Maya Count Of Days Horoscope

Maya Calendar Energies At Work In The World

Memorials for heroic and iconic lives, the gearing up for school and fall activities, the intensification of the push for truth, accountability, and justice – all this, and much more, will be highlighted within this Kab’an (“earth movement”) trecena. As always during this important period, the emphasis is on both completion and renewal.

Aretha Franklin singing at the first inauguration of President Obama on Jan. 20th, 2009. Photo by Cecilio Ricardo, U.S. Air Force [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

During the first few days of this trecena the world will be saying heartfelt farewells to three individuals who have touched the lives of millions – Senator John McCain, soul sister Aretha Franklin, and master playwright Neil Simon. It will be a time for memories and for paying tribute for the contributions of three commendable people whose lives were devoted to making the world a better place.

Within the 260-day cycle as a whole the beginning of this trecena is one of the most important “trigger points” that seem to intensify activities and propel action forward. Aligned not only with Earth, but with “evolutionary movement”, the Kab’an trecena as a whole often coincides with radical shifts in world order.

Indeed, this is the trecena that brought the departure of Christopher Columbus from Spain in 1492 en route to the “discovery” of the “New World”. It is the trecena that brought the beginning and ending of World War II, beginnings and endings of important space exploration events, the “powering up” and the shutting down (due to issues) of the atom-smashing Large Hadron Collider (in 2008), and the failure of major investment companies in the U.S. which precipitated chaos in world financial markets (also in 2008).

Three cycles ago, during the summer of 2016, this is the trecena that was in place at the time of the change in power in the U.K. as Theresa May became Britain’s second female Prime Minister. Towards the end of the trecena at that time the earth-shattering RNC convention was held in the U.S., which brought the nomination and acceptance of Trump as the Republican candidate for president [on a 10 Kimi (“foundational death”) day]. On that same day, the Turkish government initiated the sudden detainment or dismissal of some 50,000 people in a far-reaching backlash after a failed military coup.

Manchester Brexit protest at the time of the Conservative conference, October 2017. Artist: Jacques Tilly, Düsseldorf, Germany. Photo by Ilovetheeu [CC BY-SA 4.0, from Wikimedia Commons]

Two cycles ago this same trecena saw Theresa May’s government file papers that started the process of officially breaking away from the EU – a process that has been fraught with difficulties, to the point where, one cycle ago (this trecena last December) her government was narrowly defeated in a key vote on the Brexit bill after a rebellion by 11 Tory MPs.

At the same time as Theresa May was being warned against trying to “bully” MPs in the UK at the end of last year another form of mass bullying was unfolding in Washington DC as the GOP proceeded to shove the massively unpopular tax bill through Congress, with no hearings, no Democratic support, no expert testimony, and no advance planning, in order to slash tax rates for corporations and provide huge benefits for the wealthy. It was a bill that provides the top 1% of Americans with 83% of the tax benefits and was projected to add $1.46 trillion to the US debt over a decade.

During this same period time the leaders of 57 Muslim nations called on the world to recognize “the State of Palestine and East Jerusalem as its occupied capital”. The Organization of Islamic Co-operation rejected Trump’s unilateral recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital and declared this stance to be not only “null and void legally” but an attack on the rights of the Palestinian people. This was followed by a vote by 128 members of the UN to reject resoundingly Trump’s plan with regard to Jerusalem, despite the threat by the US to cut funding to countries that do not support him.

So this trecena has had a tendency to stir up issues that can be “earth-shaking”, to say the least. And let us not forget that this is also the trecena that was in place on Dec. 21, 2012 when legions of people were convinced that the world was going to end, due to media hype that promulgated the notion that this would happen because the Maya Calendar was ending. The Mayanists who tried to point out that this was NOT a world ending point, but rather a significant point of renewal (into a new era) in terms of calendrical cycles were simply not heard at that time.

