Maya Count Of Days Horoscope

Maya Calendar Energies At Work In The World

Many consider Jan. 1st as the time for new beginnings, but from an energetic point of view the Maya Calendar opens up a whole realm of new possibilities as a new Imix-to-Ajaw (birth to enlightenment) cycle begins with One Imix (the “initiation of birth”), which comes in at this time on Feb. 5th. Representative of the “primordial realm”, Imix is a “world-making” type of energy that can set the stage for an infinite array of possibilities.

ISS-46 Aurora over Northern Canada. Photo taken from the ISS in mid January, 2016. Photo Credit: NASA/ESA/Tim Peake [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

ISS-46 Aurora over Northern Canada. Photo taken from the ISS in mid January, 2016. Photo Credit: NASA/ESA/Tim Peake [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

Ground Control to Major Tom
Commencing Countdown,
Engines on
Check ignition
And may God’s love be with you
From David Bowie’s “Space Oddity”

During this trecena there is often a focus on the cosmos, with many pioneering events often occurring at this time, as when the first human ascent into the stratosphere took place during this timeframe, in 1931. Also under the auspices of this trecena test pilot Chuck Yeager broke the sound barrier, in 1947, and then in 1957 the launch of Sputnik I kicked off the space race.

Commander Scott Kelly aboard the ISS. Photo Credit: NASA/Scott Kelly [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

Commander Scott Kelly aboard the ISS. Photo Credit: NASA/Scott Kelly [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

Seven years after this historic launch this trecena brought the Kelly twins into this world, both of whom were destined to travel into space. A former test pilot and veteran of several space missions, Scott Kelly set a record last October for the total number of days spent in space by a U.S. astronaut. Currently the commander of the ISS, Scott Kelly was ensconced in the space station last March on a year long assignment. His New Fire birthday comes in at this time on Feb. 8th, coinciding with Chinese New Year. Not many people get to celebrate such a milestone from such a vantage point!

Other important “firsts” brough forth during this “birthing” time frame include the landing of NASA’s Spirit Rover on Mars (in 2004), and the first solar powered flight of Solar Impulse, an experimental solar-powered aircraft designed for long-range flight using only solar power (in 2010). We were also given a chance to see some stunning photos of the Martian landscape during this time frame (in 2006) when they were send from the panoramic camera aboard the Mars Exploration Opportunity Rover.

So it appears that this trecena seems often to open portals to the cosmos itself – as happened in 1925, when the astronomer Edwin Hubble chose this trecena to announce the existence of galaxies other than the Milky Way, which greatly expanded our comprehension of the great cosmic expanse. Such events certainly open new realms of thought, prompting the mind to expand into unexplored territories.

At the present time we also have that rare planetary alignment of Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn in the predawn sky which will continue through much of February, so that will also bring attention to the cosmos. Getting in on the action, as the trecena opens, will be the lift off from Cape Canaveral of the final Global Positioning Satellite for the current series by the United Launch Alliance at 8:37 am EST. Opening three days later, the 2016 NASA Human Research Program Investigators will begin a 4-day workshop on research oriented around Frontiers in Human Space Exploration, which no doubt will generate many new ideas relating to this field.

Night parade float at Mardi Gras, New Orleans 2014. Photo Credit: Alicia Nijdam (Flickr: Mardi gras!!!) [CC BY 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons

Night parade float at Mardi Gras, New Orleans 2014. Photo Credit: Alicia Nijdam (Flickr: Mardi gras!!!) [CC BY 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons

On a lighter note, we find a number of celebrational events coinciding with this time frame, including Valentines Day, Mardi Gras in New Orleans, the conclusion of Carnevale in Venice, and Chinese New Year. No doubt Valentines Day will trigger “new directions” for many people, as will Chinese New Year. During this opening of “the realm of all potential”, new tactics or “new beginnings” often come into play on many fronts, as happened when the internet became active under the influence of One Imix in 1969, signalling a dramatic, quantum shift in the nature of world communications.

With the pledging of more than $13 billion yesterday when leaders of 70 countries met in London to address the Syrian refugee situation (now seen as the world’s biggest humanitarian crisis), much greater action is about to be taken to help the millions whose lives have been significantly affected by the Syrian civil war. As the world works on coming to grips with this tremendous challenge it will be giving birth to a whole new way of being for all those affected.

As with birth itself, this period has the potential to be quite chaotic, and past events can definitely provide clues to the nature of the energies encompassed by this time frame. Overall this is a trecena that can prompt people to think “beyond the box”, embark on new adventures, and possibly even find solutions to long simmering problems. These are the energies that will come into play:

Xi Jinping, President of the People's Republic of China. Photo taken at a meeting in Beijing in 2012. Photo Credit: DoD photo by Erin A. Kirk-Cuomo [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

Xi Jinping, President of the People’s Republic of China. Photo taken at a meeting in Beijing in 2012. Photo Credit: DoD photo by Erin A. Kirk-Cuomo [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

1 Imix (Feb. 5th) – the initiation of the “realm of all potential”; Maya birth energy of Xi Jinping, the President of the People’s Republic of China

2 Ik’ (Feb. 6th) – a dynamic energy associated with “wind, breath, and spirit”, as when Solar Impulse made its first flight powered entirely by solar energy (in 2010), charging its batteries in flight

3 Ak’b’al (Feb. 7th) – the activation of darkness, associated with deep mysteries and sometimes the unexpected, this time in conjunction with the sports extravaganza known as the 50th Superbowl

4 K’an (Feb. 8th) – a “defining” energy associated with the resurrection of youthful vitality, coinciding at this time with Chinese New Year (the Year of the Fire Monkey) and Family Day in B.C.; also the New Fire birthday of Scott Kelly, one of the two astronauts who were launched into a year long space mission last March 27th

Year of the Monkey symbols. Photo Credit: LiliCharlie (Own work) [CC BY-SA 4.0], via Wikimedia Commons

Year of the Monkey symbols. Photo Credit: LiliCharlie (Own work) [CC BY-SA 4.0], via Wikimedia Commons

5 Chikchan (Feb. 9th) – associated with the “blessing of lifeforce”, this time in conjunction with Mardi Gras in New Orleans and elsewhere, and the last day of Carnevale in Venice

6 Kimi (Feb. 10th) a “foundational” type of energy that can often manifest as a kind of “equalization everywhere” type of force, which can often bring a sense of “release”, sometimes oriented around the setting of foundations for restructuring or for “regeneration”. Ten years ago David Bowie performed on stage for the last time under this influence. One of his songs at that performance was “Wild is the Wind”, two versions of which  can be found here and here.)

