismic shift” in Rome, as One Lamat, representative of the “initation of Leadership and Renewal”, saw the election of Pope Francis.  Two cycles ago this energy coincided with the last gasps of the 4.5 billion year old Comet ISON shortly after its dramatic rendezvous with our sun. Nelson Mandela also made his departure at that time, with his funeral held just before the trecena’s end. And the last appearance of One Lamat brought forth the staging of thousands of Russian troops on the border of Ukraine as they prepared for the invasion of that country at the mid point of the trecena.

Other momentous “game-changing” events that have occurred under this influence include the assassination of Czar Nicholas of Russia and his family in 1918; the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945, followed by the unconditional surrender of Japan at the end of World War II in the Pacific region; the coronation of Queen Elizabeth II in 1953; the passage of the Civil Rights Act in the U.S. in 1957; the completion of the deconstruction of the Berlin Wall in 1990; and the storming of Baghdad by U.S. forces in 2003. This is also the trecena through which dramatic changes in leadership have occurred, as seen when the revolutionary wave that became known as the Arab Spring began during this time frame in 2011.

Churchill VE Day

Churchill waves to crowds at Whitehall on VE Day, May 8th, 1945. Source: IWM Photo No.: H 41849 (Public Domain), via Wikimedia Commons

The opening of this Lamat trecena at this time coincides with the conclusion of a week long series of events that have been commemorating the 70th anniversary of the end of the Second World War in Europe, with One Lamat being May 8th, which was the day in 1945 when Victory-in-Europe was celebrated. (To see how this was reported at the time, click here: the Daily Telegraph, May 8th, 1945).

For some reason this trecena is often associated with solar flares as well, but that type of event may be a couple of days early this time as the most intense solar flare of 2015 to date took place just prior to the opening of this trecena, on the same day as the historic elections in Alberta.

All of these kinds of events are “under the jurisdiction” of the major patrons of this trecena, one of whom is associated with Renewal and Liberation, with the other being known as the Lord of Fire and Time – a deity connected with time related change, as in cycle endings. As could be seen during this time, events aligned with this trecena often set the stage for new beginnings. After that stunning election victory for the NDP in Alberta just 2 days ago, and the results of the hot UK elections due to be announced as this trecena begins, this trecena will see the start of new directions in leadership in various places. These are the energies that are coming into being:

1 Lamat (May 8th) – the “initiation of leadership”, on the day when the final results of the UK elections are due to be announced; two Tzolk’in cycles since the inauguration of Pope Francis in 2013. This day marks the 70th anniversary of the day when VE Day was officially celebrated at the end of World War II (after the signing of the documents of surrender).

2 Muluk (May 9th) – the “dynamic shape-shifting” energy of water; this time in conjunction with the conclusion of a week-long observance of events associated with the 70th anniversary of World War II Victory celebrations. On May 9th in 1945 King George VI broadcast a speech to his nation in which he thanked God for “a great deliverance”.

Higgs Boson simulation, CERN

Illustration of simulated data modeled for the CMS particle detector on the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN. Here, following a collision of two protons, a Higgs boson is produced which decays into two jets of hadrons and two electrons. The lines represent the possible paths of particles produced by the proton-proton collision in the detector while the energy these particles deposit is shown in blue. Photo Credit: Lucas Taylor at CERN, October 1997, from via WIkimedia Commons..

3 Ok (May 10th) – a Burner Day representative of the “activation of fire or (heart-fire), this time in conjunction with Nelson Mandela’s Maya birthday, Mother’s Day, World Fair Trade Day, and International Astronomy Day on the last day of International Astronomy Week;    4 cycles since the announcement that CERN had discovered the Higgs-Boson particle; two cycles since the start of the Ebola outbreak

4 Chuwen (May 11th) – a “defining” day associated with play and artistry; a “time-weaver” type of energy that can be quite eventful; this time in conjunction with the intended return of the astronauts from the ISS (Update – this return has now been postponed to June)

5 Eb’ (May 12th) – the “blessing” of restorative vitality

6 B’en (May 13th) – representative of “personal authority everywhere”

7 Ix (May 14th) – a “self generating transformation” type of energy, as was in place in 2013 at the time of the national memorial service for Nelson Mandela

White Tiger

Arthur, a white tiger who lives at the Conservators Center in Burlington, NC, USA. White Tigers are some of the exquisite animals that are on the Endangered Species list. Photo Credit: ConservatorsCenter (Own work) [CC BY 3.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons

8 Men (May 15th) – a “resurrection” type of energy associated with the high vision of the Eagle; this time in conjunction with Endangered Species Day and the start of the Eastern Pacific hurricane season

9 Kib’ (May 16th ) – an expansive, “restoration of order” type of energy, sometimes associated with making “adjustments”, often with long term implications

Victoria Day fireworks 2010

Fireworks on Victoria Day in Toronto in 2010. Photo Credit: beuh_dave (IMG_1075 Uploaded by Skeezix1000) [CC BY 2.0 ], via Wikimedia Commons

10 Kab’an (May 17th) – a foundational type of energy associated with the earth and evolutionary movement, this time in conjunction with the New Moon

11 Etz’nab’ (May 18th) – an “inspirational flint” type of force that can be quite dazzling and attention-getting, as happened during the summer of 2012 when Venus achieved her greatest brilliance under this influence in conjunction with an “extreme” X1.4 solar eruption. This time this energy arrives in conjunction with Victoria Day. Birth energy of actor Christopher Reeve, who will long be thought of as “Superman”.

12 Kawak (May 19th) – the “gathering storm” that provides the final big PUSH toward enlightenment

David Letterman marquee

The Late Show with David Letterman marquee. Photo Credit: Hey Paul from State College, PA, USA ( – image description page) [CC BY 2.0 ], via Wikimedia Commons

13 Ajaw (May 20th) – “transformational Full Sun”, final day of the 1 Imix to 13 Ajaw cycle; a day often filled with high drama and great change – and sometimes even great light. Tzolk’in anniversary of the awarding of the contract for construction of the Space Shuttles Atlantis and Discovery in 1979. This day in 2015 will include the final airing of the Late Show with David Letterman, as Letterman retires after a run of 22 seasons and over 4200 episodes.


[Please note that the brief descriptions of the days provided above are only “thumbnail sketches”. Much greater detail can be found in Manual for the Soul: A Guide to the Energies of Life.]


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