When this trecena came into place during that fateful summer of 2016 the first day of the trecena (One Kab’an) marked the 1300 day point (5th cycle completion) since the end of the 13th B’aktun on Dec. 21st, 2012. This seemed significant due to the fact that the number 13 is the energy of transition in the Maya Calendar, and sure enough, this particular lineup of 13s delivered a punch that is still reverberating! By the end of the trecena (1313 days after the end of the 13th Bak’tun) people were feeling stunned and horrified by all the political upsets and rapid transitions that were taking place. And now – three cycles later, on the heels of the K’an trecena that brought many developments that started to turn the tide in Washington, this all-important Kab’an trecena is again coming into being.

As past events have revealed, this trecena can often foment prodigious change on this planet, often on a global scale. Thirteen days before the start of this Kab’an trecena some 350 newpapers in the US sent a coordinated message condemning Trump’s assault on the media. Highranking intelligence officials also condemned his efforts to stifle free speech. Despite all his efforts to suppress the voices of reason and experience, the pace at which “truth” is being revealed is rapidly increasing. With so many of his closest allies turning against him, and people gearing up to make their positions known with regard to the forthcoming midterm elections, a mightly shift is surely in the works.

People’s Climate March 2017 Photo by dw_ross from Springfield, VA [CC BY 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons].
This year’s march takes place on Sept. 8th (11 Manik’)

The Peoples Climate Movement March on Sept. 8th will likely see hundreds of thousands gearing up for that push towards November. And – not to overlook what’s happening on the Russia front – during this current trecena hundreds of thousands of personnel will be gearing up for Russia’s massive war games that will begin on the first day of the next trecena.

This current trecena also represents a marker, the completion of three cycles (known collectively to the Aztecs as a Huitzilopochtli cycle, named after the Mexica god of warfare) since the tsunami that became the Trump presidency began. Given everything that is in the works, this marker could well signal the breaking apart of much that held “whatever that was” together.

And when it comes to “breaking apart” we are now seeing enormous schisms in the Catholic church. With testimonies of thousands of survivors of long-ranging abuses and cover-ups perpetuated by predator priests and other individuals of authority within that organization coming to light, including the heinous crimes against women and children in Ireland, the need for some major shake-ups within that realm is long overdue.

As always, this trecena is not only associated with the opening and closing of major eras within the Maya Calendar system, but it is also aligned with re-birth or emergence which can sometimes manifest as world-shaping beginnings and endings. So it is highly likely that signs of renewal or emergence on a number of counter-fronts could begin to appear. Both forgiveness and fertility are often involved, representative of the patron dieties of this time frame, which tie in with the overall idea of dynamic motion.

As always this would be an auspicious time to review one’s personal journey in order to set the course and intent for the next 260 days. What will be your next “evolutionary leap” and how will you facilitate it? During this critical time frame these are the energies that will come into play:

1 Kab’an (Aug. 29th) – the “initiation of evolutionary movement”, the start of the trecena that begins the ninth Tzolk’in cycle of the new era (since December 2012), on the day that would have been Michael Jackson’s 60th Gregorian birthday and Sen. John McCain’s 82nd Gregorian birthday. This is a key 52-day “shift-point” within the 260 day cycle, a point often marked by dramatic and/or consequential movement. On this day Sen. John McCain will lie in state at the Arizona state capitol prior to his memorial service in Phoenix the following day.

Vintage Harley Davidson, in Madrid. Photo by Daytonarolexboston [CC BY-SA 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons]

Ten years ago this was the energy in place when the Large Hadron Collider, the world’s largest and most powerful particle accelerator, was powered up. Currently this is the deadline date for the courts to decide on whether or not to hold a retrial to address the ten felony counts in the first Manafort trial that resulted in a hung jury (11 voting Guilty, to one naysayer). This is also the UN’s International Day Against Nuclear Tests and the beginning of Harley-Davidson’s 115th anniversary celebration in Milwaukee, where thousands of bikers from many different regions are gathering for the party.

2 Etz’nab’ (Aug. 30th) – a dynamic “knife-edged” type of energy that can dazzle and/or divide and separate. At this time this energy coincides with the start of the 4-day IANDS “Life After Death” Conference in Bellevue, Washington. On this day a memorial service will be held for Sen. John McCain in Phoenix, when former Vice-President Joe Biden will give an address.

The Neil Simon Theatre in New York CIty. Photo by Andreas Praefcke [CC BY 3.0 from Wikimedia Commons]. Marquee lights of all Broadway theatres will dim on the evening of Aug. 30th (2 Etz’nab’) in tribute to Neil Simon.

