Maya Count Of Days Horoscope

Maya Calendar Energies At Work In The World

In the early morning hours of April 18, 1906, on the first day of this trecena, residents of San Francisco felt a rumble, a forewarning of what was to happen 20-25 seconds later, when one of Planet Earth’s most catastrophic earthquakes ruptured the San Andreas fault for almost 300 miles. It was a shakeup that killed thousands, left 80% of San Francisco in rubble, and left half the population homeless. However, reconstruction “commenced almost immediately” as people rapidly got to work to clear damage and put together plans for rebuilding. In the latter half of April that year, San Francisco was working fully with the practical, “buckle down and get things done” energies that are so integral to this time frame. Ultimately San Francisco was rebuilt, with a strong, safer, and more  earthquake-resilient infrastructure.

Sacramento Street in San Francisco on April 18, 1906 (Maya date One Kib’) just after the earthquake, on the first day of the fire, by local photographer Arnold Genthe

The Vulture symbolism associated with this period relates to the idea of vultures being revered for their resourcefulness and perceptive abilities, and for their connections to death and rebirth. Kib’ is often represented by a vulture that is tasked with “cleaning things up” after some kind of carnage. Traditionally there has been a strong emphasis on ingenuity, industriousness, practicality, and learning to “think differently” during this period. This can be a time when important transmutations take place, often triggered by dramatic events that demand change.

During this energy sequence there is often an emphasis on duality, sometimes involving paired events or paired ideas struggling to maintain equilibrium or overcome obstacles. Often there is a kind of “teetering” between two polarities, reflective of the “sun close to the earth” or “fire in the earth” kinds of forces associated with the patron energies of this period, energies that have been known to foment havoc for the purpose of transmutation, often as part of a push towards the birthing of a new type of order.

Adaptation of the K’ib (Vulture) trecena from the pre-Columbian Codex Borgia by artist Richard Balthazar (used with permission). The first day (One K’ib) is represented by the little head of a vulture at the lower left (within the border). The other days of this trecena proceed from there to the right, and then up towards the top, to the head of a rabbit (Lamat) at the upper right. The daysign numbers pertaining to this trecena (beginning with One K’ib) are not shown, but implied. The patron deity associated with this trecena is shown on the left in the larger image at the top. That is the canine deity Xolotl, in his guise as a deity of Twins and Conjoined Things. His twin is Quetzalcoatl, shown in serpentine form on the right. Xolotl is also wearning a conch pendant, often associated with Quetzalcoatl. The fact that the serpent is depicted as cut into five pieces may reflect the fact that this trecena is often associated with the often challenging process of transmutation. Click here for an overview of Richard’s various other versions of the same trecena.

Traditionally, the principal patron of this period was seen as the canine deity Xólotl, a god of twins and conjoined things, who protects and accompanies the sun on its journey through the Underworld at night.

As was the case with the 1906 San Francisco earthquake, one of the most vivid manifestations of this duality in action was the destruction of the twin towers of the World Trade Center in 2001 when hit by two planes intent on wreaking havoc on the western world. That world-shifting event on the sixth day of this trecena brought massive changes in terms of national and international security practices.

As we go through this period, that idea of “paired ideas struggling to maintain equilibrium” will be a major theme, as usual, as many dualities in thought and action will be clearly seen, starting on the very first day, when a convicted felon – a narcissistic, boorish, churlish practitioner of calumny, supported by rabid accomplices and snivelling sycophants – will present to a joint session of Congress, his platform of revenge and destruction. As usual, this will be delivered in the form of a self-aggrandizing ballyhoo about his “new vision” for America – one which has already demonstrably involved upending the geopolitical order, dramatically gutting governmental agencies, callously throwing peoples lives and livelihoods into chaos, and abusively reshaping the political landscape, including globally. As always, everything he says will be a lie, and the net result will be even more panic and chaos as people try to deal with the latest, but now more “formalized”, blows. All of this will highlight, once again, the intense struggle that is underway at this time as people try to fend off the relentless blasts that keep coming from that quarter, and work to establish workable defences and pushbacks. As this struggle plays out, it might be helpful to keep in mind something that President Jimmy Carter said, during this same trecena, in 1976:

A strong nation, like a strong person, can afford to be gentle, firm, thoughtful and restrained. It can afford to extend a helping hand to others. It’s a weak nation, like a weak person, that must behave with bluster and boasting and rashness and other signs of insecurity.

