Maya Count Of Days Horoscope

Maya Calendar Energies At Work In The World

In Mesoamerican mythology it was often thought that the fate of the world tied in with the whims of the Jaguar. And perhaps the reality of that notion has never been brought into focus more starkly than at the current time, as we journey through this Jaguar-oriented time frame.

Jaguar from the Piquiri River, Brazil. Photo by Charles James Sharp, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons. This is the principal energy presiding over these 13 days.

The Jaguar metaphor reminds us that this is a timeframe associated with fearsome power, unpredictability, and sudden transformation. It is not unusual to see a lot of “political maneuvering” going on during this period, reflective of the Jaguar’s significance as a major symbol of authority in Maya mythology. Sudden change in political power often manifests during this period, and as this trecena begins we see that Sri Lanka is in crisis after the departure and resignation of their president, the UK is at a point of transition after Boris Johnson’s departure, there is high drama in Italy after the resignation of Italy’s Prime Minister, and the war in Ukraine continues. In the U.S. the wide-spread investigations underway with regard to the “former guy” are beginning to converge and point unequivocably towards him being the principal cause of all sorts of horrors, with the idea of adding manslaughter (with regard to the deaths on January 6th) to the other list of his possible crimes now entering the conversation.

As much as there are pleasanter things to talk about, it seems that the week of July 18th – 22nd will be particularly consequential as the dumpster and two of his childen are due to testify in the New York attorney general’s civil investigation into his alleged fraudulent business practices, at the same time as the contempt of congress trial for his close associate Steve Bannon begins. While the specifics of this period are not yet clear at the time of this posting, events during this timeframe will likely include the funeral for Ivana, the mother of three of the dumpster’s children, who died from a fall the night before he was originally scheduled to give a deposition in New York. This is also the timespan when the Jan. 6th committee will be holding their 8th public hearing, this time focusing specifically on that 187 minutes on Jan. 6th when the dumpster did nothing to stop the mob from storming the U.S. Capitol. And with new claims of him being involved in witness tampering, with the grand jury investigation still unfolding in Georgia, and with other related trials set to begin in September, it appears that the dumpster’s vast nefarious network is finally starting to crumble and implode. And the timing for all of this is amazing!!

Echoes from earlier events can be seen quite vividly at this time, as this was the trecena in place in 2016 during the four-day lead-up to the 2016 election, the election itself, and the many days of massive anti-Trump protest demonstrations that followed. The crucial day during that time frame was 5 Etz’nab’, a “knife edge” type of force that holds the potential to bring things to a definitive conclusion, or to foment earth-shaking transformations. Indeed, in addition to that disastrous election, many significant events “fateful” to nations have occurred under this 5 Etz’nab’ influence, including the official surrender of Japan at the end of World War II in 1945, the massive “Mobilization Peace” demonstrations in Washington, D.C in 1969 where hundreds of thousands protested against the Vietnam War, and the attempted assassination of President Nixon in 1974. Three cycles ago, as of 5 Etz’nab’, the U.S. was in a state of crisis from coast to coast – a complete meltdown, at the start of a “summer of anarchy”, as people called for justice after the death of George Floyd at the hands of a police officer. One cycle after that Nancy Pelosi announced the formation of the Jan. 6th commission to investigate the attack on the Capitol. And now, currently, this is the day set for Ivana Trump’s funeral.

In world history the very first day of this trecena has often been a pivotal turning point in terms of the fate of nations, as seen during the French Revolution in the 18th century when some of the most significant events of that era took place under that “initiation of transformation” influence of One Ix. In the summer of 1973 that same energy brought the news about President Richard Nixon’s involvement in the Watergate scandal.

The trecena as a whole has brought forth the start of the Russian Revolution in 1917, the start of the London Blitz in 1940, the massive Tibetan uprising against Chinese aggression in Llasa that began under this influence in 1959, the start of coalition air strikes against terrorist groups in Syria, and major climate change rallies. Not surprisingly, events associated with both of the dumpster’s impeachment trials have unfolded during this same time frame.

