Maya Count Of Days Horoscope

Maya Calendar Energies At Work In The World

September – the end of summer, start of school, and the gearing up for fall activites. While for many this will be a “normal” September, others are seeing this month as a time of convergence that will incorporate many distinctive events, including both solar and lunar eclipses, a Blood Moon, rumored impending catastrophes (such as end-of-the world scenarios), the end of the Jewish year, and even (as reportedly prophesied by a renowned Israeli rabbi and “Tsadik”) the second coming of the Messiah.

Quetzalcoatl head adorning a temple at Teotihuacan. Photo Credit: Marcelosan (Own work) [CC BY-SA 3.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons

Quetzalcoatl head adorning a temple at Teotihuacan.
Photo Credit: Marcelosan (Own work) [CC BY-SA 3.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons

While the Maya calendar does not appear to factor specifically into such notions there will be some interesting energies at play during this time, with the first half of the month being under the auspices of the Chikchan trecena, which is significant as this is the trecena governed by strong Quetzalcóatl-related forces that place the emphasis on “Emergence and Liberation”.

In the past this has had a tendency to trigger many strong and invigorating energy shifts. This is the force of the great Plumed Serpent at work – an energy so vibrant and inspirational that it was the focal point for all that was sacred in Mesoamerica prior to the 16th century Spanish intrusion.

The last time this energy was in place was last December, correlating nicely with important year-end festivities such as Christmas. This time it will usher us through the first half of this highly anticipated month. As the beginning of this trecena is situated at a point that marks the start of the third 52-day period within the 260-day Maya Calendar cycle, this is a key position within the overall count.

Painting of the personification of "Liberty and Union" by Constantino Brumidi, mounted on the ceiling of the White House Entrance Hall. Her spear is entwined with red ribbon and the laurel wreath of victory. The White House Historical Association (Public Domain), via WIkimedia Commons

Painting of the personification of “Liberty and Union” by Constantino Brumidi, mounted on the ceiling of the White House Entrance Hall. Her spear is entwined with red ribbon and the laurel wreath of victory. Photo Credit: The White House Historical Association (Public Domain), via Wikimedia Commons

Generally a sense of great passion and intensity comes into play during this time frame, in keeping with Chikchan’s resurgence of “Lifeforce” energy. This is a highly transformative force that tends to place emphasis on things such as justice, freedom, higher knowledge, and even the triumph of lifeforce over death.

Often there can be a strong power-push during this time frame, the sort of push that can release blockages or even bring forth inspirational energy surges. Although this frequently manifests in volcanic and earthquake activity, on the human scale the emphasis is often on emergence, or on shifts from one state of being into another. So, for those anticipating huge shifts during this period, this would seem to be an ideal time for significant jumps to occur.

This was certainly the case in 1776 when the U.S. Declaration of Independence was adopted on the ninth day of this trecena, and again in 1960 when John F. Kennedy delivered his acceptance speech after narrowly winning the presidential election. In that speech an echo of this energy push could be heard in Kennedy’s pledge to devote himself “to the cause of freedom around the world”.

That same One Chikchan energy had been in place at the dedication of the Statue of Liberty in New York in 1886 – with the reopening of that statue (after renovations) taking place on the second day of this time frame in 2012.

This idea of freedom and the opening up of new possibilities seems to be a common theme during this sequence. Often infusing people with a strong sense of “mission”, this is an energy sequence that has fomented many world-shifting actions, as when Hernan Cortés and his conquistadores accepted the surrender of the Aztecs at Tenochtitlan on the first day of this trecena in 1521, after defeating them in a fierce battle.

Ten years ago the first day of this trecena coincided with the opening of the 60th General Assembly of the U.N. – the largest gathering of world leaders in history, at which time Sec. General Kofi Annan called for sweeping change to meet the needs for world security and human rights. On that day some 160 people were killed and 570 wounded in terrorist attacks in Baghdad in the worst single day’s loss of life since the end of that major conflict. This was also the day when Rabbi Kaduri put forth his appeal to the Jewish people to return to Israel, due to his foreseeing of “forthcoming” catastrophes.

Just over 100 years ago it was this trecena that kicked off the German invasion of Belgium and Britain’s declaration of war against Germany at the beginning of WWI.   Four years later this energy also brought that war to an end, precisely six Tzolk’in cycles after it began.

In 2012 this was the trecena that not only brought Superstorm Sandy to the U.S. east coast, effectively shutting down New York City, but it also brought a resounding victory for President Obama during the presidential elections. So it’s really anyone’s guess as to what is in store this time. Certainly, given all the predictions and speculations floating around at the moment, it will likely be quite eventful.