While there is no doubt that the tension between opposing forces, on so many levels, will continue to be extraordinarily challenging at this time, keep in mind that this is a period that often brings forth significant shifts, generally towards the light, as reflected in the symbols associated with this period, one of which is “wax”, as in “candle” or “votive” (ie. light), symbolically seen as a piece of the sun that can help to restore hope and light the way.

One of the key symbols associated with K’ib is the vulture. Photo by Patrice Schoefolt, Pexels.

Another is that symbol of the Vulture, the high-flying bird that is often highly revered for its resourcefulness, intelligence, adaptability, and perceptive abilities, and for its ability to neutralize harmful substances, and “purify”. Additionally, keep in mind that vultures are known as nature’s “beautiful purifiers”, “cleansers”, and “composters”. A gathering of vultures is known as a “wake”, which reflects that connection to death and the preparation for rebirth.

Indeed, the very first day of the Kib’ trecena (One Kib’) often reveals the nature of whatever it is that will need to be addressed, in order for amelioration to occur. Through making clear the nature of the problem, the first day of this period (representing the “initiation of the restoration of order”), often marks the beginning of a time frame that will involve “really getting down to business” in order to turn the tide.

We could see this seven cycles ago, in early 2020, when ingenuity and “quick thinking” were rapidly called into play during this period, and humungous numbers of people were required to make huge adjustments to their lives due to the rapid spread of Covid-19. Indeed, one of the first big actions was seen when the whole of Italy was quarantined to prevent the spread of the coronvirus, and thousands of flights were cancelled worldwide. That was when the World Health Organization formally declared a global pandemic and called for governments to take “urgent action”.

Immediately thereafter countries around the world began going into lockdown, some completely, and some only partially. It was the beginning of what the director of the US Center for Infectious Disease Research & Policy termed a “coronavirus winter”, and people had to find new ways to deal with the practicalities of life as they retreated and hunkered down.

Indeed, many big changes have been made during this trecena in the past, and people with integrity have stepped forward, as could be seen on the first day of this trecena in 1987 when President Reagan challenged President Gorbachev to tear down the Berlin Wall. In 2009 this was the trecena in place when the U.S. and Russia mutually agreed to reduce nuclear arsenals, which set the course to replace the 1991 Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty. In 1972 this was in place when the U.S. pulled out of Vietnam, and again in 2021 when the U.S. pulled out of Afghanistan. Three cycles ago global support for Ukraine intensified significantly as billions in military aid and equipment, such as tanks, were pledged to assist Ukraine, which helped them make progress in pushing back against Russia, even though the war continued. Two cycles ago that early support turned into a unified commitment, becoming Europe’s top priority. And now the EU is more solidified in its support for Ukraine than ever before, as it is clear that the US is now “officially” more aligned with Russia rather than with traditional western allies.

The Gaza situation continues to be highly problematic, as Israel has demonstrated that it cannot be trusted with regard to the ceasefire, but both the Arab League and the US have condemned Israel for blocking humanitarian aid, and the Arab League is committed to finding solutions for that region.

Remember that, despite how things may look at the moment, this trecena always holds great potential for illumination, pathfinding, and for the development of practical approaches towards finding solutions to even the most challenging of problems – all oriented around transmutation and, ultimately, greater stability and a “restoration of order”. Here are the energies that are coming into play:

One Kib’ (March 4th) – the “initiation” of the “practically”-oriented transmutation force that could lead towards a restoration of order, coinciding at this time with the 164th anniversary of President Abraham Lincoln’s first inauguration and the 160th anniversary of Abraham Lincoln’s second inauguration, just 41 days before his assassination in 1865. On that second inauguration day Lincoln addressed the causes of the US civil war, which was winding down, and quoted a biblical passage that said:

Woe unto the world because of offenses; for it must needs be that offenses come, but woe to that man by whom the offenses cometh.