In 2016 the Paris Climate Change Agreement officially became international law on One Ix at the same time as things were fluctuating so dramatically in the last few days leading up to the U.S. presidential election. In September of 2019 this trecena brought the start of the Global Week for Future youth climate action strike, with an estimated 4 million students, encompassing more than 150 countries, participating in this worldwide walkout. The trecena concluded with the UN’s two-day Youth Climate Summit, with Greta Thunberg participating as a key speaker. The last time this trecena was in place, last November, world leaders gathered in Glasgow for COP26, to engage in high level discussions concerning how to get on with the badly needed implementation of action to curtail the kinds of climate change disasters that have unfolded over recent years.

During this period the “unseen” often plays an important role, and like the jaguar that can “sneak up” and dispatch its prey with one deadly pounce, unforeseen events can sometimes sneak up and change trajectories in highly significant ways.

Three cycles (780 days) ago, in May of 2020, as this trecena began coming in we were staring into the teeth of the Covid-19 beast, with over five million covid cases registered wordwide, with the U.S. death toll having exceeded 100,000. At that time there were no vaccines, health care systems were under severe stress due to lack of proper equipment to handle the rapidly increasing case numbers, and world leaders were either trying to downplay it (as in the dumpster and his counterpart in Brazil) or flailing around in their efforts to find cures. Now, as we revisit these energies we see that even now several countries (such as the U.S., France, and Germany) are still averaging over 100,000 new cases per day! With over 560 mllion covid cases now registered wordwide (91 million in the U.S. alone), with well over 6 million covid-related deaths globally, with increasing cases of monkeypox now being registered, with new variants of the coronavirus again causing case numbers to spike, and with large numbers of people still unwilling to help themselves or others in the fight against this disease, this is no time to let down one’s guard.

As we forge ahead through this period we will be working under the auspices of Quetzalcóatl, the life-force (and justice-oriented) “twin” to the Jaguar, who serves as the patron energy for these thirteen days. As seen in the past, this is an energy combination that can bring forth high drama and head-spinning change.

Adaptation of the Ix (Jaguar) trecena from the pre-Columbian Codex Borgia by artist Richard Balthazar (used with permission). The first day (One Ix) is represented by the little head of a Jaguar at the bottom right corner (within the border). Each of the remaining days proceed around the edge from there towards the left, ending with 13 Kimi (depicted as a skeletal head) at the upper left corner. In the centre on the right is Quetzalcoatl in the form of a man with a serpentine headdress and a conch pectoral. This is the deity who oversees this time period. He is also the “sacred twin” to the Jaguar.

As we have seen before, there is a great deal at stake at this time, with much on the agenda – particularly with regard to the battle for justice. The need for people to continue being “jaguar warriors” is stronger than ever, but as we go through this period keep in mind that the Jaguar (the metaphor for the forces in play at this time) was seen as a master of navigation, a creature of great strength and agility that had dominion over the “tangle” of the underworld. And it is looking like the jaguar is now revealing much about the nature of the tangled political messes that are causing such chaos in the world. This is not necessarily an “easy” period to get through, because it may require some careful maneuvering, but it can be highly transformative. Individually we can help with this process by working closely with these energies in constructive ways. Seven Ajaw, at the mid-point of this trecena, on July 22nd, would be an ideal time to take a deep breath and “pump up” those positive vibes.

The Pope’s long awaited visit to Canada, to meet with Indigenous Nations, will take place during the second half of this trecena. From

During this period some of the main”storylines” will be those pertaining to the many justice-oriented actions associated with the dumpster in the U.S., the political maneuvering in various countries related to shifts in leadership, and Pope Francis’s visit to Canada in association with reconciliation for Indigenous nations. Here are the energies that will be in play:

One Ix (July 16th) – the initiation of the Jaguar’s power of transformation, the first day of a time frame during which a great many pivotal events in the dumpster saga have taken place over the past few years. Eight cycles ago this energy came in just prior to the disastrous 2016 election; six cycles later this was in place at the time of his second impeachment trail. That was the day (in Feb. of 2021) when the Fulton County DA in Georgia opened a criminal inquiry into the dumpster’s call to try to overturn the results of the election. Now, two cycles after that, with that Georgia inquiry still unfolding, this energy marks the start of a time frame that will require him to testify in the New York attorney general’s investigation pertaining to alleged business-related crimes (postponed from July 15th). Simultaneously the Jan. 6th committee is preparing for a hearing that will focus specifically on his role relating to the Jan. 6th insurrection attempt.