This is the first of two intense trecenas that will be in place this month. Here are the energies that will come into play:

1 Chikchan (Sept. 2nd) – the “initiation” of Lifeforce/Higher Wisdom at the start of the third 52- day period within the 260-day cycle, an intense and highly influential position within the overall cycle; exactly 14 cycles since Rabbi Kaduri’s reported declarations

2 Kimi (Sept. 3rd) – a dynamic type of energy aligned with “death” or the “return to source”; often manifests as a push-pull type of force that can shake things up and set new foundations for action

State in honour of Albert Schweitzer (Netherlands) by Gerhard Geyer. Photo Credit: Ad Meskens (Own work) [CC BY-SA 4.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons

State in honour of Albert Schweitzer (Netherlands) by Gerhard Geyer. Photo Credit: Ad Meskens (Own work) [CC BY-SA 4.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons

3 Manik’ (Sept. 4th) – the “activation” of reciprocity, symbolized by a deer that “embodies” the sun on Earth; a kind of harmonizing, “hands-on” type of energy connected with the natural world – this time on the 50th anniversary of the death of Nobel prize winner Dr. Albert Schweitzer, known (among many things) for his historical writings on Jesus

4 Lamat (Sept. 5th) – a “defining” energy associated with Venus (the sun and Venus working together), often serving as a beacon or herald

5 Muluk (Sept. 6th) – a “precision” (or “blessing”) type of energy associated with the shape-shifting energy of water

6 Ok (Sept. 7th) – a “love everywhere” type of force that correlates this time with Labour Day, the end of the Burning Man festival, and the 75th anniversary of the start of the London blitz

The Colbert Report

Michelle Obama with Stephen Colbert in 2012. Photo Credit: The White House, Washington, DC (P041112LJ-0722 Uploaded by January) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons. The premiere of the Late Show with Stephen Colbert takes place on Sept. 8th (7 Chuwen).

7 Chuwen (Sept. 8th) –“self-generating play”, a highly creative “time weaving” type of energy that can sometimes conjure up things of an unusual nature; this time coming in at the time of the premiere of the Late Night Show with Stephen Colbert

8 Eb’ (Sept. 9th) – the “resurrection” of the pathfinding energy of vitality, associated with the “dew of life”; a day which the Maya devote to the Celebration of Personal Life, as was in place in 1994 when Nelson Mandela won the election to become the first democratically elected State President of South Africa. On this day Queen Elizabeth becomes the longest-reigning monarch in British history, surpassing Queen Victoria’s 63 years, 7 months, and 2 days. On this day Simon Fraser University celebrates its 50th anniversary.

9 B’en (Sept. 10th) – the “outward projection” of “personal authority”, President Obama’s Maya birthday; completion of the third Tzolk’in cycle for little Prince George of England.

10 Ix (Sept. 11th) – a “source” based energy associated with the jaguar and the mysteries of the earth

11 Men (Sept. 12th) – “inspirational Eagle” – a Burner Day that can bring change or a new form of Higher Vision; the day when some are expecting the imminent arrival of the Messiah

12 Kib’ (Sept. 13th) – a “gathering together” type of energy, associated with the ability to “survey”, clean things up, and ultimately restore order, this time in conjunction with the New Moon, a Partial Solar Eclipse, the end of the Biblical Shemitah (Sabbatical year), an important Jewish marker point, with the evening being the transition to Rosh Hashanah

A small "shofar" made from a ram's horn. Use of a shofar "trumpet" is one of the customs of Rosh Hashanah. Photo Credit: Olive Utne (CC by-SA 2.5 via Wikimedia Commons)

A small “shofar” made from a ram’s horn. Use of a shofar “trumpet” is one of the customs of Rosh Hashanah. Photo Credit: Olive Utne (CC by-SA 2.5 via Wikimedia Commons)

13 Kab’an (Sept. 14th) – transformational movement (or earth movement), a powerful force that can bring either heavy weather conditions, or significant “movement” of an evolutionary nature, this time at the beginning of the Jewish New Year known as Rosh Hashanah (meaning “head of the year”), thought to be the anniversary of the creation of Adam and Eve. Also known as the Feast of Trumpets, this is a Jewish High Holy Day that runs from the evening of Sept. 13th through to the evening of Sept. 15th .


[Please note that the brief descriptions of the days provided above are only “thumbnail sketches”. Much greater detail can be found in Manual for the Soul: A Guide to the Energies of Life.]


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