Maya Count Of Days Horoscope

Maya Calendar Energies At Work In The World

With millions in the US and elsewhere still reeling from the various shock waves that have hit during the past 14 days, the question of “where to go from here?” looms large. Indeed, this is a perilous time for the US, for those still immersed in wars and conflicts, and for the world at large. So what can we expect from this trecena during this time of uncertainty, even when much of what is happening on the larger scale seems both surreal and, in many cases, downright bonkers? What signs or hints can be found that could point towards some workable path that could be taken to move forward at this time?

Firstly, keep in mind that this Eb’ trecena is oriented around that very idea – Eb’ itself is a path-finding force that is often aligned with the idea of revitalization. Even the ancient symbol for Eb’ hints at this as it is often shown as grass (ie. “new life”) springing forth from a skeletal jawbone – a metaphor for the idea of something that may have been thought of as “dead” containing within itself the potential to bring forth life once again. And while many may see current events as “the death of a dream”, it may be that, from another perspective, these events are spurring, at a much deeper level, forces that will eventually sprout into brand new pathways that could become much more viable than what is currently perceived.

For starters, this trecena itself tends to have a calmer, gentler nature than the stormy period that we have just been through. Often there are “sparks of light”, small miracles, and glimpses of new possibilities that push through and provide refreshment for the spirit, even in the midst of what may appear to be “impossible darkness” – if people take the time to look for them, and are open to them. That will require a conscious withdrawal from the darkness, a stepping back to pause and regroup, and an openness to possibilities for journeying in different directions. And even though these kinds of things may not necessarily be easy to do, within such an unfathomable context, they may be essential for the re-establishment of some kind of equilibrium, in order to fortify for the battles ahead. Intriguingly, as this trecena opens, a Rewiring Your Beliefs summit is underway, which provides a reminder that sometimes new pathways present themselves once beliefs are critically assessed to see whether or not they are oriented towards the greater good or are just plain self-serving. Perhaps some adjustments may be needed to focus more specifically on life-enhancing thoughts and actions rather than on the many things that forment darkness, fear and destruction.

From the perspective of Mesoamerican mythology, it is the Aztec Goddess Mayahuel, associated with healing, who was seen, traditionally, as the deity who oversaw this time frame, which often brings some kind of rejuvenating change in direction. Often this is when people start to really address issues in ways that can help new options to open up just when it may have seemed like all has been lost.

Adaptation of the Eb’ trecena from the pre-Columbian Codex Borgia by artist Richard Balthazar (used with permission). The first day (One Eb’) is represented by the little jawbone with grass growing out of it, at the bottom right corner (within the border). Each of the remaining days proceed around the edge from there towards the left, ending with 13 K’an, depicted as a lizard, at the upper left corner. In the centre on the right is the Goddess Mayahuel, rising out of a maguey plant, whch has strong medicinal properties. She is the chief patron of this trecena. Click here for an overview of Richard’s various other versions of the same trecena (aka “Grass”).

Mayahuel, the goddess of maguey, is often shown sitting in the middle of a maguey plant, one of the most sacred plants in ancient Mexico. The sap from this plant was not only made into a drink that was used for important ritual purposes, but it also had strong medicinal qualities. It can be fermented and made into an alcoholic aphrodisiac called pulque, which ties in with the idea of “intoxification and excess” that is sometimes associated with this time frame. Sometimes the sense of new directions or possibilities that are often presented within this time frame can be so “intoxicating” that things can get a little “heady”.

Blossoms from a maguey plant, the “inspirational” plant from which pulque is made. Photo by Puchku [CA By-SA 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons]

While the generative, and often celebratory, nature of these energies in place near the beginning of the trecena often foment “feasting, dancing, and pleasure-seeking” (as noted in ancient observations), a certain amount of caution may be needed to avoid issues that could be created through excess, particularly towards the intense final days of this time frame.