At this point the person “by whom the offenses cometh” is due to push the offenses to a new level of atrocity as he delivers a speech to a joint session of Congress, a speech in which he is expected to flaunt his so-called “achievements” and try to wield authority over other branches of government, including the courts. It remains to be seen how Democrats, the courts, and the American public will push back on this.

While this is taking place members of the Arab League will be meeting in Cairo to work out how to deal with Israel’s new blockage of humanitarian aid to Gaza, and to develop a plan to counter the dumpster’s threats to take over Gaza and expel Palestinians from their own land. At the same time, this is the day when the US will begin imposing tariffs on Canada and Mexico, and possibly vice versa – a move that will not do anyone any good. Yes, the “offenses [that] cometh” apply globally!

On the flip side, note that in the spring of 2010 this was the energy in place when The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) was signed into law in the US by President Obama. Ten years later the first day of this trecena became the “turning point” day for Joe Biden when he won several state primaries, making it clear that he would become the Democrat’s presidential nominee for 2020.

Preposterously, in 2016, the dumpster had proclaimed: “In my administration, I’m going to enforce all laws concerning the protection of classified information. No one will be above the law.” In retrospect, this is laughable, as he is not only a convicted fraudster and sexual offender, but millions have seen evidence of his attempt to squirrel away hundreds of federal classified documents, as well as his involvement in the attempt to overthrow the government. This day now marks two 260-day cycles since the eve of the trial relating to his business in New York, at the conclusion of which he was convicted of massive fraud.

Note it has now been nine cycles (9 x 260 days) since the release of the UN’s “final call” Climate Change report (in 2018) that gave that extensive warning of the need to limit global warming to no more than 1.5C above pre-industrial levels, which would require “rapid, far-reaching, and unprecedented changes in all aspects of society”. Not only has the callous villain taken a sledge-hammer to climate change measures, but he has also ordered that swathes of America’s forests be felled for timber, regardless of the rules in place to protect endangered species.

Currently this is “March Forth” or “Do Something” Day – and it is clear the “something major” needs to be done – and quickly!!

On the “let’s ignore the whole thing and party on” side, this is the final day of the Carnevale Di Venezia (Venice Carnival), and also Mardi Gras Day in New Orleans, the
last day of the carnival season, also known as Shrove Tuesday (aka “Fat Tuesday”,
Pancake Day), a traditional feast day before the start of Lent.

2 Kab’an (March 5th) – a “dynamic” type of energy related to the earth, or “earth movement”, and even movement of an “evolutionary” nature, as was in place in 1968
when Douglas C. Engelbart gave a 90-minute demonstration at the Fall Joint Computer Conference in San Francisco that included the world’s first mouse and word processor – key to our huge transition into the now ubiquitous use of computer technologies.

This is Ash Wednesday, the “Day of Ashes”, or day of repentance, prayer, and fasting, when Christians traditionally confess their sins at the start of the Lenten period leading up to Easter.

In China this is coinciding with Ching Che, the Feast of Excited Insects that announces the arrival of Spring, the day when “the dragon raises his head”, summoning the insects back to life, after hibernating all winter. This is when rituals are performed and fields are prepared, to begin the process of restoring life and fertility to the earth.

It has now been two cycles (520 days) since the start of the Trump Organization’s civil trial in New York in 2023, to settle questions related to the fraud case brought by New York attorney general, Letitia James. As the trial unfolded, overwhelming evidence was presented that exposed that company as being completely fraudulent.

This day also marks seven Tzolk’in cycles precicely since the WHO declared a global pandemic in 2020 and called for governments to take “urgent action” against the coronavirus. However, one of the dumpster’s devastating executive orders a few weeks ago was to withdraw the US from the WHO and stop the CDC from even communicating with them, so this has enormous consequences for anything else that might pertain to global health and security. It was exactly one cycle ago when Dr. Anthony Fauci’s book titled On Call was released, in which (among other things) he discussed his role in guiding millions through the Covid crisis, despite off-the-rails ranting by the dumpster. Dr. Fauci was “a beacon of hope” for millions during the pandemic, but has been vilified by the dumpster, as Dr. Fauci was perceived by the orange menace as someone who made him “look bad” by contasting solid evidence-based advice against the crackpot ideas being fomented by the White House at that time. Without that connection to the WHO how many more will die if another pandemic hits while Repugnicans are still in office?