During the evening the marquee lights of all Broadway theatres will be dimmed at exactly 6:45 in memory of Neil Simon, the playwright who has had more shows in production simultaneously on Broadway than any other writer.

3 Kawak (Aug. 31st) – “activating storm” that can manifest as a true weather storm or a “storm” of compassion or emotion, on the day when Sen. John McCain will lie in state in at the Capitol Rotunda in Washington D.C., prior to his memorial service the day after. It is also the day of Aretha Franklin’s star-studded funeral in Detroit, as well as being International Overdose Awareness Day.

Ten years ago this is the energy that was in place on Sept. 12th when it was announced that the Lehman Bros. investment bank ran out of cash, triggering a massive financial meltdown over the next few days, generally referred to as “the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression”.

4 Ajaw (Sept. 1st) – a “defining” energy associated with the full light of the sun, symbolic of renewal and enlightenment, the same “defining” Burner Day energy that coincided with Long Count, the end of the 13th B’aktun on Dec. 21st, 2012, the day in which a whole new Great Cycle of Time was “seated”. Currently this day marks the completion of the eighth Tzolk’in cycle since Dec. 21, 2012, and the beginning of the ninth cycle since the end of the 13th B’aktun.

Four Ajaw was the energy that brought forth the signing of the unconditional documents of surrender by German forces in 1945. On this current 4 Ajaw a full dress memorial service will be held for Sen. John McCain at the Washington National Cathedral, after he lies in state in Washington the day before. Presidents Obama and George W. Bush will be delivering eulogies at this memorial.

Service dog in training. Photo by Crjs452 [CC BY-SA 3.0 from Wikimedia Commons]
Four Ajaw marks the beginning of National Service Dog Month in the US

This day marks the beginning of National Service Dog Month in the US. Founded ten years ago, this organization was established to raise awareness and support for guide dog and service dog schools that do so much to provide assistance for people in need and for the amazing animals that help them.

This is also the 20th anniversary of the introduction to the U.S. market of Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone, with September 1st often celebrated in the U.S. as Harry Potter Day.

Senator John McCain. Public Domain via WIkimedia Commons.

5 Imix (Sept. 2nd) – the “blessing of birth”, representative of both “the realm of all potential” and chaos; symbolic of the primordial realm, which contains “all possibilities”, on the day of Sen. John
McCain’s burial in Annapolis, Maryland, at the U.S. Naval Academy. This also marks a return of the energy that was in place on VE day in 1945, when the world jubilantly celebrated the end of World War II in Europe and the beginning of peace. As this burial marks the laying to rest of a celebrated war hero who endured over five years of excruciating captivity in Vietnam during that war, it seems fitting for this to take place under the influence of an energy that represents the opening up of new potential. Three cycles ago this was British PM Theresa May’s first full day in office.

In the Netherlands at this time this day marks the start of the fabulous Corso Zundert Flower Parade (Bloemencorso)

6 Ik’ (Sept. 3rd) – an “everywhere” type of energy associated with wind, breath, and spirit, as was in place when World War II officially ended in 1945, after the unconditional surrender on 4 Ajaw. In 2004 this was the energy in place when Venus made its transition across the face of the sun – an event watched by millions. At this time this energy coincides with Labour Day.

7 Ak’b’al (Sept. 4th) – a “self-generating” type of energy, often referred to as a “temple” or “house”, but also darkness or “sanctuary”, which could equate on this particular day as “school” as this is the day when schools resume after the summer holidays. In 1492 this was the energy in place when Christopher Columbus embarked on his first voyage into the unknown.

8 K’an (Sept. 5th) – a “resurrection” type of energy associated with germination and even opulence; an “harmonious gift” type of influence, coinciding at this time with the UN’s International Day of Charity

9 Chikchan (Sept. 6th) – representative of “outwardly-projecting” lifeforce, a powerful force that can spawn major weather events such as typhoons, and even push forth “evolutionary” events that can significantly impact the world, as happened when the First Women’s Rights Convention convened in New York in 1848. This energy was also in place at the Battle of Gettysburg in 1863, at the beginning of World War II when Germany invaded Poland in 1939, and again on the day in 1944 when Paris was liberated by the Allies.