While it is highly likely that, in the US, the frightening threats being put forward by the dumpster and his cronies will be terrifying for many, it is also possible that it will all spin out of control, perhaps to the point where “something” (still unknown) will happen to turn the tide. While that may be only wishful thinking, the past few cycles have revealed that this trecena as a whole has NOT been favourable to the dumpster. Even as far back as five years ago we can see that the 300-pg. impeachment report was released during this trecena, with its conclusion that there was “overwhelming evidence” that the dumpster abused the power of the presidency and obstructed Congress. He was impeached by the House of Representatives shortly thereafter.

Indeed, even on political fronts, this trecena has often had a way of bringing forth signs of hope, as it did three cycles ago when the first round of presidential elections in Brazil took place on the first day of this time frame. That was when Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva topped the first round of voting, and then went on to become Brazil’s 39th president.

In the US it was the Eb’ trecena that was in place in the summer of 2020 when Joe Biden accepted the nomination as the DNC’s candidate for the 46th president, with Kamala Harris joining him as his vice-presidential running mate, and glimmers of hope began to be seen. Once he was elected, action began to be taken to address both the pandemic and the climate crisis. In addition, many important economic and humanitarian programs have been set in motion since he took office, including the passage of the highly consequential infrastructure bill that will result in the building of many greatly needed projects such as roads and bridges over the next few years.

While no one can predict what the next turn of events will be, keep in mind that the forces in play at this time have the potential to bring a resurgence of vitality that can help with regrouping, healing, and the creation of the kinds of paths that will be needed in order to move forward. Here are the energies that are coming into play:

1 Eb’ (Nov. 20th) – the “initiation” of “animating vitality”, a refreshing stream-of-consciousness, “find your own path” type of force, which often signals the start of promising new directions, coinciding at this time with International Children’s Day – a day to promote the welfare of children around the world.

World Children’s Day is Nov. 20th. Photo Credit: Leo Rivas, Unsplash

This is 35th anniversary of the adoption, by the UN General Assembly, of the Convention on the Rights of the Child. In addition this is:

  • The International Transgender Day of Remembrance – to remember those who have been lost as a result of transphobia.
  • Revolution Day in Mexico, a public holiday on the 114th Gregorian anniversary of the start of the Mexican revolution in 1910
  • President Biden’s 82nd birthday
  • Would have been the 77th wedding anniversary of Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip.
  • the 26th Gregorian anniversary of the launch of the Zarya Module in 1998, the first component of the International Space station.
  • The second day of the “Rewiring Your Beliefs” world summit


This is the energy that was in place in 1789 when George Washington was unanimously elected as the first US president. In 2022 this was in place when Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva won the first round in the voting that led to him becoming Brazil’s 39th president when he assumed office on Jan. 1st last year.

2 B’en (Nov. 21st) – a dynamic type of energy aligned with the “generation” of personal authority, coinciding with the Washington Post’s Global Women’s Summit, as they spotlight women “who are architects of change and dynamos of innovation”.  This is also the UNESCO’s World Philosophy Day, with its emphasis on highlighting the contributions of philosophical knowledge, critical thinking, and thoughtful reflection in addressing global issues.

In addition this is Ukraine’s annual Day of Dignity and Freedom, marking the 11th anniversary of the Maidan Uprising in 2013, the pro-European Union protests that became known as the Maidan Revolution or Revolution of Dignity.

Euromaidan demonstrations in Lviv in November, 2013. Photo by Helgi, CC-BY-SA 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons

This marks 7 cycles exactly since the EU parliament declared a global “climate and environmental emergency” in response to the warning given the day before by climate change scientists about the “threats to civilization” that are being caused by climate change. That was when the EU parliament urged all EU countries to commit to net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. Currently this is the second-to-last day of the COP29 Climate Conference, as delegates work on plans for new funding targets to support developing countries that have to deal with the effects of climate change.

3 Ix (Nov. 22nd) –the “activation” of transformation, the final day of the COP29 Climate Conference, which should bring forth some announcement on the trillions of dollars required to advance towards meeting the goals of the Paris agreement with regard to reducing emissions and dealing with climate change.