3 Etz’nab’ (March 6th) – the “activation” of a sparkling, “knife-edged” type of energy that can dazzle, shock, and/or begin a separation process, marking seven cycles exactly since “America shut down”, as theatres, museums, restaurants, entertainment venues, colleges and school districts across the US closed up; and many other events were cancelled or postponed indefinitely due to the pandemic.

Two cycles ago Kevin McCarthy was ousted as Speaker of the US House of Representatives, the first time in US history that a speaker was ousted by his own party. That was seen as a “complete meltdown” day for the Republican party, and the meltdown has continued ever since. On that same day Judge Arthur Engoron issued a gag order against the dumpster after he made derogatory remarks about a court clerk.

Currently this is the opening day for the 4-day Emerald City Comic Con (ECCC), an annual comic book convention, in Seattle. It is the Maya birth energy of Inah Canabarro Lucas, now the world’s oldest person.

4 Kawak (March 7th) – a “defining” type of energy aligned with “storm”, representative of the sun working together with the energy of intense rain, which can sometimes manifest as a “storm of compassion”. One of the five key energies located at the centre of the Aztec Sun Stone, this day is currently coinciding with the World Day of Prayer, a global ecumenical movement that began in the 19th century.

In northern India this is the start of a kind of transitional, “laying low” type of period known as Holashtak, leading up to the colourful Holi festival on March 14th. In that region this day is considered ideal for alms giving, and engaging in prayer.

This is the opening day for the 9-day SXSW (South by Southwest) conference and festivals in Austin, Texas – a diverse conglomerate of events dedicated to “helping creative people achieve their goals”, through a multi-track conference and festivals that “celebrate the convergence of tech, film, music, education, and culture”.

It has now been four cycles since the grand jury was impanelled in the Fulton County, Georgia case in 2022, pertaining to the dumpster’s (and his cronies) attempted meddling with the results of the 2020 U.S. election. Political machinations have been severely limiting the forward motion of that case as well as several others.

This is also the 60th anniversary of “Bloody Sunday” in Selma, Alabama, when the 25 year old activist John Lewis led over 600 protesters across the Pettus bridge, in what was intended to be a peaceful demonstration in support of voting rights. However, the violent assault on demonstrators by state troopers made this a key turning point in the civil rights movement in the U.S.

5 Ajaw (March 8th) – the “blessing of enlightenment”, a “full sun” day, coinciding at this time with International Women’s Day, a global day celebrating the social, economic, cultural, and political achievements of women. This is a “call to action” day accelerating women’s equality, with this year’s theme being “Accelerate Action”.

On March 8th (5 Ajaw)

This is the opening of the 4 day Summit of the Americas, a meeting of the leaders of the North, Central, and South American countries that constitute the Organization of American States (OAS), meeting at this time in Miami, Florida.

On this final day of Rio de Janeiro’s Carnival, note that 5 Ajaw (5 Flower to the Aztec) was associated with a deity known as Five Flower (Macuil Xochitl in Nahuatl), a patron of games, music, and pleasure. Aligned with the sun, this often manifests as “enlightenment breaking through” in some way, but it can also bring forth a great deal of heat. In the UK this is the start day for the Crufts Dog Show, called “the world’s greatest dog show”.

This is the Maya birth energy of Dr. Peter Bryce, the Canadian public health physician who brought attention to the mistreatment of indigenous children in Indian residential schools during the early 20th century.

6 Imix (March 9th) – an “everywhere” type of energy associated with “birth”, which can sometimes foment chaos as some new order of being is manifested, now marking the beginning of Daylight Savings Time, on the day when the winner of the Liberal Party’s leadership race in Canada is due to be announced.

This is the UK’s 5th National Day of Reflection, marking 5 years since the first UK Covid lockdown. Hundreds of groups and organizations will observe a minute of silence at noon in remembrance of all those in the UK who died due to the pandemic.