Intriguingly, this same One Ix energy was in place in 1973 when The Washington Post published the blockbuster story about Richard Nixon having prior knowledge of the Watergate conspiracy and that he was deeply involved in the coverup.

As of this day it has been eight cycles exactly since Nov. 4th, 2016 when the Paris Climate Change Agreement officially became international law – and yet . . . . where are the changes that are so desperately needed?

2 Men (July 17th) the “generation” of the Eagle’s “higher vision”, often providing insight into what is to follow.

Five cycles ago this energy was in place when the FBI raided the home, office and hotel room of lawyer Michael Cohen, who subsequently became the first member of the dumpster’s inner circle to be jailed (for lying to Congress, campaign finance violations, and tax evasion). It is now looking like there will be many more to follow.

3 Kib’ (July 18th) – an activation energy often associated with the “restoration of order”, coinciding with Nelson Mandela International Day, on what would have been his 104th birthday. One of his many comments that needs to be remembered is this one:

“It is easy to break down and destroy. The heroes are those who make peace and build.”

As it happens, this is the start day for Steve Bannon’s contempt of congress trial, after his many attempts to delay it. This marks two cycles, precisely, since the highly controversial acquittal, on a technicality, in the “former guy’s” impeachment trial when only 7 Republicans voted with the Democrats to impeach – even though Senator McConnell said that he believed that the dumpster was practically and morally responsible for inciting the horrific attack on the US Capitol, calling his actions “a disgraceful dereliction of duty”. They could have saved everyone a great deal of grief if they had had the guts to impeach him at that time, but then – if they had – perhaps the rest of the story would never have been revealed.

4 Kab’an (July 19th) – a “defining” energy associated with evolutionary movement – the powerful energy carved into the centre of the Aztec Sun Stone, an energy that often brings forth highly dramatic events. This was the energy in place on the night of “Black Saturday” in 1940 (and into the early morning of the following day) when 348 German bombers dropped 337 tons of bombs on London, on the first mass air raid night of the “The Blitz”, when 430 civilians were killed and hundreds badly injured. This was followed by 57 consecutive nights of further bombing and several more months of attacks. After that ghastly war who would have believed that this could happen again – and yet the horrific Russia-Ukraine war continues on.

5 Etz’nab’ (July 20th) – a “pin pointing”, knife-edged type of force symbolized by “flint” – often quite dazzling and attention-getting, this energy has a tendency to bring forth highly consequential events that can bring things to a definitive conclusion, as it did in 1945 with the official surrender of Japan at the end of World War II.

Definitive change often takes place under this influence, as happened eight cycles ago, in 2016, when this “shock and awe” force fomented the “death of America” as journalist/ historian Neal Gabler put it, at the time of the 2016 U.S. presidential election, often referred to as “the groan heard ‘round the world”, as people reacted with horror and disbelief and global stock markets went into a tailspin. As Gabler wrote in his article titled Farewell, America, published two days after that election, “America died [on that day] not with a bang or whimper, but at its own hand via electoral suicide. We the people chose a man who has shredded our values, our morals, our compassion, our tolerance, our decency, our sense of common purpose, our very identity – all things that, however tenuously, made a nation out of a country”.

Precisely four cycles after that, Guardian columnist Robert Reich published an article titled “Trump is seriously, frighteningly, dangerously nuts – and the world is in danger” – an observation clearly in evidence over the following cycle that brought us to 5 Etz’nab’ in May of 2020, when there was a state of chaos from coast to coast (“complete meltdown” as some put it), up to and including Lafayette Square in Washington DC, as protesters took to the streets to call for an end to racism. But after an even further downhill slide . . . . that resulted in the insurrection, the following 5 Etz’nab (Feb. of 2021) indicated a change in direction. That was when US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi announced that Congress would establish an “outside, independent” commission to investigate the 6 January attack on the Capitol. And now, 8 cycles after that shocking 2016 election, the January 6th committee has amassed mountains of evidence to show culpability – the highlights of which are set to be detailed in the hearings the following day. To boot,  currently, this is the day set for Ivana Trump’s funeral.