This marks seven cycles since hundreds of thousands of young people took to the streets in 2300 cities in 143 countries in November of 2019 for the #FridaysforFuture climate action demonstrations three days before the opening of the COP25 summit. Exactly four cycles before that, in early 2017, students from over 50 universities participated in nationwide demonstrations on the US National Day of Climate Action to demand that their institutions resist and reject the dumpster’s climate denial by divesting from the fossil fuel industry and reinvesting in solutions to the climate crisis.

Back in 1814 this was the energy in place when the Treaty of Chaumont was signed, when the four powers that defeated Napoléon Bonaparte (Britain, Austria, Prussia, Russia) all agreed to ally for 20 years to stop France if it ever got too powerful again.

Currently this is the release date for soon-to-be 87 year old Sir Ridley Scott’s Gladiator 2 movie, as he proves once again that creativity is ageless. His 87th birthday will be on Nov. 30th.

4 Men (Nov. 23rd) – a “defining” energy related to the “high vision” of the Eagle; a double solar “Burner Day” associated with “running with the fire”, an energy that can sometimes bring a great deal of “firepower”. This is the Maya birth energy of former US president John F. Kennedy.

When this was last in place that was the day when the dumpster was required to either pay E. Jean Carroll forthright, in accordance with the $83.3 million judgment related to the defamation trial, or post a $91m bond for an appeal. (He posted the bond.) That was the day when he met with Hungarian nationalist leader Victor Orbán in Florida, which set off some major alarm bells, as Orbán has close ties with Putin.

This marks 8 Tzolk’in cycles since the Youth Strike 4 Climate, a coordinated global school walkout that involved an estimated 1.4 million young people in 2233 cities in 128 countries, in a coordinated global effort to call for political action regarding climate change, in March of 2019. This was the precursor to the massive #FridaysforFuture demonstrations that took place almost exactly one cycle later (see 3 Ix, above).

5 Kib’ (Nov. 24th) – a “blessing” or “precision” type of energy associated, metaphorically, with the “Vulture’s” ability to fly high, survey, and then “swoop down” to “clean things up”. This is World Youth Day, based in Seoul, with this year’s theme being “From Clicks to Progress: Youth Digital Pathways for Sustainable Development”.

Earth as a Blue Marble, photo taken by the Apollo 17 crew in 1972, and released as a “Christmas gift” to the world on Christmas Eve that year. NASA, Public Domain.

This is the Calendar Round anniversary of the 5 Kib’ 19 Keh energy that was in place when NASA astronauts Eugene “Gene” Cernan, Ronald Evans and Harrison Schmitt released the “Earth as a Blue Marble” photo that was taken on Dec. 7th, 1972 from Apollo 17.

This is the energy influence that was in place at the time of the inauguration of President Abraham Lincoln in 1861. It has now been seven cycles since Ursula von der Leyen took over as head of the
European Commission, the EU’s top position.

6 Kab’an (Nov. 25th) – a “movement (or earth movement, even “evolutionary movement”) type of energy combined with the “all directions” force of the number six, coinciding at this time with the UN’s International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women, and the beginning of the World Health Organization’s 16 Days of Activism Against Gender Violence. It is also the start of the 7-day Fifth Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee’s session on the development of an international legally binding instrument to address plastics pollution. Click here to see some of the work that had already been done.

This day marks five cycles since May of 2021 when WHO Director-General Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus commended the Biden administration for supporting global vaccine equity and prioritizing the expansion of vaccine manufacturing and distribution at a critical time in the evolution of the pandemic. That was when U.S. Republican Representative Liz Cheney warned that her party was “at a turning point”, and that Republicans were going to have to decide whether they would choose truth and fidelity to the Constitution or join the dumpster’s crusade to delegitimize and attempt to undo the legal outcome of the 2020 election. The choice has now become clear.

It has now been six cycles since the summer of 2020 when the Senate Intelligence Committee released the 5th and final volume of its report on the Russia investigation, in which it laid out “a stunning web of contacts” between the dumpster, his top election aides and Russian government officials, in the months leading up to the 2016 election, largely supporting the key findings from the Mueller investigation on Russian interference in the 2016 US election. Since then much, much more has been exposed relating to the dumpster’s wide spread network of corruption, and yet the “teflon factor” kept shielding him.