7 Manik’ (Feb. 11th) – a “self-generating” type of energy associated with the idea of reciprocity – a good energy for “generating sustenance”, for being involved in humanitarian activities, as well as for working through negotiations or joint ventures. This is the auspicious fourth day of Chinese New Year, known as “Yang Ri”, the Day of the Goat, a symbol of luck; the day when the Kitchen God (associated with good fortune) is welcomed in. A good time to throw out rubbish and anything associated with bad luck. Opening day for the extraordinary Kehinde Wiley exhibit at the Seattle Art Museum. (Click here to see a video of his work, and here for more info. on his work)

8 Lamat (Feb. 12th) – a “resurrection” of the Venus-oriented “heralding” energy, aligned with leadership, this time in conjunction with Lincoln’s birthday in the U.S. Traditionally a Maya “Celebration of Abundance” day; in some ancient Mesoamerican regions this energy was known as “Rabbit”, and was seen as a symbol of abundance and proliferation, cordinating at this time with the fifth day in the Chinese New Year sequence, known as the birthday of the God of Wealth – a time to welcome wealth into one’s home. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s Maya birthday. The arrival of Pope Francis in Mexico City to begin a week-long tour.

9 Muluk (Feb. 13th) – representative of “the outward projection of water”, this is a path-finding and often “shape-shifting” type of force, correlating at this time with the Chinese New Year festival day known as “Ma Ri”, the Day of the Horse, the day when, traditionally, families sent away the ghost of poverty. Opening day of the Nice Carnival, one of the oldest carnivals in the world and the biggest winter event on the French Riviera.

Photo credit: Louise Docker, Sydney, Australia (My heart in your hands) [CC BY 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons

Photo credit: Louise Docker, Sydney, Australia (My heart in your hands) [CC BY 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons

10 Ok (Feb. 14th) – a Burner Day representative of “foundational” fire (or “heart fire”), often associated with love, protection, guidance, and justice, this time in conjunction with Valentine’s Day. Traditionally this would have been seen as an energy that “begins the fire”, as in the sense of setting something up for action. This energy can also provide a “course correction” if some significant adjustments are needed to a course of action. In the Chinese New Year sequence this day is known as “Ren Ri”, the day of the human, the day in Chinese mythology when the Goddess Nv Wa created the world and human beings.

11 Chuwen (Feb. 15th) – a “change” oriented, “timeweaver” type of energy – the energy that brought forth the first untethered space walk in 1984. This is an energy that can prompt us to have fun, but also remind us to “be on our toes”. At this time this energy correlates with Louis Riel Day in Manitoba; Family Day in several provinces of Canada (Alberta, Manitoba, Ontario, Sask); Presidents’ Day in the U.S., and the 58th Annual Grammy Awards, at which time Lady Gaga will pay tribute to the life and music of David Bowie. In the Chinese New Year sequence this day is aligned with the honouring of food and agriculture.

On this third full day of a week-long tour of Mexico, Pope Francis will deliver a mass in Chiapas, which will be dedicated to the indigenous people of that state. During that mass, which will include readings and songs in three different indigenous languages, he will issue a decree authorizing the use of indigenous languages in mass celebrations, one of the symbolic gestures he will make in defence of indigenous rights.

Edith Cavell Memorial, Westminster. Photo credit: Prioryman [CC BY-SA 4.0], via Wikimedia Commons

Edith Cavell Memorial, Westminster. Photo credit: Prioryman [CC BY-SA 4.0], via Wikimedia Commons

12 Eb’ (Feb. 16th) – a “gathering together”, “stream-of-consciousness” type of energy, this force can be quite intense, often containing within it a “spark” or “essence of revitalization” that hints at refreshing new possibilities. Maya birthday of Edith Cavell, the extraordinarily pioneering British nurse who saved the lives of soldiers from both sides without discrimination during WW1, for which she was executed for treason. Last Dec. 4th would have been her 150th Gregorian birthday.

This ninth day of the Chinese New Year sequence is celebrated as the birthday of the Jade Emperor , the Supreme Deity of Taoism, a day celebrated by all the deities of heaven and earth.

13 B’en (Feb. 17th) – “transformational personal authority”, an energy under which many strongly transformative events have taken place in the past, as in the death of Queen Elizabeth I in 1603, the inception of the Russian Revolution of 1917, the launch of Sputnik I by the USSR (signalling the beginning of the Space Age) in 1957, and the inception of the Islamic Revolution in Iran, in 1979.

In the Chinese New Year sequence this day is seen as the  birthday of the god of stone, where incense and candles are burned for stones. Known as “Shi Bu Dong” (not moving stone), stones or rocks are not moved or cut on this day, in the interest of protecting crops. Last full day of Pope Francis’s visit to Mexico.


[Please note that the brief descriptions of the days provided above are only “thumbnail sketches”. Much greater detail can be found in Manual for the Soul: A Guide to the Energies of Life.]


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