And while this is going on, Italy’s Prime Minister Draghi is expected to go to parliament on this day – to provide evidence as to whether or not he should remain in office.

Among the huge range of key events that took place on 5 Etz’nab’ one cycle ago (last November), two were particularly important – the agreement among world leaders to end and reverse global deforestation by 2030, and the formal agreement between nearly 90 countries who joined a U.S.-and EU-led effort to slash emissions of the potent greenhouse gas methane 30% by 2030 from 2020 levels, a pact aimed at tackling one of the main causes of climate change.

6 Kawak (July 21st) – a “storm everywhere” force; an energy that often has more to do with the triggering of a “storm of compassion or emotion” than a weather related event, as has been seen often during the past few cycles. The Six Kawak day in early June of 2020 was particularly stormy as that was the “flashpoint” day of outrage when military police used teargas, rubber bullets, and flash grenades to clear a path through peaceful Black Lives Matter protesters so that the dumpster could stage a particularly sick and revulsive photo op in front of St. John’s Lafayette church. With regard to that stunt, political commentator Richard Wolffe wrote in The Guardian that this stunt marked the dumpster’s “mad emperor “stage and it was “terrifying to behold.” It was seen as a major “breaking point” in terms of democracy in the U.S., basically foreshadowing the Jan. 6th insurrection.

One cycle after that Rep. Bennie Thompson, chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee and now chairman of the Jan. 6th committee, became the first member of Congress to file a lawsuit against him for inciting the deadly insurrection. Two more cycles brings us to this day when that committee will hold its 8th public hearing, this time focusing specifically on that 187 minutes on Jan. 6th when the dumpster did nothing to stop the mob that was storming the U.S. Capitol, highlighting his culpability and direct involvement in formenting the events of that grotesque and horrifying day. Senator Jamie Raskin, a member of the Jan. 6th committee, has indicated that this will be “a profound moment of reckoning”.

7 Ajaw (July 22nd) – “self generating” full sun, traditionally a great Aztec feast day devoted to Xochipilli, the “Flower Prince”, the god of flowers, games, music, and dance. With the sun frequently symbolized as a four-petalled flower there is a strong solar aspect to this in conjunction with fertility and maize.

It has now been one cycle exactly since the dumpster attempted to block the Jan. 6th committee from obtaining his records (an attempt that was denied later during this same trecena), a hearing that was seen as a pivotal moment in an historic legal fight about the authority of a former president, the House’s investigative power and the reach of executive privilege. That was also the day when the Manhattan DA convened a new grand jury in the Trump Organization probe – the investigation that is now requiring him and two of his children to testify.

8 Imix (July 23rd) – the “resurrection” of birth, the type of energy that can help to open up new possibilities – as was in place last November when House Democrats passed a $1tn bill to help rebuild the ageing infrastructure in the U.S., after months of delay, delivering Joe Biden a long-awaited legislative victory

Banner for the Pope’s visit to Canada, designed by Indigenous artist Shaun Vincent.  From

9 Ik’ (July 24th) – the “outward projection” of wind, breath, spirit – the calendrical daysign of
Ehécatl/Quetzalcóatl, the “feathered serpent” deity traditionally seen in Mesoamerican cultures as being symbolic of spirit, breath, culture, the arts, justice, and things of a life-giving nature, on the day when Pope Francis begins his 5 day visit to Canada, “on a pilgrimage of healing and reconciliation”, as he arrives in Edmonton. This is a very important energy both mythologically and historically. Symbolic of far-reaching communication, 9 Ik’ is also representative of the winds that can “blow” in multiple directions to bring about change. Tornadoes have often manifested under this influence, as well as major protest rallies.

It has now been five cycles since the inauguration of Bolsonaro (the “Trump of the Tropics”) as the 38th president of Brazil, in 2019, amid wide-spread protests. However, like his counterpart in the U.S., Bolsonaro is the subject of multiple investigations, including an investigation by the International Criminal Court, due (in part) to the horrendous situation caused by his downplaying of the pandemic as Covid-19 cases in that country rapidly escalated (now at over 674,000 deaths). The report submitted to the ICC by the Brazilian commission recommended that Bolsonaro be charged with nine crimes, including misue of public funds, charlatanism, and crimes against humanity resulting from ongoing deforestation and related activities in the Amazon rainforest.