Three cycles ago this energy coincided with the beginning of the consequential Republican National Convention in the U.S. and the start of the huge government purge in Turkey after an attempted coup three days earlier.

10 Kimi (Sept. 7th) – a double “absolute foundations” type of energy that is represented by the death god in both the number and daysign positions, coinciding at this time with the day when George Papadouplos (former foreign policy advisor to the Trump campaign) is scheduled to be sentenced in the US after pleading guilty to making false statements to the FBI with regard to his contacts with the Russian government in 2016. This sentencing will take place precisely three Tzolk’in cycles after Trump’s nomination as a GOP candidate for president. Currently this is the the 196th anniversary of the Independence of Brazil.

11 Manik’ (Sept. 8th) – “inspirational deer”, a change-oriented day aligned with the idea of reciprocity and new possibilities, although there can be a sacrificial aspect to it. This is an energy that can be somewhat “fiery” since Manik’ is a “carrier” of the sun on Earth, with the number 11 also being highly Earth-aligned. Situated in a position of intensity near the end of this “earth-movement” trecena, this energy is representative of solar power in tandem with strong Earth-aligned forces, coinciding at this time with the Peoples Climate Movement March, which is pledged to “Rise for Climate, Jobs, and Justice” on this day and on Nov. 6th. With one of their mottos being “to change everything, we need everyone”, hundreds of thousands are expected to participate at this time in cities across the US. Demonstrations on this day will kick off a Climate Action Week, oriented around the Global Climate Action Summit which will take place in San Francisco during the next trecena, for the purpose of inspiring deeper commitments to meet global targets to tackle the climate crisis. Worldwide this is a grassroots Global Day of Action.

Maya birth energy of Sebastian Kurz, the Austrian politician nicknamed “Wunderwuzzi” (someone who can “walk on water”) who became Europe’s youngest leader during Austria’s elections last year.

12 Lamat (Sept. 9th) – a double Venus type of force; in combination with the “grouping together” influence of the number 12, correlating at this time with the New Moon. This is a strong “heralding or signalling” type of energy, as seen during the summer of 2016 at the time of Trump’s acceptance speech as the Republican nominee and the closing of the Republican National Convention.

Symbols of Rosh Hashana, the Jewish New Year: Shofar, apples, honey, pomegranates, wine, silver kiddush cup.
Photo by Gilabrand [CC BY-SA 3.0, from Wikimedia Commons]

Currently this energy marks the 3rd anniversary of the day when Queen Elizabeth surpassed Queen Victoria as the longest reigning British monarch. This also marks the 70th anniversary of the founding of North Korea, and is the final day of Ghost month in China.

It is also the start of Rosh Hashanah (meaning “head of the year”), thought to be the anniversary of the creation of Adam and Eve, and the beginning of the Jewish New Year. Also known as the Feast of Trumpets, this is a Jewish High Holy Day that runs from the evening of Sept. 9th to the evening of Sept. 11th.

13 Muluk (Sept. 10th) – “transformational water” – an energetic, often dramatic, type of energy that can trigger strong feelings and stir environmental forces which have, on occasion in the past, developed into floods, tornadoes, and even hurricanes – now in place as three potential hurricanes are hurdling their way towards the US East Coast.  This energy is also coinciding with the 22nd anniversary of the adoption by the U.N. General Assembly of the Comprehensive Nuclear Test-Ban Treaty and the opening of the UN’s 39th session of the Human Rights Council. It is also the 10th Gregorian anniversary of the powering up of the Large Hadron Collider (on the first day of this trecena in 2008), with its goal of probing into the “fundamental nature of the universe”.

Three cycles since the July 2016 Wikileaks release of documents stolen by Russian hackers from the DNC (and called for by Trump), intended to hurt Hillary Clinton, which triggered the torrent of speculation that ultimately resulted in Clinton’s loss in the November election – and all the political chaos that has happened ever since.


[Please note that the brief descriptions of the days provided above are only “thumbnail sketches”. Much greater detail can be found in Manual for the Soul: A Guide to the Energies of Life.]


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