Maya Count Of Days Horoscope

Maya Calendar Energies At Work In The World

How can you leave me standing alone in a world that’s so cold . . . .” so wrote the incredibly talented and widely loved artist known as Prince for his song “When Doves Cry”. And cry is the word of the day as we mourn the loss of yet another iconic artist and extraordinary musician.

Prince on stage in Ireland, 2007. Photo Credit: By jimieye from - ( [CC BY 2.0 via Wikimedia Commons]

Prince on stage in Ireland, 2007. Photo Credit: Jimieye from –  [CC BY 2.0 via Wikimedia Commons]

Although Prince was not born during this trecena he was born under the same Kawak influence as that which carries through this trecena, on a 12 Kawak day which is a “gathering together” type of energy combined with Kawak’s “catalytic storm” force, sometimes translated as “Rain”. The nature of this energy was vividly in evidence several years ago when Prince performed “Purple Rain” during a torrential downpour at the XLI Superbowl. “Bring it on” he said when organizers expressed concern about the rain, but Prince thrived in it and delivered a mind-boggling performance.

And now, during this trecena that bears the same qualities as his birth energy, we cry with the doves as we remember his life and contributions, and weep at the news of his passing. Amazingly, the last song he performed on stage just a week before his death was “Purple Rain”. Click here for a classic concert that shows his genius in action. The last half, in particular, is pure Kawak. Rest in Peace dear Prince. You have gone much too soon and you will be greatly missed.

That downpour at the Superbowl provided a good illustration of the nature of the energy associated with this trecena as this is a strong water-oriented time frame, a period under the auspices of Tláloc, the Aztec god of rain (known as Chac to the Maya). This is a deity who often announces his presence in dramatic, sometimes highly tempestuous ways. It is generally a highly catalytic energy traditionally associated with clouds, lightning, thunder, and heavy rainfall that has the potential to create either a “water blessing” that can purify and transform (as Prince did with his music), or some sort of complete disaster, as happened when it pushed Hurricane Katrina into the Mississippi delta in mid August fifteen Tzolk’in cycles ago. On its last appearance it propelled Cat. 4 Hurricane Hilda towards Hawaii, slammed Typhoon Soudelor into China’s east coast, and ignited the Okanogan fires in Washington state, which became the largest in that state’s history.

Shakespeare's "King Lear and the Fool in the Storm" painting by William Dyce, circa 1851. Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons.

Shakespeare’s “King Lear and the Fool in the Storm” painting by William Dyce, circa 1851.  Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons.

At the present time the Houston area in Texas is still coping with a high risk situation after several days of heavy rains and historic flooding even before the start of this trecena. With thunderstorms still hovering over the area the state of emergency in that area will likely continue through this trecena as waters are still rapidly rising. Over 1000 homes have been flooded, hundreds of people and animals have been rescued, and more rain is reportedly on the way. In Texas states of emergency have been declared in at least eight counties.

The catalyzation process triggered by Chac can take many forms, with much of it being water oriented, with many significant floods having been triggered during this energy frame. But it can sometimes also trigger floods of tears, the kinds of tears that accompany unspeakable grief, as happened three cycles ago when that Malaysian Boeing 777 with 239 people aboard suddenly blipped off the radar. Although evidence suggests that two pieces of debris recently found were from that plane, there are still no definitive answers concerning either the cause of the disaster or the whereabouts of the remaining pieces.

The Chandos portrait of William Shakespeare, long thought to be the only portrait of William Shakespeare that had any claim to be painted from life. Circa 1610. Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons.

The Chandos portrait of William Shakespeare, long thought to be the only portrait of William Shakespeare that had any claim to be painted from life. Circa 1610. Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons.

But Kawak is not always associated with disasters. It can often manifest in passionate calls to action, as could be seen two cycles ago (November 2014) in massive protest rallies that took place in several areas, including Hong Kong, Mexico City, Missouri, Cairo, and Eastern Canada. During this present trecena there will be a number of events associated with significant social actions, commemorating such things as the 100th anniversary of the Easter Uprising in Ireland in 1916 and the 130th anniversary of International Workers’ Day. As this trecena begins immediately after the signing of the historic global accord to fight climate change, by 175 nations, the push towards implementation of that accord will begin at this time. There will also be many events, particularly in the U.K., that will commemorate the 400th anniversary of the death of William Shakespeare. (Note: April 23rd is being used in most places as that date, but that is an Old Style date, which was still used in England at that time. That date would translate as May 3rd New Style – so 11 Muluk, towards the end of the trecena, would also fit with this. Shakespeare’s death, at age 52, would also have been very close to his New Fire birthday.)

While there is a good chance that we might get a bit wet during this trecena there is really little cause for concern – unless, perhaps, you are in the Houston area, or following the U.S. primaries that will contine to take place during this period.

Traditionally Tláloc/Chac was associated with fertility, as the rain gods brought the life-giving water that was needed for the growth of crops. So even if some of Kawak’s traditional “push” can be felt at this time, keep in mind that it is all oriented towards clearing, cleansing, and “new growth”. During this time frame these are the energies that will come into play:

1 Kawak (April 23rd) – the “initiation” of “the catalytic storm” energy, this time on the 400th anniversary of the death of William Shakespeare, UNESCO World Book and Copyright Day, and the day of the spectacular Bloemencorso 2016 flower parade in Holland. Maya birth energy of Princess Diana.