Covid Memorial wall, London

Click to “walk” the Covid Memorial wall

On the first Day of Reflection (in 2021) landmarks were lit up and millions lit candles from their doorsteps and shone lights from torches and phones to create a “beacon of remembrance” across the region. Many special events will be held at this time, with many English cathedrals involved in special events. Click here for the story behind the national Covid memorial.

It has now been nine cycles exactly since huge migrant caravans began trekking north from Central America towards the U.S. border in 2018. This was also the energy in place at the time of the terrorist attack on, and demolition of, the twin towers of the World Trade Center in New York City in 2001.

7 Ik’ (March 10th) – “self-generating” wind/breath/spirit, coinciding at this time with Commonwealth Day, observed by the 54 diverse member countries in the Commonwealth of Nations who cooperate within a framework of common values and goals. This year’s theme is: “Together We Thrive”, marking the 60th anniversary of the Commonwealth Secretariat. The 25th Commonwealth foreign affairs ministers’ meeting is being held in London at this time.

This is also the opening day for the 69th session of the Commission on the Status of Women at the UN (CSW69), with the focus being on the review and appraisal of the implementation of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action and the outcomes of the 23rd special session of the General Assembly. According to their site, this review “will include an assessment of current challenges that affect the implementation of the Platform for Action and the achievement of gender equality and the empowerment of women and its contribution towards the full realization of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.” This 69th session runs through to March 21st.

In the U.S., this day marks six cycles exactly since early December, 2020 when then-US Attorney-General Barr said that there was no evidence of fraud in the 2020 election, a statement that preceded his resignation and the concoction of the BIG Lie on the part of the dumpster and his allies that led to the Jan. 6th insurrection and its aftermath. At that time Georgia’s voting systems implementation manager angrily admonished Republicans for spreading these lies, and specifically called upon the dumpster to “stop inspiring people to commit potential acts of violence”. This eventually led to the impanelling of that Georgia grand jury to investigate these issues, and the eventual indictments that followed.

This day is also marking two full 260-day cycles since the Hamas attack on Israel in 2023, when about 1,200 people were killed and 251 hostages taken, triggering the Gaza-Israeli war. Since then some 45,000 Palestinians have been killed in Gaza as a result of Israeli attacks, and over 1,700 Israeli and foreign nationals. It is thought that 59 hostages still remain in Gaza, along with 32 bodies that have not been returned.

8 Ak’b’al (March 11th) – a “resurrection” type of energy associated with “temple” or “house”, “darkness”, and deep esoteric mysteries, marking the fifth Gregorian anniversary of the World Health Organization’s declaration of a global pandemic over the coronavirus, when it called for governments to take “urgent action”. In conjunction with that, it has now been seven cycles since Dr. Michael Osterholm (Director of the Center for Infectious Disease Research & Policy, and author of Deadliest Enemy) said that that was the first day of a “coronavirus winter”. At that time he warned that it was a situation that could last for months – a significant underestimate!  This is also the 14th Gregorian anniversary of the day in 2011 when a 9.0 earthquake struck Japan off the coast of Sendai, NE of Tokyo, triggering a devastating tsunami.

It has now been two cycles exactly since Israel formally declared war on Gaza on what, at that time, became the deadliest day for Israel since the 1973 war.

Currently this is the final day of the Summit of the Americas and the day when Greenland holds a general election.

9 K’an (March 12th) – representative of “outwardly-projecting” longevity in association with Germination, marking two cycles since Israel ordered a “complete seige” of Gaza, closing off food, fuel, water, and electricity supplies, as European leaders pledged support for Israel, condemned Hamas, and halted Palestinian aid.

This marks the fifth Gregorian anniversary of the day in 2020 when the United States and many other countries began shutting down due to Covid, and stocks began plunging. And now stocks are plunging again as the dumpster’s tariffs wars ramp up.