10 Ak’b’al (July 25th) – a combination of the foundational energy of “Source” (the number 10) in conjunction with “darkness”, as in a Temple associated with deep esoteric mysteries. This is the day when Pope Francis will visit Maskwacis, the site of the former Ermineskin Residential School, one of the largest residential school sites in Canada. At that time he will meet with former residential school survivors from across the country, where it is expected he will issue an apology for the abuses that they suffered when attending those schools. He will then visit Sacred Heart Church of the First Peoples, a National Indigenous church in downtown Edmonton.

11 K’an (July 26th) – an “inspirational” type of energy associated with youthful vitality, on the day when Pope Francis will celebrate an open-air Mass at Commonwealth Stadium in Edmonton on the Feast of St. Anne, grandmother of Jesus, a day of particular reverence for Indigenous Catholics. This event will be open to the public and can accommodate up to 65,000 attendees for a program that will incorporate Indigenous traditions as part of the gathering. After that the Pontiff will travel to Lac Ste. Anne, the site of an annual pilgrimage that welcomes tens of thousands of Indigenous participants from throughout Canada and the United States each year, where he will participate in a prayer service.

This marks four cycles exactly since the start of the Global Week for Future climate action strike in 2019 when an estimated four million students, encompassing more than 150 countries, participated in a worldwide walkout, at the start of a week of climate change actions. One cycle before that, in early 2019, Nancy Pelosi was sworn in as Speaker of the US House of Representatives, and more than 100 women were sworn in when Democrats took over control of the House.

This is Mick Jagger’s 79th Gregorian birthday.

12 Chikchan (July 27th) – “dedicated” lifeforce – a powerful force that represents a doubling of the intensity of the lifeforce-oriented Quetzalcóatl energy – a type of influence that can significantly draw people into action for a common cause, coinciding at this time with the start of Eurogames 2022. This marks two cycles since the Supreme Court rejected the dumpster’s bid to shield his financial records and tax returns, so that the New York state District Attorney and the NY Grand Jury could have access to them for their investigations into possible financial and corporate misconduct.

In 1974 this was the energy in place when a federal grand jury indicted seven of President Nixon’s aides on charges of conspiracy related to Watergate, when Nixon was named as an unindicted co-conspirator, which led to his impeachment process.

Currently this is the day when Pope Francis will depart Edmonton for Quebec City where he will visit La Citadelle. There he will give a public address and meet with Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Governor General Mary Simon. While he is there the public will be invited to watch events on large screens and participate in Indigenous cultural events.

This was the energy in place in 1776 when the first of Thomas Paine’s American Crisis pamphlets was released. One of the lines in it was this:

“Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph.”

13 Kimi (July 28th) – “transformational death” (or “transformational foundations”) – a powerful “return to Source” type of force that can often pack a huge punch, as seen in the intense weather systems and even volcanoes that have occurred in the past under this influence. This was the energy in place in 2020 when a memorial service was held in Minneapolis for George Floyd, whose “murder by police” became a flashpoint for the massive peaceful protests, the destructive rioting, and the “shredding” of the national fabric of the US (as several commentators put it) by the dumpster and his cronies.

Earth Overshoot Day on 13 Kimi, the final day of this trecena

Currently this is World Nature Conservation Day, and Earth Overshoot Day – the day when humanity’s demand for ecological resources and services for that year exceeds what Earth can regenerate during the year. It is also the start of Caribana Toronto, and the opening day for the Commonwealth Games, in Birmingham. In the Maya calendar this is the last day of the Maya month of Xul, traditionally associated with Kukulcan (known as Quetzalcóatl to the Aztec), the great Feathered Serpent, who was thought to descend from the heavens to collect offerings at the end of this Maya month. This coincides with the New Moon, and with Pope Francis’s visit to Sainte-Anne-de-Beaupré, where he will celebrate Mass at one of the oldest and most popular pilgrimage sites in North America. Organizers anticipate that between 10,000 and 15,000 guests may attend with space for guests both inside and outside the basilica.


[Please note that the brief descriptions of the days provided above are only “thumbnail sketches”. Much greater detail can be found in Manual for the Soul: A Guide to the Energies of Life.]

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