Currently this 6 Kab’an energy is coinciding with Saint Catherine feast day, with Saint Catherine seen as the patron saint of students, philosophers, and unmarried women. This would have been rock legend Tina Turner’s 85th birthday.

7 Etz’nab’ (Nov. 26th) –“self-generating flint” – a “knife-edge” type of energy associated with the power of decisiveness and discrimination, 20 days after the 13 Etz’nab’ day that brought forth the dumpster’s shocking re-election.

This is the day scheduled for sentencing in the dumpster’s hush money fraud case. Note that six months ago it was a 9 Etz’nab’ day when he was found guilty on all 34 felony counts. And as Randall D. Eliason wrote in The Atlantic on Nov. 17th, “an election is not a jury verdict, and winning an election doesn’t make you any less guilty”. In that article Eliason pointed out the troubling reality that one of the results of the dumpster’s re-election is that he will “largely avoid responsibiity for his conduct in his four criminal cases, noting “no other defendant in American history has had the power to shut down his own prosecution”, and the fact that he is set to assume that power “is an unprecedented and wrenching affront to the principle that no one is above the law”. However, with this New York state hush money case being the potential exception, much will be riding on the nature of this sentencing, unless it is postponed or “something”.

This energy is marking seven cycles exactly since early December of 2019 when the US House Intelligence Committee released (and voted to pass) the 300-pg. impeachment report, with its conclusion that there was “overwhelming evidence” that the dumpster abused the power of the presidency and obstructed Congress, and that his White House officals and associates knew of the Ukraine scheme. He was impeached by the House of Representatives shortly thereafter.

One cycle after that, during the 2020 DNC, President Obama delivered a scathing rebuke of the dumpster, referring to him as the “reality show president” as he highlighted the dumpster’s monumental failures. Obama’s speech was seen by many as a “dire warning”, and the “declaration of a national emergency” since (even then) the dumpster was “on the cusp of destroying democracy itself”.

By “coincidence” (or not) this is the Maya birth energy of the acclaimed Irish poet William Butler Yeats, author of the poem “The Second Coming”, which is frighteningly evocative of what has been happening (and continues to happen) in the US.

It has now been four cycles since January of 2022, when a massive cyber attack against Ukrainian government websites sounded the alarm about the increased possibility of a Russian military offensive against Ukraine, not long before the actual attack took place.

8 Kawak (Nov. 27th) – “resurrecting storm”, sometimes associated with strong weather or some strong “push” towards enlightenment, on the day when St. Paul’s Hospital in Vancouver lights up its huge Lights of Hope display, as part of its fundraising campaign for the following year.

One of the slogans for St. Paul’s Lights of Hope campaign

This marks five years since environmental scientists put forward an urgent international Call for Action, as they warned that the world may have already crossed a series of climate tipping points, posing a risk that is “an existential threat to civilization”.

9 Ajaw (Nov. 28th) – an “outwardly projecting”, double-fire type of force associated with the full sun and “enlightenment”, coinciding with Thanksgiving Day in the U.S. and Hawaii’s Independence Day. For Native Americans in the US this is seen as a National Day of Mourning to dispel myths surrounding the Thanksgiving story and raise awareness about historical and ongoing struggles facing Native American tribal groups.

Native American National Day of Mourning plaque. Photo by M. Doroquez, CC BY_SA 2,0 via WIkimedia COmmons

This marks ten cycles since the massive rally in 2017 that brought forth the start of the Me Too Movement.

10 Imix (Nov. 29th) – a “source” based energy aligned with birth and new possibilities, coinciding at this time with Native American Heritage Day, and Black Friday, which used to be the biggest shopping day of the year in the US, but much of this is now done on-line instead. Increasingly, this has become known as Buy Nothing Day, an international day of protest against consumerism.