The Bulbflower (Bloemencorso) Parade in Holland, 2008. Photo Credit: Werner Pellis (Beeldarchief Stichting Corsief, Zundert) [CC-BY-SA-3.0, via Wikimedia Commons]

The Bulbflower (Bloemencorso) Parade in Holland, 2008. Photo Credit: Werner Pellis (Beeldarchief Stichting Corsief, Zundert) [CC-BY-SA-3.0, via Wikimedia Commons]  This year this festival takes place during this trecena.

2 Ajaw (April 24th) – a dynamic type of energy aligned with the full sun, full power, and the idea of “enlightenment”; 100th anniversary of the 1916 Easter Uprising and the Proclamation of the Irish Republic, an event commemorated by the poet William Butler Yeats in his epic poem “Easter 1916”, that concluded with the words: “Wherever green is worn, Are changed, changed utterly: A terrible beauty is born.”

The Easter Proclamation of 1916, Public Domain via WIkimedia Commons

The Easter Proclamation of 1916, Public Domain via WIkimedia Commons

3 Imix (April 25th) – the “activation” of “birth” or the realm of all potential, this time in conjunction with Anzac Day

4 Ik’ (April 26th) – the “defining” of wind/breath/spirit; an important energy associated with the connection between Quetzalcoatl and the sun; precisely three cycles since the disappearance of MH Flight 370. The day of several more “Super Tuesday” U.S. primaries, including Connecticut, Delaware, Maryland, Rhone Island, and Pennsylvania

5 Ak’b’al (April 27th) – the “pinpointing” of deep esoteric mysteries; under this influence in 2009 CERN’s Large Hadron Collider accelerated to the highest level ever achieved (up to that point) as part of a test to “unlock the secrets of the origins of the universe”

6 K’an (April 28th) – a “six directions” type of energy aligned with “youthful vitality”, the energy that turned Katrina into a Tropical Storm in 2005 at the same time as it triggered an extreme solar geomagnetic storm. This time this coincides with the 140th anniversary of the day in 1876 when Queen Victoria was proclaimed in Great Britain as Empress of India

An 1876 political cartoon, origianlly published in Punch magazine, showing Benjamin Disraeli making Queen Victoria Empress of India. Public Domain via WIkimedia Commons.

An 1876 political cartoon, origianlly published in Punch magazine, showing Benjamin Disraeli making Queen Victoria Empress of India.
(Public Domain via WIkimedia Commons)

7 Chikchan (April 29th) – this “Seven Serpent” (self-generating Liberation/ Lifeforce) day is the daysign of Chicomecóatl, the Aztec Goddess of agriculture (especially maize) which is traditionally representative of the more positive aspects of this time frame, with its potential for providing conditions that are favorable for bringing forth nourishment. In 1944 the greatest amphibious assault in history, known as D-Day, took place under this influence, marking the beginning of European liberation. This time Seven Chikchan coincides with William and Kate’s fifth wedding anniversary.

8 Kimi (April 30th) – a “resurrection” type of energy associated with “death” or “absolute spiritual foundations” as when Hurricane Katrina was rapidly approaching Louisiana in 2005. This time this energy coincides with Canadian Authors for Indies Day (in support of independent bookstores) and Stephen Cobert’s New Fire birthday.

9 Manik’ (May 1st) – an “outwardly projecting” type of energy associated with reciprocity, Maya anniversary of day when Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. gave his “I Have a Dream” speech at the first national integrated civil rights march in the U.S. during the summer of 1963, the largest civil rights rally in U.S. history. Twenty years later Prince recorded “Purple Rain” under this same energy influence. At this time this energy coincides with the 130th anniversary of May Day – International Workers’ Day; the Donkey Festival in Otumba, Mexico; and the Beltane Fire Festival

Children Maypole Dancing, circa 1900-1910, a traditional celebration of the first of May. Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons.

Children Maypole Dancing, circa 1900-1910, a traditional celebration of the first of May. Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons.

10 Lamat (May 2nd) – “foundational bright star” – a foundational “signalling” type of energy; as seen in August of 2010 when the 33 miners trapped in the Chilean mining cave-in signalled that they were alive. At this time this energy coincides with Princess Charlotte’s 1st birthday (9 days after Princess Diana’s Maya birthday, and 11 days after Queen Elizabeth celebrated her 90th birthday)

11 Muluk (May 3rd) – the “change” in conjunction with “water” energy that has accompanied many very intense water related events, such as Hurricane Katrina. At this time this energy coincides with National Teacher Appreciation Day, the Indiana primary, and the New Style date of the death of Shakespeare (April 23rd Old Style converted at a New Style date)

12 Ok (May 4th) – a “grouping together” energy associated with love, warmth, and guidance, in conjunction with “Star Wars Day” (“May the Fourth be With You”)

13 Chuwen (May 5th) – “transformational monkey” or “transformational play” – a highly creative “time weaving” type of energy that is sometimes referred to as “Thirteen Threads”; a powerfully innovative type of force traditionally aligned with play, creativity, and “time-weaving”, an energy that can sometimes “trick” one into thinking differently or trying out new possibilities. This time this energy coincides with Cinco de Mayo, with Ascension Day, with the Eta Aquarid meteor shower, and with the 66th anniversary of the coronation of the 88 year old King Bhumibol Adulyadej of Thailand, the world’s longest serving current head of state. The next time this energy returns (early Jan.) will bring the swearing in of the 45th U.S. President.


[Please note that the brief descriptions of the days provided above are only “thumbnail sketches”. Much greater detail can be found in Manual for the Soul: A Guide to the Energies of Life.]


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