This is the planned launch day for the ISS-bound SpaceX Dragon ferry capsule with Crew-10 aboard. This is the capsule that will finally bring astronauts Barry “Butch” Wilmore and Sunita Williams home after being marooned on the ISS for just over one full cycle. Back in 1990 the Hubble Space Telescope was deployed under this influence, after its launch the day before.

This is also the opening day for the 2-day 12th Annual World Ocean Summit & Expo, in Tokyo.

10 Chikchan (March 13th) – a Burner Day associated with “Foundational Lifeforce, Liberation, and Higher Consciousness” that is often quite intense, now marking the 12th anniversary of the election of Pope Francis in a papal conclave.

World Kidney Day is March 14th

This is World Kidney Day, which emphasizes communication on how to prolong longevity and live well through effective management of the disease, with this year’s theme being “Detect Early, protect kidney Health”.

The evening brings in the start of Purim, traditionally one of the most joyous holidays in the Jewish calendar. This is a Jewish celebration of deliverance that commemorates the saving of the Jewish people from Haman, an official who was planning to kill all Jews in the Old Persian Empire. This festival is in honour of the “miracles” of Purim that were involved in the saving of the people. Given the renewed crisis in Gaza, will there be any kind of “miracle” at this time that will allow the next phase of the ceasefire to move forward?

Note that 10 Chikchan is a kind of “seesaw” force that represents a balancing between Death (10) and Life (Chikchan), so the choices made at this time can be highly consequential. This was the energy in place seven cycles ago when the dumpster in the White House told journalist Bob Woodward that his first instinct regarding the coronavirus was to “always play it down”. But after that millions of people in the US became infected, and well over a million in that country alone lost their lives to it.

11 Kimi (March 14th) – a “change-related” type of energy associated with death/new foundations, at the time of the Full Worm Moon, aka the Paschal Full Moon (the first full Moon of Spring), a Blood Moon coinciding with a Total Lunar Eclipse, at the time of the US federal funding deadline.

This is the full day of Purim. The evening also marks the beginning of India’s highly revered Holi festival, the “festival of spring”. Sometimes referred to as a “festival of love” or “festival of colours”, Holi is a time when people get together to play with vibrant colours in the interest of fun, healing, fertility, and renewal, as they forget about resentments and bad feelings from the past and symbolically celebrate the triumph of good over evil.

Throwing coloured powders during the Holi festival. Photo by [CC BY-SA 4.0], via Wikimedia Commons

During this evening large bonfires will be lit across India to drive away evil spirits. Great idea – perhaps those bonfires should be lit all over the world!!

In 1922 this was in place at the time of the proclamation of the British mandate in Palestine, at a ceremony in Jerusalem. This triggered a situation in which more than 3 million Palestinians were made homeless and more than 100,000 were killed by British, American, and Israeli soldiers to make room for Jewish settlers, in contravention of international law. And then, since October of 2023, Israel has been trying to pulverize Gaza and starve war-torn survivors by cutting off access to international aid. Why have world leaders allowed such atrocities to happen?

At this point it has been 13 Tzolk’in cycles (13 x 260) since 196 nations involved in the COP21 (Climate Change Conference) in Paris, in 2015, voted to approve an historic global accord to fight climate change, signalling an end to the fossil fuel era, as they committed for the first time to a universal agreement that has the goal of cutting greenhouse gas emissions and limiting temperature rises. As we all know, politics, the pandemic, and wars have all played havoc with that goal.

Currently this is Michael Caine’s 92nd birthday, and would have been Quincy Jones’s
92nd as well, but he passed last Nov. 3rd. A British film icon, Michael Caine has made
more than 160 films over his 8 decade career.

12 Manik’ (March 15th) – a “gathering together” type of energy associated with reciprocity, coinciding at this time with World Consumer Rights Day, with this year’s theme being “A Just Transition to Sustainable Lifestyles”, at the time of #shutdown315 in the US.

A major “gathering together” with a purpose day.

In addition to rallies related to that cause there will also be widespread rallies relating to the 28th International Day against Police Brutality. Indivisible’s Musk or Us protests  also kick off at this time, and will run for 9 days straight. In addition this is the day for The Ides of Trump postcard mailing campaign, to summatily Fire the orange villain by burying the White House in pink slips, “informing Donnie that he’s fired”. Although this is World Sleep Day, it is doubtful that there will be much sleeping happening at this time – unless people do that as part of the shutdown protests.