This is the UN’s International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People. Normally this would have focused on events designed to educate the public to gain support for a peaceful settlement to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. However, given that current devastating state of Gaza, the focus continues to be on rescue, and on the push for both a ceasefire and humanitarian aid for both Gaza and Lebanon.

This is also International Jaguar Day, highlighting conservation efforts to preserve and protect this amazing species.

11 Ik’ (Nov. 30th) – “inspirational” wind/breath/spirit, now marking the end of the 2024 Atlantic hurricane season. This is the energy that was in place on January 1, 2000 when millions of people celebrated the coming new millennium.

Canadian coin minted in honour of Lucy Maud Montgomery’s 150th birthday

Currently this is the unstoppable Sir Ridley Scott’s 87th Gregorian birthday. Sir Ridley’s epic Napoleon movie was released last year and his Gladiator 2 movie was released just 8 days ago, on Nov. 22nd. This also would have been Shirley Chisholm’s 100th birthday. She was the first Black woman to be elected to the U.S. Congress. A movie about her life, titled “Shirley” was released exactly one cycle ago, on March 15th. In addition, this would have been author Lucy Maud Montgomery’s 150th birthday. Her works have been translated into 35 languages. In Prince Edward Island this has been the “Year of Maud”, and the Canadian mint has struck a special commemorative coin in her honour.

This tends to be a point within this trecena when some major announcement or proclamation is made which needs to be heeded, as was the case in January of 2017 when John Dean, former White House counsel under President Nixon, warned that the dumpster was “just getting started” on “trashing the presidency”. At that time Dean predicted that it would all “end in calamity. Even Republicans know this.” How right he was!

It has now been nine cycles since May of 2019, when Special Counsel Robert Mueller completed his investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election and submitted his report to the DoJ. And as result of that report there were 37 indictments in 22 months (including 13 Russian nationals, 3 Russian companies, and 12 Russian intelligence officers), with a number of convictions, guilty pleas and sentences. And that was just the beginning . . . . .

12 Ak’b’al (Dec. 1st) a “grouping together” type of energy associated with darkness and deep mysteries, coinciding with the New Moon. When this was in place three cycles ago (October of 2022) the final public Jan. 6th committee hearings before the midterm elections were taking place. That was when evidence was presented to show that Trump had privately conceded that he had lost the election, but he “didn’t want people to know”.

World AIDS Day

One cycle ago was the due date for the dumpster to pay the $454 million judgment in the New York fraud case, plus interest that has been accruing at $112,000 per day. However, that case is now on appeal.

Currently this is World AIDS Day, which provides “an opportunity for people worldwide to unite in the fight against HIV, to show support for people living with HIV, and to commemorate those who have died from an AIDS-related illness”, with this year’s theme being “Unity and Collaboration”.

It has now been seven cycles exactly since 12 Ak’b’al on Dec. 8, 2019 when one of the first cases
of coronavirus was detected in Wuhan, China.

13 K’an (Dec. 2nd) – transformational “generative vitality”; a powerfully exuberant force that can foment a great deal of action on many fronts, coinciding at this time with Cyber Monday, World Computer Literacy Day, World Pollution Prevention Day, and the UN’s International Day for the Abolition of Slavery, which (according to the UN’s website) is still a major worldwide issue, with over 40 million people worldwide still existing in slavery. When this same energy was in place in June of 1865, Union soldiers landed at Galveston with the news that the U.S. civil war had ended and that slavery in the US had been abolished.

In 1960 this was the energy in place when John F. Kennedy won the election to become the 35th President of the US.

Currently this is the opening day for the World Summit and Expo on Gravitation, Astrophysics and Cosmology in Prague, and the start of the 5-day World Radiocommunication Seminar in Geneva.

It has been seven cycles exactly since the release (in December of 2019) of the US Inspector-General’s report that validated that the FBI’s investigation relating to the origins of the Russia investigation was sound, “in compliance with Department and FBI policies”, and that it was not a“hoax” or a “witch hunt”.


[Please note that the brief descriptions of the days provided above are only “thumbnail sketches”. Much greater detail can be found in Manual for the Soul: A Guide to the Energies of Life.]

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