Maya Count Of Days Horoscope

Maya Calendar Energies At Work In The World

Monthly Archives: October 2020

What are some of the key events that link this trecena specifically to the fate of the United States? And how do Richard Nixon and John F. Kennedy factor into these events? The answer is that pivotal events associated with both of these US presidents, as well as “almost” president Hillary Clinton, have all taken place within this fire oriented, Read the full article…

Remember back to early February of this year, when Republicans in the US Senate voted to acquit the havoc-creating pretender-in-chief who has been occupying the highest office in the land, whose actions on both national and international levels had clearly risen to the level of “high crimes and misdemeanors”? Do you remember how close that was to the warnings being Read the full article…

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This year began with an opportunity – an opportunity to derail someone who managed to tumble into a position of great power (even though grossly unqualified for the job) through the use of reality show hucksterism, the promulgation of porkies the size of mountains, and significant election interference by a foreign superpower. There were many other factors, of course, that Read the full article…

  • Manual for the Soul: A Guide to the Energies of Life

    Manual for the Soul, A Guide to the Energies of LifeAn in-depth analysis of the energies encoded in the Sacred Maya Calendar and the impact of those energies on daily life. Click here for more info.

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