In Roman times this day (March 15th) was known as the Ides of March, and was seen as a day for settling debts. In 44 BC this was the Gregorian day when Roman general Julius Caesar was assassinated at a meeting of the Senate. It was said that as many as 60 conspirators were involved in the plot, with the assassination taking place not long after Caesar was declared “dictator in perpetuity” of the Roman Republic. Fears among the Senate that Caesar planned to claim the title of king, overthrow the Senate and rule as a tyrant, were thought to be the principal motives for his assassination. Seen as a skilled but ruthless military commander, he had greatly expanded the reach of the Roman Empire, but had many enemies.

This would have been Chief Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s 92nd Gregorian birthday. If she had lived longer it is a very high probability that the US Supreme Court would have functioned much more equitably and honorably than is seen today. As President Lincoln said, with regard to the Supreme court: “It is a duty from which they may not shrink to decide cases properly brought before them.” That was a duty to which Chief Justice Ginsburg dedicated her life and her career.

Note that this is the 60th anniversary of President Lyndon B. Johnson’s historic “We Shall Overcome” speech, when he addressed a joint session of Congress and presented a strong argument for the passage of a Voting Rights Act that would allow African Americans to vote. In that speech he officially recognized the Civil Rights movement and ruled that the Civil Rights march from Selma to Montgomery could legally take place. In the spring of 1968 this was the energy in place when Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. gave his memorable “I’ve been to the mountaintop” speech the day before his assassination.

13 Lamat (March 16th) – “transformational star”, an intense and often highly consequential “heralding” type of force, coinciding at this time with opening of the APEC 2025 IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition in Atlanta, Georgia.

This was the energy in place at the end of the U.S. involvement in Vietnam, when the last remaining U.S. combat soldiers left Vietnam in 1973, and also near the end of Kabul evacuations in 2021, when US forces airlifted some 19,000 people out of Kabul over a 24 hour period. It was also in place in 1968 at the time of the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

Six cycles ago (in 2020) this was in place when the sun released a huge CME (Coronal Mass Ejection) that hurled plasma and magnetic fields towards Earth, causing an increase in auroras about 3 days later. That was when it was announced that Solar Cycle 25, due to peak this year, could be one of the strongest on record. While we don’t know exactly what the sun has in mind for this year, there is no doubt that temperatures of all kinds are heating up on this planet!

Four cycles ago (in 2022) this was in place when a federal grand jury subpoena demanded that the dumpster turn over to the government all documents with classified markings that might still be at Mar-a-Lago. Appallingly, at the end of the last trecena, the “new FBI” returned those boxes of documents to Mar-a-lago . . . . yet another sign of how all sense of decency, rationale, and legal accountability has been turned upside down!

Two cycles ago, in October of 2023, Israel ordered over one million people in northern Gaza (including Gaza City) to relocate to the south within the following 24 hours, as hundreds of thousands of Israeli soldiers amassed on the border ahead of an expected ground offensive into the densely populated enclave. They were also enforcing a total blockade of fuel, food, and water. Shortly thereafter Israeli airstrikes attacked convoys of Palestinian evacuees heading south, and began attacking the very regions that they had previously referred to as being “safe”. At that time a “Day of Rage” broke out across the Middle East and beyond, as tens of thousands of people denounced Israel and demanded an end to the fighting. Both Israeli and American flags were burned in protests that heralded the changes that eventually resulted in a ceasefire. Progress has been made, even though the situation in that area remains extremely tense.

At this end point in this “dual-oriented” time frame, it remains to be seen whether or not people will have “thought differently” and acted differently enough during this period to bring about at least the start of the transmutations that need to take place in order to shift the trajectory of the threats that are looming so large. Significant change is desperately needed, and now is the time to do whatever it takes to “stop the beast” before it devours everything.


[Please note that the brief descriptions of the days provided above are only “thumbnail sketches”. Much greater detail can be found in Manual for the Soul: A Guide to the Energies of Life.]

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